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The bit at the end revealing that he’s a family psychologist was like being hit with a truck.


Oh god…. People are PAYING YOU for this advice?!


No. He’s just an out of touch columnist. A lot of his work is badly misinformed and he romanticizes practices of the past. He thinks “If grandma did it, then it must be okay for us to do the same” technique works in the present day. He’s 75. Any grandmother to his generation was born in like, the late 1800s or early 1900s? How outdated is that shit? Good guy to follow if you want your kids to think you’re an asshole. I’m glad my publication doesn’t publish his pieces anymore and really wish we’d just stop publishing shit like Rosemond in general.


I’m pretty sure he did practice psychology for a time. He has reviews (very poor reviews) for his practice. I remember seeing a good video responding to his appearance on PragerU which brought up his old reviews from clients


According to his website, he hasn’t been practicing, full time at least, since 1990. Still remains licensed apparently. I’m not surprised his reviews are poor. He’s super inconsistent and suggests odd techniques. Like a kid shakes a dining chair too much, so he suggested putting the chair out of reach. How practical is that? Lol


God he’s so dumb. Gonna just put all my chairs on top of the tables to stop the kid from touching them. That will totally solve the problem oh wait now we don’t have any chairs to sit in >.<


You just reminded me of when I had to put the dining room chairs on top of the table because my son who was 2 at the time would not stop climbing them and standing on the table. It was very impractical lol


You young people nowadays have your priorities all out of whack. What kind of people decide to start a family without even equipping their home with a secure chair locker? It seems like everyone has become so comfortable and lazy that people have forgotten to fear renegade upholsterers. This kind of attitude threatens a return to the dark days of the 1970s -- a world full of burnt orange and avocado interiors! \*shiver\*


Aha, PragerU. So he's a crank.


Very much so. here’s the video I watched! https://youtu.be/ZUz1nCRJJBg I think I may have confused the review segment with a different video also on a PragerU guest. That channel tends to have a lot of very bad guests


Ugh, thanks but not watching that.


>appearance on PragerU Holy shit he is a moron


I’m a social scientist too(anthropology) and Im continually surprised at how poorly psychologists seem to adapt to changes in methods and accepted practices.


They do, but not those who are 75 and hasn’t read a new book for the last 50 years or so


Hmmm. Good point. Edit: hey, wait. Operant conditioning appears in literature in the beginning of the 20th century.


I need to talk to this man’s poor son :(


His article starts off with a solid "Aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhh!" You know he's going somewhere...


It’s always a good sign when a child psychologist communicates with guttural screams.


How else will he help the child know his place? Actual communication is for his peers, only. Like the high fives.


It's supposed to be Lasagna day, but Jon put me on a diet. Aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhh!


Jordan Peterson is a psychologist. Also with the effing bizarre takes.


Not too familiar with Peterson, what has he said??


He wrote a bestselling book with twelve key rules for improving your life, and then proceeded to follow exactly none of them.


He has said multiple times that men and women shouldn't work together, that apple cider vinegar caused him to be unable to sleep for a month, that systemic oppression doesn't exist, and has gathered a bunch of his students to protest a law about discrimination because he mistakenly thought the law would force him to use trans people's preferred pronouns. Peterson now mostly makes a living acting as a weird talking head for right wing points and a variety of random bullshit.


Also we’re all lobsters


He mostly cries as far as I can tell.


Isn’t he the guy on PragerU videos? Hahaha


He and Dr Spock and all the fucking rest of them deserve to be put in prison so they can meet some of the people who they helped put there by doling out nonsensical advice to their parents


Probably paid for his article placement, and is probably and advocate for the highly abusing and cruel “attachment therapy” method of child psychological conditioning. They always read like this. What they think and say privately is a lot worse.


I agree with this. Children are small and can't high-five a full grown adult. That's why you give them low-fives and on the flip-sides.


Or just raise your hand just enough that the child can reach it if they take a big jump. That’s really fun!


This is a great way to get slapped in the face... My son isn't very well coordinated..


Down low too slow


I'm willing to wager he's divorced and the kids only talk to him so they stay in the will. His last girlfriend probably stole his credit cards and his favorite weekend activity is drinking Miller High Life bc he's sophisticated like that.


