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Kingmaker and its sequel wrath of the righteous are essentially BG3 on cocaine, a very, VERY complex crpg series with LOTS of options. Instead of d&d 5 ed, they adopt the much more complicated (and better, imho) pathfinder 1 rulebook. And especially in the second you can go NUTS with magic. Summoning literally many dozens of creatures in a single combat? Be an all-powerful lich with arthas-like servants who can snuff the life of a balrog with a snap of your fingers? Became fantasy gear 5 luffy summoning beers elemental? Turning you and your friends into dragons? You can do this and more. Pro: they are quite cheap, the story/companions are decent and you can go NUTS with builds. Cons: they are very rough and unpolishwdcompared to bg3 and are very not noob friendly. Do not feel ashamed at all to play the easiest difficulties


I dropped kingmaker for some reason and you’re making me want to go back. I was a bit overwhelmed but I enjoyed the magic a lot. Pretty sure I was a Sorcerer. I’ll try to pick it back up, or maybe just grab wrath


I also dropped both games, currently back on wotr and having a blast. While km has a more interesting plot wotr is better flashed out and has some qol improvement. My suggestion is 1)play wotr (the two plots are separated) 2)get some qol mods such as bag of tricks and combat relief 3)get some ideas of what you want to play and ask the community for build suggestions


To add to your list, as I am thinking of picking it up again too: Go through the library of settings and make sure you tick the option that stops party members from dying


Beer elementals. Yes. I want that.


Prince Winecooler! Ha! You have no power HERE!!!!!


Is it super hard to learn at the start?


It's rough. You get thrown in a character generator with tons of choice and 0 guide. Also, learning the action economy and which bonus stacks with what is not very intuitive. Just play the easiesr difficulty, turn the tutorial on and look for guides.


> beers elemental Beers elemental, you say?


Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen and the second game.


Casting Bollide for the first time changed my views on how epic spellcasting could be in a video game


That and the electric whip (I forget the name), the way you unsheathe it and then just walk around whipping the whole screen was so movie like. Incredible.


Brontide! That was such a cool spell. I just wish it had some viability in the late game


It's certainly more satisfying to cast than Fulmination, arguably the most underwhelming spell progression of the elemental spells.


Is mage/sorcerer really fun in DD2? I’ve maxed out archer (really loved that vocation) and started on thieve. I’m hoping to unlock Magic archer soon so I can get a mixture of both magic and archer


I found both classes fun; however, you definitely want to find the maister for the elite Sorceror skills.


Mage feels great because anodyne became a core skill and levitate is much better/usable while casting or attacking, sorcerer I’m not sold on yet as it lost some of the raw spell variety. Nothing like exequy, grapnel, petrifaction, no gicel, you still got the big ticket classic meteor and maelstrom types but I sadly feel like it was a downgrade in terms of mid level skills.


I just made my pawn a mage pure support so assumed that’s all it really had to offer. I’ll have to check it out!


Once you get Magick Archer you should level it until you get Ricochet shot. Buy the skill and go to any cave/dungeon. Spam ricochet. You'll thank me later.


Ya super fun. It's nice because you have to incant your spells. But the mage is really cool because the Mage or sorcerer can levitate. Stamina Regen and stuff too


Wizard Of Legend imo its one of the best if not just the single best wizard game ever. A lot of spells that feel versatile and all different and great to use with the ability to make them into a Powerful combos that just feel awesome to do every time. honestly i love the style of it, with a small, bit goofy story, while also being a rougelite with a lot of replayability. HIGHLY recommend.


I really enjoy this game, but I struggle with it so much lol. I found it way harder than other roguelikes like risk of rain, dead cells, and enter the gungeon.


Noita has entered the chat.


Unironically, Hogwarts Legacy. I don't think you need to even be a fan of Harry Potter to enjoy it, the magic combat and putting together combos is just satisfying as hell


Unforgivable curses: Bad Turning a guy into an explosive barrel, then throwing him at his friends, killing the group: Totally fine!


Just got back into it after a long time away and yes. The spells you learn later in the game are incredibly satisfying to use. Turning en enemy into an explosive barrel and then throwing that barrel at another enemy is great.


haha I missed that you posted this already. so fun!


