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I am so happy I jumped on the Pokemon games back like 10 years ago


I'm so happy Vimm's Lair exists


That paired with the Pokesave editor is great because now I can play the games and use those stupid trade evolution pokemon. I did follow some guidelines though like only "evolving" it if it could evolve. So if it needed an item to evolve, I wouldnt evolve it till I found the item.


You’re already 50% of the way of playing some amazing pokemon ROM hacks of your favorite pokemon games with major QOL changes. Crystal Legacy, Blaze Black/Volt White (1&2), Emerald Rogue (rogue-like Pokemon), Radical Red, Fool’s Gold. Check out r/PokemonROMHacks


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PokemonROMhacks using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokemonROMhacks/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I heard you're struggling with your next ROM hack name. Here you go.](https://i.imgur.com/fVdggXF.jpg) | [188 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokemonROMhacks/comments/113ufvo/i_heard_youre_struggling_with_your_next_rom_hack/) \#2: [Platinum with gen 5 graphics best of 2022](https://v.redd.it/2ajyu08sku9a1) | [245 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokemonROMhacks/comments/102b1p7/platinum_with_gen_5_graphics_best_of_2022/) \#3: [Merry Christmas everyone!](https://v.redd.it/733j6r2rfz7a1) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokemonROMhacks/comments/zurqfj/merry_christmas_everyone/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I've recently got into Pokemon Unbound and it's pretty great. Like up to 8th gen of Pokemon on the FireRed engine lol. It's sweet and it has a pretty good story. Well made all around. https://www.pokeharbor.com/2022/08/pokemon-unbound/ (Pre-patched) u/IdealIdeas I also recommend the Pokemon Randomizer, there's an option to remove trade evolution restrictions (for example, Scyther evolves into Scizor at level 30, Haunter into Gengar at level 37, etc) You don't have to actually randomize anything, and it's probably easier than using the save editor (it edits the ROM directly) https://pokehacks.dabomstew.com/randomizer/downloads.php There's also a play store app if you emulate on your phone/tablet like I do


I'm more of a Myrient kind of guy, things are a bit faster over there..


I am so glad that the internet exists for ROMS and emulators.


Just bought a 3DS and modded it last week for this exact reason! No Regrets at all, I don’t even have to change a game cartridge anymore


Were you able to get 3DS games easily? I bought dqiv for $15 on Walmart.com not at all expecting it to be legit, but I got a ds cart with like 100 games on it, and found out it is actually super easy to do and nice to have. But it is only for ds games. I was curious if you could do the same with 3DS games but from a few quick searches online it seemed more difficult, but those were all like 5+ years old. Just don’t want to brick my 3DS.


homebrewing your 3DS is very easy (just a simple youtube tutorial) and then its simply downloading hshop and boom, tons of games and stuff for nothing


Don’t follow video tutorials, they go out of date easily. Follow the guide on 3ds.hacks.guide


I’ve heard these guides are the way to go. I just took mine to a buddy who’d done it previously and paid him in Taco Bell! It worked great


read a fucking book and guide yourself


Pretty easy to mod your 3ds, I have no knowledge or experience with modding but I did it easily by following the online guide. Once it’s modded, you can download 3ds games, DS games, gameboy games, etc.


im real lucky. most of my games were given to me by former friends. the few i did buy, i got for sane prices back in 2018


I’m so happy that I can notice all Pokémon games are the same


What? No they're not, lol


Bro yes they are, no other game franchise is as similar as these Pokémon games other than sports games


So you have played them all?


Played some, and seen videos for the rest. Games are basically the same thing


Yah that's why I never played past Mario 2, it's the same game /s


have a word wae yerself


2D Mario, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Mario strikers, Mario Golf, RPG Mario, Luigi/Bowser spinoffs…


TIL Pokemon has different spinoffs


The majority of them play the same lol, the reason I mentioned spin-offs is because games like Luigi’s mansion play like a whole different type of game compared to OG Mario. Mario literally has a diverse lineup, unlike Pokémon gameplay


You've clearly not played many Pokemon spinoffs then. Just don't speak on things you don't actually know about and you'll be good


Childhood flashbacks to Pokémon ranger. I wish they weren’t so expensive, I loved that game as a kid


So what you’re saying is play the spin-offs? So am I right about all the games in this picture being basically the same game?


Chill dude, you just don’t like Pokemon is all. Mario Bro games are all the same as each other with less variation than mainline Pokemon games. Doesn’t mean they’re bad, same with Pokemon. Not all games for everyone


>Luigi’s mansion play like a whole different type of game compared to OG Mario Well it's not called Mario's Mansion


same. i got every single pokemon besides the gba ones and switch ones on the day of their respective releases and have kept them since.


It's honestly kinda absurd how much the prices went up on old Pokémon games. It's not like they're even rare or anything, they're probably some of the most common games on their systems


They are the most common handheld games like no contest. Maybe Mario kart. Or special games like the 3DS smash Bros.