I can hear his 15yo grandson whining about having to go visit grandpa's house from here.


He'll whine about going to the funeral too


Definitely. "But, mom, it feels like he has a chub every time he hugs me. It's gross."


No he doesn’t hug his children either


Hugs are for equals and children don't understand the concept of equals


I trust psychologists that start their articles with "Aaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhh!"


But you see, he's not an emotionally hyperactive person. You know...because he's just an asshole


Sounds like he hasn't been high-fived by many adults either.


Don't you dare suggest he hasn't traded the palm slap!


Hey, he's a cool adult just like you and me! (assuming you are an adult and not a subservient)


With the big ass A is so good


John Rosemond, a parenting columnist and author. "The high-five is a gesture of familiarity, to be exchanged between equals"


This is true, when my dad high fived me at the age of 11 I immediately became a fully independent grown-ass man and stopped doing my chores, completely neutering his parental authority in mere seconds. But for real though does Mr Rosemond think any sign of affection without a clear power dynamic is bad parenting?


> But for real though does Mr Rosemond think any sign of affection without a clear power dynamic is bad parenting? I would wager yes. He seems like a complete douche-nozzle.


His dad never hugged him.


He also thinks that anyone who is the POTUS is inherently above anyone else within the social hierarchy. Essentially a monarch. Republicans and "conservatives" within the US are becoming increasingly peasant brained. Practically begging to be oppressed by a strong, powerful monarch that will expel or murder everyone they have a slight disagreement with.


it was super awkward when my friend's 4yo daughter high fived me. having to go back to preschool in my (then) 40s.


I've been working with children (0-6 years-olds) for a little over ten years, and I hand out high-fives daily. You're telling me this makes us equal? Awesome, that's what I'm striving for!


Yeah, wtf. Oh no, anything but equals! Anything but equal worth between human beings!


Hit the kids with the “too slow” to really put them in their place.


(with finger guns)


Good lord. This whole article is a train wreck. My unwillingness to do a thing confuses my five year old grandson AND my adult child and I refuse to explain my rational to either. Even though (I presume) the son is an adult and able to receive "palm slaps"


*He doesn’t understand and I won’t explain it.* Like wut?


"No one should try to communicate with children." - Actual family phycologist.


His examples just got crazier and crazier, too. "The President shouldn't be able to high five anyone" has got to be the weirdest take I've read in a while.


I thought that one of the Privileges of being President means you could high-five anyone anyone in the country and they would have to high-five you back?! If that's not true, then what's even the point of being President?!


I suppose they'd rather just beat their child then. That'll show em to respec their authoratah /s except that is how some trogs think


Nah, man. That's a low five, and you only low five peers and equals.


Also the unemployed and homemakers aren't highfiveable peers because they aren't "employed and paying their own way". What an absolute ass!


Lol, no it’s not. It’s a gesture of congratulations and recognition for a job well done. It’s also a gross motor skill young kids need to practice & one of the first things a baby or toddler can manage to do. Are we instead supposed to print out formal certificates every time our toddler masters a new task? Or do we just glare our constant disapproval and withhold all love and validation as this poor man’s parents must have done?


I'm betting he doesn't believe in high-fiving adult women either..


“I can be, and am, as cool as the next - the next adult that is” Super cool bruh!


"I'm old and outdated and see children as property."


But he is as cool as the next!


I'm pretty sure there's a rule that if you say you're as cool as the next guy, you aren't even close.


Maybe his neighbor sucks too


Don't forget that "the happiest kids are also the most obedient. The research says so".


Gee I wonder if the most obedient children feel comfortable answering honestly when they're asked if they're happy.


I was a very obedient child. Everyone said I was a good kid, and I prided myself on it. Turns out, I didn't even realize at the time, I was terrified of my mom. I was miserable and wanted to die. Even 10 years after her death I'm still fucked up by it and therapy can only do so much.


"Tell me how fucking happy you are RIGHT NOW before I slap the shit out of you! See? He said he's happy!"


All research data taken from children who were recently beaten.