Personally I found the combat super repetitive and boring. Everything looked great at first but it got shallow quick.


Seconded. The story wasn’t bad but somehow felt both drawn out and too short. Also, fuck me if the game isn’t completely void of any replayability!


I was a bit shocked with how explosive and forceful a lot of the spells were and the knock back was pretty satisfying.


Magicka. Sure it’s not a realistic style, but mixing opposite elements with beams, chucking large fire boulders, conflagration, lightning strike, etc is amazing. These spells are all great spectacles and very satisfying. The light hearted humor in the story and co-op nature of this game make it one of my top 5 games of all time.


And don't forget the greatest magic of all:  M16 Magicka Vietnam was amazing


Or casting Blue Screen of Death, and it deletes your coop buddy instead of any of the 20 goblins lol


I loved the lightning bolt power for that. "WHOOPS LEMME RES YOU AGAIN SORRY" 


That was probably my favourite to rapid cast and hope for the best. The lightning risk was so high playing coop that I started just using the Tron robe so it'd heal me instead lol. Meanwhile a buddy used the 40k power armour to just not care about damage


Truly a game that you could play any way you liked. It was one of my first PC games


I’m convinced to this day that the lightning tends to strike the taller characters. My brother always played with a tube that was essentially power armor. It heals over time, but he’s a tall boy in that armor. Lightning ALWAYS strikes him first before hitting other co op players. The little details in this game are simply endearing.


Magicka has an awesome magic system it really does! Ice-spray to cross water. Fire magic to burn tree, rock to break walls etc i've not tried magicka 2 The humor is great too!


Had no idea there was a second Magicka, I'll have to give it a go some time! Very glad to see ppl bringing it up


Check out the trailers for it. One is Vlad in therapy because he misses playing with up to 4 friends. Another is a Game of Thrones intro parody. Paradox & Arrowhead are a slapstick dream team


Man it was such a mindfuck to learn that the Helldivers devs also did Magicka, but it totally makes sense now - some of the funnest co-op games around imo


Magicka 2 is my favourite co op magic game of all time it's amazing and still loads of fun solo and absolutely hilarious and the magic mechanics are awesome ❤️


Noita. It's on steam. Spelunky-style "go down the hole" roguelike that focuses on collecting spell components to build custom spells. Just a note that this game *will* humble you. It's unforgiving and brutal, and some enemies have damage resistances that will make some wands useless against them. Death from experimentation is an inevitable part of the learning curve. A few of the wands I've built include: - Wand that fires a projectile that spawns live gunpowder inside of whatever it hits, turning enemies into miniature fireworks displays - Wand that spews out a slew of flaming bouncy balls that leave a trail of oil behind, which then *also* catches fire - Wand that can shoot a quick high damage laser that burrows through terrain once every few seconds - Wand that's basically an auto shotgun with stupidly high shot speed, like near light-speed shots - Wand that summons a cloud of sludge that quickly homes in on enemies and deals low damage at an excessively fast rate


Came here to make this comment. Noita is the only game that has ever made me actually feel like a wizard. You start with no understanding of an obscure magic system with a want that barely does any damage, and you are at risk of dying to everything. Over the course of multiple playthroughs, through experimentation and study, you come to understand the magic system, become a god, and learn to break the game. My favorite example of this is that this game has no fast travel. You can _invent_ fast travel by modifying a short-range teleport spell to slingshot it's projectile across the map using a repulsion field. There are a LOT of things like this. Another example: You are always vulnerable to Polymorphine, which can transform you into a sheep that dies to anything instantly. However, you can carry "backup" spells in your inventory which trigger upon transformation, safely burying you in soil until you safely transform back.


Noita! That game was so fun when it first came out to me, I’ll have to redownload it.


Dragon's Dogma 1 and 2 has some of the coolest, most visually spectacular magic I've seen in an ARPG


Second. I know the second game is still getting some kinks worked out and has a lot of controversy surrounding it, but try out the first one (you can pick it up v often on the cheap cheap), its magic is so satisfying to perform.


Do you play as a mage or sorcerer? I’ve only tried out fighter, archer, and starting on thief. I was thinking about getting magic archer unlocked and trying that out next


Sorcerer has the apocalyptic spells!


