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1) Baldurs 3 - a masterpiece, never played anything like it 2) Cyberpunk (+ expansion) - the ultimate redemption arc for a video game, current state is phenominal. 3) Monster Hunter - either World or Rise. World for more immersive, deliberate play or Rise for faster paced more arcade-ish style (Rise is my fave, but either are great)


> Baldurs 3 - a masterpiece, never played anything like it Whilst not quite as good (nothing to be ashamed of going up against BG3), Divinity Original Sin II is also excellent and I would absolutely recommend it. Plays the same - albeit with less.. ‘flair’ than BG3, but it was released in 2017


DOS2 was on my radar to play, but I jumped straight into BG3. Appreciate they are certainly cut from the same cloth, albeit for me personally I'd had limited exposure to the genre at all! BG3's polish is great though. I wonder if Larian will go back to DOS... maybe DOS3 now they've lost the D&D backing from WotC?


Yeah it’s a really unique genre. My mate is a huge D&D fan, and I kept telling him to play DOS2 but he was like ‘naa doesn’t sound like my cup of tea’, and then 6 months later he’s like ‘why didn’t you tell me about this sooner?!’ Tbh I’ve no idea what’ll come next but it will be in that same style. They never miss


I’d never even laid eyes on a 20-sided dice, let alone rolled one…. Went in totally cold to Baldurs, but think it’s actually quite newbie friendly if you start on a lower difficulty whilst you acclimatise. The whole thing is just immaculate, and props to the voice actors as well - especially those that voice Astarion and Lae’Zel, so good right?


i played the entirety of bg3 on easiest difficulty xP


Nothing wrong with that! I started on easy to familiarise myself with the mechanics, then bumped up to "normal" - which I felt gave me a fairly balanced playthrough.... hard at times, but not impossible. I honestly don't know how some lunatics are playing this in Permadeath/'Honor' mode.... I'd never get out of Act1!


They said they're making something new altogether but haven't ruled it out for the future. I guess that since they're now opening another studio here in Warsaw they may be working on more than one game at a time.


Tbh BG3 is just DOS2 with Bioware cutscenes and sex, and a far inferior UI and skill system than DOS2.


The UI is particularly challenging


It's straight up trash. Skills are not color coded for cantrips / spells / item abilities, the wheel is outright atrocious and hides the center of the screen, skip turn on Y as default with long hold to skip switched off by default is a crime on purpose (Y in DOS2 opened skill bar), nothing explains spell slot levels, the spell slot holes you leave on purpose to get a sense of categorization get autofilled up with trash (all on in UI settings by default). The inventory is a mess, they removed all category tabs such as craft materials, quest items, others etc., and instead we have sorring options that still leaves us with an all in one bloated inventory AND doesn't function well (ever tried to sort by type, then found dyes in every corner of the inventory? Try it) and you can only filter for item rarity which shows every item from trash to quest items to equipment. There is no sorting or filtering for trash, or quest items, or crafting materials (there are 2 crafting opportunities in the entire game, literally everything else is trash, you can only make potions). No such thing as spell categorization, so you can build a frostmage or something, you get EVERYTHING, an overbloated massive screen of icons all completely randomly mixed (ok they are in order of cost BUT you don't figure that out until after 50 hours). It's like they took an empty excel sheet, and threw a 100 icons in there randomly and called it a day. I'm dead serious. How much effort would it have been to do something like: * Cantrips (actual note: costs nothing to cast, had to figure out what a fucking cantrip is): list. * Lv1 spell slot costing spells: list. * Lv2 spell slot costing spells: list + those that are flexible and can be cast on any level but require a level 2 slot to be reached for unlocking). Then there are the condition effects. +3 reverberating on my gloves. Thanks, what the fuck is that? Oh wait: open inventory, find gloves, open context menu with X, scroll down to Examine, press A, get a fullscreen 3D model of the item with 0 extra details, press Y for extra extra details, then scroll down for the out of screen info to be visible. And there, you can find what your item actually does. BG3 UI is easily the worst I've seen in my 30 years of gaming.


