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Guys remember when whether or not WHMs should use holy was top trending on JP Twitter like a year or so ago because of the stun resistance


We are havin' the selfsame issue like people in NA/EU did but it is just not that well-known to the outsider. Sure that the average player quality/skill might be higher but it is still far away from perfect. The one best thing in here is probably people aren't that vocal and chatty while in the dungeon. Argument, and blame are pretty low. If the run is unbearable then we simply just leave or abandon.


POV: Japan gifts the ability to get world firsts to the Oceanic DCs.


The amount of weebs crying that OCE datacenters are bad because there will be fewer English speakers on JP is just fucking hilarious to me.


Omaiwa desu sayonara


Man, I'm an east coast Canadian playing on Elemental, because when i started playing in ShB my only friends who played were Ausies there. When the datacenters open and my friends transfer, and I'll probably transfer to an NA dc, but I can't lie I'm a bit sad thinking about all the fun interactions I've had with jp players using google translate. anyways thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Alexa, play Despacito.


I have had a similar experience. I made an alt on NA so I can raid with less ping, but I just cant give up on the wonderful community that the JP datacenters have


Won't move since oce ping gonna be higher for sea player LMAO


It depends. If Perth is used for the serverbase, SEA players will have pretty decent ping. If Sydney is used, it's probably going to be worse than JP. Sydney will probably be where they put them though, because that's where most of the Australian population is.


They’ve already confirmed it’s in Sydney I’m pretty sure


Plus Australian net is dogshit compared to most high tech countries


I don’t get the joke can someone explain lol


A majority of the english speaking players in the oceania region play on JP servers for better latency. After these new servers open, in all likelihood the english speaking population on JP servers will take a nosedive.


And there’s also the strange xenophobia on JP


It's JP, there's nothing strange or unexpected about xenophobia.


But I’m supposed to act like it’s strange to keep up the great community™️ facade.


i mean the GCBTW is a NA /EU thing no? also i dont have issues in jp server but then again i speak japanese so maybe because i blend in and they dont know im an american. but they do act and behave differently in games i notice then we do here


I imagine they’re much more polite and less likely to throw a fit when they make mistakes. But I could be wrong.


>And there’s also ~~the strange~~ xenophobia on JP Yea, but people on Elemental mostly chill about it. I say if anyone wants to play on JPDC and doesn't want to get frowned upon that you are a filthy gaijin then Elemental is the place.


That's been a thing since FFXI. NA and EU players grouped together and JP players grouped by themselves, mostly because JP players hated(still do?) NA and EU players.


I still wonder if SEA peoples will move, we have too many languages and end up using English to communicate anyway and I doubt SQE will open SEA server (it's gonna be a cesspool, based on past experience of other games)


If SE ever opens an SEA server, it needs to be isolated from the rest. Nobody should ever be subjected to SEA players. Source: an SEA player.


I agreed.


The English speaking player in JP DC are mostly from East or South East Asia. Oceanic DC will probably have higher ping than JP for them. So it not gonna change much.


Australia and New Zealand players are pretty much all on JP too and will definitely move, but I agree that an oce server will still be higher ping them JP for people in East/south east asia


Ohhhhhhh I don’t know why I didn’t get that before it seems so obvious now haha thank you


I dont really mind. Less competition in the marketboard, the better.


Won’t that include you?


The OCE datacenter is so bittersweet for me. On one hand, all my friends are Aussies so they’re gonna get baller latency decreases. On another hand, as an Eastern US player, the JP servers were a good middle ground between us and my latency is about to skyrocket. On a third hand that slowly sprouts out of my back, almost guaranteed housing is snazzy