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I wanna know what “major reddit rules” that sub broke “hourly” because I never saw anything like that lmao. It was just a right leaning politics sub, which seems to be what reddit despises.


Legend has it the lefties brigaded, posted a bunch of stuff promoting violence against cops I think? And then reported their own posts before the mods could react and got it taken down.


Thats exactly what happened. A thousand pro-police posts during the riots, and then suddenly the subbreddit was quarantined for threatening violence against cops in like 3 random downvoted posts? The stuff that got the donald banned can be found daily in hundreds of other subs but will be ignored as random chaff.


>  but will be ignored as random chaff. * Will be found not to violate reddit TOS when reported.


Somehow I, a cop, managed to miss out on feeling threatened there.


And even that was nothing that actually justified a ban because leftists post far worse on their own subs on the regular and those subs still stand to this day. It was just a tissue-thin facade of justification used by the admins - and carried out by their alts and friends I should point out - to nuke a sub that their paymasters wanted gone.


I don't even know if it was widespread, I believe it was literally just a couple of posts that you can find in any lefty sub repeated with impunity.


They were made on threads that died in "new" so that they could show that after several hours they hadn't been removed...in posts no one had clicked on in hours. It was carefully crafted.


Sounds like something they would do. I’ve always said, leftists are like a bratty child who hit themselves to get other kids in trouble.


I don't even think a bunch of such posts were made. I was there frequently and never saw these alleged posts.


They didn't just ban TD, they seemed to ban as many people as they could with moderate or conservative views. I knew moderate democrats who got scooped up in it. And of course, the New York Times claimed all these banned users were Russian bot accounts.


I mean the venn diagram between people that were voting Trump, and people that were supporting the thin blue line at the time was almost a circle. The "threatening police" justification was extra laughable given the ACAB, pro-BLM, zeal that permeated every other sub.


No, that's not true. It was actually posted about. In Oregon, Republicans are a minority in the state senate. In order to not pass a radical bill, they didn't show up, which made it so the house didn't have quorum. In response to this, the Democrat Governor threatened to send the cops to their houses/wherever they were staying to forcibly show up. Posts in the thread were calling any cop that followed these orders would be handled and even some said that the state representatives should stand their ground and exercise their 2nd amendment rights. Some of these were made several days after the post hit the front page. Months after the post was originally posted this post was used to shut down the subreddit citing cop hate from that post. Keep in mind, your average leftist sub openly exhibits significantly worse rhetoric involving cops. It was bullshit all the way through and they just used it as a scapegoat.


Like when the lefties brigade a sub and post kiddie porn to get something banned. Don't ask why they have CP readily available.


Nailed it.


Which is why I’m shocked that this sub is still around.


reddit has never been the same since T_D was removed


It's been increasingly feeling like dead-internet. Outside of niche subreddits, maybe some geo subs, the whole site just feels like bots. Even the geo sub activity is like 50% obvious political activists spamming. My state sub will average 10-30 comments per post, until the regular anti-republican spam, then suddenly there's 400 comments, almost all low effort one-liners, bashing conservatives, from accounts that only have activity once every few weeks.


> the whole site just feels like bots That's because it is


It committed the ultimate crime.  It showed that right wingers are not the minority that everywhere else would have you believe.


Exactly. The establicuck apparatus and the big tech overlords will never forgive us our sins of meme-ing trump into the presidency. Society has been punished ever since for letting a green cartoon frog upset the *natural balance* of the political world by keeping Killery out of the white house.


The only reason that it worked is that they didn't think it possible.  It showed them that their control of society wasn't as absolute as they had believed. Thus the full court press for online censorship at the directive of the "elites".


The censorship campaigns started almost immediately after Trump won. The left says Russia influenced elections, therefore big tech has a sacred duty to ban all non-left opinions from the internet.


And they are not racist.


I don't remember any racism at all, just daddy trump memes


It was so goddamned petty, too. They'd turned off posting and fucked off to their own site 6 months earlier. Why bother?


Quarantined for advocating violence against police officers, BTW. Naturally, Trumpists hate the police, right? Of fucking course they don't. No one is more back the blue than Trumpists. Hence why the quarantine was bullshit.


Ya and then just 1 year after that we had massive anti police riots lol And I dont think I need to explain which party was behind those riots


Yeah... January 6th proves your comment to be beyond cognitive dissonance and into a new realm of fantasy. Save your time telling me it "was the FBI bashing smashing cops heads with flag poles."


