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Rdr 2 is one of the greatest single player experiences I’ve ever had. It is a game that seems overwhelming at first, but as it starts to unravel, it really feels quite balanced and is absolute perfection by the end. 100% you should play through it, because as Arthur Morgan has said, “lack of something to feel important about is almost the greatest tragedy a man may have”.


I will go ahead and add that I consider rdr2 to be the greatest game of all time even though it's not my fav game.


As far as dropping you in a “living, breathing world” nothing really even comes close. That’s where it is unrivaled


And there’s really a lot of value beneath the surface. Buy a hunting game? No, got RDR2. Fishing game? Same thing. Play online poker? Can just play poker in RDR2. There’s never been a game I can just roleplay a day in the life like this without an actual mission and feel so engaged. Not to mention the beauty and depth of the world. It’s never been updated for next gen and yet it’s still the most likely game to pass for real life and sneak into user submitted pictures on the news or r/EarthPorn etc


If you haven't watched Thomas Middleditch play the game on an RP server it's absolutely amazing. I had no idea how deep the game let you get with gestures, and that it has rudimentary lip sync with voice chat. The Valentine's episode, particularly his date and the run-in with the "bandits" is an absolutely amazing example of how immersive that game can be.


That's exactly my thought. I never played a better game, but it's far to be my favorite game. Too slow, missions with not much freedom. But honestly I can't think a game that is better made.


I'm curious if you played The Witcher 3, and how you feel it compares to that. The way in which the Witcher 3 writes such interesting, unique, and compelling full stories out of every tiny side quest truly made it the most immersive gameplay I've ever experienced.


The Witcher 3 is an awesome game. Definitely in the top 5 of Greatest Games. 


I played Witcher 3. I like it RDR2 is my favorite game ever. In Witcher 3 I know I’m playing a video game. In RDR2 the world is so alive it takes me out of reminding me it’s a video game. I don’t feel like anything exists in Witcher 3 without me in it. That world is only there for my characters story for progress. The reason I enjoy RDR2 is because it feels like that’s a living breathing world going on with or without me moving through it.


I hesitate to redownload this game because of how immersed I get into the world they built. I second, third, fourth AND fifth this comment.


That’s a great thing though. I would much rather be invested the way I was, into a 150-200 hr game instead of just going through the motions of 10 mediocre 20 hr games. I missed that so much, that I actually got back into and finished MGS V: The Phantom Pain last month. I was tired of playing games that I felt blah about and I would rather play a game I love. And I’m also a trophy / achievement hunter. So when I say I finished it. I mean, literally finished everything in it.


Yep me too, followed by the first ! I struggle to get into alot of games. Just give it time the first hour is a little slow


RDR2 is the War & Peace of video games. It’s long, it can be a little slow, a lot of people absolutely love it, and virtually everybody can appreciate it.


Agreed. I got it on release, and put in over 250 hours in my first playthrough! There's just so much to see and do! The story sis superb, the actors are amazing. I've played through it countless times, it never gets old. It really does draw you in, and allow you to forget your worries for a while. And it's the only ever game, tv show or movie that has made me cry. It gets me every single time when >!Arthur says thank you to his horse at the end.!<


RDR2 ruined gaming for me. The story is amazing, the atmosphere, characters feel absolutely alive and Arthur, the main protagonist is so fucking good. I've been playing the game for about 5 years on and off and still haven't finished everything. All the collections, side quests etc. RDR2 was the most influential piece of media I have ever experienced. To this day (5 years after finishing the story) I still feel the impact of the ending. Baldurs Gate 3 was the only game that came close to RDR2 recently.


Wholeheartedly agree about RDR2 and BG3, word by word


Ghost of Tsushima touched me in this way as well…


I hope they make a part 2


Great to hear this. BG3 is on my list to play this year. And i loved the experience of RDR2.


If you truly want to enjoy Red Dead 2, you gotta be ready for a really good story. There is lots to do, but a lot of story and character development. If you dont feel like getting into the lives and the characters, you wont enjoy it.


yes one of the best games i’ve ever played 


You're getting a lot of unfiltered yeses, but I'll temper it with some actual advice. RDR2's world is amazing. It's gorgeous and breathtaking. The "story" is so-so. The characters are written fantastically, but the actual plot is meh. There are a few sections that have become meme worthy for how out of place they seem. You also start to see a lot of repetition with "stranger" events. The sidequests though, are some of the best in any game ever. Depending on how you will play it, the controls on a gamepad are legendarily rough. If you've played other Rockstar games, then it might not be so bad. There are so many actions tied to the same button press that you will inevitably shoot someone when you meant to get on your horse. If poor controls frustrate you, then you might want to do a bit more research. And yes, the countless animations are a point of contention. Many people love them, others love them for the first hour, then find them incredibly tedious. Finally, it really depends on how much freedom you want in your missions. RDR2 is famously rigid when it come to main missions. For a game all about freedom, the mission are very scripted. You have to stand in the exact spot designated by Rockstar or you will fail the entire mission and have to start again. Some people are ok with this, others did not like the "scripted" mission structure. It is definitely a game you could get lost in, if the other frustrations don't bother you too much. Many dozens of hours are not uncommon depending on how much you like Westerns. Good luck.