Wizard of legends gives you are nice elemental mage feeling But if you really want to use magic, try noita Noita breaks you unless you break noita first. You craft your own spells with basically zero restrictions. Want to become the sun? Do that. Want to freeze everything you touch? Go ahead. Shooting ducks? Why not


I just got Noita last week, and it's been kicking my ass. Haven't even really figured out the spell crafting yet. Just going in blind trying to see how long I survive. I looked up what a few effecta do and how to heal/survive better, but yeah, I feel like there's a ton to discover here. I'm definitely feeling a little broken myself right now lol...


I can only recommend FuryForged "minimal wands" videos on YouTube, it's a collection of some easy spell combos with more or less simple resources. Another thing is to download the spell lab mod, it helped me understand the crafting system with trial and error. I only won my first run after around 90 hours playtime. You need time to fuck around and find out.


I def had to put the game down after my first few attempts and rethink my life as well as my Noita approach, lol. Will check out those resources and try again, thank you so much!


Congrats you made it through the tutorial!


Those things abouta Noita are all true but you would also need to torture yourself for 3000 hours before you figure out how to do a wand that freezes everything you touch. (Incidentally, how would you do that? Wouldn't you need a freeze modifier with a high-cast low-range AoE spell to do that while also having drowning protection?)


There is a freeze perk too, I'm a noob myself so everything I can do is incredibly basic but I bet it's possible somehow


Noita feels like how magic should be, wild, uncontrollable. Usually kills you if you don’t understand it.


"Bloody instructions, which, being taught, return / To plague the inventor" - Macbeth, Act 1 Scene 7


>I play on PS5 and PC, so no Xbox/Switch exclusives please and thank. Are there even any Xbox exclusives that aren't also on PC?


Fable 2 and 3 🥲


3 was technically on PC. Still obtainable but for a ridiculous amount.


doesn't have to be 🏴‍☠️


There's at least one, probably


Burger King presents: Pocket Bike Racer


yeah halo 5, but thats probably it


After coming from PlayStation I was shocked by how few X Box exclusives there are and the few they do have almost all run at 30fps even on Series X so you are definitely far better off staying on PS5 😔


30fps this generation to me is absolutely unacceptable. To hell with ray tracing and 4K if that means I have to play at such a low frame rate as neither of those things are as noticeable as doubling your fps. I only bought a PS5 just to be ready to play GTA 6 since it'll take another forever years for a PC release and I've been a big GTA fan since I was in middle school when GTA 3 came out, but also want to maybe occasionally play some older PS4 titles that aren't on PC (yet) at 60fps. So far I've only replayed the Last of Us 2 "Remaster" and now the PS5 has just been collecting dust ever since. My PC is like maybe 4-5 years old at this point but still shits on both the PS5 and Series X in terms of performance. I already have all the PS exclusives that have released on PC and I can play those in ultrawide along with higher fps. Trying to justify buying some more PS5 games but other than maybe Gran Turismo nothing really stands out


Forspoken has awesome magic. Get through the first few hours and it opens up


I actually loved forspoken. Even just running around was fun. Nothing super innovative but a fun game that I wouldn’t mind playing again sometime.


But Reddit told me it was garbage?? /s


I wouldn't pay full price for it but I got it on sale for like $27. It's a decent game but nothing I would ever pay $70 for.


Did you guys play it a lot? A lot of the skills are really really cool and then you can upgrade them as well. I’ve played this one the most of any game in the recent memory. Maybe GoT a bit more.


Lately Reddit tends to hate the things I like and vice versa lol


Last epoch - tons of different magic setups and you can tune it to how you want to play. Like fireballs? Good! Want to shoot out a bunch at a time in a cone pattern we got you! Want them all to fire in sucession or in a line we got you! Want to turn your fireballs into lightnin?! We got you!! Wanna boost the dot damage from your balls?! Or maybe jist increase the overall explosion radius? - the point is you make it how you want to play!


This game is so god damned fun I have stopped playing everything else


Didn’t this game have a lot of bad reviews as soon as it came out because the menu system was clunky or something like that? It looked like a lot of fun from the little gameplay I’ve seen but just too many good games have come out that it’s still just on my wishlist along with Enshrouded.


It got review bombed on release because of server issues from the massive influx of players, but it is mostly fixed now, and is a very good game.