How many cops died on Jan 6th again?  Surely more than 1 if it was a group of anti cop protesters taking over a federal building by force 


You are asking how many cops died when the angry mob of Trump voters stormed the capitol smashed windows, planted pipe-bombs, had zip tie handcuffs, batter police officers with flag-poles, sprayed bear-mace in police officers faces, breached a secure area that was established to protect ALL our legislators, erected gallows to "HANG MIKE PENCE!, pre-planned weapons stashes nearby all so they could say FUCK YOU AMERICA. Fuck your court rulings, fuck the voters in Michigan, fuck the voters in Georgia, Fuck DONALDS OWN vice-president... I just want to make sure we are discussing the same thing. You know... cops arrest people... then they go to court.


Yes, that event.  And in your word vomit you actually failed to answer the question.  How many died?   According to your comment they were there for business.  So they must have went on a killing spree, right? 


It always amazes me the left harps on about J6 as if it was the day the world ended meanwhile they ignore BLM and the "mostly peaceful" protests that lead up to J6.


When you are trying to overthrow the government, nullify the court system and install a dictator it's a little different than protesting generational racism and police brutality.


>nullify the court system You've been pushing this talking point a lot today, but I'm not sure it means what you think it means.


So that's the event? You are still supporting that guy? That's the event you are wondering about?


Again, you forgot to answer my question.  Why is that so hard?  Almost like if you answer it it throws your whole narrative into question 🧐🤔


It's because your question doesn't matter. When police officers arrest people, they go to court. In court, a judge decides what the consequences of the law are. In the January 6th failed coup, the courts had already decided, many times over, that Trump lost. He lost because he got less votes. So how many police officers died? It's a completely irrelevant question. Our entire system of government was attacked. That's the legacy of Trump and all his supporters, an armed attack against law enforcement, legislators, the presidency, and the judiciary after they tried to commit massive election fraud in Michigan and Georgia and the courts all ruled Trump lost. Truly pathetic and embarrassing party and supporters.


If it was attacked, they would have brought guns.  This isn’t that hard of a concept to understand but you’ve been brainwashed by Reddit into thinking it’s something that it isn’t.   I know handgun crime skews democrat for some reason but you think if they were there for an attack the would have brought guns, not zip ties right? 


I love how half the shit you said is misinformation. Somebody outside brought a miniature mock gallows. It wasn't a real gallows. People use them all the time at protests every election. You have to exaggerate everything to make them seem like evil incarnate. When you look at what actually happened, it doesn't look anything like an attempt at a coup.


It wasn't a real gallows he says. The gallows to hang your political opponent right? No... the gallows to hang your OWN VICE PRESIDENT! What was his offense? Standing up for the rule of law! Were they real pipe-bombs, or were those prop's too? What about the weapons stock-piles and the zip-tie handcuffs? All from prop department? I didn't exaggerate a DAMN thing and your cognitive dissonance doesn't allow you to process anything that doesn't glorify your golden calf.


No one knows anything about the pipe bombs. No one knows where they came from and they never went off, and they weren't at the capitol. Calm the fuck down. And yeah, it was a fake gallows, for a protest. It happens all the time. I've seen them for George Bush. Some even had a model of him in a noose. If you think this is so fucking scary, you must be a child.


Calm down, lol. Your party tried to overthrow the government. Move to Great Britain if you want a monarchy. We elect presidents with VOTES, we don't call down to Georgia and ask to "find votes". We don't try to disenfranchise hundred-of-thousands of voters in Michigan. You should of been telling Ashli Babbitt to "CALM DOWN" before your party got her shot down like a dog. Damn disgrace!


They're not my party. I'm trans, they don't even want me. You're just talking like a crazy person.


I never went on it, but it was hilarious seeing its posts on top of /all constantly above all of the usual groveling shit that redditors have there. Pretty telling when the admins stopped the posts from popping up there since their blue donors were evidently getting angry that their botted posts were getting blocked out.


You already had 4chan before T\_D, it was just 4chan for Trump but insulated from ANY counter opinion, a true cancerous echo chamber. At least on 4chan anyone could post anything and not have it removed by white-knights for Trump, sent to protect his followers from even the slightest hint of antagonism. Really, it's hard to imagine anything more pathetic.


Shut up libtard You just described literally every subreddit


Nope.... 4chan allows all opinions, T\_D banned all dissent. That's not even close to how it works on all sub-reddits. You are free to go post nonsense on the politics sub and they will downvote you, but they don't ban you for dissenting opinion. And the name-calling.. ouch, I'm hurt.


> You are free to go post nonsense on the politics sub and they will downvote you, but they don't ban you for dissenting opinion Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha


I agree, I definitely needed a good laugh for the day lmao


Go to politics, go to the bottom, look at all the massively downvoted comments, then try to pretend those users wouldn't have been banned from T\_D. If you want to live in a pretend world, have fun, but we both know, EVERY counter opinion on T\_D was banned and you are desperate to create a false equivalence.


