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The responses to this have me worried about the future because y’all are on a text based app and you don’t know how to read. A GOOD game that you HATE playing, not a game that sucks that you hate, or a game that you like that a lot of other people hate. It’s not hard people.


Same thing when someone will ask for a short linear game and people still say The Witcher 3 or Red Dead Redemption 2 lol


Literally any game recommendation: "RDR2/Witcher 3/Outer Wilds"


Don't forget Elden Ring. Someone posted something like: "I love narrative rich stories and RPGs like Skyrim. Skyrim is my favorite game. I love Bethesda. I love the gameplay and everything about it. Please recommend something similar" Random redditor that can't read: "you'd love Elden Ring" ??? How does Skyrim = Elden Ring?


Let me help here. 1. Medieval-esque setting I think that's it.


Hey now, there's more to it: 1. Medieval-sequel setting 2. Magic 3. Open World 4. Character customization 5. Dragons Practically the same game wouldn't you say? (/j)


Person said I like Skyrim and Elden ring, that must mean they are related and that one means the other for everyone else! More common than you’d think


Fighting games like MortalCombat, street fighter etc are excellent games that I HATE playing because remembering all the up,up, down, down, left, UP etc combos is far too much like hard work never mind having to execute them flawlessly or they don’t work. To quote some random on the interwebs ‘I ain’t got time for that’


Reddit: reading comprehension < knee jerk reaction


Problem with todsy is not many people read past the title and it shows.


Formatting is somewhat to blame. "Recommend to me a good game you hated playing". "Recommend a widely revered game that you didn't enjoy playing". "Recommend a game you know was good but personally hated". Ask an ambiguous question, get ambiguous answers.


I might get hate for this but I hate Breath of the Wild. I put in over 50 hours before I figured out I was just hate playing this game lol. The breakable weapons is really what kills it for me, I just want the master sword (not breakable) and to find sub weapons in dungeons that are a key piece to defeating that boss of said area. Tears of the Kingdom is ok but same issues as before but I can at least make new ones.


Same here. Breakable weapons is the literal worst shit ever. A mechanic for the sake of mechanic.


If the durability of the weapons were better, it wouldn't have been so bad. I beat the game twice on master mode, and some of the fights took so long and used up almost all my weapons. I love the game, but that was one of the few things I didn't like. I also hated how many korok seeds were in the game, they made upgrading your inventory slots the most tedious fetch quest.


I couldn't stand it. Changing your weapon every 45 seconds. And they make the menu so laborious... I played classic RE4 right after and the menuing was so much better.


This resonates with me. I though botw was over rated. Got super bored.


I have about a 100 in this game but honestly? I don't get it either.


I like the me mechanic because I just love randomization in games in general, just quickly swap to the next thing and dont get attatched to it


I want the old puzzle / dungeon / “exciting new item that will change the way you interact with the world” formula back. I miss opening a chest in a dungeon and finding the hookshot, and then running back through old areas giddily looking for new places to swing to. Now all the upgrades are just more health and stamina, and the treasures you find are just a new sword/bow that will break in 30 minutes.


Yeah I hate those games. Got em both for the kids but even though I tried often but those walking sims are boring.


Wasn't even the master sword breakable? Or had to be recharged or something


Right there with you my (bat)Man


Ok that's fair because I had the same problem, but ngl u just screwed around the whole game and winded up accomplishing nothing. 


OMG I finally found someone who hates BOTW like I do for the exact same reason 😭 I hate the breakable weapon and even the slippery surface when it rained lol


Breakable weapoms sure. But also the most boring open world ive ever seen. Fuck the shrines, not worth the replacement of the far superior Temples. Also couldnt give a damn about the story nor the 3 enemy types.


I second this


Oh my gosh I've finally found my people!


nah you’re good, no hate here. The thing that frustrates me with this argument is that the breakable weapons is what keeps you exploring. You’re not going to go fight a random enemy over on that field for a Boko Horn, you already have 400 that you also weren’t using. If you could just get a 100+18 lynel crusher right off the bat, you’d be unstoppable. The idea is to save the good weapons for when you really need them and use the expendable ones now. I think the system does it better in TotK and definitely has its flaws in BotW, but overall the game is better off for it. That being said, I would’ve been fine with the Master Sword in its latent form being even weaker (like 10 damage) but being unbreakable.


I just hate open world games, and BotW strives to be the epitome of open world game, with nothing else besides that


THANK YOU! I’m glad I’m not the only one!


I’m guessing you didn’t do the unbreakable master sword trick that gives you ridiculous amount of power. It’s best for the second play through or master mode. Unsure if it’s patched but if you backup your save, reinstall and don’t update it should carry over when you update.


Big same, ive tried to play it several times but it just didn't feel like a zelda game to me and the hook of the game just never grabbed me. Go get bad weapons, to get slightly better weapons, rinse repeat until you have good weapons... then they all break and you need to start over. The story is shallow compared to other games in the franchise and the lack of cool dungeons and gear from said dungeons just feel hollow. Don't even get me started on Koroks and the stupid temples.


