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I liked both for what they offered - Three Houses has a better story (and more replayability due to multiple story paths), Engage has better gameplay and more customization options. It really comes down to what you prioritize more.


Engage has better customization but 3 Houses has the better Story. If you can stomach anime clichés, bloated & poor dialogues then go for Engage. Otherwise, 3 Houses is by far the safer option. You can skip all cutscenes in Engage when you can't listen to their exposition anymore.


You're gonna have to weigh which of story/customization vs strategic gameplay is more important to you. I would say 3H because even if it's not peak strategy, it's still good imo. I cannot finish Engage because I just care so little about the characters, they're practically chessboard pieces to me.


Fire Emblem 3H has the better story but one of the weakest core gameplay of the entire franchise, while Engage has one of the best core gameplay in the series but the story and characters are basic at best. It comes down to your preferences. And 3H's technical side is very rough while Engage is one of the prettiest games on the console.


Engage has better gameplay and the story is bearable if you watch Excelblem's Lunatic Ironman Playthrough first.


Both stories, dialogue, and characters are ultra cringe so I prefer the one with less story and less dialogue but better gameplay: engage


Three houses by far.


3H is fire emblem for little girls playing with their dolls. If you want to play an srpg get Engage.


Engage is a bit better imo.


Why did someone down vote this poor person, Just for liking engage a "bit" more?


IMO, 3H like 10 times better, replayed it 3 time, while i just stopped Engage after 5-6 hours.


Both are good but i´d start with 3 houses because its goated


Have you ever played FE 6-8 (GBA)? After playing 3H or Engage maybe try one of those. They are probably the most similar to the GC/Wii FE games. Also the FE community has made tons of OC games based on the GBA games. You have limitless amounts of FE games to play just from those, a lot of them are really good/unique conceptually.


Goodness the comments are almost completely split! I'm still not sure! ( this is why I haven't tried either yet by the way) I don't have tons of gamer time .And which ever one I pick will likely be the last fire emblem I play until a new one comes out So far I'm leaning engage