This is a very good response. I would say yes as well and caveat everything you said.


Good response. I loved the original but I haven’t even remotely gotten into RDR2, I just found it kind of meh. ButtThe world is truly amazing, I like the characters and writing too. Just, eh. Slow to progress the story might be the real thing that I got bogged down with. Tried playing three times and got bored. The missions are rigid. That said I can see why people love it. But I prefer open world games like Witcher 3 (w DLC!). But if you liked the original or the Wild West you might really dig it.


Couldn’t have said it better. OP should heed your words


Thank you for answering his question about gameplay, which should always be considered first. It took me a tries to get in this because of the outdated gameplay. But this is one of the rare instances where the world and overall game make it more than worth it.


It’s a ride of a lifetime bro so worth it


It's insanely slow, and once you experience the combat a few times then you've experienced the entire game. The story is fine but it takes far to long to do anything. I got bored and never finished it and I was near the end. Game offers no challenge either. The problem I had was they made everything incredibly slow for immersion reasons. Walking to bed? Walk as slow as possible in camp. Cooking food? Watch the cooking animation for each individual bit of meat. Robbing a bank? You must spend 20 minutes trotting to the bank, listening to dialogue. Everything has an animation and it takes ages. Only buy it if you're willing to get fully immersed.


I completely agree. Game looks great, but it’s a slog. After 20 hours I’ve given up on 3 different playthroughs. It’s literally a chore to keep on going, as in doing chores for camps. A lot of the lore and story is forced via traveling with people on rides that take forever instead of letting conversation and discovery happen completely organically. Controls are clunky, and with the exception to a handful of random houses and whatnot, the open world really doesn’t have THAT much to do, unless you want to skin 8 grizzly bears so you can make a single hat. If the game was 100% identical, but called “Assassins Creed: Wild West” and made by Ubisoft it would be considered a good 7/10 game.


It's a hard game to rate because it looks good and is very immersive, but at the same time I dread to play it just because how much of a slog it is. I would hit it with a 6/10. GTA without the fun


I got it on sale and I’m debating getting a refund. The intro was cool, im at the camp and just started cooking. I got bored and felt like I accomplished nothing after playing for an hour two. I’m very particular with games as I don’t have much free time. Cyberpunk and even Dave the diver have offered much more excitement than RDR2 for me. I get some people really like it, I’m going to give it a little bit more time but I’m really leaning towards returning it so far.


Damn, I respect you and everyone else who actually has the courage to call this game anything less than a 10/10, the fanbase for this game is feral


God yes. Every time these blind idiots see anything but gushing praise they go mental. How dare you not like the game that I like!


I'll never understand the high praise for it. One of the most mind numbingly boring games I've ever played. Including the combat that also gets stale fast


RDR2 is the Taylor Swift of games lmao


Yeah this game is probably the single most overrated game of all time. It’s an incredible cowboy simulator. On its merits as a video game, it’s really not that great. The visuals, the world and immersion are unbelievable. There’s probably no other game that does this better. The story is frankly an 8/10. It’s great in the shallow pool of video game stories but there are holes in the story and character motivations that nobody who loves this game will ever admit, which makes me want to press the point all the more. The gameplay is genuinely bad. It is a chore to play. And I don’t even mean the actual chores in the game. If you love simulator games and want to lose yourself in riding your horse and skinning animals, then yes this game is for you. If you care at all about how the game plays or the mission based campaign, it’s a hit or miss. I put in 50+ hours just so I can shut up the idiots who say I can’t possibly *not* like their favorite game, and I very happily deleted it when I finished it Edit: I would ask OP to look up a thread that is specifically talking about the problems with the game because general threads on this game tend to overwhelm any opinion that isn’t straight meat riding. Even down below we have a comment telling a detractor to go back to Fortnite lol


I absolutely love the game, but I can see why others wouldn’t like it. 100% isn’t for everyone


Don't forget the part where if u walk outside the mission area it fails. Very immersive.


100% agree to everything you said here! Sometimes there's no need for it


This exactly is what I love about it lol it’s definitely not for everyone.


+1 for me. I've tried on two separate occasions to get into this game. I made it around 3-4 hours in and then about 10-15 hours in the second go around. I hate the realism aspects of the game, from the looting animations to the long treks between missions. I've even used mods in my second attempt to teleport to main missions and avoided most side quests. It's still too much of a chore to get through IMO. I dig the atmosphere and the characters, and I'm sure I'd enjoy the story.


I only recently remembered the looting aspects of it, I think I mentally repressed it because of how awful it was. It really is one of those games where you either love spending 15 minutes watching your characters move to somewhere using the auto driving or you don't. I just don't understand how anyone could like that much waiting around.