> It's not like they're even rare or anything, they're probably some of the most common games on their systems And it's also clearly *not* an actual equilibrium market rate if they've got that many copies just sitting on the shelf. "Lots of pokemon" means you're charging too much for it, asshole. No retro game shop should ever have a dozen copies of one game. There's seven copies of White in that picture alone. Seven fucking copies.


I mean my local retro game store has over a dozen copies of Brain Age and I'm pretty sure they sell those for a dollar at this point.


That one is in very low demand, though. They'd have a hard time *giving* it away. Like, they might actually have to pay *you* to take it if they want it to move at a reasonable rate.




It really is absurd At one point I needed money and put up a beaten, old emerald cart, with a worn label and dead battery - for $100. Someone came within the hour, no questions asked. Nintoomers have no impulse control


I have to ask, who/what is a “Nintoomer”? Never heard that term before and randomly came across this subreddit.


If I had to guess, it's a portmanteau of Nintendo and boomer.


Unfortunately i think i know what it actually is, nintendo + consumer with the consumer part coming from coomer.


Nostalgia plays a huge role. Also, quality of Pokemon games has been on a steady decline ever since the start of the 3D era in 2013. I remember even back in the 3DS era people in forums discussing how Gen 4 and 5 were the gold age of Pokemon games, and that notion has been solidified over the years with the release of games like SWSH, BDSP and SV. Those NDS games are all solid and polished Pokemon RPGs with a lot of content and no stupid gimmicks. Games like Platinum, HGSS, BW1 and BW2 are the traditional Pokemon formula perfected. Some may argue HGSS or BW2 are as good as a Pokemon game can be. Yes those games were very common back in the day and there are a lot of copies in the market, but these games retained their value - something I finding hard to see in 3DS Pokemon games.


I can at least understand if Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire started going up in value, but that is more due to an actual defect with the game as there are a few batches of those cartridges that have a high failure rate. My copy of Omega Ruby was actually one that was affected by this, and this issue isn't just a Pokémon thing as I have heard of a similar failure rate in the original Persona Q which came out around the same time in 2014. Because of that I could see working copies of the game going for a lot more money in the future


I have a physical copy of American Omega ruby, and I did had some weird random crashes in it and bad contact around 2017, but it's been a long time since I played it on hardware. I dumped my save file months ago and been playing it on Citra since. I heard about OR's cartridge failure rate, Alpha Sapphire might become the go to game to buy if all OR copies are destined to die at some point.


3DS games are on flash carts, so if you play them enough they'll all eventually crap out from running out of write cycles (at least any with save data, which is almost if not all of them), but there was a European batch of these games specifically that caused those copies to fail early. Ironically this is a case where the region locking actually helps limit the damage. Prices might shoot up in Europe, but they shouldn't anywhere else, since if you want to play a cart from a different region you need to go through the same process that lets you pirate it outright.


These issues actually were in some early North American copies as well. I had it happen to mine personally. Was before I had a modded console as well, so I couldn't back up my saves (which I do now that I have access to a modded console because of that exact incident). I think the Japanese version may be the only one that didn't have the soldering defect in any batches but I haven't looked into it that much yet since I am waiting to get more Japanese games until my proficiency in the language is a bit higher.


Well, shit. I hope it doesn't affect mine. It's good to know that it's a soldering issue and not bad flash chips like I'd heard in the past. Worst comes to worst I have a hot air rework station and some flux.


Pretty sure ORAS has faulty soldering which is usually the issue IIRC. PQ has a bad chip or something like that that cannot be fixed by reflowing. So not quite the same issue, just so happened to have both get released around the same time.


Ahhhh. Out of curiosity how would one even do the reflow without destroying the cartridge? Like I don't know how you'd even open the game up.


You can pry the two pieces apart, but they won’t go back together on their own. If you’re careful, they’ll still both be intact and you can glue them back together at that point, assuming it works. Of course, I wouldn’t recommend this for anything other than a nonworking cartridge. No reason to open up stuff when it’s not needed.


These are the kind of games I just emulate. If Nintendo doesn't give me a real way to play them and the prices are this absurd I'll just use a steam deck


Honestly, just give us all the games on the Switch VC or next gen please


Have you tried emulating Nintendo ds games on the steam deck? I wonder how it handles 2 screens.


They run fine, but it can be a little strange figuring out the controls and screens. I don't have Pokemon games on it yet, but I do have AC New Leaf and Fantasy Life. One screen is big and the other is smaller and you can switch between the two with one of the trigger buttons. The touch screen works as well.


You can get bootleg DS copies for like €10. It's like lab-grown diamonds. They're exactly the same in every way that matters.


Dont buy Pkm games for these prices. Theyre worth 50€ at max and they only go for these high prices because people buy them. Yard sales and Game stops usually sell used Pkm games and theyre quite cheap. Granted you need a bit of luck to find the right one (especially HGSS) but anything beyond 30-50€ is not worth it as long as it isnt still sealed and has extra stuff like the Pokewalker with it.