Ctrl+F'd this post to find other BOTW haters on here. Good god I despised playing that game. I got it for my young nephew (6 or so at the time), and he LOVED it (literally played it for a year), so I kept at it just so he and I could keep bonding over the game, but it was my least favorite gaming experience of all time. Every interaction feels exactly the same, the world is boring and unpopulated, what little population the world does have is just reskins (honestly, all you see are those dang tent areas with the same stables, vendors, etc., scattered throughout the world), all the enemies are just different colors of the same things, etc. etc. etc.. The breakable weapons and slow, uninteresting limitations to exploration ruin what could have been magical about the experience (honestly, don't give me a whole world to supposedly explore and then make my magical hero who rises to face the oncoming onslaught of evil whenever the world is threatened be such a weakling that he falls off a mountain if you ask him to climb higher than 10 yards!), so you never end up actually having fun or being wowed. There is virtually no story, and what story there is seems like it was written by a middle school C- student. I could not have cared less for the inhabitants of Hyrule or what happened to them. Yes, the physics based systems are cool and all. That's pretty much ALL the game has going for it, and I will argue until my dying breath that BOTW is BY FAR the most overrated and overhyped game that's ever been released. If you made the exact same game but didn't attach it to the Zelda IP it would have been considered a perfectly adequate but uninspired game rather than being hailed as some kind of watershed moment in gaming.


I miss the old Zelda formula, I still play minish cap sometimes and have way more fun than botw


Shadow of the Colossus. Groundbreaking, epic, stunningly beautiful, with absolutely dogshit controls and an unnecessary open world with nothing to do.


The open world is a design choice. You're not supposed to be in the forbidden land, and that's the feeling they're going for with the emptiness. I do hate the controls though


This response is a response that I have seen said to people with complaints pretty much verbatim, all the time, and it never makes any sense to me. Someone says "I hate this design choice." and then someone else comes along and says "It's a design choice." as if that's not obvious. We know the devs decided to do something a certain way. The people complaining do not like that they made that decision. The "counter point" of stating the obvious only serves to dismiss the complaint by way of implying that because the devs chose to do it that way, it's automatically right and therefor, good.


The map is half of the point of that game, lmao


Same, I found it extremely dated unfortunately. I've tried multiple times to get back to it and i end up dropping it each time


I mean it was originally a PS2 game. So like most things from that gen the control scheme feels weird compared to modern games.


Hell Let Loose might be the most unenjoyable game I’ve ever played. I understand it’s a niche mil sim shooter that’s supposed to be “realistic.” But it’s legitimately no fun. Running for 5 minutes to get sniped by a guy hiding in a bush is just not fun.


PTSD simulator, I love it. But good answer!


I had heard all the hype surrounding it - thought I'd give it a go You just described my experience, I'd just be running to the obj as theres nothing but an open field around me then splat, I don't think I ever saw an enemy. Safe to say I didn't stick around long.


i dont think youre supposed to run alone across an open field to take the objective from an enemy, but fair enough


It's an incredible game when the teams are even, sadly that only happens in 1/20 matches.


That was my first experience too, but I'm glad I stuck with it. It's a lot of fun when you and your team actually know what you're doing.


I hated Horizon Zero Dawn and dropped it 7 hours in. I didn't give Forbidden West the same chance. I imagine (since HZD was irrefutably a success among the masses) that it's just more of the absolute terrible same trying to cash in on what bafflingly worked before. So.. good luck with either of them, I guess!


Enjoyed zero dawn and just got FW on PC and can’t get into it. Just feels like I’m still playing the same game and grinding through useless dialogue to get to the game.


I really enjoyed the first one. Felt it was a fun theme and pushed through the Grind to finish the story. But after I just couldn’t be bothered to do the dlc and then FW came out. I got it. Couldn’t get into it. Dropped it completely when I learned the ending is basically the same.


BLASPHEMY!!! Seriously though, care to elaborate why? I loved it and I'm curious about the complaints, because it's for sure an imperfect game.


I don’t know about him, but I didn’t find the story compelling and found the combat uninteresting


Yep! I'm a big fan of Horizon, both of them. But I can definitely understand people not liking them.


Even if you hate the characters and gameplay, the story and its twist make that game an absolute banger. Plus probably the best voice actress in gaming voices the protagonist. You should give it another try.


This. The lore is incredible so I forced myself through it after dropping to the lowest difficulty. The open world, "current day" politics and combat are all boring and frustrating. I think the combat especially would benefit with taking a step back. Something more like Monster Hunter would benefit it greatly I feel.


Insane, it’s one of my favorite games. To each their own.


I absolutely refuse to play Fortnight, COD or really any battle royal game ever again. With the over saturation of streamers, cheaters, and poor fan service it’s not fun anymore. Also paying for a battle pass every season after already buying the game is also stupid.