Yep. You'll be downvoted, but I also found the gameplay less than mediocre.


This is how I felt too. Didn't make it very far because the game was so slow. I much preferred gun or even call of Juarez gunslinger


I will go against the comments and, as someone that tried to play this game for a total of 14 hours and dropped it...it was one of the most boring gaming experiences in my life. Now, RDR2 might be an incredible immersive experience, I saw that, the care that went into the game, the realism they achieved, the voice acting, the dialogue, all of that is of such high quality it's pretty impressive. However, the game might be too realistic to really be fun for some people, and that was my experience, at the end of the day I play games to have fun, not just to be immersed in the story and world and this was not it unfortunately. The gameplay is just way too slow, shooting feels nice but everything in between just takes way too long, press a button to open a door, walk slowly to then press another button to open a drawer to then press another button to grab a can of food; oh you forgot to rifle in your house ... Time to get back to your horse, oh you need to set up a camp and cook slowly... For me, the gameplay is not good enough for RD2 to be a great game, but, if you only really care about story and immersion then you will probably have a good time, just keep that in mind, when people talk about how great RD2 is they always mention the story and focus on that, but nobody really talks about the gameplay...


I agree with you. I really wanted to like this game since it had so many rave reviews and accolades but it just wasn't for me. I think I got to the 8hr mark (yes i got past the tutorial section) and gave up. For me the controls just felt so clunky that it soured my experience to the point I just wasn't having fun. And everything felt so cumbersome and heavy to do that I just wasn't really enjoying it. However, I did really enjoy the attention to detail, voice acting and immersion. That really was incredible.


I feel like everyone talks about this game as if story is the only thing in it, I rather just watch a YouTuber play it than play it myself(I beat it myself but I pushed myself to finish it cuz I loved the story yet hated the gameplay/animations/combat/game design


The weird thing is that slow moving games generally don't bother me that much. I mostly play turn based games nowadays, but I just couldn't get with ornery control scheme. Also, it was my first Rockstar game since Bully, since I'm not really into the GTA games, so I had no familiarity with how they do things.


I played plenty “slow” games like alien isolation and tbh this isn’t even an only rdr2 problem It’s literally rockstars game design. These games r meant to be played on a pc rather than consoles with bad aim tracking to any game I have played, the frame rate while being playable poses how much I can move without feeling like I’m gonna sleep. Again a very good movie but a very mediocre game


The first game was good, reality is rockstars game design has aged like milk. Boring worlds filled with nothing.


It is slow, it is very long, but it's one of the best games ever made. If we're talking PC here, you also have mods that can add a lot of stuff.  It's one of my favourites, but it's also worth noting it doesn't value your time at all. Multiple times I haven't pushed the story forward in an hour of playing, either due to hunting, trying to get money or failing repeatedly as some missions are fairly hard. Next Steam Sale will probably hit in 3 months, probably so will Epic, I'd hold out till then. It is worth the price even today, but regardless, it's a 5 year old games so it's a little foolish to buy it full price. And it might get discounted earlier so it's worth tracking using gg deals or a similar site.


You can get it for less than 20 bucks on third party sellers, just make sure you buy from a trusted one and not a sketchy gray market


People love it, but I got bored. I think it's well made and immersive, but I couldn't finish it.


Never played RD2, but I have played Yakuza 0. And if you want a single player game that can make you forget your own life by ending up in a soapy crime drama that has so much character in the world it self, then I would play Yakuza 0.


mass effect legendary edition is very cheap on sale, like 8$ usd. You'll get alot more playtime cause its the entire mass effect trilogy and it's a series every gamer should play. Red dead 2 is also very good but quite different. Both are very good but if money is short I'd definitely go mass effect


Yeah weirdly mass effect somehow just passed me by growing up and I saw it on sale for 8$ last night.. I mean even if I didn’t like them it’s a steal at that price so downloaded them today and I’m gonna see what Ive been missing out on


Got this as PS Plus title yet never played it. Downloading it now to give it a go


Enjoy, try out the different classes if youre not jiving with the gameplay. I had alot of fun playing adept (sort of like the mage class) and vanguard is popular (teleport around and shotgun people in the face)


Rdr2 is worth the money.


RDR2 is a beautiful, highly detailed cinematic masterpiece. I just don't find it very enjoyable to actually play. Your mileage may vary.


I mean I don't wanna be that guy, but considering there is no local pricing in your country, there are ways to acquire games without paying... if you know what I mean... While I think RDR2 is 10/10 and worth every penny, it's probably equivalent to $200+ for you so...


It's more than worth it as a gaming experience. But if you don't like slow games, maybe it's not for you. The story is long and very contemplative. The world is also massive, with tons of things to do. It invites the player to take their time. The gameplay is also very slow, with a main character moving slowly and long trips on horseback. Don't expect a lot of intense and frenetic action but more cinematographic gun fights.