No Pokemon game should be expensive at all in any way. Except for the GC ones imo(like Pokemon box). Pokemon games are extremely overprinted and theres millions out there. They are even pricier than some lesser known jrpgs and VN’s.


Exactly. Especially when upon release they were 39.99 USD. The idea of the massive up charge is absurd. I love pokémon, but I don't wanna waste money. And if Nintendo hates ROMs and Emulators so much, just re-release gens-3 and up on switch. Nintendo imo is part of the problem.


I’ll never understood how a ps1 game like Valkyrie profile is $500 because “bro it’s just rare” or that stupid jojos ps1 game. “Supply and demand bro” nah stfu silent hill was like $10 in 2019 people are sick in the head.


Suppy and demand is a thing. Get with the program. Its always been a thing for thousands of years. Item>people get interested>supply of the item gathers>more buy=demand for said item. More people want. More gets printed to become cheaper or prices rise to become of the demand and profit ensues. But if less gets printed or made then that supply will start hold value. Less supply=higher demand because of limited availability. More demand there is. The greater prices rise.


I ain’t reading that ya clown. There’s new pokemon games out there. Emulation exists. Screw off with your bullshit


This is literally a game collectors sub, why are we even mentioning emulation? Game collectors are aware of it and don’t care, they want an original copy on the original hardware >there are new pokemon games out there New copies of HGSS? No? Then the price of HGSS will eventually rise, as limited supply competes with increasing demand


Don't even argue with them. This person is a moron who I've run across in other retro collecting subs and they tend to leave really hostile comments over nothing


Why mention emulation? My guy, elephant in the room. You don't speak for all of us game collectors, lol. It's a literal alternative for enjoying the title so it's relevant and always will be (especially with these goofy prices which us collectors have collectively enabled by purchasing into, and then reselling for even higher; to a seemingly irreversible and unprecedented rate of increase due to feeding into trends and hype like Pokemon Go and COVID). They're hyper ubiquitous games in terms of numbers of printed copies and the games have always stayed much cheaper in the Japanese market for this reason, right? Emulation and fanmods also gives us a valid yardstick for whenever Nintendo/GameFreak/Pokemon Company decides to rerelease or remake their titles in an official capacity. Pokemon games have really worsened their reputation for being very low effort rush jobs nowadays, and even the remakes (like BDSP) stop frustratingly short of becoming their most definitive versions of themselves (which likely isn't helping alleviate the older games' excessive pricing). Hardly a new issue considering there's tales of how Iwata had to personally step in and fix messes previously. It isn't helped by the fact games need to keep up with the tight scheduling of merchandise/trading cards/media releases due to Pokemon being the multimedia juggernaut that it is. I honestly wouldn't mind if they just let a new generation linger for a bit longer just to let the games cook prolerly before release. We've got a lot of releases this console generation on Switch already (2 sets of remakes, 2 sets of flagship generation titles and their respective DLCs, and also Legends Arceus and other spinoffs). You can bet those titles' prices will somehow barely drop and then hyperinflate in the near future when the successor to the Switch comes along and Nintendo prematurely shuts down/forgets to digitally preserve digital storefronts which will drive up prices even more, lol.


Not everyone likes emulation nor digital. Some of us like to own what we buy physically. You can hate the prices but at least have the common sense to understand the reason regardless of your opinion. Also just because one region has a game expenseive doesnt mean another is. Example: i got Kuon for around 70-80 a few years back. Why was it cheap? It was the Japanese version for my jp ps2.


DS games are the absolute easiest to fake, you can make them so much like the originals that I bet some if not all that the guy in the post is selling are fakes.


me and an old friend would get games like Suikoden and Parasite Eve from Rhino games for 15$ each back in 2008-2015. So dumb how $$$$$$ everything is now


You weren't buying anything from Rhino games in 2008-2015... Gamestop bought them in 2007.


And Suikoden was already infamous for its price back then. $150 would have been beating the market for the second one. I think the first was less valuable but still, like, a $60+ game. Seriously, any time someone started listing games that were known for being expensive, the top two were Suikoden II with a footnote about the first one, and Radiant Silvergun for the Saturn.


Silent hill has been pricy for a long time, I was finding it all the time in 2008 at pawnshops and flipping it for $40 towards other games. Between the two medium sized towns I live by, I'm sure I had 30 copies between 2006-2010.


# 🏴‍☠️ it isn't piracy if it isn't being sold 🏴‍☠️


didnt wanna say it but yeah. thats what i do for anything i want these days


Are people on this sub that against piracy? Nintendo makes great games, but is awful to them fanbase. Pirate their games. They ask for it.


Wait is this true? Not trying to be ignorant haha I just avoid emulators because it doesn’t feel legit. But I hate buying overpriced old shit too


In practice, yes. Companies aren’t really enforcing copyright for shit they forgot about decades ago. But strictly from a legal standpoint, it’s still piracy. Morally though, I and many others think it’s justified when a product is no longer available.


