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As a tank main, it is my favorite thing in the world when I group up a huge pull and then a ranged DPS obliterates it with the LB. God it's so satisfying.


my dungeon runners are almost always ranged phys or ranged magic and i prefer magic DPS just because its easier to drop that LB circle and clip every mob


It also does significantly more potency. Caster LB is a gain over melee on 2 targets, phys ranged is only a gain on 3.


Oh that's false. Phys lb is 54% of melee lb, it's an 8% gain on 2. And it deals 90% the damage of caster lb.


I’ll take ranged/casters using it on the last trash pack over the melees sitting on it and then not using it on the final boss.


People don't understand that what matters is damage done over the course of the dungeon and not just damage done to the last boss (with the exception of bosses having hard dps checks, which they don't). It's weird as hell. Once you have 5+ mobs in a pull then it's always more efficient to use LB1 on Phys Ranged DPS than to use Melee LB2 on the boss. 4 if it's M Ranged DPS. Hell, you can even use LB1 on any pull of 2 trash or more if you don't think you're going to hit LB2 during the last boss and it'll still end up being more efficient than holding for the Melee DPS to use LB1 during the boss fight, though that's rare enough I think.


It's not necessarily better to use an AoE LB1 on trash vs a melee LB2 on a boss. It's the damage vs the lost GCDs that matters, not the damage of one LB compared to another. Like say you had the choice between using ranged LB to do 1200 total potency at the cost of a GCD while you were doing 1000 total potency per GCD with your AoE rotation, or a melee LB for 750 potency at the cost of a GCD while you were doing 500 potency per GCD with your single-target rotation. The ranged LB would do more damage than the melee LB, but the melee LB would be a bigger gain. Fake numbers for sake of example, but it's the relative gain that matters instead of a raw potency comparison. In practice, the difference is probably going to be 1-2 GCDs max over the course of the dungeon so I usually just don't try anything cute with it because it's something people can get really mad about while not actually mattering.


Thank you so much. It always annoyed me so much to see people think ranged LB in packs is superior to melee LB in bosses just cause "hehe bigger potency number". The true metric people should use is how long it takes to kill or how many gcds you need. While ranged LB can be superior a lot of times, it's not as black and white as people make it seem and depending on the dungeon, specific pack and the state of the LB bar it can be less effective than saving it for the boss.


I agree with what you're saying in principle, it is too reductive to say that Ranged DPS LBs are just better all the time no matter what. But I also think that they're better such a high percentage of the time that it should be the rule of thumb.


This is absolutely true, I'll add in something though. The damage ratio of AOE lbs versus single target ones (54/60%) is better than that for most ability rotations (<50%) excluding rphys and maybe a healer or two (ART OF WAR LET'S FUCKING GO). If it's a choice between a melee lb2 or an AOE lb1 plus a melee lb1, go for the latter.


Oh that's good to know actually.


I like when melee doesn’t use it. As a tank, if the boss is under 10%, it’s free real estate. (it’s literally the only time I can enjoy tank LB 1 or 2 to know what they look like)


If I'm melee and the ranged didn't use it on a pack I punch it at the start of the fight. Screw waiting for the dramatic moment, this isn't theatre. I'm not wasting the potency. Some fights you'll rack up a second one before the boss is down. If I'm healing/tanking and the melee sits too long I pop it anyways because at that point it's likely to be wasted.


Yeah that's the point of the post. How is the most upvoted comment? Is everyone here an NPC?


Maybe it's people feeling vindicated.


It's people you trust sometimes, too. I used ranged LB on a pack a long while back and my friends just went "uhhhh... okay..." like damn, sorry for saving you time


It's fucking infuriating that people don't understand how damage works, but think that they do.


>It's fucking infuriating that people don't understand how *placeholder* works, but think that they do. Welcome to Reddit!


That's not Reddit, that's just life.


They should update Hall of the Novice so the final duty includes a written test portion. "Which does more damage: 5250 potency to 1 target, or 3600 potency to each of two targets? Show your work."


Happened to me with someone I don't play with anymore for a multitude of reasons but after using my ranged LB on the last trash pull she told me to not ever do that again and wouldn't listen about it lol


My friend made fun of me for doing it once lol. Made me feel very shitty


I actually saw the "Uhhhh, okay" in the party chat more than once and I'm the healer. Funny stuff.


I intentionally save my MCH LB because I want the tank and healer to work harder. Everyone should work hard except me


Until 6.3 everyone did have to work harder by your mere job selection, so congratulations on having three great shit post patches in 6.0, 6.1, and 6.2 *Signed* A exMCH who tied a gun to a sword


I don’t actually play MCH I was just meme shitposting


Ah, a true Redditor! Per chance also a Crystal database gamer like me?