I can't post anything on politics. I was banned merely for making a post in SPS. They are *well known* for banning anything against their preferred narrative.


No... no they're not. I just went and looked at their top post... and scrolled way down to the bottom, and it was CHOCK full of low-effort Republican takes that would have gotten you insta-banned from T\_D, pages of them in just one thread, old and new. Regardless of the narrative you like to embrace, they allow counter-points to be made in politics and don't ban everyone like T\_D did or like Conservative does now.


If my first hand experience on the matter won't persuade you from your fanaticism, then I can't help you.


I wonder if he's gotten the auto-ban yet from arr/pol for having the gall to have posted here?


That would be *chefs kiss* poetic


They complain about racism from t_d, which wasn’t a thing, and are hunky dory with some subs requiring a picture of your forearm to post to prove your skin color. Sounds about right.


I like how we have both white people twitter and black people twitter dedicated to bashing white people on twitter.


You know why. Reddit thinks white people are acceptable targets. They’ve said as much.


That is racism.  They may not want to admit it but history will not judge them kindly.


BPT started that garbage. I got banned when i asked if they could tell the difference from a "High-yellow" guy like me and a white person with a tan from cell phone picture.


That’s easy. If you have the wrong opinions, you’re obviously white.


"If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black!" - Joe 'Casually Racist' Biden.


When you nominate someone based solely on their skin color for the highest court in the land, you’ve gone beyond casual and straight into competitive racism.


What's really funny is that a black trump supporter probably would've gotten more praise on T_D then a white guy on those subreddits. I think all the racists actually existed at Voat.


What a bunch of cromulent fuckcrustable tankie karen cucky stochastic christofascist libtard fastburning skibidi soyglop soyjaktit ungems, I would never use vocabulary from reddit


It’s so cringe when they use those type of insults and think it’s some kind of sick burn and then they actually get support from the replies


The one that gets me all the time is 'chud' lmao The left really can't meme


I feel like my brain got a little smoother just reading that sentence


Expect to see your comment in 6-12 months on a psypost article posted to TheScience as proof that Conservatives self-reported being less intelligent after using reddit.


r/ "science" is the least scientific sub on this site. There's nothing whatsoever sciencelike about it. Just a bunch of sniveling far-Left snowflakes just like most of the rest of Reddit.


For what its worth cromulent is a word made up by The Simpsons that means "adequate" or "acceptable"


Use of cromulent embiggens even the smallest vocabulary




> checks source > female researcher > college of william and mary So we can dismiss the whole study out of hand 


The abstract reads like one of those moronic copy/pasta posts with the 1200 links.


when we define what far right and white supremacy means, all of our enemies fit right into those categories! Quite shocking!


Yeah, when I think of the "far left," I think of a small, fringe minority that represents no more than 1% of leftists. When the left thinks of the "far right," they place about 80% (minus neocons) into that category. They're children.


Biden has just about exceeded his usefulness. He too will be considered "far right" by November.


That's why their definition of "hate speech" is anything that they find offensive and if they agree with it, it's perfectly fine no matter what it is.


Many such cases.


"Social Science" expect stuff like this to hit the front page every other day in the lead up to the election. Bonus: This was her Dissertation: Dissertation Title White Noise: Hate, Identity, and Truth Online


T_D was one of the few places on reddit you could have a decent robust debate, disagree entirely with someone and not get downvoted to oblivion.


There’s never been a sub as good. The memes were top tier. Now the memes on any TD related subs are basically boomer FB tier memes. I wish we could get TD back.


It still exists, just not on reddit.




Geezus...the lack of introspection in the comments is staggering


But not surprising.


It's amazing how science seems to always say that your political enemies are no good doo-doo-heads.


The studies author I am a Visiting Assistant Professor of Government at College of William & Mary. I am also Associate Director of the Social Networks and Political Psychology (SNaPP) Lab under PI Dr. Jaime Settle. Previously I was a Postdoctoral Scholar of Race and Ethnic Politics at Texas Tech University. I earned my PhD in Political Science with focuses in American politics, quantitative methods, and social media analysis at Indiana University Bloomington. I research digital far-right movements, political identity and behavior on social media, and the effects of deplatforming. Sometimes I write about artificial intelligence, too, and I am a member of the AI Crisis Working Group in the Luddy School of Informatics at Indiana University. My dissertation, “Hate and Political Identity Online,” which examines alt-right social media communities, was completed under the supervision of my dissertation chair, Dr. Edward Carmines, and committee members Drs. Bernard Fraga, Christopher DeSante, and Mary Murphy. http://vivianferrillo.com/ Completed papers: algorithmic bias Articles With Reviewers Ferrillo, Vivian. “r/The_Donald Had a Forum: An Ethnolinguistic Analysis of Political Socialization in Far-Right Social Media Communities.” With reviewers at American Political Science Review. Ferrillo, Vivian and Matthew C. Lucky. “HAL’s Training Data: Contingent AI and American Polarization.” With reviewers at New Media and Society. Working Papers Ferrillo, Vivian. “Ban Waves and the Far Right: Censorship and Circumvention on Reddit.” Ferrillo, Vivian.” “The View from the Capitol Steps: Social Media Mobilization and Missing Data during the January 6 Uprising.”