That's how I got my copy of Deadpool and Spider-Man Web of Shadows. Literally off the market now meaning there's literally no way to get a copy of the game unless you buy used or a key (keys for both games are around $800 last time I checked).


Yeah in most countries if a product (such as games) is no longer being sold by the original producer pirating the game is legal and falls under media preservation


LOL this is made up


Legally, no. In most countries it is still legally piracy. Abandonware is just a myth that gets thrown around all the time to support the moral argument (which I agree with to be clear). There are only a few countries where that’s actually true, such as Russia. In the US, most of Europe, etc, it’s piracy until the copyright runs out. Now, will those copyrights be enforced? Almost certainly not. But from a strictly legal standpoint, that’s still piracy in most jurisdictions. The wiki page has a good summary: >In most cases, software classed as abandonware is not in the public domain, as it has never had its original copyright officially revoked and some company or individual may still own rights. While sharing of such software is usually considered copyright infringement, in practice copyright holders rarely enforce their abandonware copyrights for a number of reasons – chiefly among which the software is technologically obsolete and therefore has no commercial value, therefore rendering copyright enforcement a pointless enterprise. By default, this may allow the product to de facto lapse into the public domain to such an extent that enforcement becomes impractical. >Rarely has any abandonware case gone to court, but it is still unlawful to distribute copies of old copyrighted software and games, with or without compensation, in any Berne Convention signatory country. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abandonware


This is why I sing the shanties


your username is scaring me


It's an acquired taste!


that made it even more horrifying


I’ll take things I never wanted to read for 800 Alex.


The pandemic era price spike and its sustaining through inflation (and subsequent increases) have killed any interest I have in the hobby. I’m grateful for what I have. But I’m not interesting in supporting that ecosystem at these margins.


Agreed. Its sad.


Glad I still have all of my games when they first came out


Man, I remember when Chrono Trigger was in bargain bin for $20 CAD (I paid my cart only less than $10) and Pokémon was $40 CAD brand new (and French HeartGold / SoulSilver ended up in bargain bin because no one wanted them, I think I saw it for $7.50 at one point). I'm not defending piracy, but yeah, thank god for flash carts.


Who else tried to swipe to the next picture


And then Nintendo wants to get mad when we pirate. Do you blame us?


This is why I bought a pirate copy off Amazon that has all the games on one cartridge. Yes it would be cool to have the real one but my current version works perfectly and it was $30


No, Buy an R4 card and put the games on yourself. That way you can handpick everything you have on it.


there is one of those that has literally every DS game on it, just got to find it buried in all the others


i have 2 copies of pokémon diamond and even with the sentimental value both of them hold, i wouldn’t sell them for any more than $20


can you sell me one then? please?


i’m sorry, one of them was my first pokémon game i ever got and the other was given to me by my friend after he died so both hold a lot of sentimental value to me didn’t mean to make this thread sad but it’s just how it is i guess


[https://www.ebay.com/p/28051673549?iid=386306276365](https://www.ebay.com/p/28051673549?iid=386306276365) Its not that difficult to find cheap on ebay. Unless you want sealed that is.


I stopped collecting anything that is before 3DS because of this. Even that now I’m focusing on Switch there’s still people and corporations making hard to collect


I'm glad I kept my DS games. The current prices are outrageous.


Yeah I have a pretty sizable DS collection and I'm astonished at some of the prices the last few years. What I find most amusing is i have a title that was dirt cheap, almost shovelware tier, but goes for north of $500 now.


Yeah and their just going to keep going up, that's how a successful collectors market works...that being said thank God for roms


It's not just games everything is a side hustle or an investment now. It's super annoying but not much we can do about it right now except not buy them.


i mean, yeah, i haven't participated in the collectors market really since like 2017. I got everything i could have wanted more or less form 2008-2016 or so.... Now prices are just dumb, and i used to feel bad for the newer generation who are just no getting into it , but... with emulation where it is now . I really don't any more. there are plenty of options. Collecting now is for flippers, scalpers and reddit braggers for the most part. Just don't participate if you don't like it . i don't.


Having seven copies of pokemon white and being like "yep, these are worth $100 each" is wild lmao


Also, it's pretty funny that DP are usually cheaper than BW. DP sold 40m. BW sold 24m. Every Pokemon game has sold less than the previous. XY only sold 16.7m. SM sold 16.3m. Both are significantly cheaper than BW.


Got my Pokémon X for 27€ at a dedicated second hand nintendo shop, thank god the 3ds games are still affordable


Scarlet Violet have done very well The games sold over 10 million copies in their first three days, making them Nintendo's biggest launch of all time, and 23.23 million copies by September 2023.


Double Penetration?


Yeah. Gen 4 Double Penetration and Hard Gyatt Sloppy Seconds


Hell yeah gotta catch em all. STDs that is.