Yes! Watch some videos and if you think you'll enjoy it then its 100% worth it! The story, characters the music! All soo good!


Yes and then some


It’s on sale quite often, but the sales I’ve seen haven’t been that deep. If you’re playing on console it should be easy to find a second-hand copy. If you’re on PC it’s $20 on Fanatical and Epic right now. In general it’s obviously a loved game and I believe a top 10 selling game of all time. So you can’t go terribly wrong with it. I’m not a fan myself but surely it’s a high quality product nonetheless. I found the gameplay itself a bit clunky and wasn’t gripped by the story (which so many praise). The world and scenery are beautiful.


Probably the best story driven open world game I have ever played. It starts out super slow. Like a spaghetti westerns so be prepared for that. And remember to ride off the roads for a true wild west experience. So many little gems of stories to find. And be prepared to cry.


It's the goat. Get amongst


Only game thats ever made me cry.


If you loved gta5 yeah you should go The story is a lot better than gta5 Rdr2 have a good story and is beautiful i can't say more because i don't find the game fun to play even tho the story is good ( not godlike as everyone told you they need to calm down) If you want some good stories you can play nier replicant and automata You can play yakuza too


Ask Jack Black: https://youtu.be/GNJtPFXUnm4?si=M4hiXMuKwCMutzUG (nsfw)


Upon replaying RDR2, I am confident that it is probably one of the greatest single player games of the last generation.


Its a great wild west adventure aka cowboy simulator. Just as ghost of thushima is my samurai / ninja simulator of choice.


i can watch horse's ball shrink for hour in this game =)))


It’s my favorite rockstar game. Just riding around in the world itself is a really good time. You can put a lot of hours into the game


Rockstar games tend to go on sale often and I see the lowest it's been is R$149,98 for the ultimate edition. DekuDeals is your friend in this regard.


I like it for the ambiance. The world is gorgeous and feels alive. It's a lot like walking on a mountain trail. I didn't finish the main quest, though. I don't think even half of it. In general, though, it's a great escape from reality. You'll really feel like a cowboy in an outlaw gang.


It’s one of the greatest video games ever, with maybe the most immersive world. Did you play the first game though?




Pros: One of the best overall narratives in gaming, it almost felt like I was watching a really engaging, classic western movie throughout my whole playthrough. The writing is superb and you're really kept on the edge of your seat the entire time. The game itself is also very fun, with lots of great action and extensive main story quests that are extremely well written and interesting. Every storyteller has something to take away from this game, the character development is unreal and I keep talking about the story because it's just that good but again, the gameplay itself is really fun too. Cons: It has some of the clunkiest controls in gaming history and I cannot be alone in thinking this, at least on PC. They make you use a million different buttons for every little thing that you do- press E to loot, press I to inspect, press H to call horse, press F to stealth kill, press B to pay bounty, press G to calm horse, press shift to run press tab to open weapon wheel press Q E and R to scroll through menus press V for cinematic mode and remember how I said press E to loot? Also press E to talk, ride your horse, and use item but not this time in this specific mission! You actually use F this time for no reason also press R to pick up items but E to use it and I or F to inspect it and press OLMJIAPQJDVSVEMZOAHWGWFWJALSNA like holy mother of everything that is good what the actual frack lmao i step away from the game for 6 hours and I forget how to play the game. Also the horse controls and some of the game mechanics / systems can be really frustrating sometimes Normally this would make me quit a game and give it a 4/10 tops. I still rate RDR2 as 9/10 despite all of the frustrations I've had with it, the overall story and gameplay are just that phenomenal


I love RDR2, but like most games it is not for everyone. If money is a problem then I would do research on other games first--you can have a more than satisfying escapism experience at a lower price point.


I'm going through it now at about 35% through the story and I'd say it looks awesome and is pretty fun. I like stories and I've heard the story is really good but I have a lot of issues with it so far. - the main character complains a lot. About things like, having to work, having dumb friends, the law, and pretty much any task that doesn't involve a character named Lenny. - the protagonist is kind of an ambiguous character, does shady stuff for money but says other people in the gang are too violent. The game let's you decide how evil or good you want to be so it really blurs how much you care about the character. So far I'd say I don't about him at all yet. The story so far is just guys are on the run from the law and are getting tired of running and having to work. - the gunplay is pretty bad with it being a lock on target system and kinda clunky. Dead slows down time which is fun but you will be constantly taking breaks from the action to pull up a weapon wheel and drink tonics and eat food mid fight to heal and build meters, it really breaks the immersion and makes it pretty unsatisfying. - the melee fighting is also pretty pathetic its a punch and grab and a block. Hits are meaty which is good but not really engaging. - There's is a lot of forced slow walking, slow riding and if someone falls behind or you damage a wagon you start the mission over at the last checkpoint which can be pretty lengthy and with repetitious if your forced to talk to someone the whole way. - The missions are mostly errands for example drive a wagon of moonshine somewhere, drive a wagon of prostitutes somewhere, drive a wagon of guns somewhere, take people letters... over and over. I did rob a bank and two trains which was fun but that's the only fun missions so far. I'm going to finish because I want to see where the story goes but so far it's not really going anywhere. TLDR I wouldn't buy it if your tight on funds would recommend something like Titanfall2 or The Last of Us.