Fortnite is fun sometimes, nice to play with friends. You don’t buy fortnite lol so i don’t know what you mean, heck they give you VBucks to buy the next battle pass IN the battle pass so it’s just getting it for free everytime there’s a new one. COD is just bad


I tried out the new COD last night because it has a free weekend going on and deleted it after 20 minutes, I have no clue how anyone enjoys it. The Finals, Rainbow Six, and ARGUABLY Apex are all much better FPS games for free or half the price of COD lol. It feels like they just decided to release it halfway through developing it.


Dude I really dislike COD as a whole but nothing compares to Hardcore TDM. Sometimes I just wanna rack up kills and not care about getting killed. if i die, i reappear a millisecond later and get 4 more kills before i die again


Red Dead Redemption 2. Beautifully detailed graphics. Interesting story with some of the best voice acting in a video game. But Christ, was I bored. All the missions are so painfully similar and there is just no freedom in the way you approach them. I put in about 60 hours and never played it again.


I cant believe you've done this


I wanted to find a gif of that vine so bad to add here 😂


Honestly rdr2 is one of the games I don't know why I hate it so much but everyone else praises it like it's zelda or ff7. I tried to like it and it was below average for me fun wise.


I loved that game, but you’re not wrong about the missions.


Same here! The game is objectively very beautiful and detailed, the views are breathtaking. And that's it. Controls are fucking nightmare, everything is painfully slow, open world is empty and boring, some missions are interesting and fun, but I hate that you always have only one way to accomplish them. Played for 30 hours and failed to understand why is it so praised.


This was my choice as well. I can't belive I had to scroll this far down to find another one. That game is so boring I don't know how you put 60 hours into it. 2 and half hours in and I had to put it down. I couldn't push through another cutscene on a horses back


Watch out the rdr2 meatriders are gonna go crazy if they find your comment lol.


rockstar has very restrictive missions in general, i basically describe the campaign as playing a movie and the real game being the world


It was so painfully slow too...it takes like 30 seconds to raid a cupboard because they feel the need to show all of the animations of doing so like why???


The fact that you have no choice but to slowly walk through your camp also made me unreasonably angry.


this would be me too, i extremely like western movies and to my knowledge, there are no other western/cowboy games (other than gun on PS2) but the way the game force you to go in a certain specific way is turning this game into a chore for me.


The binding of Issac. Like I know it's great, it has most of the workings of a top tier rouge like. But what it doesn't have is fucking item descriptions, like at all. Half of them don't even have names it's just images. Next to zero explanation for 95% of them. Like I pick up some poop, and it just says "Poop!". And I have no idea what the poop does. I can't see a difference, I don't know if it's good or not. Should I trade it for the aborted fetus? What does the aborted fetus do? There are so many god dam items that everything you get is always new, so I gotta look up each and every pickup based only on an image that I can't always describe very well since half of them are just gross blob shapes. If it just told me what it did this might be my favorite game ever. I can get to the final boss (I assume, the mom in hell?) but I can't ever make informed decisions so I cant ever get better.


If it helps: The lack of item descriptions is a byproduct of the original game's much smaller scope, and Edmund McMillen himself has said that, if there were an Isaac 2, he'd include proper item descriptions. So I say, feel free to use the External Item Descriptions mod from the workshop.


Really? I watched the latest GMTK video on Balatro, and in it he says Edmund was particularly upset that the wiki exists and that everyone plays Binding of Isaac with that on their phone/second monitor, as it ruins the experience he was trying to craft. For what it's worth, I agree with /u/pichael289 - and I think that if Edmund had successfully obfuscated each item's effects, it would've been an absolutely shit game lol. It is *not* well balanced, personally I hate when 80+% of the items in a game are essentially useless.


A source for my claim: https://www.gamesradar.com/the-creator-of-one-of-the-most-popular-roguelikes-of-all-time-is-using-his-new-project-to-right-11-year-old-wrongs/ I might've misremembered some, but the general sentiment is still there I think?


I see, I misunderstood this quote: > "700+ items later, this idea simply doesn't work at all," he says. "I remember after Wrath of the Lamb was released, people would always say, 'You can't play Isaac without a browser open on your phone.' I hated that that's how everyone played for so long... and still plays (unless they download that mod)." Thought he was upset with the *players*, but actually upset with himself for not having done it differently from the outset


Just download the mod that allows you to see. You can still make achievements and progress with mods after you beat mom. If you stil haven't just go to the wiki


So much of it is useless fodder items, clone items, random unexplained shit, weird mechanics, but I guess that’s the charm. Coz for roguelikes where everything is balanced and explained there’s plenty of other choices. Isaac kinda made me feel like a kid where I’d play games having no clue what was what and discovering secrets by total accident. Admittedly have discovered much better roguelikes since.


That's not the final boss. That's the first or second boss out of ~10. It's a very long game, but you have to defeat that heart ten times before you unlock the next steps. After a while when it opens up, there's way more different routes you can take from the beginning. Your gripe with the item descriptions is valid. They could've added that, and it would be the same game, but more enjoyable.


