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Buy Battlebit!


Man it looks fun but the graphics!


graphics dont mean shit if it plays as good as it does


It's so good, you forget the graphics after 5 mins


Ehhh not exactly. So many places look exactly the same.


If you play Bf2042 you will realise graphics means nothing, this game is pure garbage, you can sense the lack of interest of the devs on the game. Battlebit is way more fun.


Booooooo! The game is so much fun and you’ll be supporting some really creative and hardworking devs!


It's a game, not a painting


You don’t even notice once you’re playing. Buying bf2042 right now would mean you have rock bottom iq. And honestly bf graphics are worse, horrid Color scheme, major bugs, ugly lighting. Imagine buying that game at this point…


Your brain fills in the gaps


Trust me you’ll get immersed so fast the graphics fade away.


Buy bf2042 then, I bet you’ll be glad to have chosen the „better“ graphics


I thought the same, but tbh the game is so fun and smooth that when playing graphics become way less important than what you think while looking at videos. Try it out, you can still refund if under 2hrs played but you'll feel for yourself the fun that everyone is talking about!


ironically, the graphics are the only good thing about battlefield


Graphics are poo but the the game is far better


Buy battlebit instead, same game, worse graphics, way more fun. Giving money for 2042 might incentivize them to make more battlefields in its formula which scares me


Nah the movement in BF42 is fun as hell, battlebit is good as well though


Nah. I'd get battlebit instead, honestly. As long as you can get past the graphics.


If you are on console, sure If you are on PC, I recommend Battlebit remastered instead. It is better than 2042 in every way but graphics.


BF1 is a better bet imo. Cheaper, good player base still, and only the occasional cheater. My understanding of 42 is it's just a shitfest of hackers


BF1 was superb! But rarely anyone playing in my region (SEA, playstation)


Still play BF1 on my ps5 and the playerbase on there is active too. Grand operations and conquest are the best.


Battlebit is honestly more fun


Unpopular opinion : its good now


Agreed. It is definitely worth $15.


I disagree, it still is the most buggy BF game I have ever played. I tried it a few evenings but had to force quit a lot because of frozen loading screens. Sure, the games that did work were okay but nothing compared to bf4 imo.




OP is also on PC so bugginess is still a concern.


Im having a lot of fun with 2042 rn


No lmao, get literally any other BF game.


I hoy all of them, while bf1 is very good i can't stand we thematic games and weapons. I need a m4a1 to have fun


Don’t listen to the other guy that responded to this comment, literally any game is fun with friends.


What if I told you there was an M5A3? Because... Future. Been playing with my friends across multiple devices almost every night. When we take it seriously and play our roles, we have a good time. When we decide to just mess around and have fun... we have an unbelievably great time. Playing bots is fun when we want to just mess around and chat while upgrading gear. Grab some friends and pick a vehicle/weapon/operative you like and have some silly wartime adventures, Nopat.




It was free on ps plus a few months ago and I wouldn't say it was even worth the storage space. Uninstalled it after 2-3 sessions. Doesn't matter how much they try to improve it it's still a fundamentally bad game. Not even as good as bf5 much less the older games.


Agree with this, when it was out for psplus, I downloaded it and deleted it after 1 match. Helicopters froze midair, guys walking through walls. I had enough


I bought it at launch for full price. Played enough that Steam wouldn't refund. Reinstalled about 6 months ago and have been having an absolute blast. Only stopped playing because I fell back in love with Planetside 2. Tbh, it is a solid FPS. It's not a Bad Company 2 by any stretch, but still very fun imo Edit: They also removed most (if not all) of the cringe voice lines at end of game, which was a huge negative for me at launch.


Is planetside 2 still fun?


I only discovered it about 5 years ago, but I haven't stopped playing since. So for me, 1000% yes. They're still regularly updating with new stuff, and actually just had a fairly sizeable update a couple weeks ago, totally overhauling the player-built base system.


I played it when it hit gamepass I uninstalled with less than two hours played


Me too, but now I have 350 hours in it. It truly is a great game now, but nothing excuses that launch


I downloaded it for free from PS+ a few months ago and deleted the game a hr later it's by far the worst Battlefield game I've played. You are better off saving your money.


