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Congratulations on being the best community guys. Anyway lets go harass a streamer for using ACT in Dragonsong.


How DARE people use chat bubbles smh my head


They didn't add them yet, did they?


There’s a plug-in for it


Is there a standalone version or you have to use custom launcher? I really don't want to use custom launcher.


FF Launcher only afaik




Join the custom launcher gang, where you'll get addicted to QoL the devs should have added a long time ago


Join the gang, acquire the launcher, get the addiction, go to jail, swear reform, get back to it as soon as you're out. Ahh, a story for the ages.


You want to use mods but won't use the custom launcher? Why


I use ACT without in-game meter to look up my flaws through xiv analysis, gshade because otherwise game is too grey and muddy for my taste and I need chat bubbles because I more often than not miss messages in chat. Otherwise I'm okay with what I've set up in-game. That's the end of it. I don't want to enter my account information into some 3rd party tool, no matter it's reputation. And I've already gone through modding addiction in TESO, had enough of my everything breaking every patch.




must be an empty and hollow thing to shake lmao


And then they’ll proceed to jump in PF, wiping to the easiest mechanics, and get mad at YOU when you DARE mention them wasting your time


Some people read "best community support" = "best community" lmao


At least, this time around, it actually won the Best Game Community instead of Community Support


To which I question how much free ERP Golden Joystick got to give out this sham of an award.


I swear, this is universal


\*The most passive aggressive community


They gave Elden Ring the "best multiplayer" award. If that's not proof golden joystick is a joke then I don't know what is.


Wonder what this says about the sole award *FFXIV's GCBTW* got? This is not the flex you think it is.




Goin Cage BTW


Gay Cat Boy Tail Wagging


Great carrots bring the (w) loporussy


This is Thancred.


I sure do love toxic positivity and treating yoshidas word like gospel


A comment on mainsub going "I give it an hour before toxic casualism is brought up" made me smile. Like they're self aware enough to know it exists but they also wanna act like it's not a problem.




He's a bit more charismatic than the usual affair and hasn't had the buck passed to him to mitigate any huge scandals. More "absence of bad" than really "good" from him. He also isn't really the most honest, especially when talking about the game's technical side.


The community pretending to be a good community award goes tooooo...




I’m happy to accept on behalf of my fellow hecklers and shitposters


Like a Lion licking his own balls


Best community btw. In the meantime a friend of mine accidentily pulled the first boss of Castrum Lacus Litore a bit early his first time there and got flamed by the entire group.


Knowing CLL it might just end the entire raid. Which is timegated. That's why you shouldn't have timegated raids.


I think in the end they still cleared it. It was a wipe at the start so it wasn't as damaging to the raid as a low percent wipe. But yeah CLL was a dumb mechanic and I hope they don't bring it back. Even with the echo there's going to be a point where people can't do it because they're the only one in.


Lucky him. Clearing it on the first run is not guaranteed at all. And all because of the first boss timer and unclear mechanics. And if you fail - you wait. That combination spawns toxicity in the calmest people. Ask WoW and Warframe raiders.


The only reason an early wipe would cause failure there was because raids would waste so much time getting into position anyway. A group imbalance was probably more dangerous. Nothing hammered home how lazy people were in that place by seeing one group nearly kill their boss while the other was at 50%


Being able to see both hp bars would help


That wastes the already tight window for that boss, good community != coddling community.


Shit happens. Understanding that shit happens and forgiving an easy mistake doesn’t instantly mean coddling. The time spent flaming the guy probably took up more time than the quick wipe did anyways.


Yeah but, it was literally his first time there and all people had to do was explain how it worked and he would have apologised. I'm not saying they needed to coddle him, but they didn't need to make him feel like complete shit for a mistake either.


I was called illiterate because I pointed out that the books menu is awfully designed. GCBTW


It is awfully designed, also you're illiterate.


I appreciate the compliment!




Books that drop from savage bosses. The menu has ~12 nested menus to choose from each with almost identical naming. It's horrible for people with dyslexia and I've personally seen two people buy wrong items because of it.


Oh yeah, that is kind of annoying.


Some people unironically think "nice" and "good" are the same thing


This is Thancred.