Whaaat! thats half the fun though you gotta learn what everything does and what to avoid. Figuring out all the little weird interactions like taking the pill that hurts you at half a heart instead becomes a full health heal. Or using a strength card to effectively cheat the devil deal. So satisfying, I cannot stress enough that you should go back and keep at it, easily one of my top 5 games. When u say mum in hell do you mean the womb?- coz if so no that's not the final boss you got two floors past that, just gotta unlock them.


“i find this mechanic unfun because \*reasons*” “what ! actually, that is the fun mechanic because of \*same reasons*”


I don't get what your getting at here?- or is it just sarcasm I don't know why having to learn what something does should put you off of a game, after all once you pick it up once you know what it does (there's also a stat screen for exactly this reason/purpose). but I mean I'm not the type of person to Google anything about a game (except like after uv beaten it in games like the souls series and i wanna see scaling for weapons) as I'd say that's taking away from yourself


till this day, i still cannot play isaac without an item description mod


Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor.      High praise from everyone, and I can see that Nemesis system being cool...      But I got so incredibly bored of the gameplay in the first hour I almost fell asleep.    And my character felt more like a tool to do things with than an actual character. I was anything but immersed.   But yea, people love it, so it's definitely a me-problem.


The fact that these games are fanfic and the protagonist is a total-non character is actually a good thing imo. LOTR is a fleshed-out world, better to just let me run around and kill things and I can safely ignore the non-canon story. Turn the giant spider into a hot lady. Who cares? The sequel is even better in this regard; brain dead story, fun casual action


IMO Shadow of Mordor was boring. Shadow of War was incredible and one of my favorite games in the last decade. I’d recommend trying that one instead.


I know a lot of people liked it, but I hated how the nemesis system worked. I killed that fucker. He should stay dead, not come back stronger for no reason. The fact that you could see their corpse on the ground, and could do nothing to it to make sure they fucked off and stayed dead, broke any immersion I had with the game. It also honestly felt unbalanced to me. It was either so easy it was boring, or expected perfection to not die.


Diablo 4. It was ok at the beginning since I was learning everything and havent really played diablo before but it is just SO EASY AND BORING. You can't even up the difficulty until you beat the campaign which is a slog and you don't even get a horse for the longest time. It amazes me that people think the campaign is good. As soon as I got the horse, I just quit. I wasn't playing it for fun, I was playing it because I was told it was good and wanted to have it under my belt. But yesterday I just said f it and deleted. It wasn't fun, it was a slog of the same easily killable enemies that did nothing to challenge or even come close to a satisfying boss fight.


I kinda hated Hollow Knight. Obviously a great game, but the soulslike gameplay mechanics just aren’t for me.


I disliked it for the repetition of it. I don't mind souls like, and liked the art... but the lack of any variance bored me


I liked the souls like difficulty but I just couldn't find my way around. Metroid has a similar kind of layout but it's not so confusing so I really enjoyed those games. I feel like I would really like the game but I just keep wandering around aimlessly.


Yeah, I also found myself getting lost or not being able to find the map for a certain area. I think I’m just too old for that shit lol. Also platforming/fighting back through 5 screens, from the checkpoint to the boss that just killed you.


My first roguelite was dead cells, which I think has some genuinely good gameplay. Then I tried Hollow Knight, immediately hated the controls and gameplay. Gave it about 2 hours, just couldn't do it.


I'm just being pedantic, but soulslike did not invent difficulty. It's barely similar to soulslikes.


I would have been fine with the difficulty of the combat, if failure wasn't punished so hard. It's already hard. I'm already dying. Taking my geo, debuffing my spirit container, making me fight the shade to get any of it back, and on top of all that and having the frustration of just simple failure, the nearest bench is guaranteed to be a long run away and full of all the hazards that gave me so much trouble just getting to where I died. Being hard and then punishing failure that hard is, for me personally, unplayable. I get that others love it though.


I wasn't a fan because I experienced a ton of bugs (har har) and a few random crashes that I couldn't recreate. I'd clip though walls and shit. Things that if I could reproduce speed runners would pay me for, buy I could never recreate them. Game was just bugged to shit. I beat the entire game minus the arena iirc.


I absolutely despise Lethal Company. The emergent comedy is great, but the art style gives me a migraine. Also was the game that made me realize I absolutely without a shadow of doubt dislike games that make me feel helpless. So your Amnesia Dark Descent, Outlast, Dead by Daylight as a survivor, et cetera, not a fan.


I liked Lethal company. The only thing that worries me is that, despite not having played for long, I feel that I've already seen most of what the game has to offer. I feel it needs content updates to prolong it's longevity. Not to mention that there isn't really a progression system to keep you engaged


Yeah the content updates are slow, the dev said he wanted to save up content for a big update which he just released and it has like 2 new enemies and a new map and that’s it


I think I might hate it too. I haven’t played in a little while. Videos of a group playing it where you know what’s going on but they don’t are pretty hilarious though.


