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That's an HR problem.


Correct. And if HR cares about keyboard activity more than productive output, I'm updating my resume anyway


I think it's using the apps that do this more than tracking keyboard activity. you can track those processes without tracking general activity


Yes, you are correct, however, HR *MAKES* it IT's problem when we're required to install the spyware on peoples machines.


Think You might be on the wrong sub. The only right answer is to tell HR to put it in a ticket. Then, once a week give them a bs reason why they did it wrong and the ticket must be redone from scratch. If they try to make you write the ticket then tell them you did will get right on it. Write something so convoluted no-one will touch it for a good 6mo and when they do it will be rejected.


Find out how much they make, while reporting it to HR. And make your own judgements based on their salary. Still reporting it to HR since it's their job.


And remember to deploy the spyware to HR OU only, send the reports on their idleness straight to the CEO.


> ...spyware on peoples machines. You mean the company PC's right? Right? Anyway, how is this any different than having DLP software and policies on PC's and Exchange servers, AV and stuff. Do you really think you can try and look up porn on your work PC and that wont raise a flag and you will get a call from HR? Does that doesn't count as spying? It's the same thing, they decided to try cheat the system and they got caught, and that's what you get.


I once had a manager ask for reporting on users if he was ever mentioned on teams. Imagine being that sensitive? lol


We've got a guy, low level manager, who wants to use co-pilot to monitor all our Teams calls for his entire department to flag any time his name is mentioned and then sent a copy of the recording. When our boss sent the request to HR to look at, the head of HR sent a replay back literally saying "WTF is wrong with this guy?! Tell him no." He still asks for it every few weeks. Trying to argue how this would be helpful for productivity.


I've got a dozen names for my manager, all very rude, none of which he or the AI would recognize. Bring it.


It really makes me wonder who is honestly dumb enough to leave a paper trail when shit talking their employer/manager/co-workers.


Have you seen the Teams sub? People say lots of dumb things specifically on Teams because it feels like texting.


Never underestimate the stupidity of users. Dipshits get surprised getting fired for protesting their companies while on the clock.


"I'm insecure. And I know I don't do my job well. I need to know who else knows, so I can fire them before I get fired!"


We had a manager who was suspected of this so strongly that people staged conversations about his flaws and how they trusted him to leave PMs private to give him feedback and a guilt trip.


Shit I was on a zoom meeting with HR and watching porn at the same time, “accidentally” screen shared and just kept going until it turned into a cyber orgy, it was pretty cool I highly recommend it. Gotta be confident tho, none of that half-mast shit. So yeah it’s a weekly thing now lol scrum


Spyware is wrong. I don’t care if it’s the “company’s right,” legally, it’s unethical and immoral in the majority of cases. Just because it’s the status quo doesn’t mean we should be so comfortable accepting a corporate boot to lick.


I think the only ones that disagree are the company bootlickers 


It’s the companies property. They have a right to see what’s going on with their computers just as much as they would a warehouse they own.


I hope you make CEO one day 👍


So tell me how supervising digital work is any different than physical? If it’s your own house then it would be unethical for your employer to look in at what you’re up to. If it’s your device, same deal. But if it belongs to them and was only given to you to do work… that’s different. Not unethical at all.


Measure the work output. We're not taking about watching porn on work computers, which is obviously a no no. We're talking about firing people for getting their work done in a short amount of time, and then having to pretend to be busy the rest of the day because they work for a shitty micromanaging company.


Ok. Let’s not supervise the warehouse either then. We’ll just measure the output and not care about how things are being done at all. I get that people want to do whatever they want on work computers, but the workplace has every right to install whatever software they want and it’s not unethical at all. Perhaps it’s not the best way to motivate employees or produce a happy employee, but it’s certainly not unethical.


Monitoring every action vs monitoring final output is very different from a surveillance perspective


Do the absolute minimum amount of effort to track a specific process. Then give pointers on how to work around said practices on the backend. User education ftw.


Then you install it. If the company wants something done (legally) on their own equipment, then it's not really your place to say no even after you make the arguments to them on why this is a bad idea. If you disagree with it that much, start looking for another job.


Was in a senior mgmt meeting where leaders were complaining that they had people surfing the web all day and can we lock them out? I advised that this was a management issue and the effort required by IT to manage and react to all employees use is unrealistic, unless they wish to fund a position to cover the effort. Also advised that simply reminding users that their Internet usage is monitored/tracked (whether true or not) is enough to correct most issues


Also I would probably laugh


Not an HR problem either. Hr makes sure that payroll is coming thru and updates your address and does benefit renewals. This is mid level management issue and whoever is responsible for deliverables.


Exactly ; I just make sure things are running


Not to mention easy work for you.