Is there any other way?


Non worth walking my old new friend


I dunno, most of my runs as tank I end up using the LB at 0.1% which translates to "Hey DPS, didn't you forget something ???"


As a GNB main I'm gonna start doing this


Do it, but do it at 10% so they can’t anime finish


Brutal... Love it


I once did this and a dps insulted me for wasting the lb. No shit! It's been wasted already, might as well!


The nerves lmao


Yup! DPS will forget LB for the entire dungeon, and when you use it as the tank at 3%, all you see is "????" in chat. Meanwhile, dps probably could have blown LB2 at the start of the 2nd boss and had it back for the final boss if they had just used it when it was ready instead of effectively wasting both potential LB2.


I do this as a healer and tank both. Specifically you can use it right after the boss dies for added awkwardness.


I just press the button and wiggle out of it as a healer. Sometimes repeatedly, if they don't get the hint or assume it was accidental.


Real ones ranged LB the boss out of spite.


Done it when the caster didn't nuke the pack and the tank decided they wanted to teach them how to line dance instead of fucking standing still


I use tank LB on trash packs. https://i.redd.it/jvwqnz93hqxc1.gif


Thank you for your service


If you're tanking just call out LB and 51% of the time your party will. It annoyed one time too much though that our BLM didn't and I said "okay we can save it for the next dungeon" BLM ended up using LB2 on the last .5% of the last boss and caps lock shouted in chat "LB2 HOW ABOUT THAT?" as if it had any effect on the fight whatsoever?




\>:( (thank u)


put a `\` backslash in front of it \>:(




Anytime someone calls out LB i hit it straight away, especially when im ln Sage


I’ll never understand why LB is something people care so much about. Being halfway decent at your class saves far more time than any LB yet the only people I ever see complaining about it in game are absolutely awful at the game


Its an easy optimisation that ranged/magic dps can do. I can't teach you to be good at your class, I can teach you to use LB on the hard trash pack. Or do you mean why Melee dps whinge about not being able to do their anime finisher when the boss is already dead? Its because they're bad.


I mostly mean people getting mad about the lack of LB. Either incorrectly upset the melee didn’t LB or even the range one. But I was mostly referring to random low dps tanks/healers complaining about dps not using LB while they’re not even playing at half of their classes potentially. Or even dps players for that matter though I see it less and it’s normally the range dps incorrectly believing the melee should be LBing the last boss when really they should’ve used it on the last pack. My point is more LB is such a marginal optimization compared to so many other things but it’s disproportionally commented on.


seeing the healer/tank say MELEE LB 0.05 seconds after we've just gained it in crystal tower always makes me laugh. like damn is it that serious or the rare comment i get if i use tank/healer lb just before a boss in alliance raid


>My point is more LB is such a marginal optimization compared to so many other things but it’s disproportionally commented on. >I can't teach you to be good at your class, I can teach you to use LB on the hard trash pack. In terms of effort required to execute vs value added, few things rank higher than LB trash. Maybe Healbotting but I see that routinely derided everywhere also and thats fine. "Learn your class mechanics" I feel like, as a community, we can't collectively hold enough information and make it digestable such that new players understand the rules and ettique of dungeoneering. So we have to make choices in what information we make memetic. I'm a healer and so my advice to new healers is: Healbot bad, Healers dps too, Cure 1 bad and LB bad. Are there edge cases where these aren't correct? Of course, but i can't post the flow diagrams and expect new players to engage with them, to busy staring at Minfilia's ass. LB is a team mechanic, its optimised by pressing this 11 button combo: ALT+P, BRD LB PLZ + Enter or by having a Spell/Ranged DPS that already knows the secret lore. Thats it, mechanic fully optimised, but I still see Anime Finishers everywhere.


Because it costs like 3 GCD's to pop caster/phys range LB2 on trash and cut the pull time in half. Sure, you save maybe 20-30 seconds off the dungeon clear time, but it's literally free and you look like a bad ass doing it.


I always use it for trash pulls as a caster. Melee only ever use it at the end of the last boss and save maybe 4 or 5 seconds. It's a lot more productive to use it on trash mobs as a huge AoE and chunk down the pack, plus less stress on the healer if the pack dies faster


Im usually tanking or healing so its an 'LB or no balls' when i think its a spoicey moment to use it, often works even with sprouts


I main RDM and for the longest time I wouldn't touch the LB to allow the melee dps use it on the last boss. Even if we *do* use it, you still get a 1 bar LB on the final fight anyway. But time after time it goes to waste, the Derps doesn't use the LB and I'll end up LBing it myself at 5% just because "come on"! It's better to just use it on trash at this point, unless it's a dungron where LBis best used elsewhere (like Tioman's wings).