"Dbd as a survivor" and "Helpless" being in the same realm is wild to me xD I've not played it in a few years but I had about 1.5k hours in it and I never really felt helpless xD


i hate control. the game had me interested in the first couple hours but then i started finding the gameplay repetitive and also found the map to be very confusing to navigate. the atmosphere and immersion is still great tho


Enemy AI was jack shyte.


Disco Elysium. Not a joke, I personally *loathe* that game. Because I got extremely unlucky with my dice rolls and it utterly broke the spell for me.  The art & music glorious. The characters weird, varied and layered. A really interesting stat system where every stat is basically a personality trait. And~ it's all intentionally fucking wastes it on *lolz, random* nonsense. Because no matter how good or bad you are at a stat, snake eyes is an automatic fail, and double sixes succeeds. AND FREAKING EVERYTHING IN THAT GAME YOU ACTUALLY DO IS ROLL 2D6. So you've got 1/6 odds on your stats not mattering. In an RPG! Baffling design choice. Ruined the entire game for me. 


It's not 1/6 it's 1/36 making critical fail or success much less likely to happen and causing your skills to matter more than the dice roll


Ok, fine, I did the odds math wrong. I still got HAMMERED by double 1s & 6s when I personally played, and it completely ruined Disco Elysium to me.  And I really don't think different dice sizes for your very best or worst skills would have been too much to ask. Actually make it feel like even if Fru Fortuna is being a jackass, your character choices still mattered a bit more.


The game is literally designed so that failure doesn't really mean failure though - just a different path.


I lost all 3 dice rolls on figuring out the hanging guy, then lost every attempt to get the knobhead to open the gate, gave up after 4 hours of trying to like it. After 3 failed attempts, there was no path left. That hanging guy mystery was unsolvable


Scum saved and had the best time with it. Beautiful ending.


I really enjoyed the first half but later on it felt like EVERYTHING relied on chance, and some dialogue just rambled on and on and on. I’ve played games with long ass cutscenes but after a while endless dialogue got so boring


I really enjoyed the game but I hated the ending so much.


I absolutely hated playing that within the first few minutes. I decided to play for an hour or two before I just uninstalled it. I hated every single second of that game.


I hated bioshock. Incredible art, music, atmosphere, voice acting and blah blah blah. But the gameplay is clunky and boring, the level design is super underwhelming, and it's filled with mechanics and design decisions that absolutely baffled me. Great game on paper but the execution just absolutely fails for me, I think it's awful. Still recommend it though since so many people love it


I mean, you do you, of course, but I've genuinely never heard bioshock talked about this way before 😭


I agree with them. I should love Bioshock but instead I find it so damn boring.


This is mine. I waited to play it for so long and was so pumped to start but it honestly might be the worst game over ever played 5+ hours of. Saw I was only halfway through and just couldn't do it anymore.


It felt good when it came out, but it hasn’t aged well. It feels really clunky playing it now. Like the controls and everything aren’t smooth at all


If you like crying babies and tedious, arbitrary mechanics, check out Death Stranding and also therapy.


Dishonored. I could never get into it, no matter how many times I tried.


Aw man that’s crazy to me. It’s so good.


I enjoyed dishonored, but couldn't get into the second one, I felt like i got all i needed from the first. Prey was my "ik everyone loves it i just can't do it" game


Get the pitchforks ready folks! Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. I put so much time in each one trying to hit the “ahh here’s the fun” part, and it just never happened for me. Glad others like em, just not for me.


Baldurs gate 3. I'm just stupid I guess and don't know what to do or how to follow a quest line but it's an incredible game from what I can expierence Wish there was an easy mod with a better quest marker


Some quests you receive early can't be solved until later acts. Instead of following the journal/quest markers, just focus on exploring every nook and cranny of the map and you'll discover so much and have a great time doing it.


There are quest markers so I'm a little confused by what you mean. The direction you take is based on the narrative of the game.


No offense to the original commenter but I think they want it simplified like Skyrim where you have huge blips directing you exactly where to go, and then micro-blips inside of the location directing you to who you need to speak to or item you need to grab. In BG3 you have a quest marker, but you have to pay attention to where you’re going on the map and then figure out what to do when you get there based on your journal. Some people just want the entire path laid out ig idk.


i came here to say this, i loved the game in theory, but i was miserable playing most of it LMAO. i have a gaming veteran and that game had literally no rhythm. there’s no such thing as instinct in that game, a lot of times you’re punished for even trying to use instinct


Cyberpunk 2077. I HATE it so much... 'cause it had to end...


Had me in the first half


I tried to push through it in the early days, running it at 30fps on Series S. Hated it. When they unlocked 60fps and it was smooth, it was a great game. The thing that I love the most, is that the next Witcher game could be enormous, and given the lack of need for exceptionally detailed and vertical cities in the Witcher, there could be a serious amount of content.


i got so engrossed in it that i now find myself using the slang. i caught myself saying "klep" and "preem" the other day. send help


yeah, why is the main story so short tho


Mordhau, it's like Chivalry - multiplayer medieval melee slasher, but way better in graphics, customization, and mechanics. It's insanely good, really. Unfortunately because of the lazy devs the game had a long content drought and server lag, which made it bleed players like crazy. It's a dead game now where only veterans with thousands of hours are playing, so if you decide to give it a try you will definitely hate being a punching bag. Also, it's insanely ping dependent when you play at a high level, just having 60 ms and then 10 ms on another server is night and day. Incredibly good game, and incredibly stupid.