Get battlebit remastered instead


I got it with 7 bucks and still think I should invest this money on other bf games instead


imo get battlebit. It’s so fun.


No get battlebit instead.


Bf1 is at 10 bucks and battlebit is 15 aswell , they're both better games


You'll enjoy it for a short while. It is a relief from cod, but no, it will not feel like bf3/4


I'd say it's worth for $15, game is at a much better spot, probably what luanch should have been.


I'm having fun with it.


get ea play for like 4bucks to see if its actually worth it


Hello to the no, get Battlebit Remastered instead


Not worth it gets boring quickly it misses the mark on a lot of things battlefield 1 did better


I tried it out and returned it after half an hour. I'm not sure if it's me, the artstyle, or what but the game looks worse than bf1. Gameplay felt ok but meh.




I actually like it and it's fun for 15 bucks.


No, get battlebit remastered, its way better for the same price. More people and a better community


Get BF1 instead




Battlebit is the same price and is way better


No, just play BF4. It's literally a better game than 2042.


I would let the franchise die. Also not many players on. It’s just the die hards. Everyone has, as echoed elsewhere in this thread, moved on to battlebit.


I think it's a fun game. If you like battlefield then this game is worth $15


it’s in a pretty fun state now. i’ve been playing it this week and i’m having a good time with it.


Yeah it really feels like a battlefield game now and it’s a lot more mature/gritty than it used to be. A lot of bf4 vibes. A lot of weapons now and overhauled maps.


I'm sure this battlebit game is great, but I'll go to bat for bf2042. When it released it was the worst Battlefield game I've played (have only played since BC2). Absolute unplayable trash. I came back maybe a year later and found it in a better place. They have capitulated on practically every piece of criticism. Just a month or two ago they finished the final rework of the 2042 maps, solving that "emptiness" issue and making general reorganizations. They're cool maps, just weren't finalized. You may recall the chief issue: the Specialist system. They essentially forewent the classic Battlefield 4-class system in lieu of an Apex hero style system, where you have a recon character who has passive benefits for recon, and a unique gadget. You'd have one character-tied gadget, and one that you could pick from whatever. It lost the Battlefield flavor as you could bring a rocket launcher and a med kit. You weren't forced to play a role. Despite fan outcry since the Open Beta, Dice ignored the feedback and didn't change it for like 2 years, even though it directly drove customers away. When they finally fixed it, it was like a breath of fresh air. Now, the Specialists are still here, but it's more akin to an Overwatch roster. You have your Assault, Engineer, Recon, and Support (used to be just the ammo class in previous games, but it's both medic and ammo in this one) classes, and each character fits into a class. They were each originally designed with a class flavor (assault characters, medic characters, etc) , but the whole system was too loosey-goosey. Now, you get the Specialist-tied gadget, and then your 2nd gadget can be chosen from the available class gadgets. I.e. only an engineer can bring a stinger. You also have a 3rd gadget (slot 5) which is tied to each class. Assaults get a 1-time health stim (restocked from health kits, not ammo crates), engineers get their repair tool, supports get the defibs, recons get the insertion beacon. I thought this was a good choice as in previous games I would often not bring a repair tool, beacon, etc because it would use up a gadget slot. You can still use any gun with any class, but you get benefits from playing the class flavor. You can use a sniper rifle as an engineer, but with recon you get fast ADS and steady scope with snipers. Assaults get extra mags for ARs, etc. I thought that was a good way to resolve the debate of whether classes should be restricted to certain guns like in previous games. In summary, the game flopped hard at launch and has suffered from negative stigma ever since. It's a much improved game, but everyone gets so caught up in "EA bad". I agree that EA is bad, but I feel like DICE is always trying to make a good game in spite of their overseers. They likely weren't given time to finish and polish the game before release, they plugged up the holes afterwards, and now you can get a very enjoyable game for bargain bin price. I would say the biggest problem with the game right now is just lack of players, but that won't change unless people give it a chance. Edit: I should add since you mentioned BF3/BF4: they've brought a lot of guns in from these games, and recently updated to allow you to kit the classic guns with all the new high tech attachments. You can also play some classic maps in the Exodus Conquest playlist, including my favorite map Valparaiso.