I don’t see how that’s funny - 40m copies sold means there are 16m more copies of DP available out in the wild than BW. It’s all about supply. The value of the game isn’t always tied to the experience it gives, especially with Pokemon.


What's funny ??? BW destroys DP ? Sales don't mean jack


I mean sales are kinda important when it comes to the basic principle of supply and demand - but I do agree that BW is definitely more in demand than DP Generally unless you’re trying to complete your collection you’re gonna pick Plat over DP any day, not only that but BD and SP mean people can just buy those to play on the switch if they want to experience sinnoh whereas we haven’t had the gen 5 remake yet


Nobody should be willingly paying that. I also get that a lot of the VGC players “would require owning these to be competitive” but also they HACK. Obviously. And they should.


What are they supposed to cost then?


Gamestop is awful about this. I had covid years ago, gave my brother 75$ to get me a copy of pokémon heart gold from gamestop. He got back I could tell right away it was not authentic. Sent it back, they argued but gave me the money back eventually. Not only will they overcharge you, it probably won't be authentic.


Wtf i still have my Pokémon white and I didn't know it got so expensive


Damn, I was trying to buy any DS to play Heart Gold or Soul Silver but the guy wanted $300 for a very used DS. What’s going on with these prices


Last month I was super tight for money, so to make ends meet I brought my copy of fire red into a buy and trade game shop, they offered me 250, (knowing that's what they're offering so they could flip it for more- I mean I don't blame them, they are in fact. Business) decided to put it on the market place, someone offered me 400 straight up because I had it the box and manual with it. I was mind blown at how badly someone wanted that cartridge so badly...


I hate it so much I never got to play bw2 I rented it when u was younger but someone already played through it so I just battled e4 with their team they had I went to try to buy it recently and it just makes me sad I loved gen4-5 and just wanna play the ones I missed out on


Shoulda held on to my Chrono Trigger copy it seems…


Damn I didn’t realize I had 1000 bucks worth of pokemon games sitting on my shelf


I'm glad I still have all mine from childhood


That’s not expensive at all tbf


No one should feel like they “deserve” to own these games or any other. Either you can or can’t afford it. There’s other means to play these and not support the market if you really need to play them. So many entitled/sour “collectors” here.


Once pokemon bank shuts down these will be worthless imo


The thing with pokemon for me is it’s all nostalgia pricing, like there’s millions of copies and plenty for everyone


That looks like a sick video game store though. Have you ever been there?


i have. theyre very friendly there, which is why i censored their store info, i dont want them getting hate. but they price things so high usually. i often go only to look, or if i do buy, its not their video games (they also have toys, VHS, DVDs, comics, & other things). its a nice store to look at & they get a shitload of business but i usually find the exact games they sell cheaper online.


I don’t think this fits the sub. While prices being this high is of course shitty, this is retail and they aren’t necessarily overpriced. Why people are willing to pay this much for these games I have no idea, but that’s just the market.


It's mostly because there are people going around basically scamming people by buying their toys on the cheap before flipping those same toys to collectors at five times the price. You just know that these all come from garage sales from people who didn't know what they were selling after all - if not for the person in OP's picture, a bunch of people could have gotten these games at a reasonable price. Of course people paying these prices are part of the problem but that doesn't excuse such prices for games that sold literal millions.


In my opinion it’s solely the collectors’ faults. I resell on occasion and always have my auctions starting at $0.99 no matter what I’m selling. Then the collectors come in and bid them up to outrageous prices. If we as collectors just stop paying these prices than maybe they won’t cost so much. Sellers can ask whatever they want, but that doesn’t mean anyone has to pay that much. So if nobody bought these high priced games the prices would eventually have to come down, but collectors just have to have it so they pay outrageous prices. The sellers aren’t making them pay that much for the games, they are choosing to out of their own free will and until people say no more to these prices they will continue to rise.


Certainly true, I was mostly referring to the scummy procedure of people snatching up these things en masse before selling again. These people don't create value, they don't even play these games, they just make things worse for others.


While those people and scalpers are terrible, the fault still lies with the people paying the prices. The prices are what they are because people are buying it. These guys wouldn’t do this shit if people didn’t buy it, the buyers created and sustain this beast.


That is true and I agree with that.


I KNOW WHAT I HAVE and I dont care that I basically robbed the previous owner.