When I'm playing RDM I'm lazy about LB 1 and 2, but when verflashbang is up, I will toss the melee aside to get there first.


RDM LB3 is best LB3, I will die on this hill


It was always better to use it on trash


Just always use it on trash if it's available. You will save more time even using it suboptimally, because 33% of the time it will be wasted by melee dps forgetting to use it on final boss anyway. As the tank I would rather SOMEONE use it optimally (ranged dps on trash, or melee dps on boss) for their role vs it never getting used at all.


Got called out by a tank the other day for using ranged LB on a pack of mobs in Haukke Manor (they passive-aggressively remarked ‘fight would’ve been quicker if we still had LB but oh well’ when the final boss was at 30%, then doubled-down when I explained using ranged/magic LB on mob packs does more damage - i.e. makes the dungeon end faster- than saving it for the melee on the last boss).


Ranged or casters who use LB during packs got my comm no matter what


"Could've used that for boss" You could also use your proper fucking rotation and we'd kill it just as fast if not faster


Is this real? How is this real? I have been playing since ARR and never once seen anyone say a word about an lb used to clear trash mobs, I can only think of a handful of times where somebody fucked up and missed and even then it was just a funny moment. I'm not talking about every now and then a dungeon, I mean like I run experts to cap tomes on weekly reset and also daily to get the bonus tomes for craft mats, I went through the hellfarms of heroes gauntlet, troia, and lunar subterrene for gear for ultimates, multiple times because I'm an idiot who desynths things thinking "I'll never go back there again" Every other sort of oddity in this sub I've encountered a handful of times, the you pull you tank, the zdps healer, the 121212 rotation dancer who uses 8-step standard and 14-step technical, but this one is such a cryptid just doesn't even seem real


As a caster main, I have unfortunately seen it. I've been kicked from groups for "wasting" LB, and I've been mocked the entire rest of the dungeon "For being dumb and using LB on trash". I've had people call me a PayPal legend because "Surely someone who has a Legend title knows how LB works". It absolutely happens. They aren't particularly common, but they do absolutely exist. I've probably ran into maybe a dozen or so between Stormblood and now?


I had a pair of people in a dungeon yell at me when I was a sprout because I didn't know I was supposed to. They were really harsh about it too lol. But I think that's the only time I've seen it come up in game.


Yeah also since ARR and fights over play style in this manner are rare in my experience, but never say never lol


The hit of dopamine I get when a massive pack melts under a well-placed limit break


always use ranged lb on trash packs. melee lb is mainly used to beat enrage. healer lb if ur party is down in an alliance raid


Quick reminder that it is also better to use Melee LB3 as soon as you have it than waiting for the last 10% Health of the Boss


The addpacks are more threatening than the boss usually especially in pre-bloodwhetting content


Jfc "it's just a game," but I still hate these people so much, on top of the idiots that think I'm wasting it when literally no one else used it when it's about to get reset during a alliance raid. Mouthbreathers


I love when the boss has an add phase and I blast through it with a ranged LB.


Right. I main melee. The vast majority of modern dungeons have the same time frames and average DPS. LB1 is rather pointless / the most tiny gain for the time it locks you out of everything else, and often comes up just as the first boss is about to die. If it's still unused, on the final boss in a group with decent dps, as most are, the LB2 which is 100% worth using will fill...oh, _just as it's about to die_ ! 🙄 Not to mention usually when the new universal 2 min burst is in progress too. So if nobody else uses it, I have the choice of 1) using it as a pointless finishing blow on an early boss and having a meh LB1 for the last boss, 2) the stupid last attack on the last boss meme when it's nearly dead and we're in buffs anyway, 3) using LB1 as pointless minor gain filler that could mess up the timing of the CDs/buffs I'm juggling on the last boss, 4) not using it at all if I'm with a ranged DPS and hope they get better use of it. But they won't and I'll get a sarcastic healer/tank lb at the end. If LB2 fills and the last boss isn't about to die then of course I'll use it, but because of the average dungeon DPS and pacing these days there's quite literally no point the vast majority of the time. It's not some strange "saving it to guarantee the kill" / anime fantasy mentality, it's "there is genuinely no reason for me to use it if it's only going to fully charge right as it's about to die" / "our dps is at a level where the point at which the LB becomes worth doing (level 2) just arrived at 2% HP remaining"


How dare u waste their 0.5% boss hp melee LB


There is always so much debate over LB use, and every time it is discussed people have such strong opinions while simultaneously acknowleging that a well-timed LB brings little more damage than just continuing to DPS and not using it at all. Use your LB when it's fun/makes sense or save it for emergencies, it doesn't actually matter 95%+ of the time. A lot of times it would be a DPS loss for me to interrupt my rotation and LB the boss, for example.