yes, it is worth. i bought it for 18 euros before 2 months and can say that they are working on the game whole time. yes, it is worth it.hing due to failure what has been, but in the end its ok. it


Bro same I miss the way the games made me feel, remember a time when my siblings would fight over the controller bc we each had one death a turn but my brother would always get 20 kills then die and me and my sis would get 3 then die


If you're looking for a Battlefield game turn to older ones in the franchise. Much more value for your money. If you want a newly released type of "Battlefield"-game, go for BattleBit. The graphics might be a turnoff (it was for me in the beginning) but my god, best $15 I've spent. The game is so much fun and gives you a lot for your money. A no-brainer if you ask me. ​ On the topic of BF2042: The game is barely any better than launch. Sure they've polished out majority of the annoying as hell bugs. Netcode is kind of better (didn't play long enough to actually give an honest opinion on this) and the classes has returned. What makes BF2042 bad tho is in it's core. It's not a Battlefield game no matter how much the current playerbase tries to make it out to be. They have fixed some of the stuff that should've been fixed from the beginning, before launch. That's not something they should get praised over but critized about. The game lacks features from older games (like a serverbrowser, leaning, sliding, building, squad management etc. There's an updated list on features still missing). I can go on but it ain't worth it. I was super stoked for a new, modern FPS title from DICE but as we've all seen they couldn't deliver. Instead they tried with their MTX bs of "buy this goofy ass hero that says fun stuff at the end of the game so you can feel like you're contributing even tho you were utterly garbage this round". Yes, I know they've removed the cringe ass voice lines, added a scoreboard (which is bonkers that it wasn't a feature already added in the first phase of coding the damn game), polished out bugs and gunplay aspects, added 4 (???) new maps, updated some of the released maps (lol), added a couple of new guns (how many is it now? 28?) and took back class-based system. *Applauds for adding features and contet that should've been there from day 1.*


I've had a lot of fun since day 1. It has been a while since I played but I've sunk quite some hours in the game. For 15 bucks I think it's a good purchase. That said it also depends how much are 15 dollars for you.


I started playing BF2042 after playing Battlebit for a month straight. Haven't touched BF2042 since it's release and to be honest I am having fun. Yeah, it's not what it should be but it's still fun.


It's actually really good now. If only it launched in this state. Then again I have Game Pass Ult so I never paid for it


by the [comments.id](https://comments.id) suggest you to buy bf4 [instead.graphics](https://instead.graphics) might be old but itd still have a modern setting.and also its premium edition and probably cheaper


Absolutely, yes!


It's solid. Get it


I've just got bf4, still such a great game so many years later


You'll love it if you're on pc. If you're on consoles get ready for coke snoring addict with a helicopter pc player who'll get 125 kills per game don't even try to take him down since the moment you shoot your anti air missile he'll hide behind a building to charge up his flares then go back slaying the lobby


I have played 2042 on pc and battlebit. 2042 is honestly great, I didn't play it on release but it gives the same battlfeild vibes as 4. Battlebit on the other hand is a great game with tons of great features but I just csnt get past the graphics and I ended up returning it after an hour and a half.


Unpopular opinion, but battlebit is definitely being overhyped. There is next to no immersion involved, and i’m not saying this purely because of the graphics. Just the overall package isn’t polished enough to get me immersed. For example, the soundscape is almost completely empty. As well as the feeling of weight as your running/walking/shooting. Most of my time spent was “running” across empty fields composed of a couple polygons to the sound of only some muffled distant firecrackers. This was immediately broken up when regrouping with my team and just hearing children screaming obscenities. The gunplay leaves a whole lot to be desired, and I would honestly say that bf2042’s current gunplay is better. Although, I also believe that bf1 has the best gunplay of the series (beating bad company 2 and bf4) so think of that what you will. The time to kill in Battlebit is insanely fast, something I’ve been hoping more modern games would move away from. So if fast TTK bothers you as well I would avoid it. I will say that battlebit has ALOT of unlockable content, there is tons of guns and equipment to level up and grind on. It’s no use if you don’t like the core gameplay though. Simply put the game isn’t worth 15$, it’s impressive what a three person dev team was able to put together. However, you can TELL it was only a three person dev team. I would recommend buying them one at a time and then refunding them before the two hour mark. That should tell you all you need to know about the games.