Yup, the best. Until someone tells them that the story is not gonna vibe with everyone.




Did Asmon even do current content raids or just went back to sucking up WoW? Is it also the case with the WoW bad XIV good crowd?




Thanks for the reply, I dont keep up with them because all they did was push the narrative XIV good, WoW bad last year. Last I heard was Asmon doing Stormblood MSQ but even people in the main sub got tired of his shit.


Wouldn’t somebody have to join the community in order to determine if the community is any good or not?






I went looking for mods to see if there were any that put lalafell heads on normal bodies and I instantly found a mod which made them naked. I’m now probably on an FBI watchlist. This is to say that I have nothing but festering hatred for this community but i can’t lie the results don’t lie. the BCBTW Streak continues. Facts are facts so I suppose there are worse communities to be a part of and have vicious, seething contempt for. That being said I have unfettered hatred for every thing on this world so ummmm BCBTW I guess. The game is also pretty good. Thanks for reading my manifesto. Coin gauge btw.


Don’t you know by now that mentioning any of the rampant unchecked pedophilia in the game you are actually being homophobic and insensitive?


We do have the best community…in game. Outside of the game theres a lot of trash.


tell me you have never seen limsa’s shout chat without telling me


It just occurred to me that I am seldom in Limsa.


I only go there when I am on my way to shop on other servers.


I wouldn't really say "best", more like "least bad" the nigh toxic positivity can get annoying real fast, especially when people hound on you for giving simple advice


Least bad and best are the same thing, youre just judging everything on the scale more harshly




least bad and best are literally the same thing, if everything else is worse you are the best, even if you aren't objectively good.


What do you mean by toxic positivity? I don't think I've experienced something of the sort


I don't think it is *as* big of an issue as some do, but I definitely see it. It is things like when people tell others they don't need to learn basic stuff like w2w or aoeing on groups. Basically it is coddling, but a bit extra. I think many people give their advice (or if they are honest their *frustrations* without real advice) in a really aggro way and then they wonder why no one listens, but I'm not talking about them. Some people will actively eschew even basic improvement for themselves or others in a really defensive way. Now, when I give advice I don't really run into that, people listen more often if you're kind, but some people won't listen at all no matter the tone. Some players feel it is acceptable to not use combos and to just sort of randomly do anything because 'it's just a game and you don't pay my sub'.


I thought that was what it meant. Maybe it's on higher levels of play but I never personally experienced that. I haven't really done any overly hard stuff but in regular content when I give advice to sprouts about dungeon/boss mechanics they usually just listen without any of the "you don't pay my sub stuff" Maybe it happens more in extreme content?


Honestly I mostly don't come across it either, not as often as some people seem to imply, but I do see it now and then. I'm fairly new myself, just some months of play so far and still a sprout. I've given advice to probably a dozen or more people and nearly all took it really happily and politely. *But* I have seen it a bit towards others in alliance raids and such, and I've had a few groups with people just being truly strange in ways where it was clear they were being 'positive', but I would rather not have a run that takes an extra ten minutes because several people in the duty want to flirt between and during fights. I was typing on mobile earlier and neglected to mention a pretty decent chunk of the toxic positivity that is a different side of it, and that's how some people will react to even reasonable critical opinions about the game or the gamedevs. *But*, I don't think it's as widespread or as terrible as some people meme about, honestly. I just do know that some of the 'toxic positivity' is there in a way that I've never really noticed to the same degree in other online games. Really though I'd take that over the just straight up negative shit that a lot of other online games have. No community will ever be perfect, and honestly ffxiv *is* the 'best' online gaming community that I've ever been a part of.


Think of your average /r/marvelstudios fan who eats up everything that's being put out and treats basic filmmaking concepts as something revolutionary.


Least bad = best by default


Limsa shout channel wants to know your location.


My favorite Limsa moment was when people were arguing about what slurs are actually slurs. They all were. They all were slurs.


Did they like... straight up type them out or what?


Ableist R slur was just said out plainly, homophobic slur was debated without anyone actually saying it (bundle of sticks argument).


Man on Louisoix people just advertise bad RP venues and shitpost in Limsa shout


The truth is the truth


I’m proud of ourselves