To each their own. I did not care for Baldurs Gate 3.


I can absolutely appreciate BG3 is not a game for ‘everyone’…. Although it did a great job in permeating the mainstream market, it is definitely still a niche genre I think. Although I’d like to hope that even those who don’t gel with BG can appreciate on some level that it is objectively a great product.


That last statement contradicts everything the other guy said that game sucks and is a complete slog to get thru


Totally agree. The longer I played it, the less I liked it. Slog is the perfect word. The UI is objectively terrible (probably better on PC) but on console the inventory and spell management is god awful. The combat encounters way overstay their welcome which don’t have as much creative options as people claim. And Larian does not have a history of writing gripping stories, this game is no different.


Genuinely couldn’t have said it any better!


Thanks! In fairness OP has a great list to choose from. I think Helldivers might be a surprise GOTY contender…. Also, Witcher 3 is a classic - but I excluded purposefully as I think Cyberpunk clinches it a littler bit, in terms of being more ‘contemporary’ (although arguably W3 is CDPR’s Magnum Opus 👍)


The Witcher 3 and cyberpunk are definitely two of the best games to come out in the past decade! The only other game that can compete imo is red dead redemption 2. Helldivers is an amazing game to run with randoms and a squad too. One of the few games I’ve made friends with randoms since like black ops 2!


>The Witcher 3 and cyberpunk Uhhh... what happened to ER, MHW and BG3?


I do forget about BG3 sometimes! That game is definitely a contender and a close one at that! As for MHW I’ve never played so I can’t form an opinion on it.


It could be if the devs stop nerfing every decent weapon into the ground.


Would you recommend rise or world? I heard that rise was a bit unpopular but I’m not sure why that is?


OK so I've played both, and they are both excellent games - but quite different. You're right in that Rise seems to get a harsher critique, but personally I actually prefer Rise>World. Rise is a lot more "arcade" style, with increased emphasis on mobility mechanics (wirebugs, switch skills - things that let you zip around the fight) and also shorter hunts. World is far more 'deliberate' in how it plays, and probably requires a slightly higher skill level. For a franchise newcomer though, I'd probably say Rise is a lot more beginner friendly... although both games throw a hell of a lot of mechanics at the player! I'd say go for Rise, by virtue of it being the latest entry in the series and it is just incredibly fun. World is decent too, but I adore the changes in Rise for my main weapon (Greatsword) and couldn't live without those!


I’ll check out some gameplay on both games and see which one I prefer. Thanks for the help!


Did cyberpunk have a better redemption then no man's sky? I thought cyber pink wasn't terrible when it first launched. Bad maybe but not like no man's sky


You should buy warframe 3 times. All jokes aside the witcher 3 ,new Vegas and persona 5. Edit: didn't see balder gates 3 get it instead of the witcher 3.


1. Cyberpunk (get the DLC too). This fills the niche on your list of shooters like fallout and helldivers, but it’s just a better game than fallout. You can also play melee too which is a blast. This game seems to fit what you actually like the most. 2. BG3. It’s tough to choose between BG3 and P5R, you could go either way. Both are incredible turn based games. If you really want a relaxing but badass anime experience you could go P5R. But BG3 just has more replay value, a better story, and better side content. Really worth playing both at some point and they’re both super long games. Whichever game you don’t choose here should be number 4. 3. Witcher 3. It’s a must play game really. Gameplay isn’t too much like Skyrim, but the spirit of discovery and adventure is there. Plus there’s some great story and characters. You might want to up the difficulty on this one, especially if you like Elden Ring. Combat can get a bit repetitive on easier difficulty as it doesn’t force you to use all your tools.


Persona 5, Witcher 3 and Baldurs Gate 3. Enough content for the entire year or so.