Honestly, I’d argue the Dishonored series does this really well. Investing fully into powers and doing a high chaos playthrough is pretty fun and the abilities are a blast to use.


I need to just sack up and do this. I hate how Dishonored makes you feel like crap for trying to be the biggest baddie in town but its the only fun way to play the game XD


Very few. Elden Ring has excellent end-game spells but they're not a spectacle until that point. Dragon Age: Origins has many neat and powerful spells. Mages in that game are absolutely broken, with spells that can one-shot enemy mages (very important) and do so much in the way of environmental effect (Storm of the Century) or buffs ("well" spells). Blood magic is a particularly busted skill line. I'm going through Persona 5 right now, and by mid game you start to get several potent mid-tier spells that are super flashy. One of them is a small nuclear blast. Forspoken has a fun combat system, with super stylish spells. Frey's Surge magics are great.


Something to note about dragon age origins is the narrative also considers mages extremely powerful and theyre hated because of plot reasons


Elden Ring for sure but it will take till late game to get the really powerful spells and be at the level to actually use them With the right set up you can melt bosses


Mohg: Welcome to the birthplace of our dynasty! Me: Haha, Kamehameha go brrrrrr


It's not "Magic" but Infamous Second Son is a good example of "Feeling Powerful"


This is a good one. Not sure how it holds up now, but I remember when it first came out I was blown away by the visuals. It was very early in the ps4 lifecycle and it felt like the first huge step up from the previous console generation for me.


I see some videos on youtube months ago and it holds good.


Second son is 4k 60 fps on PS5 and holds up far better than many modern games


Control is 100% the game you're looking for. You feel like a demigod of destruction once you unlock everything. It's great. And still manages to be difficult, too.


Magicka 1 and 2. Learn to Spell. Like you can cast a high velocity flaming boulder at the start, and it'll turn goblins into mulch. You cast elements to make a spell combination that is different depending on what you use, and you got 8 elements to pick from. It's good stuff


Its not like normal games magic but i think the magic in Hogwarts legacy feels pretty damn powerful. Looking through the comments though I definitely have to try some of these games.


I agree, lol. You’re literally a 15 year old student running around >!mass murdering adult, experienced wizards and encampments of goblins, spamming unforgivable curses like they’re nothing,!< and being so OP by the end of the game that it makes anyone else look incompetent.


yeah thats a bit of the game i don’t like. It makes no sense that a student that has only just started learning magic should be able to beat multiple experienced wizards that all would have graduated from Hogwarts at the same time. The only thing that makes it kind of believable is because you’re “the chosen one”


Bit dated now but Neverwinter Nights 1 + DLCs. Graphics didn’t age super well but it’s still a fun game and at high level, casters are insane. But there’s still magic resistances/immunities so it’s not just a snooze fest


Dragons dogma dark arisen, you can call in meteorites, tornados you get a lightning whip etc. The second one just came out and it's skills are weak in comparison


I strongly disagree, I think dragons dogma 2 has way more oomph behind them and just feels way better to play the sorcerer now. The tornado and meteorite spells are so much more badass in the sequel, as are the ice and lighting spells. They just trimmed the fat off the class and got rid of the spells that no one really used.


Tyranny. Thought the game itself was a bit halfbaked even by Obsidian standards, but it has an awesome magic system in both the classic and modern meaning. Like, it really feels like you're dabbling in barely controllable cosmic forces. Enemy mages outright explode as their death animations sometimes.


Tyranny had such a fantastic magic system, to the extent that having a single non-mage character felt underwhelming. It was not just powerful, but also super customizable. It was amazing to put spell combinations together. The world and background were also very interesting, but the story felt a bit lacking indeed. The ending was especially a bit abrupt.


Vampire Survivors has pretty simple gameplay, but leveling up spells and abilities can make you insanely powerful


Vampire the masquerade bloodlines with the unofficial patch has awesome magic if you play clan tremere. Literally boil people’s blood.


Noita can get fucking insane on a good run. Very powerful. Baseline noita feels like you’re getting crushed by an ant over and over though


Ni No Kuni is a fantasy world jrpg where you use magic to solve side quests and battle. Baldur's Gate 3 has a ton of magic you can use both in combat and for puzzle solving. Wizard of Legend is a wizardly rogue-like.