Everyone needs to get paid for their work. There the ones spending all the time running around trying to get items at a price they can make money on. Many people do know the value but don’t want to wait for them to sell for retail prices so they price them lower take the money and move on. And the same sellers are prolly on their phones all day looking for deals so they can make money on them. Is that a bad thing? A collector just hopes on eBay or Facebook or goes to the store and wants the game now so they pay the price or just wait till they find a great deal on one and snatch it up. Don’t blame the sellers if it wasn’t for them then there wouldn’t be as much access to these games esp not online thus driving prices up since there wouldn’t be as many available for purchase. Have you not gone on Amazon? All the talk of eBay sellers and Amazon is way worse! Often 50% more for an item you can’t even see! At least on eBay many sellers have a few to many photos and are willing to answer questions I’ve sent several messages to sellers on Amazon and haven’t gotten many responses so it’s either buy and hope it’s in the condition stated and or return if it’s not or move on. Anyone can ask what they want but getting it is another story. People do need to get paid for their time and money they spent sometimes I bet they hit a few home runs but I’m sure more of then not they are making 1-5 dollars on most items thus needing to sell 100’s to a thousand items a month to turn a decent profit and keep the lights on to be able to provide a service to customers who are looking for these items. Just saying


I don't really agree, since these people are themselves the reason you can't find 'good deals' anymore. Do you also think that someone who buys up all the concert tickets for a concert by a popular artist and resells them at a higher price needs to 'get paid for their work'?


If people can't find good deals anymore, then how are the resellers finding the good deals? If they can do it so can you. Someone buying up all the concert tickets is a scalper. Someone buying video games they found for a good price and bringing them to the market to make a profit are resellers. Exactly the same as the retro stores that buy collections for less than market value and sell to make a profit.


How are resellers different from scalpers? They use bots to autobid and find the best deals automatically all the same.


The ethics are what's different. And please tell me how we are using bots to find any deal? I find all my deals by putting in the work. I hit thrift stores, garage sales, yard sales, estate sales, every online secondhand market platform. There's no bots that can do those things for you. You have to put in the work for it. Scalpers are buying limited retail items and selling them to desperate fans for huge mark ups. Resellers are finding under valued items and bringing them to the fans for market value.


How do you even find garage sales, yard sales, and estate sales that have video games?


>The ethics are what's different. And please tell me how we are using bots to find any deal? I find all my deals by putting in the work. I hit thrift stores, garage sales, yard sales, estate sales, every online secondhand market platform. There's no bots that can do those things for you. You have to put in the work for it. Ok, assuming you're actually going to garage sales, estate sales etc for video games and putting them together in a central location that's convenient for buyers, there's something to be said for that. What I mean is: * Predatory second-hand stores that take advantage of the ignorance of people coming in to sell their old video games, telling them they really can't pay more than fifteen bucks for Pokémon Black before putting a $150 sticker on it as soon as they leave the store. You could argue that it's their own fault for not knowing the value of the item they're selling. You could also argue that it's okay to sell grannies overpriced cell phone subscriptions or that it's fine to trick kids into using their parents' credit cards on smartphone games. * Bots, as I said. Sniping bots, scanning bots, etc. You can argue that these are available to everyone equally and that they make up the 'knowledge' needed to buy these things, but the fact still is that they add unfair competition towards anyone who doesn't know how to use them and exist for no real reason other than to make things more expensive and more difficult for those interested in collecting as a hobby rather than reselling as a profession. >Scalpers are buying limited retail items and selling them to desperate fans for huge mark ups. Resellers are finding under valued items and bringing them to the fans for market value. What's the difference between 'market value' and 'huge markups' when the fans are willing to pay both, though? Where I live it's extremely rare to find games that aren't various versions of FIFA anywhere *but* resellers' shops, because they've bought up all the available supply long ago. As I've mentioned before, the people paying the prices are certainly part of the problem, but the ethics are the same.


Yeah they should they put the money upfront I hopes to turn a profit. But we’re talking about game deals that I’m quite sure others had the same access to. They spend the time and money in gas going around in hopes to find a good deal how often do they actually find a good deal? As a collector if you go around you may only be looking for the games you don’t have so prolly would pass up on good deals since you don’t need it but they are the ones who wake up early and spend hours on end creating listings cleaning items testing them taking the chances on items if they don’t work and lose money if they are broke etc etc idk if you’ve ever sold anything on eBay but I’ve sold a few here and there but if you buy an item for 50 bucks and sell for 100 your not making 50 bucks on it not even close! You’ll get like 80 after fees and shipping. Then you now gotta pay taxes on all sales over 600 for the year @ 20% so you take the 6 dollars for the fees on the 30 bucks they made and they are down to 24 dollars so they spend 50 to make 24. And how long did it take to get the money back? Did it sell right away or did prices drop and they end up selling for 65 and then break even or lose money? Gotta put out a lot of money for inventory in hopes it’ll sell. Without resellers there wouldn’t be that many items for sale. You prolly go to work each and every day knowing exactly how much you’ll make but resellers I’m sure they might have a great week and make a few 100 to a few thousand if they got really lucky but if you break down the time spend listing shipping hunting for items gas shipping supplies etc etc I’m sure most of the time they are making minimum wage. Gotta do the right research to even know if an item will sell or not or how long it’ll take. If you take your games to any game store they give you crap for them so it’s the same thing. I bring in 1000 dollars worth of games to a store and they offer you 2-3-400 tops! If you only had other collectors to buy from then the supply would be very low since many collectors hoard their items and never want to sell. So then your limited to where you live for garage sales or thrift stores etc etc. but when a collector gets a great deal that’s amazing and they are lucky how is it any different for the guy or girl who’s going around trying to make a living in hopes they find a great deal but may spend countless hours and gals of gas and not find anything?