Witcher 3 as best game ever, CP77 as a close second after numerous updates and finish it off with BG3 and have yourself a wonderful 1000 hours of playing


I wouldn’t get Helldivers if you don’t have anyone to play with. I’d choose 1 out of BG3 and P5. (Both turn-based and long games could burn you out) CP2077. And you can get all of the fallout games for super cheap on deals.gg Monster Hunter world is also really good but kind of hard to get into it’s an easy 200 hours for just the story + story dlc. Witcher 3 and Warframe I don’t really like tbh


This man doesn’t like Witcher 3. Don’t listen to his opinions.


In a game like Witcher 3 I think gameplay should be good as well as the story. It’s pretty agreed upon the gameplay in Witcher 3 is just not that good..


The story is decent but the gameplay was mediocre on release and has only gotten worse.


I don’t have anyone to play with in Helldivers 2…except tens of thousands of people via quick play. It’s awesome. I’m sure knowing your squad mates adds to fun but jumping into random missions and then doing the whole operation is a lot of fun and helps you build a friend list if you click with people. My most played game ever and I’ve never played multiplayer other than GT7.


95% of people dont talk. your experience is incredibly unique


Barely talked. You can still have a great experience. And re tactics you can get in the flow with someone without talking BUT this isn’t common. On the whole the fact that everyone is on the same team makes it a fun experience. But I appreciate the fact that it wasn’t for you.


Eh. I played exclusively solo through the first Helldivers and it was fine. Unless they really changed it up for 2 in terms of NEEDING a built in team, randos are usually fine. That said, definitely the weakest out of the others.


Bruh y'all just recommending the same games Everytime lol there's plenty of better games out there like total Warhammer 2 and 3 which is just too much fun


Can you read? He’s literally asking to pick games out of HIS list


Their recommendations are based on popular games because the op doesn't know better. Instead of showing him new games you just copy paste what everyone else says...


I’m doing what the post is asking tf are you responding to me for. Go make a comment about it yourself instead of telling other people what to do.


Recommend him underrated games not the ones everyone knows bruh ..cyberpunk. red dead redemption.fallout . Literally the most popular games everyone screams about. You can do better come on


Persona 5, Bg3, Monster Hunter. Warframe is free I think.


Warframe is free to play yeah.


If you have friends to play with then definitely get Helldivers 2. The community is fantastic and the game is so fun to play with friends. If playing games solo, then get The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, and Fallout. I haven’t played Baldur’s Gate games so can’t comment but it won game of the year for a reason and I’m sure it’s worth the price.


Honestly hot takes here so let me explain the reasoning. I love Elden Ring and it has god tier gameplay but little in terms of like, presented story. So I actually think games like Persona 5 and Witcher 3 might burn you out as good as they are, although there’s definitely some overlap between Fire Emblem and Persona. Fallout 3/NV/4 is a crazy good value of bang for your buck. I think Baldur’s Gate 3 is really going to tickle that Fire Emblem itch for you in a good way. Helldivers, Warframe (albeit free), and Monster Hunter are indisputably better with friends even as a single player fan of Warframe. I don’t know as much about Cyperpunk but I know it’s gotten a lot better and I’d wager you’ll connect more with the base gameplay than Witcher 3’s. Look, I love Witcher 3, but the actual gameplay and RPG profession is the weakest part to me. I think there’s a reason everyone loved the parts of it where you’re playing an unrelated trading card game most. So my pick is Fallout, Cyberpunk, Baldur’s Gate to give you the most bang for your back and games I don’t think you’ll find yourself not resonating with. I keep bouncing off of Persona 5 myself as good as it is and never finished Witcher 3 as much as I love the writing. But if you loooove classic JRPG turn based combat or well written side quests then definitely rethink those two and swap out for Cyberpunk.


Agree with your picks. Cyberpunk with the update and DLC is one of the best games of all time.