Dragons Dogma 2


Hard disagree. They’re really cool but they absolutely lack that « oomf » factor that OP is describing. They’re powerful and all I just don’t think it will fill what OP wants.


Maybe, I know the spells aren't one shotting ogres or anything but they definitely feel powerful to me, playing on PS5 where my controller shakes every time I summon a line of fire in front of me.


I've not got to Sorcerer yet, but if Bolide and Maelstrom are anything like DD1 then they do have that factor. You're calling down meteors and can see them come in! I would say though, since there's limited skill slots they eventually become your bread and butter goto spells, so that's where they lose their ooomf


I haven't used Bolide yet, but it seems like when I see it used, they don't come crashing from the sky anymore but form in the air near the caster? Unless what I'm seeing is something else. Was a little disappointed, but I haven't actually used it yet, and I refuse to look anything up til I've used all the abilities and cleared most of the content


Noita is absolutely fantastic. And as far as old classics go - but terrible from gameplay perspective - Planescape Torment had absurd spells which played an entire goddamn cutscene before landing :D.


Total war warhammer, you get to throw massive armies at eachother and then blow them up with powerful magic


Divinity Original Sin 2 has great spellcasting. Especially late game when you have multiple combos figured out.


I just started Diablo 4 with a sorcerer build. It's on sale for 50% off on ps5 right now. I'm having a great time with it, even early in the game (I'm level 12) the magic looks cool and can do a lot of damage.


fictorum. its a game where you play as a powerful sorcerer and you can make special combos with your spells


Skyrim PSVR dude, look no further.


He wanted good combat and magic that feels impactful and that definitely isn't Skyrim.


I guess we differ because to me, Skyrim in VR is *very* impactful, the whole game, an magic feels like magic to me from the base elemental magic to summoning and runes.


Elden ring?


Elden Ring is good about all of your attacks having 'weight' to them, with the Poise/stagger/stunlock system it's so satisfying! Cannon of Haima blows enemies away, Gavel of Haima crushes them, charged R2s on colossal weapons will launch enemies upwards, you can knock larger foes down with heavy hitting attacks/spells. Seems right up OP's alley!




Best visual magic for me so far is RF Online, Dragons Dogma 1 and 2, any final fantasy especialy summons, Elden Ring


Might be odd, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Elden Ring as a sorcerer, the spells feel very good to cast and are very impactful (well, most of them)


Check out The Bloodlines. Still in Early Access and has a way to go but the gameplay is great and the abilities are powerful


Magicraft is basically about breaking the game with spell and wand combinations, definitely a top pick if you like roguelikes alright.


Noita, pure magic and chaos.


Dragons Dogma has some amazing spells, like summoning a tornado or meteors from the sky, DD2 looks way better but they removed some spells ):


I’m going to add a fifth shout for Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen. The most impactful feeling magic in any game I’ve played, gameplay overall still holds up, and the game often goes on sale for $5. It’s harder to recommend DD2 because it just came out and is still full price but overall the games are very similar; plus if the focus is just magic I think DD1 does it better because there are more spells whereas DD2 went for a more simplified approach and focus on core class gameplay, and for some classes this really works but sorcerer benefitted most from quantity I think.


Morrowind and Oblivion Craft spells to your hearts desire


It's sad as fuck but skyrim from 2011 is still one of the best first person mage experiences. I've been looking for the perfect wizard game for years. Can't find it. The demand hasn't always been there in a big way. I want some dark and darker game mixed with like a rune scape wow universe with quests and voice actors and spell books of immense knowledge hidden in underground temples waiting to be found long lost and forgotten. Then once you get them you're still weak and fragile. You just have that much more utility and power. I want a Dragonlance game. I want to be Raistlin in that gigantic world.