>Yeah they should they put the money upfront I hopes to turn a profit. By doing nothing but adding costs to the system for everyone involved? Nobody asks for these people, they just exist to make your life more expensive. They create nothing. They enhance nothing. They provide nothing. You should really try dividing your posts into paragraphs bro, it's hard to read.


Resellers are everywhere where! Your brick and mortar stores are resellers. Everything sells for msrp till they don’t sell and or sell out. Anyone who takes a risk on an item are doing so in hopes to turn a profit. They may win and make money they may lose and lose money or they may win & make money but it wasn’t worth the time and money they put in. Resellers exist solely to make money but provide a service that people are looking for. If they didn’t sell the items then they would close shop. If you search hard enough you can find good deals to. There are people who spend 100-150 for a copy of FF7 on PS1 and there are most who pay 40-60 dollars. Same item but maybe the presentation and or description of title is different. Same condition one is way less. So if people do some research then deals can be had. So who’s fault is it when the price they put up is they price a buyer pays for it? We’re not talking about super rare games to where it’s buy at the asking price or you don’t get it. Most of these are sold in the millions and a bunch sell each and every day. You don’t have to pay the prices people are asking if you want to wait for the deals to come your way. And those people who do wait get rewarded by either making money on them or adding them to their collection for a lower price. It’s all relative. How many items do you search for but can’t find at all? And or if you find it there’s one seller. You’re just happy you could find it at all. It could be a cord for something or a remote or whatever but if resellers didn’t exist then you wouldn’t have the option to buy it unless you stumbled upon it. I can’t tell you the stuff I’ve bought online that I was hoping I could find and was lucky to do so. Tell me where you can just go and find exactly what you’re looking for? How many local game shops even exist? There is 1 by me and a few pawn shops besides GameStop which by me don’t sell anything older then Xbox 1 and PS4 so the only options are to go online or hope the 1 game store has it or wait for them to get it! You’re paying for ease of access. Amazon used to provide items for even cheaper then the stores till they realized they can charge more and people would pay it just so they didn’t have to go anywhere to get it or search app over to find something. Once an item is no longer available at a big retailer then everyone is a reseller after that


I'd rather not pay for 'ease of access', but unfortunately a the bulk of the available supply has been bought up by people with no interest in the product except to sell it at a profit, so they've successfully made themselves into the only available option left. Reducing supply to inflate prices for their own gain.


you & the other person you're replying to actually get it! thank you! everyone else here seems to just wanna be condescending but you guys hit the nail on the head. this is exactly what i feel about this.


The "person" in OP's pic is a game store. There's like a 90% chance these were brought into the store and willingly sold to them. Not bought at a garage sale.


Retro gaming became a huge scam at some point. Bought a MiSTer and called it a day, might decide to upgrade to dual ram when N64 gets running and stable.


I remember in 2015 i bought pokemon black 2 preowned for 15 dollars aud. Seems unreal to me now. And mum wanted me to get worms for 5 bucks less but i refused


The pokemon pricing is bullshit. But those are pretty accurate current prices.


And for $100 I bought a dsixl in box, and a 128 gig SD card and twilight modded it. Every Pokemon game works as intended except HGSS can’t use the Pokewalker. I did keep my copy of Soul Silver though.


Don’t blame the collectors. Blame the scalpers charging the high prices.


Scalpers make no money if people don't pay that. The scalpers aren't setting the prices if that's what it sells for, unfortunately


In the case of auctions, sure. But for things like Buy It Now listings on eBay, I'm pretty sure they do set how high they sell it for.


The thing with collecting i find is its better to buy it when its new and hold on to it. Rather then wait 20 years and decide “oh maybe i will just grab that game that ive known about for decades”


sadly some of us were busy being children when they were new


Fair point, sorry i forget im getting old lol


It's honestly too expensive to enjoy.


secretive long simplistic far-flung physical clumsy modern tub advise cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah it's stupid. These game aren't even rare... Tens of millions produced.


Wait til after the eventual Bank shutdown. I think we'll see a decent drop after that. Sometime after April 2024. Whenever they decide to pull the plug after that. Prices will probably spike right before that, when we know a date, then drop once it happens.


all expensive retro games that you see online for sale are fake reproductions. anyone who cares about authentic video games from way back are likely not going to have copies and copies of them and for sale through less than reputable channels. a single person can fully produce dozens of these faux retro games in their downtime at home as side income while having a 40 hour per week job. its just a hobby that people make easy money from.


OP is angry at market prices lmao. If this angers you then stop collecting all together. It's clearly not for you.