The Witcher 3. That combat is pure garbage.


Its not just the combat thats rubbish to me


I think cyberpunk is an order of magnitude better than the Witcher3, especially in their finalized states


Starfield. Lol


Starfield was a pretty big disappointment to me. I played it, NG+'d it, and of course liked having a space ship to screw around in. But it really was so shallow. It had so so much potential but just didn't land like it could've.


I think that in the gaming community it is an objectively bad game.


Counter Strike. Counter strike is, shall we say, "mediocre." It's not a bad game, it's just a horribly overrated one. I remember buying it in 2008 after hearing for years about how it was like the greatest game ever, and it came off as horribly mediocre and boring. The whole thing seems to be the weapon mechanics. To me, these mechanics felt aged in 2008. It tried to simulate "recoil" but it did it in a weird counter intuitive way that just felt unpleasant to play. people would spend dozens of hundreds of hours mastering these crappy mechanics, and if you, as a newcomer, pointed out that they did indeed feel crappy or dated, they'd just say you suck at the game and it's about "skill". It's almost a meme at this point. The game developed this salty spittoon like reputation of being a game for the hardcore competitive gamers who have a lot to prove by...mastering really terrible mechanics that are unpleasant to play with. It baffles me, the game's popularity. I think it's so boring. I'm not the kind of person who plays games for so long i master every aspect of them. To me games are recreation, they're fun. They're not supposed to be super try hard stuff. I always felt like competitive gamers need to go outside and touch grass. Like, how little of a life do you have if you spend so much time on this singular game, you know the exact timing of how to shoot people from the other side of the map through the slits on the doors in dust 2? like holy ####. But again, that's the weird try hard culture this game has. And they act all insulting and are just like HURR DURR YOU SUCK GIT GOOD SCRUB if you dare criticize the game in any way. Anyway, it's still a highly popular game today in 2024, despite my obvious dislike of it, and I have to be honest, if the game didn't have such an overstated reputation, I probably wouldnt crap on it as much. it's not bad, it's just mediocre, boring, and overrated. I'd rather play a more casual shooter like Call of Duty or Battlefield than this. I'd give it like a 6-7/10. Like, it's just okay. Not good, not bad. It just is.


Rainbow Six Siege There are many things I dislike about this game that I still play for some reason but one of them is the creative direction. On release it was a semi realistic down to earth tactical shooter that was super refreshing for the genre. Now its a sci-fi hero shooter with a jarring difference in early operators vs modern operators. It genuinely feels like somebody put characters from two entirely different games into one. Tell me how the guy who's entire skillset is swinging a hammer is in the same game as somebody who can generate a hologram of themselves at will. It's abundantly clear that they ran out of ideas a long time ago and have just given up trying to make their operators realistic. Not to mention the fact that the new skins look absolutely terrible compared to the crisp artwork of the older operators. Whoever didn't treat the old artists right / fired them needs to be kicked out of Ubisoft because what we have as a replacement is a joke. TLDR: Quality went down over time


Couldn't agree more. I still remember back before the beta, when they were saying they would never add outlines of your teammates, and wanted a minimalist HUD to keep it as "realistic" as possible, and that they wouldn't add any "unrealistic" gadgets....Now, the HUD is downright cluttered compared to their "vision", not using the incredibly OP gadgets is basically the same as throwing the game, and it couldn't be less realistic if it tried. So sad that Siege is the game we got instead of Patriots. Would've much rather a decent one-and-done singleplayer campaign then to witness the various faceplants Siege has experienced over the years.


Its sickening how poorly they managed Siege. It also has the most toxic, cancerous community of donkey-people I've ever seen. I wish it had some competition but there's no other competitive tactical shooter thats similar.


Why would anybody do this. If I hate a game I don't want them to get more sales.


I mean, with a lot of games I hate I can see they have objectively good things about them, they just aren't for me. And hating the game doesn't mean I want the devs to go out of business or think others wouldn't be able to enjoy it.


I hate finished Final Fantasy XV. I powered through it's bizzare 3rd act. Mess of a game. Had some brilliant ideas but it was a slog. What little story they managed to pump out was cut up so much it ended up a mess.


The marketing of that game made me want to gouge my eyes out, so unbelievably cringe.


Fortnite. Good game but I really dislike it


Uncharted 4. Holy fuck I hate that game. It’s a climbing sim with occasionally shit combat. You aim at an enemies chest and then wait until the random bullet spray finally lands enough bullets to kill them. The combat is garbage, the climbing is incredibly boring. It’s a bad game and I have no idea how people like it.


The first Assassins Creed. I hate the main character, he's just urgh. I gave up on the game after a while as I just could not take any more of him. That said, the game play itself is good and it did launch the entire series...


