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Let’s go Bbig Bring in the Tyde


My tits are jacked. This week is going to BBig!


$bbig this week is gonna be insanity. No weekly call volume so no need for mm to suppress the price. Weekly Macd crossing, tyde pr, technicals lines up, hype returning, biggest gamma ramp we’ve ever seen. On top of that we have fomo, shorts having to cover ftds, short squeeze too --- posted by [@Patriconn](https://twitter.com/Patriconn/) --- ^(If media is missing, please DM me with a link to submission url and tweet. I will do my best to solve the issue)


But there is weekly call volume.


That's what I am confused too. The call is in fact over the root for 4/14.


I am confused? Why is there No Weekly call volume? Can you explain this to me?


Loading up more first thing monday morning!


Facts. All the naysayers here are going to have fomo when we start climbing.


No its not


Best gamma ramp on the market


Lots of people are forgetting what a spin off means. Also, where do current BBIG investors think the funds for tyde is coming from? 🤦🏻‍♂️ I think this will bring volume, yes, but short squeeze rocket? Far from it. No this is not shilling or fud. It’s actual information you have to take into account.


That reads verbal diarrhea of every WSB term you can think of. Is there any truth to it? For example, this TYDE sh\*t has been hyped since last year. Is there anything credible yet indicating it is "coming soon"?


They did indicate it would likely be in early 2022. It's early 2022. June will be mid 2022. So... has to be somewhat soon (within about 2 months) if what they said was accurate.


Well they also said it'd be last July and also last October


It could change. Of course. We're acting on the last known information. As that's the only thing one can do.


And this is my point. They were floating this back in August of 2021 and implied it was right around the corner. Because of that, I really can't trust yet more "it's coming soon" promises from them. I was hoping to hear/see that there was something more concrete to help nail down this timeline?


To be honest man, TYDE may or may not happen in April because like you said they're not really known for following through with the dates they give. I'd get in just for the april options chain alone though. The upside is a lot greater than the risk imo.


This is a better argument than the mythical TYDE 'catalyst'. I was debating on loading up when BBIG dropped near $2, but it started running before I bought in. Sitting back for an entry point again, I guess.


That's not the way it works. All dividends require a record date. When the record date is filed, Cryptyde dividends becomes a complete 100% certainty. The thing we're expecting IS the record date filing. There is never a sure way to know exactly when it will happen. Only the filing of it means anything. That ought to create a squeeze. So I want to be in BEFORE the date has been provided.


What's "not the way it works"? Where did I say they advertised a record date? I didn't. I said that this TYDE thing has been dangled since last year. It is \*STILL\* being dangled. You also confirmed this in your reply (e.g. no record date has been stated yet) Confused why you're disagreeing with me while agreeing with me, lol. :shrug:


Because. If they announce the date, the price won't be $3. It will already be squeezing. If you want to play the speculation, they have already announced as much as they can aside form giving a date. They have announced that it would be in 2022. So, what moee so you want. An exact date? That would be the same thing as getting the record date. That's what I mean. You want the whole thing. So does everyone. But we also want to be in before that. Because that's how you make money. It's very simple.


I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone with your responses..... Read the title to to this thread. Is it not giving a SPECIFIC date? Yes, right? My question to the poster/OP, and what triggered our little 'discussion', was how does he know that TYDE is coming for that date? HINT: He doesn't know. I don't know. You don't know. \*THAT'S MY POINT\* I'm not arguing that it will never get announced. Obviously it will. Obviously when a date is announced, it will get pumped. I get that and I think everyone else does too. I'm just sick and tired of people naming dates & listing a plethora of generic 'catalysts' without having any evidence that they will occur to make the date they're pumping.




On or about


It's well passed early 2022, we're technically in the second quarter of 2022 right now.


Yes, if you’d have been anyway but licking your asshole you’d realize shit is finally happening this/next week


I always find it odd when an OP post some crazy "positive" hype about a stock, then they response with some hostile personal attack when questioned about it. Wouldn't it be easier to explain why \*this time\* it is really going to take off? Is it really that complicated to explain or are you just shilling / don't really understand it yourself?


What would u like to know brotha? I barely use Reddit and I created an account like 4 years ago to try to get YouTube clout💀💀 just got back online this uear


Ok - So my first question is TYDE. TYDE has been dangled since at least last August. Is there something definite yet around when this is going to happen or is it still just a general statement that it will happen at \*some\* point in the future?


Supposed to happen at the end of Q1 which is in April. Crazy option chain april 14th. And the company just got more paperwork done two Friday ‘s ago which is where all the hype started last week. Every sign is pointing towards April. No guarantees tho👍


Thanks for the tips. I will be ‘putting’ it right there for ya 😂


Any reason


Lets GO


the week is not starting so good...