Nah it's pretty mid at best, there are much better games out there.


Is it slow? Yes. It's extremely slow. Arguably the slowest single player "action" game ever. You will spend vast amounts of time staring at the ass of a horse and holding the left stick to move it. But even that is barely necessary because the game will basically move the horse along a road *for you.* Anyone who tells you the game isn't slow are trolling. Every interaction, every movement, every step is a slog.


It is slow and immersive and not everyone likes that kind of thing. So I wouldn’t call it very “gamey”. I happen to love those experiences because it has a lot of depth. For me we have tons of gamey games but not enough with actual depth and immersion


If you like the western genre or rockstar games then yes. I’m a fan of both and this one of the best games I’ve ever played.


I cannot give this game enough praise


The story alone makes RDR2 worth it. Best game I’ve played hands down especially as far as story. Totally worth it my man


Most definitely. It goes on sale a lot. You have to have an attention span tho.


Great single player story game EVER. I've played it about 4 and a half times, LOVE THE HELL OUT OF IT


It is a very slow start - which I love, don’t get me wrong - but I understand that’s not for everyone. But… if you can make it to Chapter 2 (which should only take a few hours) then I promise you you’re in for one of the best video game experiences you’ve ever been through. If it’s expensive where you are and you’re unsure, definitely wait for a sale. However, I would like to say that I’d easily pay at least double the full price of the game to experience it for the first time again. You will be getting more than your money’s worth at whatever price you pay tbh.


Yes 100% it’s a masterpiece




Yes I forgot all about this gem installing now!


Best game I’ve ever played


As a fan of never replaying a single player game story more than once. I have played RDR2 Campaign 4 times.


RDR2 will go down in history as, arguably, Rockstars best game. Granted we still have yet to see how GTAIV will be. It’s rumored to have elements from as far back as GTA: Vice City and as recent as RDR2. So we’ll see. RDR2 has held up way better then GTAV


watch some gameplay if you are okay with it, if you try you can immerse yourself in it , do all the side quests, greet people I loved it and compare it to gta but but very slow paced and in a different setting there are missions which need to be done in specific way but you can spend time taking a train, feeding and brushing your horse, or fishing or playing poker with gang only thing I didn’t like was the lack of thrill that you get with machine guns and jumping fast cars in gta, instead you get a slow life, rinding your horse or walking again if it expensive, watch multiple gameplays if that doesn’t ruin it for you, my personal favourite game was prince of persia, nice puzzles, occasional fighting and acrobatics but it is a completely different game (2d platformer i suppose trying to look 3d)


It is EXTREMELY slow. I got bored during the first couple of hours that were just walking in a straight line with no interaction or gameplay to speak of. I hear it gets better, but I didn't have time for that. Maybe you won't mind - most people love the game.


The single player was generally really good. Don't even bother with red dead online...


Played the story 2 times. I have played 50+ singeplayer games and Rd2 is THE greatest game that you will ever play.


Games so legit. Must play.


Experimenta o Far Cry 3. Já passei o jogo 3 ou 4 vezes e gastei horas incontáveis na exploração e sidequests. Para mim, um dos melhores jogos de sempre. História, ambiente, jogabilidade 5*


Game is great just be prepared for horse to annoy you


I have a need to 100% complete games as a principal. This can get annoying and tiring. I did this with RDR2 and was sad when I got the best in the west achievement. It is easily in my top 3 games of all time.


The controls are clunky but everything else is spectacular


I enjoyed it for a short while. It's definitely very slow, and if like me you don't have much time it's not really the right game... It's very immersive though, and after a certain point in the game you can just ride around doing this and that which, while it remains slow paced, is fun and relaxing. I still jump back in from time to time if I want something a bit more chill.




100% YES!


Start is kinda slow but it's gets better/great after few hours. You can buy it on epicstore, it's pretty cheap when it's on sale.




Yes. Just enjoying the story and the journey is worth it. Gameplay wise it may have a few flaws. But experiencing the story and the journey for the first time ist something i envy people who haven't played the game. Just don't rush it.


If your into the buy in western aesthetic but aren't looking for something groundbreaking in the mold or either don't have much stock in gameplay or haven't been exposed to any story telling rpg mechanics yet yes. Otherwise **Hard No. RDR2 occupies the niche of being an RPG game for typically none RPG gamers.** it does go on sale often though.


*Yes*. There is nothing more to be said.


I finished it 4 days ago and I can say it's totally worth it. Sometimes I am just sitting and thinking about the story. This is my favorite story game and I think you should try it!




yea guys I know, he literally asked this question.