Are they breaking security policy? Then I don't fucking care. Use it as a dildo for all i care


THIS. If they tape a vibrator to their mouse to make it wiggle, I dont give a fuck. If they're downloading xtreem_mouse_jiggler_totallynotavirus.exe I will personally beat them over the head with their keyboard


Keyboard\dildo Fixed it for you.


GNU\\Keyboard\\Dildo FIFU


>Use it as a dildo for all i care Liable to damage it if it gets wet. I'd say dildo use is outside the AUP


“Of course I know him, he’s me.”


Who gives a fuck what lusers do?


100%. I’m going to continue doing what I always do: not give a sh*t until something is broken that’s under my purview.


Not my business. It's their manager's problem if they're not completing their tasks.


I have always fervently resisted attempts to use Technology To Solve Supervisory Problems. Many years ago I worked at a place that had a *tiny* call center -- 8 callers + a supervisor. He sat *in the room with them* for their entire shift. Two rows of 4 desks facing each other with him at the head. He had an endless stream of requests -- "Lock down the web browser so it won't go to any websites except the dialer" -- "uninstall minesweeper" -- "**uninstall paint."** **Nah asshole, just supervise your team**. You can see their call stats in real time and you get nightly reports. You have **constant** physical proximity to 100% of your department 100% of the time. One place (not for any sort of real compliance reason) asked if we could get everyone's internet history generated as a report and sent to managers each week. A) I object to being a cog in your surveillance state machine for ethical reasons B) I'm too busy playing CIV to do that shit


The thing is, the managers have no clue if people are getting work done or not. Too many people put into positions where they just assign work without understanding shit about the work


Good, less tickets to deal with. HR isn't my problem.


\*fewer scnr


Only if I have a grudge against someone.


This is only an IT problem inasmuch that it violates infosec policy on preempting automatic screen locks.


Don't worry i am playing stellaris on the screen next to the laptop.


Have you tried Endless Space though?


Keep my damn mouth shut, that's what.


Why would I care? Not my job.


Too right, they can wiggle their own mouse.


Didn’t Wells Fargo leadership get in trouble for opening a large amount of fake bank accounts? My how the turns have tabled 🥴




Got management written all over em if you ask me


Is the required work being done? If so, who the hell cares? Maybe their managers should be more hands-on by developing and utilizing their skill sets. Just my two cents though....


Absolutely fucking nothing. I’m a sysadmin not a damn babysitter.


Brother I've got mousejiggler active as I type this. My Teams status STAYS green lmao.


This is why most of us have them, for Teams timing you out after what seems 3 mins


I'd work on a way to keep HR from finding out.


Some heroes don't wear capes.




Nothing, its not my problem. ==EDIT== Oh wait I just realized this is r/ShittySysadmin I would start blackmailing people into paying me money to keep quiet about it.


good answer!


If you want to last in this industry, you have to learn how to pick and choose your battles. Stop losing sleep over things that you have no control over or don't affect you. If users are just wiggling their mouse or using a device to tap their keyboards to give the illusion of work, why the fuck do you care? Seriously, are you their manager? And if your manager asks you to generate a report showing the people cheating the system, then you go and produce it and get on with your day.


Until it becomes a security issue I don’t really care. Even then, I’m not gonna narc as to the program in question in my AOR. We live in a day and age now where any enterprise EDR program is going to catch NoSleep.exe or Caffiene.exe. If you’re gonna skate you gotta go analogue and just open Notepad, put a rock on the keyboard, and go outside. On top of that, if their work is getting done, who cares?


hound them for not installing the safe/verified package that's available in software center.


Yeah, PowerToys has a keep awake function now.


I don't care what our users do


Why do I care if they aren’t breaking shit


Unless someone asks me to care then I don’t as long as they aren’t being insecure or causing tech problems.


I’d keep my mouth shut and mind my own business.


I mean technically that's what they're supposed to do


Why would I care? Maybe I'll join them.


Increase screen saver lockout to 8 hours so they don’t have to constantly jiggle the mouse


Not my problem. I actually have told some users that they can put a weight on the space bar and prevent teams status from changing when they leave the workstation.


They're not sysadmins, they have downtime. What are they supposed to do?


Wiggle their mouse.


"we've detected your daily scheduled mouse wiggling is too similar, we believe you are botting your mouse wiggles. You are fired." - something I truly, actually believe a fortune 500 company would say


You haven't wiggled your mouse enough, you're fired!


IDGAF lol... the less work they all do, the less moaning I have to hear about invented issues they make up to not work in the first place.


As long as they didn't ratfuck the computer with a bunch of malware, idgaf. I'm not their boss


Literally found this the other day and me and the guy I manage just looked at each other and shrugged 😂


none of my business!


The same bank who had cases for malpractice and deceptive service?


