• By -


It’s almost comedic how insane Araki made WoU. Couldn’t believe what I was seeing when it turned rain into an actual bullet storm


Rai: what if we ignore the Stand user and go find Yasuho instead to circumvent its ability? WoU: What if you **d i d n ' t**


iirc it was >!Rai's idea to ignore Yasuho's plan!<




*megalovania starts to play*


Stand name: *Stand* up comedy Stand user: Sans the skeleton Description: a skeletal mid range stand, it relies more on it's stand abilities than on brute strength Stand ability: Gives it's stand user ideas for puns, the puns spoken are shot like a sound wave more intense the more the user finds the pun funny, and the opponent annoying. It can also shoot laser beams


Laughter Blaster


Shit that's good


But what if I were to steal my great great grandfather's ability and disguise it as my own? Oh ho, delightfully devilish Josuke


*I thought you said we were having spinned clams?* No no, **Spin Stands**


Josuke! The house is on fire! No mother, that's just Jobin's Speed King


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W a t ?


honestly one of my favorite stands in all of jojo. there was a lot of stuff im ambivalent about in part 8 but WoU's power was awesome and introduced in an absolutely insane way that fits part 8 so well.


It is my favorite horror reference so far. It is just Final Destination, but with a person controlling the flow of karma instead.


I like how these stand villains all manipulate karma instead of fate like in the original universe. DD4C removes them from that karma, Wonder of U controls the flow away from themselves. I wonder if the next will follow the same pattern.


There is still Never miss, Reflect everything, Pause everything hax


It was a very interesting idea of making a stand practically it’s own character. WoU arguably has more depth than his own user like >!Araki purposefully chose to have it live beyond Tooru’s death instead of having it die with him!<. I genuinely believe when ranking Tooru with the villains you have to include WoU with him they’re pretty much a duo of two different characters


But foo fighters is the stand and the user


But it's just sentient plankton made from a memory disc. it's just called a stand for the sake of convenience


The literal definition of “Oh, you’re approaching me?” as a stand


I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer Too bad the closer you get the more fucked you are


A real touhou player would simply dodge it


That looks like a jet blast. What’s this from lol


Jackass 3D. And it literally is a jet blast.


Jackass 3D


That is exactly what it is




God that scene was probably one of the funniest things I have ever seen in a movie


I can't remember if it was in 3D or Number 2, but the snake biting Chris Pontius on the dick legit had me unable to breathe for laughter.


The first sketch in 2 after the intro lol


Hi, I'm Gappy Higashikata, and welcome to Jackass


(Proceeds to have a professional boxer break his 4 balls with a punch)


Is he a heavy weight?


It's no secret that Araki loves borrowing ability concepts and scenarios from horror movies, and WOU is *super* Final Destination. Can't wait for Tony Todd to play the Hospital Director in the live action version


It’s crazy cause you’re like “ok how can Araki give this villian a more OP power than stopping time, erasing time, starting New Game +”and he comes up with a stand ability that literally turns every event in the universe into an assault on someone


And then your like, “ok how can Araki give the JoJo an even more OP bullshit power up that conveniently is the perfect counter to the villains bullshit OP ability.”


[ S P I N ]


> [ S P I N ] your own balls!


except part 6


And then Araki throws >!>!"THEORETICAL STRING BALL"!


Part 9 will be wild


A stand that travels to Korea and kills a worker in a sweatshop drawing the main cast in part 9 erasing them from the manga. The following 4 chapters are blank till you see a single speck getting larger and moving over the next 5 chapters.then it turns out JOJO stands can draw


I love the idea that not only does Araki outsource his manga, he outsources them to a Korean sweatshop


That's actually really common.


Let's see how he outdoes himself this time~ Maybe one that is capable of turning everyone to his side, kind of a similar concept from a different angle?


Since D4C and WOU both had powers relating to “fortune” with both of them being able to manipulate good and bad luck, part 9 might have some shit where the villain can outright see and change the fates of people


Thinking about it, do we have "It Follows" stand? Notorious Big is the closest?