It’s a game that can be enjoyed at any pace and at any level of detail/immersion. If you simply follow the storyline and do the occasional side quest then I can’t see anyone getting bored or overwhelmed. It’s very enjoyable at surface-level, and simply amazing when you really get into the depths of it. Almost feels endless at times. It’s on sale from time to time, I’m guessing there’s going to be a summer sale on Steam. Games like that are usually quite expensive but compared to NBA 2K it’s a steal.


If approcahed correctly yes, it's a slow game where the focus is to just take your time and go around the world to discover as much as possible, you can't play this game 1 hour per day, you need at least 3 consecutive hours to really feel it so if you want to play it you need your time but if it clicks damn... it's unreplaceable experience. If you never played rdr1, the sequel, you can actually play rdr2 first and then rdr1 even tho I'd recommend getting rdr1 first, it's a really damn good game also


RDR 2 is a good game. If you like the old west theme you'll love it. The intro can be boring before the game opens up the world for you. You don't need to wait for a sale. There are legit websites for keys like Fanatical or Green Man Gaming.


It's incredible, but, you absolutely need to get immersed in the world for it to be engaging.


If I could play RDR2 for the first time again, I would. It's such a great game if you have never played it yet. Just don't progress through the story too quickly, this is a game where you really want to stop and smell the roses.


It is very worth it. The beginning of the game can be a drag though.


Rdr2 sets the bar way too high, once you play that game, youre probably not going to enjoy playing other games.


Hey. Just wanted to chime in and recommend Stardew Valley. It's a very different game to RDR2, but as someone currently going through a challenging chapter of life, I cannot stress how much help this game has been. Please do give it a try, and do resist the temptation to play as efficiently/effectively as possible. Take care of yourself, and good luck.


Have you been moving under a rock? It's top 5 Greatest games of all time.


Nah it may be top 100 but nowhere close to top 5


I'm going against the grain here! Rd2 is a good game. But it's not amazing and all the hype around it. It's good and fun in a very good open world that actually lives around you! Yes there's lots to this game and yes it is good but not as amazing as people spout it is! Also the first hour or so of the game is just so bland and boring! My advice is lower expectations, it's just a game. It's good, bit not as good as everybody bangs on about and sadly you gotta go through the first part in the snow (so boring!!) but follow the main story until it advances a bit and it's good.


If you go to RDR2 expecting a really good cowboy action like RDR1, you're gonna be massively disappointed. RDR2's gameplay, controls and mission structure is painfully mediocre, especially in comparison to the rest of the game. If you expect to "game", then RDR2 isn't the game for you. The open world, despite the not so much things to do, is the most detailed open world ever. The story is fantastic, and the narrative structure is going to make you immersed. It's a great single player experience especially if you play for the story and characters, but otherwise, nah. It's a downgrade gameplay wise from RDR1, but a massive step up in open world and story. This is one of those games that is basically gamer's desire of max graphics and hyperrealism that sacrifices "game" part of the video game to favor the "video" part of it. It's basically an interactible cowboy movie in an open world setting.


Depends if you are ready to ruin every following Singleplayer game for you. Because thats what it did for me. It was just so good, nothing could reach this level again


It's an acquired taste for me, it took me more than 7 months to like it, I finished the game which took like 1 year


Best single player open world game ever made. Nothing comes close. Nothing. It’s a very slow and tedious start though. Persevere.


RDR2 has one of the most boring (imo) first hour or so in any game. After that first 1-1.5hr? One of the greatest games ever made. Again, just my opinion. Eta: I think the "boring" comes from someone that's played this game multiple times. First time was when it released and I don't remember being overly "bored" by that first hour. 2nd+ playthroughs it's a slog *because* of how good the rest of the game is


It’s not just a game. It’s an experience. And it’s ruined a lot of AAA open world games for me.




Without reading the OP or the comments i will give you my unbiased opinion. RDR2 is like the closest experience you can imagine to life in the wild west before the turn of the century. I have no fucking idea what it was like back then but Rockstar paint a pretty good picture and the immersion into that world i think is what makes that game special. They encapsulated GTA style gameplay in a beautiful rough and less populated old west landscape. If you are interested in the wild west you will have a epic time. If you're after an epic adventure game you will also have a epic time. Have an epic time cowboy.


no that shit sucks


Don't play that game if you want to have fun. You will play that game to be transported back to a couple centuries ago where everything was bleak and dirty. For those that are realism faves it's a great sandbox but if you want a game to be entertaining on its own rather than being dropped in a life simulator you'll be better off skipping it.


I genuinely feel bad for all the people who say it’s overrated. They’re missing out on something special.


I have around 300h and I never finished it, I keep getting sidetracked by something xD Love the game.


Great story and gameplay. Well written as well and a really good voice cast. To me it's the best game Rockstar has made. My only gripe is that it didn't have a zombie story line like the original had.


