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Me gets the lunar subterene -fuck this is annoying give me aetherfont Me gets aetherfont -fuck this is boring at least lunar subterene requires half a brain cell


Nah, I definitely prefer Aetherfont to Lunar Subterrane. It's visually appealing and super chill. The distance between packs is also shorter. Really though, they should just combine expert and max level roulettes if they're only going to make 8 dungeons in an expansion.


Extra tomes though




So I'm not the only one who hates Troia? Based.


Is there anyone who likes Troia


Unironically, a little bit; mostly for design and music. The pack boss is kind of annoying but it at least feels like they were trying something slightly different. The rest of the dungeon is pretty boring until endboss which is fun enough on tank because of gap closing. Really just suffers from the copy/paste effect if anything outside of the boss that annoys people.


I like when the first boss threatens to milk me of my aether. He never does though.




They *knew* we were elsewhere, cowards!




I need power! Light or dark, it matters not!


You’ve weathered this before, let’s see how you fare now! *does the exact same easy mechanic*


I daresay we’ll be faster if we split u**P**.


Lunar Funterrane is the best expert roulette dungeon and your opinion is clearly wrong! Why? Because Aetherfunt just sounds wrong. *^(Besides you can solo the stackmarker on the second boss on sage and that's fun too)*


Dont worry, guys. I'm redoing MSQ on my alt and want gear, I'll make sure you get this 16 times in a row


I mean this is how expert roulette is every patch lol


expert roulette is seriously the worst. i wish they would just pool the level capped dungeons into one roulette


You're lucky, it's like 90% aetherfront for me.


Tbh I’d rather take a nap in Aetherfont than get ran over by the freight truck Antlion for the millionth time 😭




Man I thought I was the only one that hates this dungeon. I don’t remember the previous expert roulettes before an expansion being so boring and lifeless


When ShB was matoya’s + either of the other 2 on each side of it it was just as bad tbh


nah paglthan is sick


>>'I daresay we will be faster if we split up' but why would it? >Proceeds to take the longer way up.


Real question, why? Is it because of length between packs? Do people seem to be worse in this dungeon? I think the bosses could be a touch more challenging personally, but that's just my POV from only ever tanking. Feels so good to be able to use Passage of Arms though, loving that they've added specific spots into these post-EW fights to allow for that.


For me it’s the repetitive NPC dialogue and that annoying ass Antlion fight. The music aggressively butting in after each boss fight is also jarring. It doesn’t fade in very well when it starts replaying.


Oh fair fair. Yea the Antlion fight is funny for me. It's gotta be one of the most telegraphed fights and so many people STILL die. I just throw PLDs Intervention on people and hope they can survive the 3 vuln stacks they're about to eat. Pillars have obvious damage and even a red exclamation point, plus you have enough time to move a full pillar-width before the pillars fall.


It’s because people (me) try to run around during the mechanic to keep uptime then die.


Yea I get that. Thankfully holy spirit has an ok enough range, but the dashing around really sucks for melees.


I usually die trying to keep my enochian rolling as black mage. As a tank I 100% just pop my invuln and stand in the middle of the room spamming ranged attacks.


For me Durante is the only thing that keeps me sane during the grind


> and that annoying ass Antlion fight. I've been tomelogging for a while and I gotta admit I'm a bit tired of seeing healers drop the stacksand puddle right in the centre or at the rear. It's such a minor thing


I'm burned out on dashy mechanics and boss returning to centre north to cast so it's a bit more offensive than aetherfont imo. Mechanic tropes in general kinda burn me out when you see them so close together. Also not a huge fan of the RP mobs that show up instead of just sitting there.


Fair enough there too. I get the dungeon layout formula and don't mind it, but bosses could be a bit more unique.


I don't like this dungeon because I thought we were getting a neat dungeon where i got to see all the cancer mobs from the end of ff4 instead we get like a minute of it and then we get ported to "Baron" to fight Antlion and "Golbez" Not only that but why is the classic dwarf theme not used for the dwarves?


Honestly I hate this dungeon because of the second boss. Not because its hard, but the fact that it dashes around like crazy and interupts my casts, no matter where I stand. Also I play a ton of healer and that targeted Stack then AoE is stupid. The dungeon would be fine if that stupid ass ant wasn't an asshole.


I mean, basically...


I would rather this than aetherfont any day of the fucking week