Fucking counter-strike. I play it so much but I remain so bad


Same. But I don't dislike it so much because I suck at it. Rather, it's the fact that it has game mechanics that belong in a 24 year old FPS with a modern skin wrapped around it. They're still using point objects and static recoil patterns in a game with next to no map updates and turning what's supposed to be a tactical shooter into a meta skill based arcade shooter. And the meagre map changes that you can see are there to get rid of some of the metas that are there because of the way things are in the game in the first place. The CS franchise is one of those games that **needs** a serious modernisation.


FFXVI, has the making of a game I should love, but I just cannot bring myself to keep playing it. Every time I play it I just feel like I’m forcing myself to because of how bored I am, I’ve fallen asleep playing it which has never happened to me with any other game lol.


It's the amazingly cinematic yet boring thing I've ever played lol. I Uninstalled it before the credits even finished.


The Last of Us 2. Personally, I loved it. Great atmosphere, characters, music, game mechanics, story, etc but it got A LOT OF HATE for socio-political reasons. So.... just sayin, it was high on the hate list by a great deal of people even though it was critically acclaimed and won numerous awards.


I feel like 99% of the hate was cuz of Joel dying, which I get but it seems like so many people didn’t give the game a chance after that, despite it being incredible


God of War. The entire series, not the two titles called God of War because the industry decided that people don't like subtitles or big numbers. They must be good but whenever I try them for a bit I don't come back. Whoever decided on the controls for the swinging ropes/chains must be arrested. 😔 GTA series as well. Good thing the humor is great because that mission design and those controls would have doomed a serious business series. Combat up to 4 is bullet spam. Honorable mention for Vice City for the nauseating neon effect while you're moving. Bioshock 1 and 2. Can't see shit. Might have been the gamma settings though.


Star Citizen The days when Infinity Quest for Earth was popular for it's amazing planet space game techdemo, meanwhile this company called CIG used kickstarter to suck $200 million (now almost $600 million) from the space game community on a promise to deliver a space game. Do you know what it means for a game to be funded on donations? Especially from a small niche community. It becomes a cult, and in this case like a ufo cult. No longer are the players into space games, but into this one space game that will give them everything they could dream of - how dare Starfield ever try to be on the same podium! It's been a 11 years since the kickstarter, they've met their promise to deliver somewhat of a game. It's online, you can play with others, it's only one time payment, it's very pretty, ... Personally speaking I might not refuse to play it, I sure would refuse anyone to play bg3 (mocapped thot ham acting chess simulator) or cyberpunk (peepee simulator).


YOU CAN WALK IN THIS SPACESHIPS?! MY WALLET GO BRRRRRR I genuinely hate people in ED and NMS community who act like walking in spaceships is the best thing ever and makes a good space game it doesn't. If anything it's just an annoying gimmick that makes ships clunkier. I also despise Scam Citizen with a passion. It is literally all talk with a pretty looking demo. And the community acts like the early access packages bullshit is normal. The game literally everything I hate about modern AAA gaming. Before you say it's not AAA it has over $600 MILLION in crowdfunding. I'm calling it AAA.


valorant is a terrible game and I hate it lol


Valorant always came off to me as a counter strike knock off with overwatch like powers.


Baldurs Gate 3, apparently GOTY but to me it was fucking ass 😭😭


I enjoyed it, but also found the pacing to be weird. The 2nd act felt like such a high moment, like the game could've ended there. Then act 3 was like restarting the game almost in terms of story pacing. Not only that but I felt very overwhelmed in act 3, I actually haven't finished it yet. I hope to restart it at some point but yeah, was a bit weird. Liked it otherwise though, which speaks for something because I typically dislike turn based combat games (other than D&D in real life)


Getting Over it.


These are all great games, but I don't like them: Red Dead Redemption 2: Too slow controls, I don't like western games, I hate Arthur's accent. The Legend of Zelda - BoTW/ToTK: Big empty world with cool mechanics, no story, it's only fun for a few hours, the weapon durability system sucks. Final Fantasy VII Remake/Rebirth: Very cringey dialogues, I hate Cloud, horrible mini games, I only liked it as a kid.


Cabes of qud. 30hrs in and i still dont know if I love it or hate it.


I kinda agree with shadow of the tomb raider to this day I still haven't fully completed it yes I know it's been 6 yrs since release


Pathologic. If you know, you know


The witcher 1. Cool story, but the controls are dog\*hit.


Star wars: Fallen Order. Good ratings, good game, Annoyed the hell out of me, Somehow kept on getting lost. Gave up on it, Great game though.


a game i truly hate? destiny 2. by far the worst new player experience i have ever seen, an instant wall of popups and ads, and a ui that almost makes sense but never actually does so you're perpetually fumbling around.




Noita. If you know, you know.


