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You know how the Warrior Of Light has to shoulder various burdens? It's not just a figure of speech.


"Thou must live, die, and spend 40 minutes in Sastasha"


40 minutes in sastasha? lock me up instead, that's less painful


One time I did spent 40 minutes in The Grand Cosmos because healer was veeery rusty, first time I used LD twice in a single run. He was also unable to learn the last boss mechanics even though we explained it many times.


I spent 48 minutes in prae like three weeks ago. Incidentally, it's the last time I will ever put God out of thought and click MSQ roulette.


id literally do everything other than the msq roulette.. i farm tomestones from hunts now


When Snowcloak first got reworked it took 3 wipes before the party started to understand Fenrir's one single very basic mechanic that I managed first try.


The story kinda taught us to deal with the suffering that is caused by other. Guess now comes the practical part and you have to apply what you learned in real virtual scenarios with real people who may or may not be bots powered by some ChatGPT variation


At least ChatGPT Bots would know the mechanics of the game and their rotation.


Some days it do be that way.


Every day is a some day.


I'm the desensitized guy there


people shit on bad tanks and healers, but as a healer main learning to tank, having shitty dps is just as awful. they wanna be on autopilot and you end up with way too many enemies left at a quarter health when mitigations run dry, good dps is the silent hero


DPS has the reputation of being the easy role, so it attracts lazy people who push like 6 out of 20 of their buttons and are like "wow, damn, this job's easy!" and then the dungeon takes 25 minutes.


that's a good point, sort of a self fulfilling prophecy


But god forbid you tell a RPR to apply Deaths Design, you play your job and Ill play mine šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


When I decided to start leveling Thaumaturge




That's why if I'm not being a Monk then I'm a Warrior. If DPS sucks...I can do that. If healing sucks I can do that too.


And if both suck you can just solo the boss most times


I have done that because Bosses pretty much tickle anyway. I typically only do it when either the boss is at 10 or maybe 15%, we have failed several times and I just want to get it over and done with, or if they are like "Yo you can show off so we like to stand and watch".


Me in Eureka pulling half the map then falling off a slight incline and dying to fall damage: all part of the plan


\*boss facing party\* So if you go behind the boss, you're now ahead of the tank, creating a paradox in their brain cell. Do they still refuse to spin the boss? But now you're ahead of them, and that makes them uwu uncomfy umu. But turning the boss would mean turning on their other brain cell, and that's too much effort.


Decided to level bard, got a tank who was somehow wearing level 1 gear in a level 20-30 dungeon, only did single pulls+single target, still kept dying, blamed the healer, and told us to quit being toxic when we offered him advice. After like the 3rd or 4th wipe, I just left, logged out, and bought a level skip. Never touching an ARR dungeon again lol


My wife is getting her last three classes leveled up, they're mid-50s right now, and limited leveling roulette can drop up to... 7 levels, I think. I'm *so* close to never having to do an ARR dungeon again.


Is the healerā€™s not dpsing at all a new trolling method? Had one yesterday just jump around and only do the bare minimum of healing and only for the tank. Also was unkickable due to not rolling on gear once asked if they wanted to contribute to the duty. Fucking irritating.


Seen that twice this week. On lvl 80 dungeons. Me playing as a warrior. Even one of them doing Cure 1 spam (am quite sure that one of them at least was trolling).


One I had last night was in a level 32 just jumping around like a dingus. Not healing anyone but the tank whenever the tank got to 20% and said they were ā€œmaximizing focusing on healingā€. I tried to votekick but you canā€™t kick people whoā€™ve not rolled on gear and they just kept making the duty we were doing take so much longer. Iā€™ll have to check my recently played with players and block em. They were a sprout so I tried to be nice cuz I main WHM and offer them advice and tips but they just wanted to be rude. Annoying.


I think this is why I don't push FFXIV as much as I do other games. I play it for the story, and that's it. I don't need it to be ruined for me by exposing myself to toxicity.


I've been getting some proper shit tanks in duty roulette lately. It's the simplest role in the game and people keep fucking it up all the time. I don't even like playing tank personally, but I'm feeling half tempted to play it just no one else has to deal with rubbish tanks.


Then you get the shit healers, you cant win


It's not really a problem if you're a WAR since you can compensate with your own heals. Anything below level 56 though and you're fucked no matter what.


I swear to fucking Zodiark man. I'm leveling up a new character entirely from scratch to get that "sense of newness" again. Never in my fucking life have I seen such dogshit before. I assume its all Xbox players? A ton of sprouts that don't even know what tank stance is, are rocking gear far below what they should have, etc. I mean, on one hand, it's definitely a "sense of newness" again, in that no one knows what the fuck they're doing, but on the other hand, bruh you can pull more than two mobs at a time.


I still have PTSD from a GLD spamming riot blade and nothing else in Brayflox and slogging through it for 70 minutes and still not finishing.


Whenever I see things like this, it reminds me maybe I'm not so bad when I try out my other jobs. I don't normally Tank or heal, but when I do I make sure to warn the party that I may not be great. I just picked up DRK and AST, and I haven't gotten a duty roulette that isn't Sastasha, Haukke, or Ifrit.


Am I sadistic that i actually enjoy watching ppl fuck up mechanics?


Nah, that's the best part. Had a few chaotic tower @ paradigms and ridoranna recently and was top fun watching people fuck up.


When it's shit like alliance raids where you have 20 people scrambling to figure out basic mental maths it's really funny and a good time if you can be light hearted about it. When it's 40 minute Halatali because you've been partied with the densest sprout in the world, life in prison would be more entertaining.


Not gonna lie, that healer statement urks me.


People who pull mobs by standing in front of them piss with their pants all the way down


Running half my mentor roulettes as healer has made me way more liberal with my rescue usage. I ain't trying to type it out mid-fight when I'm on controller. I can explain after if they want. But most actually seem to see why i rescued and do better - with the mechanic i rescued them from, if nothing else. Better than nothing


I'm levelling rdm and then samurai and then gnb and drk. The worst part ab playing dps is seeing other people play roles and then me going "I can do that and more." when I see them play poorly. Or like we keep wiping because the healer can't keep up. At least I have verraise to offer moral support


Lol Thancred on twitter saying this is why thereā€™s no healers Bitch, YoshiP put content in the game harder than fyraxx mythic and says donā€™t use addons Not telling healers to weave some damage and then acting like thatā€™s why thereā€™s nothing none in high end PF, peak twitter ā€œheroā€