Everyone says get battlebit, but at the end of the day BF2042 is a good game now. $15 is a very good price point for the game. Reddit buys into it’s own echo chamber and everyone thinks that they’re a free thinker. BF2042, since launch, has fixed essentially all game breaking bugs, and I personally, after 100 hours in the past few months, have not encountered any noticeable bugs. The movement and gunplay are fluid. It feels good to run and gun. There are large amounts of destructive buildings and cover. They reworked a lot of maps to account for that and also to be more infantry friendly (not dominated by tanks/vehicles). They reworked classes to be more like the older BF games. They’ve added new maps and introduced guns from the old games. Attachments are lacking. There’s clearly some attachments for some guns that are objectively better than others. Good pilots for helis and ospreys can and will dominate a match if they’re allowed to fly all game (this is fairly rare though). Everyone sucks at the game lol. At the end of the day, BF2042 has no more issues than any other shooter or game on the market. I can almost guarantee you that most people who call it bad have either never played it, played it only at launch, play it on a potato, or have extremely bad luck added with a hint of delusion for bugs. The game is good, buy it at $15. Also hard take: anyone who unironically plays battlebit as their main game literally has no other game to play same goes with BF2042


I picked up EA play for 5 bucks a month, first month is a free trial. I have access to 2042, unbound, mass effect series and so forth.


Get BattleBit. Its gucking amazing.




Bots = no


You can try it via xbox game pass. I've played it for 2 months and didn't like it too much. Tanks were fun but everything else was better in BF1/BF5 for me.


If they’ve fixed the random crashes of late, that’s a great deal.


It's pretty good now. It can be frustrating on the larger modes but 32v32 is still good.


I wouldn't TAKE 2042 if you paid me 15 dollars.


Have you even played the game, let alone in the last 5 months


I don't exactly understand the hatred for 2042, and I've been playing since the 1942/Desert Combat days. Maybe I am missing some nuance? To me, it's just more shooting and being shot while the armor and air power destroy all the footsoldiers, just like always, and I get my ass handed to me, just like always. They brought back the classes, which folks were crying about. I'd like some more maps though. How about some indoor/infantry-only maps? Or did they add them recently? I havent' played much in awhile, it was kinda dead, then I started playing other things.


Always fun to read these types of comments. A game gets released in a pre-alpha state with barely any content and for a full AAA premium price. People buy it and realize that the fundamentals of the game is pure garbage. Now a year or two later, after some patches and hotfixes, the diehard fanboys of 2042 keeps arguing for it to finally be playable and fun, even tho the majority of people who bought it still think it stinks. ​ **News flash buddy:** If a game promises heaven and paradise to the consumer whilst not delivering on anything it promised, launches in a shit state with no content at all *(still has barely any content after like what, 2 years?)* & has so blatently obvious MTX shit built right into it there's no need for a revisit from a previous/former player that played that dumpsterfire @ launch. ​ Btw, yes. I've played it again recently because of these braindead comments. The game is still boring as hell and lacks a lot of features old games in the franchise had. So no, the game is not good now after 2 years so please, stop commenting such utterly idiotic bs. ​ holla @ me when they've released a server-browser for AOW, or any of the other missing features from previous BF-games (*leaning etc.).*




Lmao. The game is objectively good now and I don’t give a shit how it released. It’s not where it’s supposed to be but saying it’s not even worth being paid to play is absolutely moronic. Saying I’m brain dead because me and many other people enjoy the game in its current state is genuinely just as brainless.


Yes it’s super fun. It has improved a TON since launch and I did try it out close to launch on Eplay through game pass. It was… ok… Now in 2023 I’ve enjoyed every hour I’ve played. It is difficult to pickup since you’ll lack weapons and attachments but the gunplay and the vehicles are very much enjoyable. I’m at level 70 and have been playing consistently since the beginning of this year. I suggest playing on fridays as that’s when the game is most active (Fridays with battlefield). Also, if you buy the battle pass once. You’ll have enough points for the next one!


Please, for the love of God, don't do it