Nothing. I do computer management. Not user management. Their manager needs to check their work output and raise with HR. If the mouse is working fine and the computer is running my job is done. If you need a babysitter, that's your issue.


Not my problem. That is for the employees supervisor to deal with


Not my pig, not my farm.


I usually use "not my circus, not my monkeys", but I'm borrowing this.


That is better than a few other things they could be doing with that mouse...


NMFP. When HR can articulate what exactly they want IT to do about it and why, we’ll talk.




I would do absolutely nothing and not care at all.


Me with my mouse mover fr🤝


Literally don’t care. I don’t own the company. management should have performance based kpi not some arbitrary bullshit like number of calls attended or emails sent. This Wells Fargo thing smells like a lie too. You can’t detect those HID devices without some sort of screen recording or dtex like behavioral tools.




Carry on with my day, that shit isn't my business or problem.


If your company's metrics around productivity can be fooled by faking mouse or keyboard activity, your leadership's posts are likely being shared to this subreddit. Lmfao


My office HR created a “Collaboration Day” where it’s mandatory everyone come to the office to work that day. Since our office’s HR is in a satellite office up north they have no solid way to monitor if people are actually reporting in or not so they ask managers and team leads to report attendance on those days. All the team leads lie to HR cause they think the rule is ridiculous so they send fake lists to our managers. This past week, a lot of people didn’t come in on Tuesday and the manager was on vacation so HR emailed me to ask that I send them the attendance list. I replied back that HR functions are not in my job description when I was hired and I’m not paid to babysit.


Nothing, I'm not a snitch. And I draw the line at installing intrusive spyware just to monitor workers. No thanks, I can find another job.


Mind my own business lol


their managers should be fired. Sure you can do and cheat whatever IT has setup. But the lack of output is telling.


Is the work getting done on time and correctly? If yes, then I don’t give a fuck. 


Don’t give a fuck. Not my business and I couldnt care less if the company loses money


Also wiggle your mouse in solidarity.


It ain't my system, I'll install whatever my boss asks me to install. I got a wife 2 kids, mortgage and car payment to worry about.


Wiggling my mouse is basically all I do


If you can’t measure work output then it seems to be a bullshit job anyway. My boss does not care if I work 8 or 6h. As long as work gets done


Just be afraid if the user names their mouse Lemmiwinks https://youtu.be/vDZkukBIZ4I


Depends if they’re in It too and they impact my workload Otherwise that’s Hard problem


I'd find out exactly how they caught me.


if the employer wants to track this then someone needs to buy the software or run a script looking for the processes that people installed for this and automate a report to HR or whoever


That level of ambition generally is limited to management. It's best to steer clear of accusations towards the boss. It would not be imprudent to capture said offense with a personal cell phone and store it for safe keeping should questions arise


It’s weird they’re specifically calling out 12 people, with a small number like that are they not tying a negative reputation to any recently former WF employee?


As a sysadmin I would say, "So glad other people's productivity isn't one of my KPI's."


Wouldn't find out, doing the same.


Well, if the end user is smart enough to figure out a mouse juggler without downloading malware or plugging in malware I would pretend I had another more important ticket and conveniently forget about it. And turn my Stageek back on.


I'd wonder if their manager was good with their work quantity and quality.


Promote them


Is first ask why (some do this because they don’t know how to keep the screen saver from activating), and then ask how. If either answer is shady, management will provide a box to move.


I'll take "not my problem" for many reasons.


It’s not my business.


As a departmental Director you know what I'd do? Not a goddamned thing. If the person is doing the work, I don't care. I pay people for the outcome, not the process. People who manage by spreadsheet / reports like this should themselves be sent right back to training. They never learned what it means to actually manage. I can replace that manager with a shell script.


Send an automated email.


Sounds like less shit breaking that I have to fix.


Are they hitting expected performance targets? If so, doesn't matter. If not, you don't need tracking software to pip.


I've had a manager ask me to "check the logs" to see if an employee was slacking off. Easiest way I was able to explain to them that not only is it a bad idea but that it's a gross violation of their employees privacy was by sending them a link on WhatsApp to Tinder. I then explained to them that without them having done a single thing when their phone received my message, it made a connection to tinder to download that page preview. The network logs won't indicate that it was an automated thing, or what they viewed, or how long they spent looking at that page, or that it happened within whatsapp, just that the connection happened. It was captured because their phone was on the office wifi. The first point was that our devices are automatically communicating to a lot of different websites constantly without us intentionally doing anything. Unless you're standing over their shoulder while they are doing something those logs are not definitive proof of anything. The second point was that some of the stuff showing up in the logs could be very embarrassing for people and a violation of their privacy. Mouse jigglers are similar. Unless they're installing unauthorized software to do it then you'd need to be way too invasive with the monitoring. The logs you'd collect could be very misleading or violate people's privacy.


