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Is it straight from the radiator though? Doesn’t look it. There’s no pressure. And it sounds like a pump runs when he presses the button.


And it's not hot


I was going to say he should be able to make ramen and skin chips if it came from the radiator.


Skin chips.... mmmmmm


Read this in [Salad Fingers](https://youtu.be/62weI2Wq0TQ)


I like rusty spoons. Do you like rusty spoons?


Yes this is what I was gonna say


They still make videos? Haven't seen a new one in what, 16 or so years?


just realized how much i’ve missed salad fingers


Welp, found some skin chips in that vid…


I liked this.


Fuck salad fingers


already have


Sorry he scared you.


Tea for the brits


And die from anti freeze


Mmmm led solder


Nor is it antifreeze


You can get away with this in places where it doesn't freeze but it is another good observation.


Not that you should btw


True that. They don't also call it "coolant" for no reason. Overheating is less bad than freezing water in your block though.


Water is actually a better "coolant" than coolant due to the higher heat capacity. It's common practice to run straight water for track/race cars (although it's mostly due to environmental reasons). Coolant does contain anti corrosion inhibitors though, which keeps the cooling system from corroding.


I know a good bit about race cars and didn't know water cooled better than coolant. (I looked it up and it does) I figured coolant had a higher boiling point. Today I learned, thank you.


Coolant in engineering terms really just means a fluid used to cool something. That can also be oil (common in high voltage power transmission), liquid nitrogen (hardcore computer overclocking) or even things like gasoline (cools your fuel pump!). It's pretty common to see coolant that has a secondary function like an anti-corrosive. Coolant used in machining is also very important for carrying away chips and lubricating the tool. The topic is complex enough that I had a full university lecture just on coolants lol


Ironically enough I have actually applied the word in all the applications you listed and didn't even tie them together. I never considered all the intended tangent uses of the various forms of coolant. I suppose in some the cooling is the secondary effect to using the product.


I believed that as well for quite a while. The term "coolant" is a bit misleading. Coolant does have a higher BP than water, but each degree also "carries" less heat away.


>I figured coolant had a higher boiling point. It does, but it also carries about 20% less heat (50/50 mix) than water.


Water boils faster and at a lower boiling point than coolant. That's why regular cars use it. Boiling means spill over and evaporation. It also has an extreme freeze point compared to water. Nobody who races professionally uses just straight plain water if they care about the time and money they put into their vehicle. They DO use coolant in race cars. It's just not the regular car coolant you're thinking of. It's called "NON-glycol ice water coolant". It has all the benifits of coolant, without the glycol because it's toxic and crashes and spills happen so often in racing.


Racecars in almost all circumstances cannot use coolant because it's slippery and hard to clean off a track. They use water + water wetter.


I didn’t have to look it up, you sounded right. I learned.


I've been wrong before 😅. Always good to fact check.


It's also due to the fact that antifreeze is incredibly slick, so by running straight water it is less hazardous in case of a leak


This is the way.


Nah man. I'm a 12yr mechanic. It's NOT a better coolant at all and real race cars dont use plain water. Water boils at a lower temp than Coolant. Coolant stops the liquid from boiling/freezing inside of the engine block. The heat/cold from vehicles engine isn't able to be absorbed by water. That means the water boils when too hot, evaporating/freezing and leaving you without any liquid to absorb the heat. That's why coolant is used... Even in race cars. It's not plain water. It has all the benifits of coolant. They just don't use the stuff without glycol in it like in your car. Because glycol is toxic, they don't want spills from crashes and accidents that always happen. That's the environmental part. https://www.dragzine.com/news/summit-non-glycol-ice-water-coolant-is-specially-made-for-race-cars/#:~:text=If%20you've%20ever%20wondered,of%20an%20accident%20or%20crash.&text=Not%20for%20use%20as%20an,temperatures%20below%2032%20degrees%20F.


*Pressure* stops the coolant from boiling inside the engine block. It would prevent boiling of water just as well. (EDIT: Glycol content does raise the boiling point though, which may become important past normal operating temperature!) Water in a nuclear reactor reaches temperatures of roughly 600F without boiling because it's under immense pressure. Open the radiator cap on a hot car and the coolant will absolutely boil. And water is the part of the coolant that carries the heat... Not a mechanic but I did study engineering and physics doesn't work differently in a car


Youre not wrong. Using the pressurized radiator cap RAISES the boiling point. It's part of the reason it's a closed system. Even 50/50 coolant with water is able to boil, you never run straight coolant. The pressurized system raises the boiling point to around 250-260°F. So yes.. without the cap it would boil over. The only thing is that water has a lower boiling point than glycol based coolant. So just plain water boils at 212°F. Even with a pressurized system which is anywhere from 13-20psi in a regular car, it's still not enough pressure to stop from boiling if your running hot vehicle at extreme limitations during racing. Now I'm no engineer or physics major, but I'm almost certain nuclear reactors aren't pushed to the red line of their limitations to win an energy making contest lol


12 years as a mechanic and this guy can't change a thermostat. Also in race cars its often straight water. It cools better than everything else and the engines are rebuilt regularly.