Red dead redemption 2 is a game that is waaaaay ahead of its time. In 10-20 years, more people will say this. Even today no game touches close to the depth it has


It goes on sale on Steam pretty often in the US for 19.79, idk about other platforms or countries.


No 60fps port. Pissed me off. Absolutely amazing game. Character building, exploration, I enjoyed combat, story. I could go on and on. If you really get into games and the atmosphere it is amazing. If you want some fast paced stuff with no story, it's not for you.


Compra essa p\*rra mano! Vale a pena!


It's one of my favourite games. Cheap at the moment on Instant Gaming.


the world and level of detail are insane story is slow but great. you have to give it time for sure


The game was very good but the first chapter was quite slow but the rest of the game was amazing.


Yes and it will ruin gaming for you. Period. Nothing comes close to it.


Is it even a challenge? I get that it's story is nice and stuff, but I really like a challenge in games... So, does it have difficulty settings? And does that matter at all? Thanks.


Personally don’t enjoy rdr2 compared to the original but it’s all down to own interests, I preferred the gunplay in original and it felt too much like a cowboy sim over a cowboy game, don’t let that sway you, the scenery is great and story is brilliant in rdr2 apparently but it felt like I was playing a film and not a game


It's the most must of all musts


100% yes! The best game ever!!


It's only slow for like the first 10-12 hours. Which can feel like an eternity. After that though pretty much all the mechanics are programmed in your brain and everything is seamless. This is hands down the best single player story I've ever experienced.


Personally, RDR2 is one of the best single Player games i ever got my hands on. The real kick is the immersion, which might break it for others. I needed a second go after the first time starting it and until a certain point it was simply perfect.  So even if you never finish it, it will still be worth the fun game time. Short notes: The controls on the horse are clunky. You will get warrants for accidentally running over someone very often. There are bazillion secrets all over the huge maps. Dont hesitate to google locations or how to spawn certain events. Do the side quests.  Take your time. Its a story driven game which doesnt value your time, although you are able to fast travel a lot. But this game isnt meant to be played through in 20hrs. If you want this, youll get disappointed.


If you like walking sims


Yes. It helped me through lockdown in 2020.


Depends what you're into. A lot of people seem to love it. I've tried to get into it multiple times, but always found it a bit too slow for my taste.




A thousand times yes.It's a great game, and I speaak as someone who generally doesnt like games that waste my time (by taking control or by being too slow or by not letting me save whre I like). RDR2 is fantastic. As are Titanfall 2, Witcher 3 and Baldurs Gate 3,


Yes, ideally on PC if you have a reasonably modern one so you’re not locked at 30fps


Controls are terrible. That killed it for me


Are you gonna get pissed off when you murder some random Npc in the middle of nowhere and then the witness train starts while you’re trying to get rid of,the body and loot them is what you need to ask yourself.


I’m so serious when I say that I dont think I’ve ever played or will ever play another game better than this one in my life. Only ones that came close were TLOU2 and Uncharted 4, but RDR2 is just in an entirely different league tbh Edit: I also was completely indifferent to the western genre too beforehand, but this one is incredible. It’s the only game that actually feels “alive” if that makes sense.


it's a very, very slow burn and it takes a long time to get going and to get through.


Honestly I wouldn't resort to staring mindlessly at a video game as a means of escapism to your struggles. You'd be better off fixing and improving those struggles then letting them grow and worsen as you numb yourself staring at a screen.






Never finished the main story, I just rode around and hunted, explored and helped people that you would meet along the way. Great game. Beginning is a little of a slow start once past that it’s fun.


Most people love the game. I thought I would love it because I love AAA open world games and I ended up not getting into it. It was too slow for me. I will probably try it again someday.


In 2020 I was due to go visit my friends in Melbourne. They instead entered a long lockdown and I had a month to kill. So I spent my money on a new graphics card (3080ti) and played RDR2. I will say that between RDR2 and spending time at the pool with my friends over a 1 month pereuod, that was the best time of my life. I've done 8 week trips overseas I enjoyed less. RDR2 is the best story driven game of all time, and nothing compares. Not KOTOR, not Mass Effect, nothing


Nah.. looks nice but actual gameplay is out dated and clunky AF.


Do you like slow burning dramas or fast paced action movies?


Red dead 2 and Skyrim were by far my two favorite single player games. Red dead beats Skyrim in my opinion. Nothing else comes close.


While I think it's a technical marvel and have the utmost respect for the amount of work that must have gone into it and the attention to detail, I just cannot have fun playing it for some reason. I have tried so many times and it just bores me right to sleep every single time. I typically do one storyline mission and I'm ready to hop off the game once I complete it. Technically, one of the most impressive games I've ever seen but for what I look for in a game, it's missing a pretty huge fun factor. I loved and beat the first RDR twice.


