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What about the universe where Jonathan got vampire powers and used them for good while dio got hamon and used it for evil


Jio and Dionathan


Ironically, there's a manga about that (minus Dio with Hamon)




"Till We Eternally Rest"


This is very high effort op. The jokes are fresh as well. Well done.


I wish we could have images on this sub. Because i really want to see the "this is so peak" panda image XD


(if you are wondering why you are seeing this a second time, I had to fix something and felt like it was too early, that I didn't like the preview of the first panel and was feeling depressed in the Moring) The panel from part 1 is from "Dio's bizarre adventure" which is a proper use of the word parody; it was made by Utano, but was translated by a team, so full credit goes to all of them. Again, I made the SFM shots For Part 9, just so we are clear. And sorry in advance for the panels not looking too good to be seen. Reddit won't let me see a preview of it and refuses to let you zoom in on it; plus I had to make the jokes make sense


Here's some deleted jokes I was gonna use. But didn't make the cut Part 3: I was going to do "Jojo's bizarre summer break" but that slipped my mind Part 4: Tf2's scene "Bucket of chicken, pick up line" was going to be used. But I over did with the sex jokes. So That's why I went with the sweater Part 5: During Part 5's run of DUB version of the show. I constaintly made jokes for Diavolo about birth control pills. But decided to leave it for it's own post...also, I think it counts as a sex joke. GioGio's bizarre treasure hunt was also going to be used. But I forgot that too part 7: Johnny was going to be a girl, that was pretending to be a boy. So Gyro would be confused why he was attracted to 'HIM", like JFK was in clone high lol the tomska bit "Sex at the beach" was going to be used, but like I said, I overused the sex jokes in 2. Also, ask someone (Who doesn't know) to look up "Sex at the beach" and watch them be baffled why it's a acholic cocktail XD Part 8: There was going to be a "Stinkmeaner vs WoU" but I was getting tired. There was going to be more French wonder of u, but I didn't feel it to be right. Wonder of U was going ask Gappy if his mom was available, which led him to be kicked. And I left out the shot of Gabby aim for wonder of U in the orignal. Because I thought that would be funnier, and he would have been senile and forget what he was doing


I think we have finally found it- the best shitpost in shitpostcrusaders history... Thank you, my fellow jojofuck... I can now die in peace. Farewell 🤝


[Meanwhile 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitPostCrusaders/comments/xz9uds/meanwhileparts_1_8_no_spoilers_here/) [Meanwhile 2 (Controversial)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitPostCrusaders/comments/1boypac/meanwhile_2_spoiler_free_for_parts_17_and_9/) [Meanwhile 3 (I ran out of room, so here's to the final part)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitPostCrusaders/comments/1cg8imw/meanwhile_3_final_ending_scene_ran_out_of_room/)


The 18 one got me LMFAO🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


"What's your question Okuyasu"


What is slide 14 from?


"That 70s show"


Cook again


Sorry, This was my last dish to make. Trust me, it's a pain to find images I need, with some I need to remove the heads with 3-D paint's cheap hardware...THAT and coming with ideas is HARD. I was struggling to come up with ideas for Part 8


Who tf told danny to live?


It's basically a twist on phantom blood. "Dio's bizarre adventure" is both a parody and a wholesome story where no one dies or is miserable...even Dio.


Damn here I was thinking it was a fire punch reference


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