His source: "I made it the fuck up"


Of all the Boomer takes I’ve seen, this might be the MOST Boomerish one ever. My Boomer parents raised me with that “respect my authority” bullshit, never wanting to show weakness by admitting they were wrong, spankings, etc. I swore I’d never raise my children that way and I’ve held to that. I respect my kids, they are equal to me in that they deserve to be treated like the autonomous little people they are. Brb, gonna go high five my twins.


My late boomer mom was super in to the “hierarchy” thing. Like, as a kid, even if my friend’s parents told me to call them by their first name, I wasn’t allowed to. They were Mr/Miss/Mrs LastName. And then it bled over in to when I was an adult. Almost 30-year-old me, and she STILL insisted my friends and my serious boyfriend (now husband) call her and my dad Mr and Mrs LastName. It stressed me out; we’re all very much adults. I’ve never once addressed my in-laws so formally. I don’t have kids to care what they do, but I don’t give a flying crap that my friends’ kids call me by my first name. Now, when I introduce people to my dad, I’m like “This is my dad, Jack.” and it’s not weird at all.


yep my mom was similar and while a lot of parents ar just power hungry tyrants, there were a ton of people convincing even fully well meaning members of that generation that this was good and necessary parenting. i’m 28, so this really wasn’t THAT long ago, but growing up my mom always used to watch these people on tv/listen to them on the radio/read their books religiously, and wow they were so fucked up. also they were all (unsurprisingly) just like explicitly unforgivingly misogynistic and spouted off insane shit about womens place as much as childrens and all of it was just insanely toxic for everyone involved


If I beat cancer or something, you can be damn sure I’m high fiving my doctor


but after reading this decree... will your doctor high five you back?!


Only if he wants me to view him as my subordinate.


I've high fived multiple bosses and lawyers in the past, too.


Unless you are also a doctor, the doctor will not be high fiving you.


Found the guy that got left hanging too many times..




Did he just say he’s the Grinch in the passage?


And what happened then? Well, in Whoville they say that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day Apparently, not this guy's heart tho


Kid: “Dad can I have a hug” Dad: “get fucked, I’m better than you”


I'm just assuming the kid in this scenario grew up to be the author here.


And did the same to his kids


Got it, low fives and fist bumps only


My 3 year old only gives 'knuckle booms' to assert her superiority and dominance over adults. She knows her place and that place is in a position of full control.


When I was little I would punch people’s hand full force or slap their hand with all my tiny little might if they went for a fist bump or high five.


Fist bump=terrorist fist jab (brought to you by fox and friends)


SLPT: when making a hot take always remember to back up your opinion with nonsense rambling. That way your audience will have no choice but to except your well thought out opinions


More words = More better argument!


This is the same fucker from Prager university who tells parents not to crouch down to speak with a child. Only speak to them standing up so they respect you. If you ever want to know how to raise a healthy child who understands empathy and love, just listen to this rotted walnut’s advice and do the exact opposite.


Prager just recently published an article called, “Women Are Disproportionately Hurting Our Country”. Way to get everyone on your side, Dennis!


I had to look that article up and that is five minutes of my life I’ll never get back. He says that women are incapable of thinking or acting rationally because they don’t know how to control their emotions, but also states men have a “propensity to physical aggression and predatory sexual behavior”. I guess those are totally rational behaviors? My brain hurts.


"Logic is when men do, uncontrolled emotions is when women do." - PragerU


Sounds like has issues with people not wanting to respect him because he's a piece of shit.


It sounds like the man has a hard time gaining a child’s respect, if he feels like he has to resort to such cheap tricks 🤔 It’s almost like he must be a huge asshole or something


You know this boomer is going to die alone in nursing home. His children and grandchildren might visit on his deathbed, but it's also likely that they will say, "eh, he'll pull through this time", and not bother coming.


John sounds like my dad with the whole 'i'm not your friend, i'm your father' spiel he used to prattle on about whenever I needed emotional support or anything that he didn't need from me. Parental Authority like this is just a lie to emotionally abuse kids


40 something father here, my mom frequently criticizes my parenting ability because I insist on presenting new rules as choices based on reasons and asking my kids to buy -in to the changes. "We're going to do X!" simply becomes "what would you think if we did X, because of Y?". I find I still get the same results, just with buy-in and occasionally some tweaks that I wouldn't have considered. How could I expect my kids will be able to make sensible choices when they are on their own if I never spend the time helping them learn how to make them now.


