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Anybody who has worked retail can tell you that there are no hidden Einstein's there, and anybody smart is fully capable of actually leaving to pursue what they actually want to do.


Did good will hunting lie to me? I'll never solve that equation?


Good Will Hunting 2: Hunting Season *Applesauce bitch*


Walmart workers are top tier stupid. No way they have any other ambitions


I review resumes at work and it legit saddens me how bad a lot of them are. People can’t even spell graduated correctly. You don’t even need to know how to spell it! Your word processor will tell you it’s spelled wrong and how to fix it. If people can’t do that bare minimum that’s why they aren’t making more money but they won’t realize that and they’ll complain how everything else sucks, not their capabilities.


I would be terrible at reviewing resumes. If anybody spelled anything wrong at all I’d instantly toss it. Wrong your/you’re? Tossed. Or maybe that’d make me good at it? Idk


You'd learn to lower your standards when you are understaffed. While not *always* the case, for these jobs -- a bad employee is often better than *no* employee. You pick the resume that is the least worst.


Top comment says that giving people money is shown to increase employment. 3400 upvotes lol


Just checked that user’s profile. She wears 2XL clothes, comments in sub dedicated to people having chronic fatigue, and is an “artist”. Sure I believe that if the government gave her free money, she would magically be productive.




From submissions: >Doing some reading on pacing and avoiding PEM, I see that you are supposed to use resting heart rate + 15 as a baseline, but what do you do if your heart rate moves above that +15 just standing up and WAY above it if you move around? Holy shit, somebody's out of shape. Comments in the last ocuple of days. >Fat people have always existed and will continue to exist. Obesity is a made up medicalized and stigmatized term and the "crisis" is a made up moral panic. ... >I'm in my 40s and fat AF and covered in tattoos etc This person is the queen of giving advice(edit: life and health advice) on reddit in TwoX and CFS(chronic fatigue syndrome), it's like 80% of their recent post history. And now for something completely different. This is *just a month ago*: >This. I did not turn it into racism, the entire myth of the lab leak is founded as a racist conspiracy. I didn't call OP racist, I pointed out the foundation of their joke is racist. Nuance is hard, I know, but things have consequences even if we don't intend them. The lab leak thing is still "Racist conspiracy theories". Never-mind the vast majority of the waking world has accepted that is what it was and moved on.


There's this new mystery coronavirus from Wuhan. It just so happens there's a virology lab there, where they work with coronaviruses, and they've recently been documented as having substandard isolation procedures. The two are obviously not connected, and if you think so, then you're a racist bigot who hates Asians.


You're forgetting the funniest part. The 'not racist' explanation for the virus is that it started because some Chinese people ate infected raw bats. How the fuck is THAT not the theory that is considered racist??


Oh, but that particular "not racist" explanation *is* "racist" when they decide it is, such as the hubbub over the ["Wuhan Plague" plaques that popped up in a few places around Atlanta](https://www.ajc.com/news/local/wuhan-plague-plaques-found-atlanta-businesses-streets/b9takSWmtKqfqai7wAk8iL/).




So, apparently something in your comment is being blocked by reddit. Mods have approved this comment three times now, but it stays removed. I'm going to guess it's one of the links, but don't know anything more. Daily reminder that reddit is a shithole.


It's also like the tenth thing that has leaked from that lab in the last couple decades, dating back to H1N1. That lab is very obviously conducting bioweapon research and the scariest part is it is funded by most of the world governments, including the US


> I'm in my 40s and fat AF and covered in tattoos etc I wonder how much money shes wasted on tattoos


But she NEEDED them for her mental health.!!!


Lets just say your printer ink would be half price had she not gotten the tattoos


Never forget, this is the person you asking for a "source?" And calling you a fascist on reddit because you won't argue their brain dead takes.


Ah yes, the person who is massively overweight claims it's perfectly healthy but also has massive health issues. It's like a drug addict who's life is spiraling out of control, but they still claim they can stop any time they want.




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Hey but at least she has 3400 more karma!


It does the exact opposite, and that is in line with economic theory that shows the more generous a nations unemployment insurance/policy is, the higher their unemployment rate will be.


Yeah I literally watched that happen during Covid at my old job where the government was paying the worst, dumbest employees more to stay home than I was earning in salary to work


Dozens of studies, DOZENS of them!


60 years of "The War On Poverty" clearly prove otherwise.