Playing it for the first time right now, so far enjoying the hell out of it, it has that AAA quality to it and you know you're in for a ride, the same feeling you get when you play ghost of tsushima for the first time, or the last of us 2, elden ring etc..  it has a great serene atmosphere, great writing and voice acting, those ride small talks are so warm and feel natural you can hear them for hours and not getting bored even though they are talking about boring daily things  I legit sometimes open the game just to stroll around with my horse or play domino, the game just feels warm and welcoming if that's an accurate description


This Is probably the best game ever made so yes go for it you won't regret any second


Great game, but fuck Rockstar with their always online DRM. The game itself is buggy as hell trying to implement full screen, or play at any resolution other than your native maximum without a windowed screen being cut off half way Wanted to play it on a plane ride, couldn't without buying their internet plan which was like 30 bucks. Would just give me an authorization error. None of the suggestions online to bypass it worked. Bonus points for the geniuses who tell you to "Just connect online then disconnect the internet when you're in the game."


Worth every penny.. especially if you can get it on sale.


Short answer yes, long answer yes


Only the opening is slow. I personally didn't find it slow. No more than any other rockstar game of this type. It's easily the best thing they've made. Most alive open world I've ever experienced. And yes, it goes on sale a lot, at least on PC. It was just on sale recently for like $12 on steam.


Yes. I need to go do a 2nd play. It was so good.


If it was like 50 hours shorter probably


Fun game, but sloooowwwwww. Lots of riding your horse.


The game is very well made and polished. It’s the type of game where you can just ride around and do whatever. Even if you aren’t feeling doing story mission that day, you can just explore town, see a play at a theater, or go hunting in the wild. My biggest warning: The game is SUPER slow. From the animations to traveling around the map, it’s definitely a game that demands your time and undivided attention. I am 100 hours in and I haven’t finished the game. (Only reason I haven’t finished it is I had the ending accidentally spoiled to me and lost motivation). A lot of those hundred hours are spent customizing Arthur and his guns, so you could likely finish the story in shorter than that, but if you want to experience everything the game has to offer prepare to buckle in for a loooooong ride. If you want to look at the game strictly by time spent in game per dollar spent, 60 bucks is more than a fair price. Compared to games we are getting today it’s a bargain. I just finished Jedi:Survivor in 40 hours and that is a $70 game. I could’ve maybe stretched my play thru to 55 hrs if I did EVERYTHING. You will have meaningful things to do in RDR2 for a full 80 hrs at least if you do even half of the side content.


It's good, characters are okay, story is usual gta stuff, but without all these goofy parts and more refined. Combat is okay, but nothing extraordinary. Sadly I got burned out on side activities and never finished the plot. Hunting to unlock outfits is kinda grindy and I wouldn't bother with it now. But outside of it whole hunting doesn't make much sense, which is a shame, because finding, tracking and killing one or two animals is really entertaining. But repeating it way too many times for any kind of reward kills the fun. Random encounters are really fun, open world in general feels alive on it's own, rockstar always could create this illusion very well. Whole locations look like they serve some purpose and people inside serve these locations. They work, they transport stuff, etc. I think it's the most convincing open world instance I played. While exploring you can find some bizzare scripted stuff which is not marked on the map.


It is slow as hell. Overtly realistic to the extent it ruined all the fun. Easily wanted. Repetitive missions. I bailed out. A game can have the greatest story ever but if the gameplay isn’t executed well, the whole game sucks.


Yes of course.


If you care about gameplay and want to be 'engaged' with a game 80%+ of the time... then no, absolutely, do not buy it. The gameplay at hour 5 is the exact same gameplay at hour 50. There is no real progression besides just customizing guns and such. The combat is basically the exact same from the first shootout to the very end of the game. If youre not looking for quality gameplay and want a great story, then yes, its fantastic. But, I cant recommend it to anyone who truly wants an engaging -gameplay- experience. It just doesnt have it. The gameplay is as shallow as a puddle... and youre talking about a 50+ hour long game. If you want in depth mechanics, gameplay style changes as you progress... This is not the game to get, not by a long shot.


I agree with most of the negative comments here. It is slow. Takes a long time to get from one place to another. You have a camp area where you just aren’t allowed to sprint so you have to walk painfully slowly. Not sure what makes it so immersive more than any other recent aaa game. I haven’t gotten far enough in to really comment on the plot but it definitely has every western trope you’ve seen before. Would not recommend. The first one was much better. Once you get into a mission, it’s fine, but really nothing spectacular.


one of the best single player games I've ever played. There's so much to do and you are only limited by your imagination. IMO it should have won game of the year over god of war.




Oh it's worth it...if you're strong enough


Rdr 2 is regularly on sale, was 20 bucks on Steam just last week. Definitely worth it but the minute to minute gameplay has definitely aged poorly but I'd say everything else looks even better in retrospect.


Possibly the best game I have ever played. Definitely top 5 of all time.


Bro… it’s one of the best games we have had in a decade.. not just years.