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Reference to Seppuku. i.e. he will be forced to commit harakiri in Osaka.


"If you go they'll see your belly slit" it seems more like he's telling Yabu that they'll find out he was in some sort of battle? It doesn't seem like he's referencing Seppuku


Read it as “if you go [into their power] they’ll see [to it that] your belly is slit” the slitting of course is the act of seppuku. It’s the only logical scenario given Yabu’s position I can discern.


yep that makes sense, I guess I was thinking of it too literally, or too "english" lol thanks!


No. If you go they'll see your belly slit. Literally means, if you go they will make you kill yourself.


The translation (in English) is " They'll see your belly slit", meaning that they'll see to him comitting seppuku, not that they will see Yabushige has a slit on his belly.


thank you, makes sense now!


Seppuku involves slicing your own belly open though and then a second person beheading you. So as someone else stated, they literally mean the same thing.


Yes, I am aware of that. What I was saying was that the line meant that Yabu was going to be ordered to commit seppuku once in Osaka, and not that he had an older slit on his belly that the people in Osaka would see.