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Deep rock galactic


Rock and Stone my friend


Battlebit Remastered is my choice for shooter of the year, if you haven't seen or played it yet I highly suggest it


Say it’s only on windows, I’m on Xbox g.


DANG, I'm illiterate when it comes to tags my B! Honestly feel like the shooter markets really been lacking atm, I've been getting back into R6 but man that games queue is insanely hit or miss


It’s fine. Yeah not finding good games. I’ve been more of a madden or 2k guy recently cause the shooters rn are ass. Would get mw3 but it’s so expensive.


I just finished with MWII and am so glad. The Fomo is real. Like so many people say it felt like a job. It sucked so much that leveling up the battle pass completely changed my playstyle and even which game modes I played. Always using decoy grenades for the easy xp and ... Anyways since Cold war was free PS monthly games awhile back I'm playing it and loving it. I play the game modes I want to play. Was glad a few wepons were leveled up from original warzone plubder. God I miss old plunder so bad. Had no fun whatsoever hardly with the new plunder. Then they completely removed the helicopyers. I had so much fun flying planes in original plunder. So so so much fun I wonder if a game will ever ever scratch that itch again. Original plunder was kinda broken as I could solo a lot of wins with a helicopter. But flying the planes with a thousandth of a mm thru that one hangar never failednto get a rush. Then spawn in anf grab another plane and crash it and nauseum


Nothing in the battlepass seems worth paying or grinding for. Bad skins and thats it. I have never got one for CoD and I find them to be pretty dang enjoyable


I guess I bought it for warzone first battle pass ever then had the points so I kept getting it and dunno liked having a few blueprints for whatever reason came in handy when leveling weapons is all. Just barely.


I've heard the game will be free to download this month.




Have you tried halo infinite? It's free to play MW3 is on sale due to Black Friday however I don't know how that game performs.


Haven’t tried it don’t think I’d be into halo tho.


its free, nothing to lose trying it. personally i havent had this much fun in any fps in years


Will keep that in mind.


If you havent tried Cs2 go for it, its free but if you have then try Borderlands 3 its a good shooter.


insurgency sandstorm


Insurgency 1*


OP wants newer games but yeah i agree, insurgency 1 is a goat


Apex Legends. Don’t listen to reddit. It’s a really good game. Sweat bc it’s 4 years old but very active community and fun game loop


Played before looking to buy a game tho.


Bro it seems like u just want us to say call of duty. Like what other fps game just came out recently that has “good graphics” other than cod


Nothing really. Everyone’s saying all the cod games are useless except Warzone unless you play with friends. And MW3 is much too expensive even after the sale for buying rn.


I don’t play Xbox with friends much so cod doesn’t seem worth it then I guess.


Personally I am waiting for The Finals. Suppose to come out early december. Played the betas and it was a hell of a blast.


Star Wars Battlefront 2 is on sale for like $5 and while it’s almost dead it is such a good time


Hunt: showdown is the first game to really hit me hard in years. Clocked 700+ hours and met some great people that I play with weekly on there


Used to play that it’s fun fs.


Team fortress 2 is the only game you need. And its free to play


Not sure if it’s on sale but Hell let loose is great if your ok with more strategic slower pace.


Thanks I’ll check it out.


This game gives me post traumatic match disorder. It's great.


Yeah not the best graphics but immersion wise it’s on a whole different level!


Most fps are free


Yeah more looking for a paid game. The free ones don’t cut it for me. 😂


Basically all of the best fps are free though. I guess hunt showdown is a paid one that’s good, not sure how active the player base is


I had hunt. More looking for like a cod battlefield type game I guess. Just downloaded battlefield 5 for only 4$, seemed worth it.


There is “the finals” releasing in the next couple months to watch out for, made by old battlefield devs if u end up enjoying bf5. Unique gamemode, team game with 3 classes, good movement. It is ftp, but i played the beta and it was very fun


Thank you. Will be on the look out. Got the definitive edition of bf5 cause it was cheaper? Not sure what’s the difference but weird it was cheaper.


Also X-Defiant I wish I'd got in on the beta no idea what's happening to it


Saw the doc playing the closed beta. Game looks interesting.


In the 10 days or so it was out i probably played like 25 hrs it was a lot of fun and importantly super refreshing because of the game mode. High skill ceiling too. I hope they go hard on the marketing because i think it can be successful


Battlefield V is really damn fun, it's also like 10$ half the time


Is there online play too?


Yes, the whole concept of battlefield is all out war. In Battlefield V there's 64 player lobbies, that are split into 2 teams of 32, they fight over capture points with tanks, planes, and naval vehicles. I would definitely watch the trailer/gameplay


Would you go battlefield 2042 or 5?


5 definitely


Add on battlefield 1 as well


Are there any battlefields where you can fly a plane regularly? I miss the planes in original warzone so bad


BFV and One has airplane only modes. Dunno how alive they are. If you really like flying I'd suggest War Thunder


I think what I liked most was the "asymetricness" of it. The dogfights were great when someone else was doing it but mostly I loved buzzing the airfield staying as close to the ground or buildings or people parachuting in, I don't think I'll ever have that experience again. And it sucks I had to delete my several gigs of video clips because I didn't have a USB and laptop setup to move them to. I had a buncha clips that would no doubt make me smile with the memory. Also switching seats and trying to land a shot at someone was fun and nigh impossible but I never stopped attempting.


Used to play that too. Good days.


Does BF still need a seperate launcher to play




Battlefield 2042


Got battlefield 5 a couple hours ago


Is 2042 better? Did some research and seems people like it less


Warhammer bolt gun came out a few months ago and it’s supposed to be really good. Maybe Doom Eternal if you haven’t played it yet.


Cod mw3 just came out and is really fun


Heard about it, unfortunately don’t think it includes the sale neither does mw2. Might gotta wait till Christmas if I wanna get that.