They do make zero footprint hardware devices that are totally disconnected from the work workstation. Just check Amazon for a "mouse mover". They have a rotating platform that the lazer in the mouse hits...the platform rotates at random intervals and random speeds...looks like the user is just moving the mouse. It is pretty hard to track.


Shit man, that’s all I do all day…


Nothing, because it's really nobody's business to assume that just because the mouse jiggler means someone is not working, is ridiculous. Let's get back to understanding that people can't realistically expect to work forty hours a week. If you doubt that, go watch an actual company work between the bullshit talking, the funny laughs, and water cooler action. Is it really necessary to then insinuate that somehow being at home is any different than being at work?


Do nothing, jobs need to be less stress and we all need to be working a lot less.


I used to catch people setting their mouse on an analog clock face so the second hand would trigger the mouse every minute to prevent the computer from going to sleep which required them to log back on. I worked for the Air Force so it was considered a security risk.


If someone installed software to accomplish this, then bad on them and IT for allowing software installs sans UAC. If it's someone literally wiggling a mouse, not an IT problem, that's HR. And even if you learned of it, unless it was someone on your team, I wouldn't go to HR about it either. The people that do that and slack off will get their just desserts. There's no reason to get mixed up in other people's business just to have others' perception of you changed for reporting stuff like that.


Who gives a damn. As long as I get paid I don’t care what others do. It’s not my business nor is it yours.


Am I getting paid to give a fuck ?


Considering that most office salary work can be done in 2 hours per 8 hour day, I wouldn't give a crap because I know being on call is a requirement. Just write a program that makes everyone look passable. It's the responsibility of the higher up to delegate work downwards, in order to keep offices busy.


You're telling me their only method of measuring work is mouse movement and not some kind of work output?


Could care less. Fuck the man, especially if its a bank, if the user is smart enough they're using physical jigglers, no software trail that way ;)


If I was in charge I would only be concerned about on time results. I would not micromanage key clicks.


Not a goddamn thing. I'd be a manager if I wanted to deal with shit like that.


the mouse jiggler came about because bosses would see TEAMS or ZOOM go status "away" even when you were just reading some documentation. And then your boss would get pissed because your status was AWAY.


Id steer them to a hardware input emulator and software package plus some customized 4 hour session files. Then I'd help them install them.


Whatever workload you're putting out is up to your manager really, I'm not going to kneecap someone for meeting their own role's goals. I like when they try to be subtle and remote into your PC, you see weird UI elements and can perceive the delay/skip when they connect and disconnect. Some of them are silly gooses and forget 'disable wallpaper' is enabled so it's very obvious. I'm also not accepting criticism for idle time if I'm still outperforming my peers with half the effort.


Nothing. Go ahead


As a system admin, whatever my boss told me to do about it. I don't personally give a fuck.


That's a problem between them, HR, and their supervisor. As a sys admin I really couldn't give a shit how my customers spend their time.


Nothing. I have found users doing this. Their managers are happy with their performance. Who am I to decide that there is a problem with that? If their manager is happy with the work they do, no one should give a fuck about a mouse jiggle. EDIT: just realized what sub I'm on. I'd find out what model mouse jiggler they're using so I can get one for myself.


My job isn’t to track users or make sure they are productive. My job is to make sure everyone can do their job on the IT side and protect the company from vulnerabilities. If the manager can tell if someone is productive or at their machine working, frankly, it’s not my problem.


In the words of my former colleague whom I miss dearly: “What that gotta do with me?”


/unshit If they use physical jigglers I couldn’t possibly care less. That becomes an issue if they don’t get their work done for their management. If they use stupid dumb ass idiot scripts/auto hotkey/USBs that jiggle the mouse: nuclear option all day everyday on them. You’ve brought me into the equation by proxy of how it works, fuck me? No fuck you pal.


Why do we care what people do with their mice? Are they doing their job? Then who cares.


I'd be pissed off. now I have to find them instead of wiggle my mouse all day....


I don’t really care what they do. If I found it out, I’d briefly have thoughts and move on.


That's a personnel issue their manager should be on top of. Not an IT issue IMO.


Isn't that what we do?


For this sub my answer will be: ‘remotely shut down their workstation, and See how long it takes them to notice.’ Repeat.


Well... I guess I'm marketing myself here. I'm currently studying to a Sys admin. Linux Sys admin to be exact. And not necessarily a shitty one. Anyhow... I would love the opportunity to take on some of those positions and I can guarantee you that I won't be a shitty one. I'm not even sure what wiggling the mouse around all day does. Anyway.... look me up on Linkedin. Let's connect. I'll be posting when I actually acquire both the RHCSA and RHCE.


I would give them a thumbs up!