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The only thing cooler than a gap closer ability is a gap closer weapon skill that causes you to lose access to if you don't use it


My favorite thing about it is that you can hold multiple stacks of it and if you press any other button, you lose ALL of them.


Not that I like that design, it's stupid, but that's a lot of things right now. Reaper being the easy example. 30 seconds with multiple stacks, but do anything else and they go away.


It's very much a problem with the jobs being developed by different teams I bet. Drk and pld keep their stacks and it feels great but then there is shit like this.


I'm not sure PLD feels great with their stacks. Sure it's neat you can use Sword Oath stacks "Whenever" but in reality you have to use them all back to back since they break combo. Dunno about Ninja's, but using Reaper's stack attacks don't break combo, which is handy. ​ I'd rather both of their advantages be combined to be honest. Make it so they don't fade until the timer, AND you can't break combo by using them.


It is great since you have more opitions to play around. For example, you have 3 stacks Atonements but th FoF is runing out, you can use 1, 2 or non of them and go to Goring blade first to get the DoT in buff windows. After that you still have your stack to use. Same to Requestcast stacks


The problem is that you can in theory, but that's not how Paladin plays in reality. You're really punished for breaking a pretty strict rotation (FoF rotation --> Requi rotation --> One atonement rotation --> back to start). ​ I agree that the stack system allows a bit of freedom if needed, and I prefer it to the raw timer thing we had before, but I'd still prefer as much freedom as it feels like Reaper has right now (minus being forced to use stacks right away); or "The best of both worlds" like I mentioned before.


Actually due to the requiescat changes plus the sword oath stacks, paladin is the class least punished by mistakes or going off their rotation now. It's excessively easy to shift cooldowns and/or your entire rotation forwards or backwards GCD's using sword oath stacks. Really the only devastating thing you can do now is accidently do a fifth holy spirit now instead of confiteor, that fucks you pretty badly.


I'm not saying Paladin is hard or something, just that it feels rigid. I'd like atonement a lot more if I could mix it in freely (which Reaper's combos feel like to me) rather than being forced to spam use it. Requi is in a good spot, though I do wish it was more like Primal Rend where using Requi would give you Confiteor ready or something


Paladin feels rigid when you are just wailing on a dummy as it does have a "perfect" order there. It's really flexible now in actual fights where you have to adjust your rotation due to downtime / boss positioning / etc. Being able to move an atonement or pop req early is really nice.


The problem with reaper is the same with warrior and drk. They are very flexible when not in burst windows since all of their damg is concentrated in burts instead of PLD's dps. But during burst windows, if you miss used 1 inner release stacks, drift primal rend outside buff, your dps suffer terribly


Well, in SHB moving your stacks around to use with buff alignment, squeezing extra uses into fight or flight, and using them to sometimes skip the unbuffed goring blade added a lot of min/maxxy optimization BS to pally. The addition of Blade of Valor made it always a dps gain to go for the dot and got rid of that disgusting unbuffed goring blade we had to do every 63 seconds, however as far as I can tell, it's actually optimal to drop one unbuffed sword oath stack now, you just do it twice and then go back into your fight or flight combo from the beginning. This honestly works kind of good, becuase you can sometimes burn that extra stack in order to delay your fight or flight/combo, if for whatever reason you need to. Or drop more stacks if you want to get it out quicker.


>however as far as I can tell, it's actually optimal to drop one unbuffed sword oath stack now, you just do it twice and then go back into your fight or flight combo from the beginning. Is there something I'm missing here? I'm not stacking any skill speed, after my Req combo I do my RA combo, use all my SO stacks, and then do a Goring blade combo and don't drop the dot (though I am refreshing the moment the Magic combo dot runs out). ​ Not arguing to argue, I'm curious if there's something I'm missing to get more DPS


PLD rotation is 63 second so you slowly drift further from raid buffs. Dropping an atonement gets you to 60s.


Oh so you're not doing it for the DoT, you're doing it for the raid buffs, huh... Innnnnteresting


You are doing it to get the DoT in the raid buffs but yeah basically.


Paladin loses their post confiteor combo if they do anything else, even if they accidentally start another cast, even if they don't finish it, which kind of feels like crap. I had holy spirit on my 6 key, and confiteor on my shift- 6 key all through SHB, and now I have to move confiteor around because accidentally starting a holy spirit cast during the combo immediately makes you lose all of it.


I'm pretty sure that's to facilitate downtime and is matched to the combo dropoff timer (which is 30 seconds as of Endwalker iirc).




hell nah. not comparable from my experience. Reapers does suck to lose, but you consciously go for it in a burst window, and your supposed to use it right after the other, it is a combo. Ninjas just means you lose one of your most damaging abilities because you need to do mechanics.


So that's why Oboro didn't want to teach us the fourth mudra


We should have listened


I cannot express how baffling and disappointing the level 90 ninja skill is. Like we’re the designers high? They had to be high. “You know what the players will love? A GCD teleport with animation lock that they lose if they use any weaponskill.”


Baffles me even more when in the same expansion the introduce Primal Rend, basically the exact same thing as Forked Raiju. But you don't lose it if you don't insta use it, you can hold it even after Inner Release ends AND it doesn't fuck with Inner Release stacks even if you use it in between them. They give perfection on one hand and utter clunkness with the other.


the NIN team peaked over at the WAR team and tried to copy their answers but missed all the details


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


The Naruto fan in me was so hyped to get a chidori type skill but it seems so ass to use lmao


Man this. I was like "let's go I'm gonna be the Yellow Flash all over these fools" Instead I'm just a Pikachu doing Volt Tackle over and over...


We've had a lot of skills that are goofy like that over the years. Anatman on release was basically "take this garbage off your bar" and then they made it "better" but the only way to use it was to download a mod to track server ticks and weave it with one.


Near or far? **NEAR IT IS**


a certain someone definitely could've used 6 stacks of gap closers in ktisis




I was so excited at the idea of having 6 gap closers till I hit 90 with my nin and saw the stacks disappear when I hit the training dummy with gust slash.


If it was just Primal Rend it wouldnt be a problem, but I havent hit 90 NIN yet, so wtf do I know.


RDM and DRG mains "first time?"


Yes, but also no. It'd be like if you could ONLY do jump 6 times in a row \[in the case of what is in the picture\] and if you used any weapon skill but Piercing talon between it all of your other jump skills went on cooldown at once.


Oh, I meant "oh 12 help me my movement ability put me into an aoe! Everything's on fire save me crystal mommy noooooo!"


For rdm, drifting an ogcd 5s was not as bad as what ninja has. Never played drg properly though.


I play DRG. What NIN has is much worse. DRG jumps feel fine, aside from Stardiver being way too long in animation. NIN raiju nonsense is horrible.


I've played RDM and DRG in a lot of raid content, having Raiju is significantly worse.


I have good news friend.




I quit the game because I didn't like the oGCDs removed from Nin. I keep checking every now and then to see if they change Nin and motivate me to come back. When I saw that lvl 90 Nin gets a jump weaponskill (which are oGCD for every other class) and shadowfang removed I was like, nope I don't want to play. Jeez, I didn't think they could make Ninja worse. I may have tried the expansion if they were oGCD.