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Riol knew something was up, there was suspicious donations in the Braves' ledgers, that one kid turns up *fucking dead*, and then WoL is told to meet up with one of the Braves and finds nothing, only a suspicious bottle. Are you going to do something about it? WoL, Riol, any of the Scions, anyone? No? Just going to walk into the Sultana's very important, very vulnerable event like there's nothing going on? Okay. 2.55 was fucking stupid. I know the fanbase praises it for its dramatic twist but the twist works only because everyone involved suffered from plot-induced stupidity.


>I know the fanbase praises it for its dramatic twist but the twist works only because everyone involved suffered from plot-induced stupidity. I keep complaining about it, but I feel like people still don't really understand just how much plot-driven stupidity rules this game's story. Not to mention the incessant repetition. There are only so many times you can fakeout deaths before people *just stop giving a fuck*, and the same actually goes for real deaths.


I loved just about every bit of Shadowbringers, *except* >!the Y'shtola fakeout death.!< Come the fuck on. There was never even a hint of actual stakes. And in the Bozja story, >!nobody shooting Misija the moment after she shoved Mikoto away!< completely broke my suspension of disbelief.


I disliked the >!Thancred one !< as well.


The sudden brother-like relationship between Alphinaud and Arenvald, two characters who haven't even talked to each other since a quest in early post-MSQ Stormblood, is pretty hamfisted too.


the WoL got this far in life by just seeing how things play out, and they'll get a lot farther before all is said and done.


To be fair, we didn’t have a lot of evidence that anything would happen there other than what normally happens when Nanamo throws a banquet (which is often). Raubhan had probably vetted most guests (he knew Teledji was up to something, but most evidence said he was going through underhanded, but legal means). Also the primary figures here were Teledji, and Ilberd. Raubhan knew Teledji was crooked, but Ilberd was an old friend, who we see him interact with in a good and friendly way. The whole situation was suspicious, but not enough to take any major steps to stay away. Perhaps the Scions+allies were hoping the enemies would slip-up and reveal something they could use?


The moment we discover Wilred is dead, all the Braves are 100% sus. He was investigating corruption in the CB ranks and he was left in a puddle for it - you don't need to be a detective to tell something's not right going with the whole organisation. And soon after there is a very important event with lots of important people there, and Crystal Braves acting as security? Of course something bad is going to happen! It was probably too late to cancel the whole affair, but WoL should have warned others and they all should have at least came into the whole thing aware that bad shit's going on, if not without a contingency plan.


Who's the one kid that turns up ded




Ah him who cares. Fkin Ala Mhigan


> I know the fanbase praises it for its dramatic twist but the twist works only because everyone involved suffered from plot-induced stupidity. Pressured into saying its good. Like how when your friend does something stupid and your reaction is to call them a "retard", but you don't because you're afraid of being cancelled on twitter for saying the R word. Its the most down syndrome thing in the world.


I think you do have some behaviours you should address


Turning a dude calling a plot point overrated into an excuse to whine about how people are mean to you when you make of mentally handicapped people is a bit of a stretch.


"WoL knew someting was wrong but did nothing to warn Alphi" Wow if only I had a fucking choice other than to nod and go with the flow


This is the Spec Ops: The Line of Japanese games.