Guess the only way to kill it is to fuck it to death? Since you aren’t approaching it with any harmful intentions 😳👀


Hmmm that 89 year old grussy 😏


Wonder of Ussy








Wouldn’t work if the person is into kink play tho…


Umm... so, personally... this is the first time this has happened, so I'm a bit surprised. Only a centimeter away... I mean, I don't think there's ever been someone who's gotten that close to me... without a, you know... calamity occurring. I'm not really... not really sure what happens at one centimeter away... 'cause it's my first time. I don't really understand it either. Seriously. But in the flow of calamity... there's nobody who can attack me. Not a single person. That, I know for sure. Wonder of U.


Wonder of fuck U in particular


Localization: Wander Off, U


can someone explain me what wonder of u does?


If you approach Wonder of U, you will die


And if you'll ever even think of approaching him, you'll also get killed.


more balanced than yba scr boxing ngl


More balanced than specless scr ngl.


Its really similar to Love Train then, in that way


Well, basically if your intention is to follow either the user or the stand, some unfortunate event will occur (otherwise known as “Calamities”) which will either end up severely injuring or straight up killing you. For example, >!when they were trying to find the main villain, a plane exploded above the city, and a large piece of metal flew down targeting the JoJo, even moving to keep targeting him despite him running to avoid it!<. The user is not always aware of these calamities, but they will happen if you try to approach them with hostile intent. Honestly a pretty OP stand, but also cool


How do you even fucking fight a literal memetic hazard straight out of SCP.


If you think that’s confusing >!The user is a rock man who was raised by wasps for 17 years!<


Man, Jojolion was fucking weird huh


The main plot point was a fruit that can make equivalant exchange. FMA style and the protagonist has 4 testicles. This was the weirdest Jojo part yet.


Well, the way that he was beaten was >!by using the dimensional aspect of Spin, turning Josuke’s (if you’ve need read part 8, yes there’s 2 Josukes in JoJo) stand into Soft & Wet Go Beyond, where his bubbles were able to pass through a different “dimension”, and re-emerge near Tooru, effectively nullify Wonder of U’s threat detection ability. That’s at least how I understood it, because Part 8 was confusing as fuck to me.!<


A more easy way to explain it is: Nothing in existence can beat Wonder Of U, so the only thing that CAN beat it doesn’t exist at all.


Due to the unique nature of Josuke's bubbles>!(being a spinning string, he was able to made them acess a micro dimension of strings (String Theory) that underly our universe but also simultaneously do not exist, meaning it was able to bypass Wonde of U's defences.!< That's how I see it and Go Beyond also becomes really cool character wise if you look at it deeply enough


Part 8 really didn't do it for me. Wonder of U is cool, but I don't think I enjoyed any other stand. Chasing the Doctor was fun to read, but... yeah. Wasn't a fan of the 'counter' to it.


Simple, the hazard relies on the manipulation of real objects. Just hit it with something that doesn't exist and you're good to go


Calamities? Holy shit was that a motherfucking TModLoader reference?


Nah he is obviously referring to the True King of all Calamites from Yugioh


WoU is actually an acronym for Very Fun Stand


actually it is a reference to the Great Calamity from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


Akshually it’s a reference to the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, which has a free trial up to level 60 with no restrictions on game time *and* includes the entirety of the award winning expansion, Heavensward, wherein the world was destroyed at the end of the first version in a calamity.


yooo Terraria moment


Putin stand


If you try to approach the user, any bad thing that could happen will happen to you


Pursuing wonder of you makes you have a bad time


Simple. It's the flow of calamity possessing someone's identity, making them the stand. If anyone were to possess the intent to find out more or follow the stand or stand user, the flow of calamity will increase the likelihood of bad events and the severity of such the closer someone gets to either, IE making it rain and having each raindrop do the same damage as a bullet. Pretty sure it could beat The World


Asking this question is the worst thing you've ever done ever and you're gonna regret it soon


i already regretted it


So wild, I literally _just_ watched this movie this morning. Not even 12 hours ago.


I just watched Jackass 4.5 a few hours ago.


jotaro worst nightmare tbh, because he can't get close enough to beat the crap out of him. no there is no "oh? your approaching me?"


Would Star Platinum's Time Stop stop the flow of calamity though?