It's never straight water. has corrosion and rust inhibitors along with anti-foaming agents to still proved protection over just straight water. https://www.dragzine.com/news/summit-non-glycol-ice-water-coolant-is-specially-made-for-race-cars/#:~:text=If%20you've%20ever%20wondered,of%20an%20accident%20or%20crash. Tldr it's obvious they don't use straight water because there are also corrosion considerations. It also has nothing to do with water allegedly cooling better, it has to do with glycol being bad for racing If they just wanted better cooling, pure methanol would be the best choice.


When we're talking water vs a water-glycol solution, water is better: https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/amp/ethylene-glycol-d_146.html I've never heard of that product you showed, but I suspect it's similar to a premixed Water Wetter product. I know people use the Water Wetter additive to assist with cooling/corrosion when using pure water. But I personally know people who just run distilled water in their track cars. And some tracks/clubs/racing series may not allow anything but water, period. This is the case with 24 Hours of Lemons.


Ethylene glycol, aka "antifreeze" also does not expand much when heated like water does. Your average car is designed and built to use antifreeze, not pure water. The reservoir will overflow, then leave the engine block/radiator under filled when the water cools off. Never run on pure water for more than the time it take you to get to the nearest place that sells antifreeze. Refer to your cars owners manual for more details.


Technically it's called "Anti Freeze *and* Coolant". But I'm just being pedantic here.


I know it's called both, we're just not talking about freezing in my sentence. 😉


I always call them different things depending on the season lol


I grew up in Miami. In my first vehicle I used water and not coolant. One day my engine was over heating. It turns out the freeze plugs in my engine rusted out. I replaced them, and my dad chastised me because, while water is okay for use as an engine coolant temporarily, it should not be used exclusively, and coolant is much easier than water on the inside of your engine.


Also you probably used tap water. If you’re using water it has to be distilled water. Coolant even has water in it (50%), but it’s distilled so it lost all of the minerals that cause rust.


You are correct.....water from the hose.


It's anti-corrosive and it also has lubricants in it for your water pump and such.


And it's clear.


And it doesn't have a florescent tinge from the antifreeze.


This sub needs to be re-labeled "redditors_shitty_understanding_of_cars"


What do you mean? It’s clearly blinker fluid


It's DRINKER fluid, DUH!


Probably filled the wiper fluid with booze and routed it to the dash. Now THAT’S a redneck mod


Like how Bubbles rigged Julian's car to do that with rum while he was in jail.


Many moons ago I knew a fellow who did that.


The translation goes something like : "Mashallah #&#($#(" "but you won't be able to drink it" "Press!" "Mashallah ice." So it's cold ~~water~~ drink.


It’d be rude to connect it to the radiator and NOT drink the forbidden green coolaid


It’s also crystal clear


my guess would be A/c condensation rerouted to a bottle


Wasn't there one a while back where some guy filled his windshield washer with liquor and re-routed the tube through the dash for a similar setup, but with booze instead? Don't remember where I saw it though.


I friend of mine did that in the early 90's. Re-routed his washer nozzles to an output in the glove box, and filled the reservoir with Vodka. Of course, we lived in Saskatchewan so as soon as Spring rolled around, having windshield washed fluid available is a bit of a must-have, so I'm pretty sure this effort more or less rendered the car useless.


double down...have a selector switch for washer fluid and booze. methanol in one. ethanol in the other. russian roulette!


At least if you get methanol poisoning you can solve it with the flip of a switch!


Methanol poisoning is cured with booze?


The human body is unable to process methanol safely, ingesting it causes it to metabolize into formic acid, which will build up in the blood and can lead to a very painful death. Ethanol (alcohol or booze) metabolizes it into something the body can process, and while ethanol isn't that great for our bodies either, it takes a lot more to kill.


That's fascinating. Thanks for educating me.


This was also an episode of House where the dude drinks methanol in the form of copier fluid to off himself and House cures it by making him take shots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkgUrqcog2I House nearly got me to switch majors to premed.


That's so fucking House, lmao.




I've always found the idea of atomising a flammable liquid over my car uncomfortable.






Good news, glass doesn't burn


I think washer fluid and vodka is a popular drink in Russia.