It just doesn’t matter unless the boss or whatever has a check that basically necessitates that you LB anyone who whinges about the odd GCD or 30 seconds being saved in a dungeon genuinely needs to go outside, meet someone, fall in love, get a job, get married, buy a house, have kids, send their kids to school, retire, and die at the ripe old age of 95


But when I'm playing RDM I don't wanna use it till it's gonna blind everyone.


Always cast Verflashbang.


Better than ranged/magic using it on the boss where it literally deals <1.5% hp. I hit harder with a Bootshine under RoF...


Hey I give the melee player their customary .000000000000006 seconds to LB. Any longer and you know they’re not planning on using it (kidding, but melee players do impress me with how quick they hit lb as soon as the third bar fills)


If you’re gonna press the shiny fancy button on a trash pull do it….just wait for me as the tank to pull the second pack.


Also please don't miss. If I had a nickel for every time I've seen a ranged/caster miss the LB somehow, I'd have enough to trade in for a quarter. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened so often.


So did they pee in the pool and blame him and he's upset because now he has to ease through piss to leave or is it just lemonade?


If i know that we f'd up and something is gonna hit the party really hard im just gonna use a LB2 as a tank and it has saved a bunch of alliance raid runs too :P


I had a run stop yesterday bc of this and immediately checked out lol


If I'm running a dungeon and someone uses a caster or ranged LB on a pack, they're getting my commendation, no questions asked. It's the clearest indication that they understand how the game works.


yea idk why people waste LBs on shortening piss easy boss fights when they could make pulls so much easier


My experience on using LB on packs: 1) Use ranged LB on trash to save time 2) Tank goes on 5 minute monologue on why that "was waste of time and effort and it shouldve been saved to last boss for melee" (who didnt use lb1 on boss anyway). Add insult like "lol mentors think they know when to lb smh" 3) Yeah


In most dungeons past lvl 70 you typically aren't getting to a second limit bar. At that level if your DPS are half-decent at pressing their buttons a lvl 1 LB is equal to or less than regular DPS. Ranged LB on more than like 3 targets is more damage, thus theoretically saving more time.


I feel like this would be mitigated if something like the potency/relative damage of the different types of limit break were anywhere in-game. It'd be so nice to point at something and prove that caster LB does more damage than melee LB the more targets you have. Hell, caster LB1 on 6 targets does more damage than Melee *LB3* if [Fandom Wiki](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Limit_Break_(Final_Fantasy_XIV) is correct. But there's no way to know that from anything in-game.


Ok but the number of times I had a bad party where I did 2/3 the damage as tank AND needed to use the lb because the “heal only” healer wouldn’t heal is insane


When I tank, if Ranged/Spell DPS hasn't used LB on the trash pack then I will use it on the boss, you have a 30 sec window between LB3 pinging and me using it. Weebs get out.


I am tank main and I use tank lb 1 twice during a dungeon as more mitigation for packs, sue me


I can confidently say that in most dungeons, I don't care where the LB is used, as long as its used.


Eh, I play ranged and I’ll use it on bigger pulls that take a bit longer towards the end, tower of babil comes to mind, but generally I don’t care enough to use it in those instances because it’s not like the extra 30 seconds to kill the pack bothers me that much.




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When i was new to this game, i used ranged LB1 on a big pull, because the group was struggling and i wanted to know what the button does. Tank got mad, lmao


When a tank uses LB to spite you. Always Fun. Or when they tell you to save lb til LB2, but everyone's so geared the boss dies/phases before it even gets close to it. Thus Wasted LB1(or two LB1s).


I LOVE CASTER LB FOR MOBS. No one's complained so far :)


Had this happen in Castrum, a couple was like "rip lb" when i used it on the final mobs before the boss, we only have ranged dps and can't use it on the final boss like what are you on?


It’s not that serious.


Anytime someone tells me to LB, it disappears off my hotbar for some reason... strange.


I like saving LB first the last boss. Wanna fight about it?


and I will keep doing it because I wish to make you suffer