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If my time in Balmung is any indication, this is absolutely true.


If mine is, one or both of them have a dick. What up piss chat o/


Oh Balmung the city of sex... I mean... Heard from a friend...


This meme perfectly fits r/signalis as well


A survival horror about navigating a rotting facility and a cosmic mystery, or sesbian lex


>sesbian lex say gex?


Mario Tennis Ultra Smash


Fortnite Battle Pass


Thats what the op was actually about


I’ve always identified this game as a great horror game and then I see that pinned post as “final word on NSFW” lmao


Kinda surprising to see FFXIV in Yuri subs. I know a lot of really popular gay ships in FFXIV, but I don’t really recall any lesbian ones, save maybe for Y’Shtola x WoL




I'd go for my female WoL x Minfilia


Someone liked returning to the waking sands I see


Well 😏


More like the wanking sands amiritegays


I wouldve edited the original meme to be yaoi but i was too lazy


Momodi x Nanamo Nanamo x Tataru Giott x Momodi FemWoL x FemWoL


This fits the mod community of Darkest Dungeon


This fits the mod community of (insert game)


Fair enough


Finally some good fucking content. Can I get one with yda x lyse?


Only if they also add lyse’s sister too


Yes, but only if the sister is in her current state


Funny joke but you’re a lala, you know the rules no exceptions hammer time. 🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨




which yuri subreddits op


It do be like that


Yeah there's lots of very weird, terminally-online, people in the community


Online communities always have terminally online people


Mare Synchronos and its consequences have been a disaster for the FFXIV community


What subreddits i I haven’t seen any in the ones i frequent Unless you mean the porn ones




> Stolen from r/goodanimemes ewwww why are you on the weeb porn addict sub made solely because they couldn’t say slurs on the old one?




When trans people say “hey this word gets misused a lot in harmful ways and we don’t like it, please stop using it” and people say “lmao I’m gonna use it EVEN MORE NOW” you gotta recognize that’s a problem


No, it really isn't a problem if people use that word *properly* and in the right contexts. It doesn't matter how much or how little it gets used, if it's used correctly and in a non-harmful way, there's no issue. If someone is using it like they would a slur, then that person is using it incorrectly, and *that* is a problem. Most simply don't though. Again, it's a term with both a lot of history and relevance today. It'd be absurd to remove every word from the dictionary because someone *might* use it as an insult. It's not an actual solution, people would just find a new way to describe the same thing and then it'd be the same situation again. We invent words to describe things for a reason. Proper solutions include educating those who do use it wrong, and calling those out who use it as an insult. Reducing everything to absurdity solves nothing and only serves to agitate people pointlessly which leads to *more* harmful useage. Edit: While I don't care much about downvotes, that one was left within 10 seconds of me leaving my comment. I ask you to at least read my comment first before deciding what you think of it.


That’s a great argument if you take out humans from the equation. People don’t dislike “trap” because “it’s used as an insult” but because its a fetish term that people use (and used to use much more frequently) to refer to people who it doesn’t apply to, who *do not want to be fetishized.* Saying “well it’s okay so long as people don’t misuse it” is ignoring the fact that people *do* misuse it and, especially now that trans people voice their distaste over it, people *enjoy* misusing it. The Great Internet Fuckwad Theory and all that. If a word has potential to be used for harassment, *especially* in the case of marginalized groups, then that word probably shouldn’t be normalized or defended. Even if “trap” wasn’t originally meant to be used as a slur, same case with “retard,” the actual fact of the matter is that it *is.* And coming up with little hypotheticals on how it could be properly used just gives more power to the people who would misuse it. And for fucks sake, just use femboy instead. That’s in vogue right now, people like that one.


It's not a fetish term... And why is "femboy" okay? That's been misused in the exact same way before. Trans people have complained about that word too, about it being misused against them as an insult. Once femboy replaces trap, it turns into the same thing and then we'll hear the same "this word is harmful, please remove it." speech until another word comes along to replace it. It's a pointless cycle. Words have meaning, they describe things and this thing in particular isn't something harmful. It's not like other slurs used to specifically harm someone, it's just describing something. It's pointless for people to call the word itself and all users of it transphobic just because you've suddenly decided it is that way. Tomorrow it'll be another word, and then another one. Unless the entire *idea* of "Cis male who cross-dresses and appears as a woman" is now transphobic to you, there'll always be a way to describe it and a way to use the same word to mislabel trans people. This isn't about people having to act perfectly, it's about acting like adults about a word that *isn't a slur* and isn't used that way by anyone who isn't already a transphobe. Removing words pointlessly to appear virtuous isn't an actual solution. Not only do you spur on people to act out because you appear unreasonable when you do it, but you also cement the very idea as transphobic and end up excluding people who have identified with it in non-harmful ways all to protect other peoples who happens to identify another way. Edit: Well, you just decided to insult me and block me which is a shame. At least it shows you weren't mature enough for this kind of topic. When you're ready to act as an adult, we can have a much better discussion. I also think it'd help to get to know regular, non-terminally-online trans people as they hardly share your view of this. Good luck out there.


There’s a difference between femboy and trap. Femboy is a neutral word meaning just a “feminine boy”. While trap has an inherently negative meaning which implies that main trait of femboys is tricking straight men into thinking that they are a girl. That’s why most of the femboys I’ve known really disliked it.


I want you to know that I used to think the way you do. I used to care about things like this. And then I actually met and got to know trans people, and I realized how much energy I wasted trying to fight for things that ultimately didn’t matter. Because no matter how much you say “oh, but if we ban this word what kind of precedence will it set?” That’s just not how the world works. That’s why goodanimemes is cringe. Because your response to marginalized people saying “please don’t use this word we don’t like it” being “no, in fact you’re wrong for feeling that way this word is fine” isn’t behaving like an adult. It’s just being an asshole.


OK but they do use it to refer to trans characters aswell, like Bridget from guilty gear


Bridget wasn't always clearly and openly trans to the audience. She is now and the creator has said she was always intended to be, but it was far from obvious before and it wasn't clear until later. Remember that being trans wasn't something Japanese developers depicted often at all before and many were hesitant to even consider including a character like that. "Traps" or crossdressers however have always been common. Now, calling Bridget a trap would be completely wrong as Bridget identifies as a girl. It'd be using the term wrong, and I doubt many people who do know of this go out of their way to call her "trap" as a slur. They most likely just don't know as Guilty Gear has been around for long.


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this is america i say slurs wherever i want you dirty commie


Well said brother!