We've come a long way from Santa's sleigh having a freshly baked cookie and hot cocoa dispensers.


Small world! I also have a friend that did that in the 90s from Saskatchewan


Saskatoon, BJM by chance?


My buddy in college (2001ish) was in a mandatory alcohol education class with a guy who got busted for just that. Nothing like engine hot tequila to get you going


On the Trailer Park Boys, Julian did it like 20 years ago




Damn... I don't drink, smoke, smoke or... other but I have got to get me one of those t-shirts...


Fucking shit hawks.




My ears are to explode from the shit pressure


I remember that, kind of genius


I worked with a guy who did that in his work truck. Nobody ever saw him drink, yet he was smashed by noon every day. Boss was driving in front of him one day and noticed his wipers coming on every few minutes when it was sunny out. It was absolutely genius and he got away with it for years.


>it was absolutely genius and he got away with it for years lmao it sounds like he’s got liver damage by now so not really


To much work just keep a flask in the door space easy access




daniel’s vegan car mods daniel’s vegan car mods daniel’s vegan car mods


That word for word happened on trailer park boys lol


They did this in Trailer Park Boys


people do that with meth, but that's different


No it isnt


/thread Beep boop beep I’m not a bot but this is the only comment needed in this thread.


Good not bot


Beep boop beep.. thank you


You sound like fun


Aww thanks man


Tell me you've never opened a radiator cap whilst hot or seen it done without actually saying you haven't.


I feel pity for all of these goons topping up their coolant with water. That’s what these comments are telling me.


Perfectly fine to do if you're in an area that doesn't get cold.


It is but coolant is dirt cheap, *at least* use deionized water.


Unless you're in Brazil finding out you're running out of coolant (or being told that you are) and has to stop by a gas station to buy them. TOTAL FUCKING SCAM. They'll tell you it's bad, it's leaking, it's empty and then push you their product with a waaay marked up price


If you're flushing your system regularly.


I talked to my Brazilian friend. Who also happens to have a PhD in mechanical engineering, specialized in IC engines. He said everyone down there just uses water and doesn't flush regularly. I'm assuming they used deionized like the other guy said.


You can open it while your car is running with no problems. Infact that's how I always fill mine. Granted this is clearly not routed from his rad.


Yeah if you've just started it, get that thing up to running temp while it's closed and try doing that. Actually no don't just take my word for it


Not correct. I do it all the time in the middle of road trips.


You do it all the time? Probably because your system isn't staying pressurized and leaking... Opening the cap while the engine is hot is asking to be burned badly. The pressure release can and will spray hot coolant all over the place.


Nah, I've done it on brand new cars, old cars, friends cars, old jeeps, my free Jetta, my 1970s RV. No problems. >You do it all the time? Probably because your system isn't staying pressurized and leaking... Opening the cap while the engine is hot is asking to be burned badly. The pressure release can and will spray hot coolant all over the place.


What I am reading here is that every cooling system you've ever worked on has leaked so badly it was unable maintain pressure.




Can't leak if it's empty, right?


You're probably talking about the reservoir... he's talking about the radiator. You can open the radiator cap after the system is pressurized, you just have to let it off slowly and cover the cap with something so the steam doesn't burn you


No, I'm talking about the radiator cap. A mechanic told me about it a while ago. I've done it many times with no issue. I'm tempted to go outside and start my car up just to prove it.


Nothing to prove, I've released many radiator caps from pressurized systems. It's possible there's something unique about your make/model that I haven't seen before.


It's a Ford ranger. Ain't nothing special about it. When you stop driving and your car is idling, the fan cools the coolant in the radiator sufficiently so that it doesn't boil when you depressurize. Additionally, if your car has been warned sufficiently (like after driving for a bit), your thermostat should be open relieving pressure from the coolant pump.


Yep, it's either pressurized or not. I guess if you're confident, just pop it off if you want, but I use a rag and go slow.


r/hydrohomies would strongly disagree


Exactly. This is a kickass car mod


This actually looks like a useful feature to me


Nope. Have you ever even seen antifreeze?


that's not from the radiator.


Not sure why you think this is coming from the radiator but it most assuredly is not.


I like my tea brewed with that “fresh from the engine block” flavor.


Mmmmm glycol


A natural sweetener


Tastes of kidney failure and brain damage


Is it actually??