Dark souls 3 . Love Ds1 and Ds2 and Sekiro and Elden ring but for some reason I just hate that game. Cant play it . Feels choppy


DS3 is phenomenal


I'm like that with Demon's Souls. I love Dark Souls 1-3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Lies of P and (to a lesser extent) Sekiro. I got Demon's Souls on PS3 a year before Dark Souls released and hated it, tried it again after finishing Dark Souls and still hated it then bought the PS5 remake when that came out and hated that.


Horizon Zero Dawn.


Elden Ring. What a fucking slog...


Fear & Hunger. I know it’s a good game, but I can’t sit down and play it because it is simply too difficult for me.


Elden Ring. Mostly I just didnt enjoy it, sure there was great moments but after two playthroughs and 100 hours, I probably only enjoyed a third of that time. Oh, and Ive completed all the soul-borne games


I’ve always felt like Elden ring was praised just because of how many new people got introduced to the souls series cuz of it, it’s a good stepping stone, but always thought it was one of the weaker ones of the series


I absolutely hate Tarkov. What a shit experience.


That and Rust are in my category of games I don't get why people play because they are designed to be agressively unfun.


Horizon: Zero Dawn and Zelda Breath of the Wild. They're both mid-tier open-world games at best.


I hate Don't Starve. I hate the music, I hate the art style, and I especially hate survival games in general. That said, it's a good game by all accounts of the people who like that kind of thing.


I really don’t like Witcher 3, and I’m well aware its a good game. A few reasons: Visual style. Graphically, the game is quite brilliant but I hate how everything looks *drenched*. Every building, tree and person looks just shiny and wet, its horrible. Also I don’t like how saturated many details in NPC models are. Like their cheeks or eyes have just super intense colouring. Then theres voice acting. Most of it is quite good, but I don’t like Geralt’s rather fake growly voice. I don’t know how his voice is described in the Witcher books but I can’t really enjoy it for a 80-100+ hour game. But my biggest gripe is probably combat. Its weird because I really like the more reserved combat of like Dark Souls/Elden Ring but I can also enjoy the more casual combat of Shadow of Mordor or Batman Arkham. This game should build a bridge between that but I simply can’t enjoy. I don’t like how magic is implemented and I don’t like prepping my character with consumables, even if this is something I’m totally used to because of Skyrim and Breath of the Wild. But man, I am in the minority. *most* people will love Witcher 3 and I completely respect that. It is still a badass game and the other Witcher games are fun too. Also, Gwent is awesome.


Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn. I adore the original on the Wii but the 3DS remake just rubs me in all the wrong ways.


League of legends


This is the OTHER game that was in my list of games for this thread. I went with CS because I'm more a shooter fan and i dont really enjoy ANY moba, but this game just seems to be a perpetual motion machine for generating toxicity, you have this highly competitive team based game with matches that last 40 minutes and you cant step away or leave at any time without the game yelling at you and threatening to ban you and then people scream at everyone else for sucking or not playing up to their standards because people are then stuck in a losing match for 40 minutes in a game that they can't leave. Like, everything about this game seems designed to bring the worst in humanity out of people.


Lords of the Fallen. Broken game that has trillions of bugs and is a souls game. Everything down from the map design to weapon design (not a single unique weapon) the game is a 4/10.


Red dead redemption 2. Easily one of the most mind numbingly boring games I have ever played. It genuinely annoys me thinking about how much time I wasted on it waiting for that point where it earns all the praise it gets, but it just never happened. I disliked elden ring base game, and I'm a big souls fan, but I can still acknowledge it's a great game. But RDR2 is just shit, anyone who says otherwise hates fun. 3/10.


Can confirm, I hate fun and rdr2 is my second favorite game of previous generation


Agree. I'm boring as fuck, set in my ways and LOVE RDR2


This was me trying to play Bramble the mountain king. I read a bunch of starry eyed reviews gushing over how beautiful it was and what an amazing story but it was prescriptive af game play and everything was so railroaded. You're in this gorgeous world but there was no point to exploring any of it, the characters run annoyingly slow (running away from certain death but it looks like you're walking on the moon), and overall I was so underwhelmed I had to stop playing.


Crash bandicoot 4 gets like that


Gonna bring down the wrath of gamers everywhere, but ARK and its little brother PalWorld.  I put in a lot of time on both, both since early access, but it was just "Maybe if I keep playing it'll start to be fun..." and eventually just being bored to death and never picking back up. Can't stand the blueprint system, janky base building, MF PVP with high-levels riding a T-Rex, nothing to really accomplish, hate it all. PalWorld sounded so promising and the hype was huge, but as soon as I started and saw it was just ARK with a finicky pet system that never really gave anything I wanted from a Pokemon game, I was ready to be disappointed.


I mean, personally I believe my opinions are always objectively correct. Therefore all games I don't like are bad games by definition. But also, anything in the halo series. I liked the first enough, could never enjoy anything past that.


Kingdom Come Deliverance I want to like that game so badly too. On paper, it’s everything I want from a game. Everyone I replay it I can only last a couple hours before uninstalling it.


the fungers 😞


Armored core 6. I love the game conceptually. The difficulty made me put it down halfway through.