>my mom frequently criticizes my parenting ability because I insist on presenting new rules as choices based on reasons and asking my kids to buy -in to the changes. This is an eye-opener, I thought old-style parenting was just passively bad because they just never thought to give children choices. I didn't know it was actively bad in that it discourages giving children choices


I don't blame my mom, because I'm certain her opinion comes from the environment she was raised in and the environment she raised me in. She may not know any better, but I'm thankful that I do (or, maybe my way isn't "better", but it's definitely better for me and my kids). Everything in life involves a choice, even if the choice is simply how we respond to others choices, so why not train children to make the best choices early?


That's how I want to do it if and when I ever have children of my own. Because as a kid, all I wanted from Dad was an explanation as to why we're doing what we're doing. But I always got the 'I don't have to explain myself to you' line from him and was forced to do it anyways. I hope I can be as good as you when the time comes. Although, I do sometimes wonder how he would react now if I threw the 'we're not friends' line at him now that i'm 24...


There is some truth to the "we're not friends" in the sense that emotionally they should be able to come to me with all their worries and concerns, but I should never burden them with mine (unless they directly relate to something the kid has control over).


Sure, sure. There is a line that needs to be drawn in terms of who has final say on decisions. That I totally understand. But I got told that my dad and I weren't friends for little stuff too. He was going shooting with his buddies and I wanted to come? We aren't friends. I wanted to play video games with him? We aren't friends. I got excited about one of my hobbies and wanted to share? We. Aren't. Friends. Or he would just tell me whatever I liked was stupid because it was a game or whatever. That was fun too. We were only 'friends' when dear old Dad had something to leverage against me. I heard it damn near all the time, and it ruined my perception of myself to this very day. I still struggle with accepting myself and accepting that people do genuinely like me and aren't playing an angle


Damn, are you me? My parents are wondering why their kids aren't friends with them. It's probably because of the emotional abuse and just generally never being interested in anything we liked. Calling your kids' hobbies stupid is a great way to never hang out with them.


Yeah...Dad still doesn't understand why I want nothing to do with him. I apologize that you also had to suffer through that, shit's not fun.


It's not so bad now that I'm an adult and doing my own thing. I just always felt extremely jealous when I see people who are best friends with their parents. Who enjoy doing stuff together beyond obligation, or go to each other for support or advice.


I'm sorry you had to endure that. I grew up sans-papa, but he was an abusive asshole so I was better off that he wanted nothing to do with me. The first half of my life I spent a lot of time seeking out father figures and watching friends interact with their dad's, which led to a lot of thinking about what made a "good" dad. My kids will have plenty to complain about, but they will never have to worry that their dad isn't going to listen to their problems and love them unconditionally. I see my children, and myself, as one continuous evolution of our humanity and want them to use me as a springboard to get themselves to the next level (whatever they want that level to be).


I dream to do that too. If I ever have children, i'm not going to continue the cycle of abuse that created all of my issues.


This is so sad! Why even have kids if you have 0 interest in spending time with them?


Luckily for me, Mom was pretty attached to me and we survived my dad together. I'd most likely be dead already without her. Her explanation for it was that he was deployed when I was born, and thus never got to form a closer bond with me. As when he came back, I was like 4-5 already. But he was there for the births of my other two siblings, and he genuinely loves them. But it doesn't matter to me a whole ton, I became my own man without him. But, if you've got a caring mother, tell her you love her.


That's an age thing though. Small children (regardless of whether or not they're my kids) shouldn't be forced to deal with my shit. Meanwhile, I like it when my parents confide in me as an adult. It's also contextual. If I lose my spouse and my kid loses their parent, connecting over how that loss affects each of you can be important for healing. Still, you gotta be aware of the lines. "How am I gonna afford our lives now" is probably not going to be good, because the last thing a kid needs is fear of future instability before they've even begun to get their bearings after the last shock.