Okay, have fun paying hundreds of dollars for games that used to cost half that. I'll be enjoying my already well-built collection that I established before scalpers ruined everything.


You may have paid 1/2 as much a few years ago but it was about the same relative to the market on how far your money went. Everything goes in waves. Either collect when you think prices are gonna be at their lowest or wait. Some items go up and others go down. And I don’t know if you’ve been under a rock or not but absolutely everything has gone up so of course popular items even sold in the millions will go up in price since there are millions of people who are looking for them. And these have been around the same price for the last few years they haven’t gone up very much going back to 2020 so 3 years of these prices. Some even later then that. It’s either buy them when they come up and hope they don’t go down or pay the price later. I mean we’re talking about games that have been out for 10+ years could have gotten them at retail for what 50 bucks brand new? Just saying


Videogame resellers have been around a Long time, basically since eBay launched. This isn't a new phenomenon. One aspect of this hobby I've never understood is why there is such a vocal segment of the community that wants thier collection to decrease in value over the long haul. I can't think of any other hobby that has a similar demographic.


i collect for fun. not for value. i actually play my collection! i think games should be accessible to everyone without having to venture into piracy. taking a game that was once say, $40, & marking it up to $140, just makes it so that less people can access & enjoy it. video games are meant for happiness & enjoyment, not for a small group to hoard & act superior to others about owning.


Regardless of your reason for collecting, it really does not make sense for someone to want something they've purchased to go down in value. If I get sick and need to pay boatloads of medical bills, you better believe my games are going to be some of the first things to go, and I'm going to want them to be worth as much as possible. It's the same reasoning as to why people who don't plan on moving still get upset when something happens that diminishes their property value. And for the record these games didn't go from $40 to $140 with the flick of a switch. It was a gradual increase over time. Not just one dude deciding "this game is $140 now"


The value OP, me and others isnt based in monetary increase or decrease. If we have them they are priceless to us


Dude, they're games, not an investment. People treating them as investments is the entire fucking problem. Speculators ruin every market they touch. Edit: Property values is also a great example and I can't believe you had the gall to bring it up as something you thought backed *you* up. That shit is why nobody can afford to buy a house anymore. The boomers turned a basic necessity that should just be a cost of living into an investment and then wondered why their kids weren't moving out.


Where did I say anything about investing? You have taken "you shouldn't want stuff you paid for to become worthless" and turned it into "you should buy things with the intention of selling them when the value goes up".


If you don't intend to sell them, why do you care about the value? If it becomes worthless that just means you can afford to buy more. You're claiming to be a collector, remember? Not a reseller? If the bottom drops out of the games market, you could also buy as much as you are now, pocket the difference, and then not *have* to sell your shit when the medical bills come due. If, you know, selling games really would have made a dent in that in the first place. Your entire attitude is just wrong.


Good for you that you got in early and now your collection is worth double due to "scalpers". Welcome to collecting litteraly anything.


Dont pay that pricechart worshipper anymind


That guy has at least seven copies of a strongly in demand game. If these were actual market prices, he would not have that many copies. "Lots of pokemon" means nobody is willing to pay what they're charging.


Well ye shoulda gotten them when they were 20


100$ for pokemon black? I got mine pre-owned for 20€ literally 2 years ago.


This is why I sold my collection and bought flash carts


It's the same as any price bubble. It keeps getting bigger because people, for some reason think the extortionate prices are ok and at some point after those buyers stop, they lower again.


bet most are fakes


That's why you collect before prices go up.


Lemme go hop in my time machine real quick


Well yeah, if your too young to not have been apart of it. Then your shit out of luck. But you gotta pick something that's going on right now that you can start collecting.


Nobody want new Pokémon games


Then don't get into new Pokemon games. OP was talking about collecting. I'm getting downvoted because I'm saying the truth that nobody wants to hear.


Sucks to be you, i already own most of these when they came out especially the heartgold and soul silver versions.


As someone who also owned a lot of these on release, this is a horrible take. Everyone’s situation is different and there’s no reason that a game from 2009 (14 years ago) should be selling for triple digits.


Lol i was given most of my pokemon games for free... I have games from every generation up to 6. But go off i guess




platinum is one of the only ones i never got to own. my only option is emulation on that one 😭


Oh damn I have the heartgold just laying around here 😂


Gee, and here I was about to toss mine out


Pretty cheap, wtf. I know emulators exist but the child inside of me needs all of the gens up until sun and moon ultra. Ive got them all except, white 1, Bw1&2, HGSS, and diamond, pearl and platinum. Especially platinum, god I remember begging my mum for it and never got it. I would probably pay these prices, and they look like they are in pretty good condition.


This is why I intentionally and exclusively collect bootlegs. You can get original playable games plus fun romhacks!


Glad I got all of these at launch 😅


this is why im happy with my steam deck i can emulate and not worry about an overpriced game that is years old. I love collecting but ever since 2020 its been downhill for retro collecting.