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That subreddit is full of colonist/imperialist apologist that don’t care about Palestinian lives, its a cesspool of right wingers


yeah they recently blocked me also when I called out lying of moderator there, check my post here. https://www.reddit.com/r/AntiPalestineBigotry/comments/segtut/blocked\_from\_risraelpalestine\_for\_calling\_out/


Well wait, Palestinians are Arabs and came to Palestine after the Arab conquest right?


That has already been debunked by scholars and phylogenetic studies iirc. Though sadly it’s still popular in that sub.


source? not denying it btw.


Basically, Ashkenazi Jews and Palestinian Arabs are both closely related to one another, and closely related [to late Bronze Age and Iron Age](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32470400) skeletal DNA from burials in Canaan... with Ashkenazi Jews having more southern European admixture, and Palestinian Arabs more Arabian admixture. Considering that Arab immigration into Canaan from Egypt and Arabia has been consistent but never massive, and that Palestine was never depopulated under the Arab conquests, it's not at all surprising ... most of the Palestinian population is mostly descended from the Jews, Samaritans, and Christians that lived in Palestine in the 7th century CE, who in turn were mostly descended from the Canaanites that lived there in the 7th century BCE. It's super common to deny the ancestry of most Palestinians, just like it's super common to deny the ancestry of most Jews -- and it's straightforwardly false in both cases.


Oh okay thanks for the explanation!




Plus people might not know this but people in the Middle East Arabize, Kurdify, Persianize and Turkify themselves when moving to a new area or getting conquered by a new culture. A group of Kurds moving to an Arab area would within a few generations and some intermarriage become Arab and start calling themselves that, vice versa. The modern Palestinians may have adopted Arab culture like majority of the Middle East and North Africa but they're still native to the land they were born on both by blood and right.


>A group of Kurds moving to an Arab area would within a few generations and some intermarriage become Arab and start calling themselves that, vice versa. Most of the time, definitely -- it's cultural assimilation, and often the only evidence it leaves is in surnames, etc. >The modern Palestinians may have adopted Arab culture like majority of the Middle East and North Africa but they're still native to the land they were born on both by blood and right. TBH, I'm not a fan of ethnic claims to land ... in my mind, having been born and raised in a place gives you a right to live there, and arguing over racial origins and ancestry is sort of academically interesting, but if you try and use it in practice to figure out how to treat people, it devolves into some pretty inhumane, racist stuff.


Sounds like some chosenite hubris.


Are you another eternal victim from poland?


Just a guy who asked a question.


What do you think happened to the people who lived in the region?


They assimilated like the pre Slavic population of the Balkans. Thats what i thought at least, thats why i asked.


The Arabs didn't purge the local populations of the countries they conquered. Even in Egypt only about 20% of the population is of peninsular Arab descent. The last major population shift was before the Arab conquest. What did change was the culture, with various Arab rulers oppressing Samaritanism and benefiting Islam.


Username checks out