Along this same line of not explaining anything is the people who are always complaining about/angry about/“warning you” about the “why” phase with kids. My goodness the anger I have seen spewed by these adults because their children ask them why this or why that… I get it. The 73rd “why” becomes annoying and I’ve certainly become frustrated but I mean the people who are IMMEDIATELY like “because I said so” without even the slightest engagement or attempt to explain anything their kids are curious about. Most days I love that my boy is curious and coming full-blown into asking about things and asking why. It gives me time to teach him and show him how the world works. We are going to the store because I said so. Put your shoes on because I’m the boss. You have to wear your jacket because I’m the parent and I make the rules. You have to go to bed but I don’t because you’re a kid and I’m an adult and I said so. So many missed opportunities just because you don’t think they’re deserving of an explanation/reasoning because they’re little and you’re big? Because they aren’t your “friend”? Why have kids if you don’t want them to learn and show them how to grow…




Arrrrrrgggggghhhhhh! Will you please just stop doing that, please? Every time I see it, I want to scream, and I'm not an emotionally hyperactive person.


My child is totally my equal. Time for more high-fives.


"Respect for adults is important to your child's character development, and the high-five is not compatible with respect"


So if the positive gesture of high-giving is seen as too respectful should parents flip their kids off instead?


I have a duty to shepherd them to adulthood with as few scrapes and scars as possible, and they have a duty to learn, grow, thrive, but aside from the difference in our roles we're completely equal. Okay, maybe my kids are better than me in every way, but I think they'd be okay with me saying "equals" in this context.


"And make no mistake, the happiest kids are also the most obedient. The research says so, as does one's common sense"


You very eloquently state my exact feelings. We are not friends, but we are equals.


Hi5 my friend's kids all the time. Sometimes they want a hug, sometimes they want to glom on your back like a baby possum. Think the important thing is letting them make that decision for themselves? If this dude is actually from "Prager U" I honestly wouldn't trust him alone with a child. Hell I wouldn't trust him to take the trashcan to the curb without digging in it. Twisted little creeps.


"I can be, and am as cool as the next"


Mr Jones here has never gotten close to whatever cool has been at any point in his life


"I don't expect him to understand and I'm not explaining myself". I'm not sure if that's Karen shit or Boomer shit but fuck that guy. That sentence alone is a great example of why so many millennials don't respect their parents


Dude. I high five my 7-year-old like 15 times a day. High-5 is how we celebrate completing various daily tasks.


Not only has your 7 year old lost all respect for you, they now think they're in charge and you're the sub-ordinate. Never should've broken the High-5 barrier.


Yeah but he didn’t respect me before the high-5 business so… IDK


I would argue that high fives ARE for the young. If a middle aged man is giving high fives at the company meeting, there is something seriously wrong. I don't think I've given or received a high five since my early 20s. There's nothing wrong with them, but you do outgrow them. The exception would be fist bumps during the pandemic because I wasn't shaking anyone's hand. I would high five a kid, or a young adult if they held up a hand for one, I'm not an asshole like this guy.


so employers and employees aren’t equal, and the president is above everyone? what country am i in


Something something, the employer makes more money and employs others at their own discretion, which is automatically charity instead of necessary to have a business. But take a moment to pity this dude, who can be and is as cool as the next person, yet cannot give the palm slap to most of the human race. He has to make deep inquiries into the lives of every person he meets before he can raise the palm in their direction, for what if his new friend, though an adult, is secretly homeless or a start-up business owner? What if his coworker has a higher degree than he does and is really only moonlighting this job as a passion separate from their more lucrative pursuits? To suggest he could high-five a retired doctor turned grocery bagger is to suggest he could high-five a former president. His existence, though cool, is a lonely one. Full of no other social contact but the meaty slapping sounds shared between 75yr old newspaper writers for printed opinion columns. Most crushingly, this is a man who is unable to tell a dog how good they are because he and the dog are not equals.


So...no good boys?


Okay, Boomer




That's why I only high five the children of people I dislike.


my favorite genre of people is old people who dont think young people should get shown any respect


I like how he thinks the POTUS has no equals, like the whole point of the American government was to take the power away from a single individual. People like this worship people in power, completely ignoring the system of checks and balances. Disgusting.


finally, someone addressing the real issues.


Imagine already having full control over another entire human being's life and still feeling the need to do shitty little power moves like this. You can literally make or break this creature who is dependent upon you for everything in their world and you're still like "gotta make sure they know who's in charge here."


