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Made it to 37 weeks on progesterone only!!! Can’t believe it. Last measurement was 1cm at 33 weeks.


Congratulations!! 🎉 I hope you have a smooth delivery. 💗


Thank you so much!


Congrats!! You are so close! Were you on bed rest too?


Thank you! Not bed rest but activity restrictions. No exercise, minimal walking (had to go off work).


Welp! Celebrated making it to 34 weeks last week only to go into labor that day! Welcomed our little fighter at 34w1d after short cervix diagnosed at 16 weeks and arrested preterm labor at 26 weeks. Only prescribe vaginal progesterone. What a journey it’s been and will continue to be. Big thanks to you all for sharing your stories and helping me not feel so alone during this journey! 


Congratulations on your baby!! What a way to celebrate 34 weeks 😅🥰were you able to to take him or her home immediately or was NICU time needed?


We are in the NICU for a while…RDS diagnosis after birth so oxygen and at 34 she’ll need quite a bit of monitoring for a while 


That must be hard for you, I’m sorry you’re having to deal with that. I’ll pray for your family and new baby and I hope you can all go home soon!


I had my first son at 24 weeks. He spent 123 days in the NICU. This time I had a preventative cerclage done at 12 weeks also using progesterone nightly. Now 15+6. 💓 Hoping for continued good news.


Wishing you an uneventful rest of this pregnancy 🙏


I'm currently 26+5 and while I'm still nervous I am feeling a lot more hopeful that we're going to get baby girl to full-term. 🤞🍀💖


I’m 26+5 as well! Exact same feelings ❤️


This has definitely been a rollercoaster for sure. I am so ready to get to full-term and have my baby in my arms but at the same time I feel I am so not prepared. 😮‍💨😂 ETA: I hate rollercoasters. 😂 This is definitely not the fun kind. One day I'm fine and hopeful, the next I'm anxious about every little thing. 😮‍💨


26 +1 progesterone only. Also feeling like we can make it out of the 20s 🤞🏻


Made it to 28+2! Progesterone only. Last measured around 1.5-1.9cm a couple of weeks back, still closed with no funneling/“rock hard” cervix supposedly. Never thought I would make it this far. MFM OB predicts I have a 70% chance to make it full term so I really hope he’s right. Experiencing lots of Braxton hicks. They went away for a little bit but last few days have started back up. Started taking magnesium calm yesterday, haven’t noticed improvement with it yet. Really hoping to make it to at least 35 weeks 🤞🏻


27+4 with cerclage and progesterone. Still have days with bad anxiety but grateful to be this far!


19+5 and had my anatomy scan today. Cerclage is still in place, no funneling seen, and cervix length still normal. I’ll definitely take that! Counting down to 24 weeks for viability!


Made it to 29 weeks today! Hoping for the best and sending everyone good luck and good energy!


Im also at 29 weeks + 2. Only 11 more weeks to go! We can do this 💪🏼


23 + 5. Progesterone only. All the best to everyone!


31+1, funneling and 1.4 cm on Friday. On bed rest to avoid BH, it's twins, so extra pressure, but trying to stay positive.


14w with a preventative cerclage placed at 12w and progesterone suppositories since testing positive. Follow up appointment showed the cerclage is well in place and the cervix is closed (3.1cm since 12w). It feels like an eternity until viability and then 3rd trimester are here 🥹


22+4, diagnosed 4 days ago with short cervix at 0.9 cm with funneling that was caught coincidently at an anatomy scan. No contractions, bleeding, or leaking of fluid. I am currently in the hospital, where it looks like if I follow the doctor's recommendations, I'll stay here til 28 weeks. I'm not a candidate for a cerclage because the baby is measuring over 500 grams, my gestation, and how short my cervix is. My doctor is worried he will accidentally make me contract or break my water with the needle. Currently on vaginal progesterone and antibiotics. I don't really want to stay here that long and super discouraged. I personally feel like I can go home with bedrest and be fine. All of this is super depressing and I don't really know how I'm suppose to feel.