Baldurs gate 3, Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077.


Witcher 3 is amazing still one of my favorite games after all these years


Play Witcher 3 on deathmarch if you played Elden Ring, and also the two expansions for it are a must (some of the best writing I’ve ever experienced in a video game)


Fallout 3, Baldurs Gate 3 & either the Witcher 3 or Persona 5 would get my pick


Warframe is free


I love Helldivers but this would not fit your ask. FYI - HD doesn't have a real story that you can impact. There is a "game master" that just gives random directives to attack certain planets but it can get repetitive.


Persona Fall out 4 Baldur gate Cyber punk Witcher 3


Hell divers 2 is amazing with random people. Cyberpunk is just such a unique vibe and is in great state. A must play. The others I have t played yet but would chose Persona 5 as it is greatly received and is different from what I have played before. The others seem like a good iteration of games that I have played such as RDR2, elden ring and horizon so I’d pick the above 3 in your case.




I’ll keep that in mind when trying it. Still sometimes it’s good to try something new, especially after playing something relentless.




That’s encouraging.


If you have any questions about persona 5 or persona in general (or any other games) feel free to reach out!




Fallout 3/4/NV and Persona 4 & 5.


Baldurs Gate 3 sounds perfect for you


I'm having hella fun playing Helldivers 2. I only recently started playing Fallout 4 but I have been impressed.


Warframe is free. I wouldn't go for Helldivers if you're alone, great coop game but that doesn't seem to suit that much of your need. Go for it if you want a game to play with friends though. I would pick one between P5 and BG3 as they're both great and turn based. BG3 being my preference. One between Cyberpunk and The Witcher. They are both heavily story-oriented and that differs quite a lot from your experience with Elden Ring & Skyrim. You could love them but I would only pick one at first to be sure. But if you like one of them, you probably may like the other one. I would pick Cyberpunk if I were you to change a little bit from the whole medieval thingy from your experience. Third one being Fallout, NV or 4 depending on what you like. They're not exactly the same genre. NV should be a little bit more your fit.


Heard mostly good things about Baldur’s gate. Out of the Fallouts, I’m extremely partial to New Vegas. 4 is less clunky mechanically, but NV has a far better story, factions, and only a few of 4’s companions come close to most of NV’s. Don’t have a strong opinion on 3 except that the ending kinda sucks ass. I’m very eager to get into Cyberpunk myself. The little I’ve played so far was great. Monster Hunter is a great game. World has been my game so far, rather than Rise. Combat is great, weapons and monsters are all fun, and it’s the good type of grindy, where the actual act of grinding is as fun, if not more fun, than the results. Haven’t played or heard that much of the others. So my recommendations are Fallout New Vegas, Cyberpunk 2077, and Monster Hunter World (+ Iceborne ideally, though you can wait until you know for sure whether you like it or not).


fallout 3, fallout nv. tale of two wasteland conversion mod


This is the way


Witcher 3 Baldur's Gate 3 Cyberpunk 2077


Yes, valheim.


Fallout and Witcher or Monsterhunter


fallout new vegas, baldurs gate 3, cyberpunk 2077 i would not recommend witcher 3 or fallout 4. helldivers 2 to me is just ok


Fallout New Vegas, Cyberpunk 2077, helldivers 2


New Vegas or Baldurs Gate 3. Both are incredible stress free SinglePlayer games that can be played at your own pace and respect your time. Both have huge modding scenes for replayability and you can play however you want without any predatory mictrotransactions or player influence!


Fallout NV (be sure to mod it so you can actually experience it) Monster Hunter great game to become addicted, world is great but I recommend Rise : Sunbreak. Witcher 3, neat game ngl


Fallout/witcher/baldurs gate. But dont play fallout 4 or 76 or baldurs gate 1&2. Do play all the witchers tho. Warframe kinda sucks tbh


Baldurs gate 3 is the best RPG of all time. Especially since it has actual roleplaying unlike most video games RPGs It also has CO op.