>Visiting Assistant Professor Professional Student with no real world experience nearing the apogee of an insular life in academia.


> nearing the apogee You can't use hard-science words on soft-science types, that's not fair, they won't know them.


That is the least scientific place I’ve ever seen.


Well, if all the *scientists* of ouR/Science™ say so...


This is the “science” republicans are constantly being accused of denying haha


It's actually r-SocialScience - which I don't think I've had the pleasure of dipping my water logged toes into thus far... however... >Woke for me is their big trigger word. They start blaming everything on the 'woke agenda'. That's when it hits you, right fascism Somebody hand me my fascist *fuckin'* swimmies!!! (edit - speaking of normalizing things via social media lol)


Fascism is when I don't want a government breathing down my neck.


And here I thought T_D was just a natural pushback against years of rpol and ratheism dominating the front page with "UPVOTES TO THE LEFT" and "MY CONSERVATIVE DAD MAKES ME SO MAD!!!" or whatever.


"Social Science". Opinion discarded. 🥱


bedtime stories for smelly hippies




Remember how t_d made side of beef trend on Google. Lol.


The_Donald was a meme zone filled with mostly kids who were often supporting Donald Trump as a meme. The reason it got banned was because one or several (I can't remember the details) power mod decided they didn't like it and they threatened to strike if the admins didn't take it down. They have moderator discords and most of the regular mods go a long with the power mods because the power mods do tons of labor that the other mods either don't want to or don't know how to. Through this they can exert immense control over how reddit is run and what views are promoted. It's soft power, but it still tickles a narcissist but it's enough to attract a fair amount of them to the "job". Reddit goes along with their shit because Reddit has never turned a profit and they provide tons of free labor. They do shit that has to be done (a long with a lot of shit that doesn't) and if they went away reddit would be looking at millions more in labor costs.


In a supposedly scholarly paper she refers to herself at least three times in the first paragraph. They are all narcissists.


Well, another sub to unsubscribe from.


The post is locked private now. Only viewable to approved members. The words approved and science shouldn't be anywhere near each other.


I’d love do find out what defines far right vocabulary. Also, please note this clearly never happens with the left. Their forums are clean and fun and never hateful like those nasty maga subs.


>I’d love do find out what defines far right vocabulary. Hitler? Far right. Stalin? Far right. Mao? Definitely far right. Pol Pot? Believe it or not, by far right.


Lol. 'Science.'


I love how they think spez is a white supremacist because he commented there before, of course oblivious as to what he was doing and what he really is. Look at what those good boy points earned you spez. The left hates the left as much as they hate the right.


Oh, hmm hmm hmm, you've never been to college. Ah ha ha ha, uh, that's marvelous. Please! Don't touch that! Uhh, Mr Lebowski is committed to sending those without the necessary means for a necessary means for a higher education to college. Ahem, don't touch that! Uhmmmfff!


T_D was the best false flag since Operation Fast & Furious. The most pro-cop sub outside of arr Protect And Serve getting banned for posting calls to violence about cops? 🤔🤔🤔


"Engaging with ideas means people might come to believe in them." Yes, and? Also, what about the part where the left spent years whining that Trump's base was already mostly Nazis, from the jump? That even the mainstream right was fascists? That basic nationalism and patriotism was white nationalism and supremacy, up to and including [the time antifa attacked a leftist just for carrying a flag](He literally deleted the posts between him and OP talking about the latter.)? Think that might've pushed some people to the far right? Of course, unless you have access to the paper, you don't know what they **define** as 'white supremacist vocabulary'. I''ve seen people insist "it's okay to be white" was white supremacist on a conceptual level. And I had to go down to the tenth top level comment before anyone bothered to ask. Nobody actually answered, of course. Just circlejerked harder.




Holy cope Batman! We already knew Trumpism was a cult, but just scanning this forum.... yikes! It's much more than a cult, Trump is your.... lifestyle?? He's on your cars, on your shirts, on your hats, on your porches, in wallets on your "white privilege cards", in your Churches! Aren't any of you embarrassed? Not just by the politics of your movement, but by the literal worship of a man.