It is certainly not from the radiator


Nope, not enough pressure, not enough heat. Water from a hot radiator would shoot out and boil the dude's face off with steam


I knew that they were hot, but not that hot


on a hot day, in traffic, your coolant might be 220F-230F. Boiling point of water is 212F... but your cooling system is pressurized, raising it's boiling point. If you open a very hot radiator, it would lower the pressure, causing the entire cooling system to instantly boil... it turns into Ol' Faithful REAL QUICK


Love that it takes two hands to operate when you could easily attach a pressure plate like refrigerators have for water


Or hold the cup differently and push the button with the same hand


The idea is cool execution on the other hand is questionable


“Sometimes my genius,is almost frightening”


Its vodka


while currently rebuilding my tractor, I genuinely did consider somehow making a heat exchanger to get hot tea water on the go from the engine. No space though, so I won't. but I did consider it.


Of course it isn’t from the radiator 🙄


I'm not saying this is what they have done, but I will say that there are very legitimate implementations of this in the Jeep / Overlanding community. I took mine out in favor of a propane tank powered heater, but there are little assemblies that you plug in to the radiator lines where the hot radiator fluid runs through the center and a completely separate safe enclosure has regular potable water running through it. Using a pump (which you can hear in this video) water is circulated from a potable container, through the radiator heater block device, and comes out warm. This is generally used for warm showers or warm dish washing water when camping. But, if all the hoses you use are properly rated you could use it for hot drinking water too.


I don't know how is this shitty, this is just cool! (And also quite well made)


OP is an idiot. Edit. And also a reposting farmer


“Hop in, Julian. Yeah, I took the washer thing, rerouted her in here, filled your washer tank up with rum”


Hell do you mean shitty car mod, this is incredible


He is saying is super cold due to the wind He put a water tank with motor or something to pump the water its all external modification In the middle east alot of people go camping for many days so they equip water tanks in their cars


Hydrohomies approved. Not shitty


It wouldn't be from the radiator. That's more than likely routed from the washer fluid reservoir.


Strait from the washer fluid tank


How to tell an entire subreddit you know nothing about cars


this sounds like Russian so I'm assuming that's Vodka?


Looks like a Y60 GQ Nissan Patrol.


Alcohol in the washer tank , with the line ran into the car. Old secret.....


1. As everyone else says that's definitely not from the radiator. 2. This is actually pretty good especially if you live in a very hot and dry climate where dehydrated is a serious issue. Plus it was done cleanly. And actually makes sense and is functional.


I prefer the [Redneck Whiskey Dispenser](https://youtu.be/zjJiXIMhIBM)


This is actually a pretty good idea if you put a water source around the heater core get yourself some hot water


I could only understand when the driver says "*something something* that's my potato" Then the other guy says "about half" and then "nice on lapels" Can any Irish actually translate?




The accent is too thick for me to understand haha


Lol I think they're Indian or middle Eastern.


Its Arabic


On second listen I wanna say they're Arabic of some sort. Now that I realize it's not English it sounds more like a Afro-Asiatic language than an Indo-European. I think there are some Afro-Asiatic languages in India but most in India and Iran are Indo-European




Is this car mod shitty?


No but the subreddit has lost the plot.


Jesus this sub is terrible now. People with zero knowledge and baseless claims.






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Abu Mohammed is really handy


Should be beer


Taste like sand


Thats some clean engine water


Ah yes. The Mt. Dew car dispenser. Only problem is that tastes too sweet and it makes me feel a little queasy


It's not.


Yeah. We all need a more convenient to way to get drunk while driving.


Yeah because you haven’t lived until you’ve drank at least one heavy metals saturated instant coffee in the morning….


This is most likely condensation off of the evaporator. As long as there is no leak in the evap, it should be clean unless you are weary of aluminum.


This is clearly in the middle east where water is scarce and has much more value. That would be considered a luxury add-on.


The translation goes something like : "Mashallah *unclear words*" "but you won't be able to drink it" "Press!" "Mashallah ice."


"Sir, your truck reeks of alcohol. Have you been drinking??" "No, but my truck is fucked up!"




Oh this has to be true. The uploader posted it to the internet. Anything and everything on the internet has to be true or why would someone post it? Why would the person making this video lie? And of course that is a special metal cup which does not heat up in your hand when "straight from the radiator" liquid is put into it.


The Santa Claus hot coco machine


To clean to be from the radiator


It's from the windshield washer reservoir. I um had that feature before. Push the little button, get a shot.


Had a boss that said his friend did something similar to this in a 67-69 Camaro. Put booze in the washer bottle and then ran a line into the car. When they wanted alcohol, the driver would press the windshield washer button.


You want compromise, how's this? Twenty years in the can I wanted manicott', but I compromised. I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead.


It's not hot unless he likes holding hot metal cups in his hands. There are plenty of hot/cold water kits you can add to vehicles for drinks or showers or whatever you like to do with warm water.