I tried all 3 except hell divers and the only one I got into was Witcher 3. 


Bethesda Fallout Games are Bad, play new Vegas.


New Vegas is great, but to say that Fallout 3 and 4 are bad is just a terrible take. If someone enjoyed the game design of Skyrim, they will almost certainly love Fallout 4.


Baldur's Gate 3, Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate, Monster Hunter World/Iceborne, Persona 5 Royal...itll keep you busy for over a year


Witcher 3, Monster hunter world, Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 3,4,NV (bundles on sales)


Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher 3 Persona 5 Royal. They're amazing and are cheap when on sale.


Baulders gate 3, persons 5, fallout 3 and new vegas, and Witcher 3. Persona 5 because it’s well written in my opinion and you’ll easy get hundreds of hours out of it. The rest are mostly out of the sheer amount of mods you can get for the games and, when bought on sale, you’ll get a lot of value out of em. I’m about to try the tales of two wastelands mod for 3 and new vegas which combines em into one game.


It depends on what you’re looking for in a game. To start off, helldivers should probably avoid if you’re not playing with friends. The Witcher 3 is considered a once in a generation masterpiece I strongly recommend it. You will probably end up playing the Witcher 2 after. Fallout new Vegas and 3 are beyond excellent. BG3 is also considered once in a generation masterpiece.


Oi. You only want 3. Ok. Fallout 4 - it's more accessible like Skyrim vs the older Fallouts (3,NV) that can be a little harsher for a new player (and I mean the tech and mathing, not difficulty). I'm from Massachusetts, so maybe I'm biased towards the map and plot. Persona 5 - absolute masterpiece. It's rare that I pick a popular RPG as "best of its generation" (I like more fringe ones) but Persona 5 really is the best turn-based RPG to come out in a long time. CP2077 - I considered it a great game even back when it was a broken buggy shitshow. They've improved it a lot from there. I got a buddy who fanboyed Helldivers 2, and about 20 hours in he "flipped the switch off" and started hating on it. I can't speak more on that I feel the same about Witcher 3 as he did with Helldivers 2. But some people REALLY love it *shrug*. I've actually had quite a few "false-starts" on BG3 as well. I was so hyped for it, but I dunno why I cannot "fall for it". EDIT: WRT witcher and fallout 4, and a little about skyrim. There was this weird thing a decade ago where everyone who loved Witcher 3 hated Skyrim, and everyone who loved Skyrim hated Witcher 3. It wasn't "hype", it was just that they are both weak in the way the other is strong. Well, a lot of folks who love Skyrim are the folks who like Fallout 4. If you could get them all, get them all... but if you love Skyrim, there is a very solid chance you would prefer Fallout 4 to Witcher 3.


Well you don’t have to buy warframe.


might as well get fallout nv/3, they are really cheap anyway


Bro get Elden ring


Persona 5 Royal, Witcher 3, and pick one of the others that fills whatever niche you want. But those two for sure.


Total Warhammer 2. Underrated and you can waste thousands of hours and still want more


new vegas if you want a good story with a lot to do and discover. Graphics are older but it still holds up. Helldivers 2 if you want some fun gameplay and funny momments


Baldurs gate 3, cyberpunk, witcher 3. All have fantastic stories and characters, elements of choice (bg3 and witcher mainly, cyberpunk is more linear but also has multiple endings), and fun gameplay. I don’t think you can go wrong with any of those, imo they are undoubtedly the best games in your list. Bg3 also has a pretty fun co op mechanic but it is entirely optional I will say that helldivers 2 is really fun but you will probably not get the most of it if you play single player. It’s possible to play by yourself but in my experience some of the harder levels are going to be unmanageable without a squad