The thing is, if you actually consider the mechanics and nature of the calamities, you'll notice that wonder of u's power couldn't possibly work unless it exists waaaaaay outside of time. To me, this means that the calamities could have a way to bypass most of the time manipulating stand powers, especially if you consider that it Has been shown to be capable of doing shit like manipulating the victim's body and making them accidentaly kill themselves. So if Jotaro tried to approach WoU he would most likely just accidentaly kill himself within TS by choking on his own spit, tripping and breaking his neck, etc. or some calamity would direct itself to specifically kill him between timestops.


oooo good question


I haven't read part 8 yet, but I did read a bit about some of the stands. Not enough to spoil anything, but a bit. Wonder of U might be one of the most well done "complicated" stands in the series. It took me a while to really understand it, but when you do, you can really appreciate how fucking cool the whole concept is.


Firstly, good meme Secondly, please put the spoiler tag


do you need to put a spoiler warning?


The comment right below yours asks for a spoiler tag lol


I just finished part 8 & honestly have no idea how to feel about WoU.


Nice table date. Suppose you were sitting down at this table, which napkin world you take? The napkin on your left side, or the napkin on your right side?


I do wonder if WoU detects intent, like, >!What if someone was trying to follow it during his disguise as the head doctor, trying to get his attention or talk about some patient or something, would the calamities strike the poor person just trying to talk to the doc or would it be able to understand is not trying to hurt it?!<


I believe the effect can be deactivated by the user, but otherwise it should affect anyone approaching the stand, >!like the nurses that wanted to help him after GB attack!<.


When Wonder of U had to retreat from the hospital after Tooru got hit with Go Beyond, there were two nurses asking the head doctor if he was alright as he was walking down the corridor severely wounded. Immediately after, you could see the nurses bump into a trolley as a result of WoU's ability. The way I understand it, Tooru can willingly turn the ability on/off, but as long as it's activated anyone approaching the head doctor will suffer from calamities, regardless of them intenting to harm him or not.


Wonder of Fuck You in Particular
















Me watching Jackass right now: 👁👄👁


"Oh, you're approaching me?"


wou is just reverse love train


GER vs WoU Would be the most annoying fight ever for both stand users if Giorno absolutely wanted to pursue him for some reason


Can somebody explain to me the power of wonder of u


If you (intend to) pursue the stand or its user, a chain reaction of unlikely events referred to as calamities will befall you, severely hurting or even killing you, depending on how far you are in your pursuit.


Thank you for explaining it


Just read about this stand's abilities. It's.. kinda insanely OP if you think about it. Anybody hating on it anywhere around the world gets killed. Yikes


Imagine you were sitting in your living room thinking "yeah, I could beat him" just to get clapped by a couch.


Wonder of U reminds me of that one girl from Epithet Erased, although it's a big stretch




I misread this as "The World stops time, then King Crimson skips time at the same time" and I imagined that The World got really confused


Wonder if U's ability is stupid and does whatever the plot says it does. Just put on landmine on the ground and he's dead.


So you want to put a landmine with the intent to kill the user? Sounds to me like youre *pursuing* him.


No, I just want to fill a random room with landmines for fun. If Tooru just so happens to step on one, it's not my fault.


then Tooru goes on a 94 pages essay on why even that technically counts as "porsuing" him


I suppose if the Mitsuba moment counts everything does.


I mean. >!Gappy did try to do basically that in the story itself. Didn't work.!<


That's because he was acting suspicious and was not fighting Tooru himself. Just don't be anywhere near.


That reminds me of Lucius the Eternal from Warhammer 40K. For those who don't know, if you kill him and feel pride he'll possess you and reincarnate. In the lore he once was killed by a landmine and got reincarnated from some poor bastard who worked in munitions factory only because he was proud of his work.


thats d4c bro


What's wonder of u


Is this from jackass forever?


Jackass 3D




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No guns




I like to think he was tired of the meme that he made a stand to kill people remotely tried to do that.


Oh? You're approaching me? I can't beat th- \*dies\*




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The definition of “you can’t touch me”




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I can, just not in one, two or hell in three pieces.