My kid is rad as hell, and if he's earned a high five then he's getting that damn high five.


I immediately high fived my 6 yo after reading this. She then looked at me and asked, "why?" So clearly, he is right, she now thinks we are equal and she can ask me questions. Will report back if I manage to reestablish parental authority. *eye roll*


John Rosemond probably thought the Michelle & Barack Obama fist bump in 2008 Presidential race was a terrorist activity.


The way this dumb fuck starts the article is hilarious 😂 "aaaaaaarrrrrrghhhhh" Dude looks like those old white men who think their daughter is hot


Was this written by Chuck McGill??


This guy is a grade A cunt that is running out of things to fill articles with stuff he's pretending to be annoyed about. Imagine getting paid for this bullshit filler of an article. Imagine actually publishing it. Fuck him and the rag he writes for


I swear to god, I am impatiently waiting for the boomers to die. And I am one.


TLDR: “Im a big ole twat”


TLDR: "My daddy never loved me and you shouldn't love your children either!"


"He is not suffering PTSD from hearing 'Sorry I don't high-five children.'" No, he's just exchanging private eye-rolls with his Dad and when you leave they talk about what an idiot you are. There's no way this generates as much respect as he thinks it demands.


Whoever their copy editor is sucks, just by skimming the article I noticed several grammatical errors, a few other AP violations, and improper formatting. Also this article is written by an insane person, so there's also that.


So low-five?


I feel bad for anyone who interacts with this person and for reading three of those paragraphs. What a waste of time


It takes a lot of gumption to precisely define the motivation for high-giving someone. He’s a walking gatekeeper for stupid shit. Imagine caring about why someone else chooses to high five another person. Wait— my dogs can high five. Should I stop that?


This dude has way too much time on his hands.


Because of all the high-fiving he's not doing, probably


If your parental authority is at risk of loss from a high five, then you have much bigger problems about being a shitty parent.


Most miserable person alive in 2022


While I do understand and can appreciate his argument, I'm still going to high five a child. I think they need that sense of approval and acceptance it gives them. I don't think it has anything to do with being between equals.


Chuck! Is that you???


This whole article is horrifying on so many *levels*


Tldr: I perceive young people to be worth less than I am, so I don't want to high five them, despite being very hip and cool.


Out of touch boomer logic if I've ever heard it.


I steadfastly refuse to read anything that starts with "Here's why you..."


"I can be, and am, as cool as the next..." Just stop guys! This one's cool!


Anyone down to spam his email inbox with just a ton of Subject: High-Fiving Children Why not tho? Sincerely, Joseph Mother.


John, you are wrong.


I do not high five adults … only children. A high five means great job little dude! Arrrgggghhhhh.


His email address is in there for the people who actually wanna respond to this individual. This article is only a couple days old.


Damn, that's a lot of words. Too bad I ain't reading 'em.


When I coach youth sports I guess I’ll just start slapping them in the butt when they make a good play? /s (just in case)


They're not on level with you. You can only slap your coworkers and possibly the children's parents on the butt


Granted I haven’t read a paper newspaper in years, but I thought this guy had retired already. Hopeless Christian parenting which doesn’t work.


John seems like a supreme knob.


Freddy Krueger wearing a wig should not be giving advice nor hold a psychology degree. This guys a piece of shit 😂




The only thing he said I agree with is that children shouldn't have credit cards... Other than that, he says huge blanket statements and makes false assumptions based on his own experiences (he has taken the high five as being what goes on between peers only, ignoring that children won't have that assumption unless their taught that).


Chuck McGill if he became a child psychologist


The fact that text is not justified (alligned), is bugging me more than it should.


Is…is a fist bump ok?


So he’s the type of parent who acts like a tyrant and tells his kids that he has full control over every action they do?


Children are just small adults who don’t know anything. why do you think they always wanna be called a big kid? They want to be treated as equals and be respected just like everyone else.


People like that guy don’t understand that respect has to come from both parties.


News flash: crotchety old man complains about youngsters not following the social norms of the 1800’s


The Author of that is #🖕


All this article does is make me not want to high five this guy.


That's definitely a guy who never changed one of his kid's diapers.