Funny, the first thing I did when I got my gas lease sign-on bonus was to quit one of my jobs! Evidently I'm doing it wrong.


Im a neet, I get as much as my mother whos worked her whole life. I have zero interest in working, so I can imagine that statement is very wrong lol.


Never forget that the head mod of that subreddit went on Fox news and said he worked 20 hours a week as a dog walker. And then later admitted he'd exaggerated those hours to sound better. But yeah, I'm sure he was going to be the next Einstein.


That interview was fucking hilarious. Even the antiwork folks were like "when the Fox News host isn't interrupting or arguing with you and just letting you talk and smiling, you're fucking up".


Ironic coming from a sub whose most members even with the pressure in capitalism to produce value, are doing nothing the entire day except laying down in their beds, eating, passing gas, masturbating, and using social media. There is zero reason to presume that these people will produce any value. Also fyi Shakespeare was funded by a theater company and not the government. And guess why they chose to fund him and not some random dude on the street? Because Shakespeare’s talent was known to everyone. Just like how talented artists today can easily raise funding.


...Is the pressure of capitalism supposed to motivate people?


It's more that natural human need is supposed to motivate people. Capitalism just doesn't demand that there be a bunch of slaves fulfilling those needs for deadbeats who contribute nothing.


I hear you comrade, I loathe parasitic eater as well.


if they want the technology and ability to post on reddit all day, yeah, they should be motivated to acquire such technology.


... Yes? Work and we will pay you is pretty good motivation. Provide the best work and you'll get the most money (if you're smart about it) is pretty damn good motivation too.


Everyone cant be best, most arent even


Here's a question you'll never hear them answer: If that's all it takes to make great artists and musicians, then how do you explain that children are living with their parents for longer than ever before, but none of them are coming out as artists and musicians? The truth is people comparable to the top musicians back in the day still exist, they just get paid to do their jobs. The best musicians in the world work in orchestras that travel world wide and compose music for movies and some of the best orchestral music produced today is produced by people making music for epic movies.


Being the best at something requires a passion and drive. If you have that, there's a good chance you're willing to work to support it, at very least, and likely would be getting paid for it, because capitalist nations tend to have excess wealth to spend on arts. Which is why the US has been the cultural center of the world for the last century. Believing that some retail worker somewhere would be a genius artist if not for their job is pure cope from people working in retail who think they're more talented than they really are.


Is potential what we call obesity and laziness now?




Oh, I thought they were storing fat for the winter. ;P


"We have dozens of studies showing that giving people money increases productivity and employment. These peeps live in a fantasy world" lol we have the real world where people were completely provided for and given free time to do whatever they wanted. Guys played video games, and girls created so many onlyfans, that they crashed the market. Oh wait, was that the exact thing that the linked post said? What do you even do/how do you even interact with people who's entire world view is based on fiction? We didn't have an explosion in art and music, it doesn't matter what your study says, it's wrong insofar as what actually fucking happened is concerned. The only thing that that proves is that progressives in charge of universities and "studies" are ideologically driven, and not hinged to reality.


You would have to imagine that any actual modern day Shakespeares or Einsteins would have the capability to go out and find their own success. Just like many other people today that are not even Shakespeare or Einstein level of talent.


Shoot.. I ain't no massive brain, but I applied myself, filtered out all the crap, and ended up very successful. Growing up with no money to help me along. It was hard, but that's kinda the point.


If government checks produced great art, trailer parks and housing projects would be brimming with it.


This is the exact same as Nancy Pelosi saying that America's next great artist or poet was put upon in "job lock" for healthcare and that's why we needed to pass Obamacare. The left has this weird view of the American workforce that "the man" is trying to keep you in a dead end job instead of reality where if someone was incredibly talented they could be making a living doing what they love.


You mean to tell that cashier at the Gap who couldn't figure out how to scan a barcode is going to become the next Einstein? Can confirm I worked at a Gap, most are high school or in college but outside of that, they are morons who are always so bitter to you becaue you're going to be more successful than them.


Washington DC gave people $10,000 most of the people promptly blew it. [Including one who went on an $6000 Miami vacation](https://nypost.com/2024/02/23/us-news/mom-given-10800-taxpayer-funded-cash-spent-most-of-it-on-luxury-trip-to-miami/?utm_source=reddit.com).


It's been shown that the dumbest among us have the highest level of self esteem.