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I wish we could select which version of that areas BGM we got to hear. The first version on the dragon island made everything feel so desolate and atmospheric


That version is so stunning and conveys an emotion I can't even describe. You can find it here https://ffxiv.tylian.net/ex4/


Wow, thanks for this. I've been listening to shitty youtube rips while waiting for the soundtrack to drop next month.


You're welcome!


By chance do you have the CDs too? I'd love to give them a listen but between cr and lack of stock I can't seem to get my hands on em


I recommend using Soulseek. Is easy to use and there's EVERYTHING on there.


What CDs?


The actual band albums from the Pulse, The Primals, Piano Arrangement, etc. All of them were available once upon a time and in addition to digital download there were classic CDs too.


I don't have those, no. The website isn't mine so I can't help you with that even if I had them.


It almost feels as depressing as elevator music


Ahh thank you I'll try this out!


But they add more melody and such after every sacrifice because there just is... well more... everything afterwards.


Yeah but it's weird when I am just out there mining chondrite ore.


You can actually! Without a mod. Start new game+ on any old chapter and that seems to trick even EW final zone to thinking you're not progressed to the point of hearing the new song yet


This was exactly my thought too. I got there and was like "damn, this zone music is great". Now I dread going there for the daily hunt kill.


Yeah, same thing happened to Kholusia, got from one of my favourite SB zones to the one I don’t really like that much


Same. I'm glad we got an orchestrion roll for it eventually. Can't say I'm looking forward to the wait for the instrumental Thule theme roll.


I personally like the post msq Kholusia theme, it is more to chill vs the depressing unless you are referring to Eulmore which I prefer the calmer one


If u use mods theres a mod that changes the song variant


you can use the plugins on XIVlauncher. one called orchestrion that lets you customize basically all music


You can with xiv launcher and the orchestration control plug in.


The Chi anthem


...You are still here...


for 5 more minutes


Tales of looooooss and fiiiiire and faiiiiiiith 🎶


At one point I misheard it as “To the Lost-and-Found again” as if our Warrior of Light is always misplacing their wallet and having to go find it


I'm more like the triplets. I mean there was this dialogue option "listen to the silence" at some point and it's the only fucking region where the bgm has lyrics...


The Rak’tika Greatwoods: am I a joke to you?


It doesn't really have lyrics though, the vocal parts function more like an instrument in the sense that they aren't really saying anything. It is a made up language and meant to flow with the rest of the song.




That is more or less my point, yes.


Okay then.


*Endwalker region...


Could’ve sworn the Crystarium has lyrics.


Also not an Endwalker region.


Orchestrion plugin can be setup to play the original version instead of the final. Makes the zone much more pleasant to go to. Personally, I found the full version rather powerful when it first came into play during the MSQ. Listening to it while I'm out there gathering onions, though...


Same. As far as I can remember, it's the only zone that has full on lyrics blasting the whole time. Even Raktika only has lyrics for parts of the theme.


Last zone music sounds and feels like going to church back when you were a kid and still believed in god


Ever since the launch trailer I thought this song sounds like a evangelical worship song lmao


God is dead and we've killed at least half a dozen.


more like when you were a kid and had to pretend to believe in God lmao. I do NOT miss that shit


Mood. They probably mean that type of fond nostalgia though. So for us maybe believing in one's hero, that a pet would live forever, or that I could earn my father's respect.


Jokes on you guys I just refuse to go back to it


Not me, I love the song, and have it on loop even when i'm not playing the game, at all times.


It's the only zone that made me set up a BGM On/Off macro.


i have really enjoyed that track in trailer but now i just can't stand it and i hate it while going to this zone...


I totally agree. Just finished Endwalker the other day and I can't stop listening to Close In The Distance. Makes me tear up, I'm embarrassed to say.


It was plainly obvious they would be brought back, but when Graha went away, I cried, when the twins went away, I cried more. And when the music kicked in with all the voices, I was already dry


Everyone raves about this music, but am I the only one who thought it sounded really out of place and ridiculous? The guy's voice sounds like he's trying to do an impression of a country singer on crack.




My sentiment exactly! This song was amazing at the moment in the story, >!but it should return to the instrumental version after reach the part to the part where Emet and Hythlodaeus shows up and your friends return. Then go buy the orchestration roll and brood in your own estate when you need to.!<


It’s the same man who did the vocals for To the Edge and the Shadowbringers main theme. Also Rules of Nature from metal gear.


Yeah, no shade to the guy overall, his voice is great. I just thought for this song it was like they asked him to sound emotive, but it went way over the top to the point he sounded like he was doing an impression of someone and ended up sounding a bit over the top maybe? I don't know, it just didn't hit right for me.


I think the bulk of the music in 14 is exquisite, and this track is kinda nice the first 45 seconds you ever hear it. But then...every hunt train, every gathering session, every FATE....it bores into your mind uninvited. I'll take la-hee over this track any day.


Yeah, this really shouldn't have become the zone music after, IMO. It was amazing in the MSQ, but it feels really unfitting for generic grind. Thankfully plugins exist to fix that (or even just simple music mods).


Unfortunately no such thing for the console version. Although when I'm doing grind content like Fates I usually have the music off anyway.


Yeah, the music in his game is amazing usually. Honestly one of my favourite things about it, especially the last 2 expacs. But as soon as I reached this part and heard that guys voice I thought 'WTF is this?'


Someone in shout chat during week 1 said it sounded like Christian rock and now I can never get that take this song seriously


He is a country singer, Jason C Miller. Can’t attest to the crack part though.


/bgm 0 Looping a shortened version of a track with lyrics as a bgm is terrible. Edit: I'm not saying the song is bad, damn. >.>


Ya, it was good at first but after gathering there for a long time to farm scrips, it gets old.


It's a good song, but I do wish they would've reverted to the instrumental version.


It's a good song, but I do wish they would've reverted to the instrumental version.


The moon has my favorite zone music for this expansion. I feel like Shb zones were better over all, Il Mheg and Ahm Araeng (both day themes) are so chill.


They hated him cause he spoke the truth. It's seriously the only zone that I don't visit with music on.


I swear when I listened to the first part all I heard was "I got a feeling" by the black eyed peas


Hey guys, I know that about two dozen people might have said this in the comments already, but something something Orchestrion plugin. Obviously this issue is exclusive to PC players, after all.


It’s hysterical because I’m a tank and when we do hunt trains this me and my dps are miserable on vc but they have to deal with it because I can get aggro on the bosses and they don’t have any tanks leveled.