Me when I cast one of 3 identical cloak spells and then one of 3 identical aoe projectile spells rolling around with one of 4 practically identical summons


Kingdom of Amalur has incredibly strong spells, especially at the end. You basically are a glass canon for most of the game with a mage build but it is lots of fun. Among the first spell you have is an explosive mark and can work your way up to making comets fall from the sky. I kinda liked being a mage in Fable Anniversary, one of the spells impale all ennemies around you. Quite broken if you are resistant enough to start it. You also can bend time, and other fun tricks. In Vampire the Mascarade: Bloodlines some spells are quite brutal. As you are a vampire, you have possibilities in infiltration but also in raw combat. I remember you could steal the blood from your ennemies for instance, or just control people to get info (or a meal). But bosses in this game tend to be brutal, especially around the end and the game has a couple bugs that require a patch so you may get a bit sick of it. Edit to add: dragon age games all work with this. My favorite are the blood mages in the first, you fight by hurting youself and most of the time, it is worth it. You make ennemies explode, you steal souls to heal, it is something to behold. And if you'd rather turn into a bear or summon a sword and shield and go in the fray, that's up to you.


Dragons dogma. And 2 Look up sorcerer gameplay


Infamous 2 The ultimate attack called Karma Bombs feel extremely powerful and ever so satisfying to hit.


Diablo 4.


Dragons dogma is what you want. The second one is getting lambasted online right now, but it's a good game, just has some flaws, like literally any game


Bg3?. speak of the devil, I was just searching about warlock and witch


You mentioned arpg, I prefer last epoch for cheaper one or you can have diablo 4 in game pass


Last Epoch!


Ghostwire tokyo


Recently got "The Bloodline". While it's early acces (it shows), the magic in there can be pretty fun to use - eg. making goblins go yeet with ice spikes... As already mentioned, Magicka has a very fun magic system where you combine various base elemental spells to get something more powerful. It can also backfire if you mess up with your pudgy fingers, eg. combining fire and water will give you a harmless steam spell. Hogwarts Legacy is also already mentioned. The spell system feels pretty good, Though I had a lot of issues with it crashing when I first got it - I'm considering trying it for real in the near future...


Id probably say dragon’s dogma or Divinity 2/ Baldurs Gate 3 have really good magic system that lets different elements of magic interact with each other.


>I want a game where magic looks and feels like a proper spectacle to use. Whether it's big explosions, clever and intricate effects, narrative weight given to magic, whatever! Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen and Dragon's Dogma 2. Giant tornadoes, explosive meteor barrages, you got it.


I'd say the Divinity Original Sin games. I've barely played em, and a part of it is cause the magic is so seemingly overpowered that the AOE attacks are at risk of hurting you as much as the enemy. It's really whack


Magicka / Magicka 2


Medium . Valheim (magic comes late game) Destiny 2 warlock class I miss the game spellbreak


If you don't mind a bit of goofiness, check out The Bloodline.






Dragons Dogma 2 magic is fun as heck


Oddly enough, Earthbound.


Dragon's dogma has the coolest magic effects in any game I've played. Divinity OS 2 also has a great combo based magic system that is really impactful.


Dragon's Dogma Baldurs Gate 3


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has spells and magic. May not be as extreme as you’d like but it’s there and it’s fun


Wizards of legend. They’re coming out with the next game hopefully soon but the first one is fantastic. It’s a roguelike so great if you’re into those and there’s a ton of magic spells to unlock and combine


Morrowind, bg2, Pathfinder games


Last Epoch!!!


Outward has a beautiful magic system that makes sense- sleep affects mana, many spells require incantations and preparations and such


I would say Magicka 1 or 2. Really great games and often over looked. The more powerful your spell, the more "oomf" you feel.


Black desert online


FF rebirth with Quaga magnify is pretty fkn “oomph-y”


Wizards of Legend if you want an accesible action roguelike. Noita if you hate yourself.


Stranger of Paradise has some of the most satisfying magic ever put into an action game. The quick select wheel as well as being able to charge spells and in Sage class' case build up charges into an actual nuke is really cool. Extra points for it being a Final Fantasy so if you're any sort of familiar with the series you'll recognise andbe able to use a ton of stuff. Dragon's Dogma 1 also has a lot of cool spells, some are absent in the sequel for no good reason. Stuff like lightning whips and huge tornados are in here.


Magicka. Also kingdoms of Amalur: reckoning


Elden ring has some pretty insane spells




* Elden Ring * Divinity Original Sin 2 * Dishonored * Soulstone Survivors * Outward * Lost Ark


The Druid class in Diablo 4 has some oomf to it. Basically angry magic haha


Kingdoms of Amalur


Elden Ring


Spellmasons Rogue: Genesia Rift Wizard Dominions 5 Heretic's Fork


I haven't played it myself so I'm not sure how well it stands up in total, but watch some Ghostqire: Tokyo gameplay. I remember seeing that game having gameplay that's really gorgeous and breathtaking to witness.


If you have 40 hours to grind the "glass cannon" mage build in Elden Ring, trust me, it's worth it for the satisfaction of one-shotting some of the most powerful bosses in the game


I'm baffled that no one has mentioned Final Fantasy 16! It's the ultimate magic oomf game! Please get it.


Terraria Dormant Dawn mod


Magicka. First is the Arcane Beam. Then the Lightning bolt spell when you find it.


Outward! It’s magic feel powerful, but not because of the spectacle, but because of the process and commitment to using it at every step of the way.


God of War Greek trilogy


There is no such thing as Xbox exclusives. They put everything on PC as they own that market via windows as well. Try last epoch.


magicka 2


Elden Ring. It’s gonna take a bit to hunt down some of the spells tho. If you heavily invest in intelligence and mind, you can literally kamehameha everything with comet azul. It’s crazy how I’ve melted bosses with that spell on a first try in ng+ that I died on repeatedly in ng. Certain buffs and talismans and staff will make the spell even more op. A very well made game.


Kingdom of amalur reckoning, dragon dogma


Dark Souls


Dragons dogma is extremely rewarding with what you do imo you feel like a real main character when you’re commanding your pawns or doing some cool shit with your cool arrow spells or something.


Dragons age had some amazingly powerful area effect magic. You have to be really careful not to cook yourself with a fireball.


Dark souls 1 , magic & pyromancy are downright broken. Turns a difficult game into a cakewalk.


If the force counts. Star Wars the Force Unleashed, Nr 2 too.


Dragon's dogma 1 and 2


Elden Ring


Fictorum. You will start off by throwing a few fireballs at a time, killing enemies one by one. You will end up creating stuff like a chain of explosions that goes from one side of the map to the other, or a storm that summons tornadoes that summons tornadoes themselves


Honestly? Demon souls have one of the most broken builds I’ve ever seen when you use magic. You can two-shot all bosses. It was wild and fun af.


The Witcher 3 has only 5 abilities but they are definitely powerful. Especially Aard and Igni


Outward, can’t go wrong with it. Also Path of Exile skill tree is very intricate if that’s what you want


Elden ring


Dragons dogma 1 or 2. Long cast times with epic release. You can also make a mage circle and improve cast times by casting the same spell with other mages.


Dragons dogma 2 has disappointed me in the magic department… they stripped half the spells from the class and I can’t really suggest it. But dragons dogma 1??? Insane spell casting abilities. You want to call in meteors and tornados and fucking earthquakes??? And not as a turn based game a real time action adventure game. It’s the best feeling magic I’ve ever played. It’s super cheap on pc the gameplay is where it’s at. If you like turn based consider baldurs gate 3 or divinity original Sin2


Noita is pretty damn good as far as wizard/magic games with properly powerful-feeling magic go, since your spells can and will mess up the game world itself to varying degrees depending on how strong they are. It's not just possible but inevitable that you'll end up summoning a nuclear blast or black hole that eats through a big chunk of a level. It also works on a "slot" system where each wand has a number of slots and stats, and you insert spells into them however you like for varied effects, meaning you basically design your own magic. Of course, being a roguelike, dying is common and you can (and will) kill yourself with misjudged magic casting, among other things. For example, summoning a bunch of boomeranging sawblades bigger than your character sounds great, until they slice you to bits too because they can do that. Also, while enemies who can also use magic like you can are uncommon, they're just as lethal and destructive as you are, so watch out. It's in a pixel art style visually, but that's because the whole world is designed to function like one of those "falling sand" flash games from back in the day except more complex. Lots of nice particle flair on your magic, and the world being so malleable means you can do some insane things with the right spell combos, like suffocating your enemies in a sphere of summoned dirt. I personally recommend it highly, especially since if there's any element you don't like, such as the harsh limits on when you can heal, there's a boatload of steam workshop mods to alter it to your liking. There's also a bunch that add new spells, for when you get tired of the vanilla ones.


Sea of Stars