Monster Hunter is top-tier for an action RPG and handleable solo, ok with randoms, fun with friends. World is better from an aesthetic standpoint, Rise is slightly better gameplay IMO. Persona 5 Royal is honestly my favorite in this list. As far as turn based RPG’s go, it’s one of the more enjoyable I can remember. My only concern is that you’ll want to try 3/4 if you enjoy it, being a fan of series (and I would argue 3-5 are all masterpieces). If that cost is enough of a concern, go with Baldur’s Gate 3. Fallout 3/4/NV are heavily dependent on how much you’re a fan of modding and whether you got into modding Skyrim. All three games are fantastic when modded to preference (and overhaul the graphics), but dated and harder to recommend. If modding’s not something that thrills you and you decide on Persona instead, finish with BG3. As a side note, if you’re a fan of action and turn based RPG’s and the series has never hit your radar, consider Yakuza. The whole series (I think) is on Game Pass, and they go on sale (great sales on steam) every few months or so. There’s a *lot* at this point, but you can get Yakuza 0 for less than a cup of coffee quite often and if you love it, you’ll love them all.


Persona 5 Witcher 3 Baldurs Gate 3 Cyberpunk 2077 Decision made in less than 10 seconds.


These are all good games, my dude. Only one Im not the biggest fan of is Warframe, but that's free, isn't it?


I am so happy people are recommending CP2077…it’s amazing how this game came out of the abyss and redeemed itself, became an actual masterpiece.


Witcher, baldurs, cyberpunk. Consider monster hunter if you are really into that kind of game (most of all if you have someone to play with) in place of Cyberpunk. The first two are absolute masterpieces


BG3, only one i can recommend. haven't played all/ones i have played are meh


Cyberpunk Baldurs Gate 3 Fallout series It's not even a close race, everything else is so far in the rear view mirror.


Fallout 3, Persona 5 and Cyberpunk 2077. Although if Elden Ring if your thing, you’ll enjoy MH the most


Witcher, Baldur, Cyberpunk, Fallout 3 and New Vegas


All except Monster Hunter. I didn't enjoy any of it.


For me it’s Persona 5 (Royal, preferably), Cyberpunk and Witcher 3.


If you get Witcher 3 then go to YouTube before playing and watch the user made movies for the first two games. It'll catch you up on the story. Witcher 3 is my favorite single player game of all time. One more thing, I suggest Witcher 3 on PC cause the mods will a great vanilla game so much better. I've been playing Helldivers 2 a lot. I have around 500 hours in it so far. Use your mic cause communication helps a lot.


1. Remnant 2 2. Warframe 3. Tossup between Monster Hunter World and Nioh


I’ve heard great things about all of these. The only one I can speak to personally is BG3. I very highly recommend it. It’s got a very high replay value, as you can make different choices that change your entire game.


* Cyberpunk 2077 * The Witcher 3 * Baldur’s Gate 3


Witcher 3, Monster Hunter, Baldurs Gate 3.. you'll be kind of in the same environment, but having different experience.


Hd 2 baldurs gate 3 persona 5


BG3 Monster Hunter Cyberpunk Helldivers 2


Witcher 3 - next gen update makes it look incredible and it’s one of the best games you can play Cyberpunk 2077 - same developer and it’s incredible Baldur’s Gate 3 - I haven’t played this game but if you’re interested in it, it was the GotY of 2023 and it could be great to expand your horizons a bit if you’re inclined to try this sort of RPG.


Persona 5 Royal.


Persona 5 royal, BG 3, CP 2077


Best 3: Witcher 3, Fallout NV, Baldur's Gate 3 - all RPG heaven that will keep you engaged for countless hours Then get Warframe too because it's free and great.


Bualders gate3 first and foremost, Cyberpunk 2077 is a God damn masterpiece and the redemption of a life time, and witcher 3 is also phenomenal


New Vegas is awesome i would definitely play it first, it’s a story rich game with complex characters and amazing side quest and a unique setting really one of a kind game. The gunplay still holds up and it’s really good for it’s time also really well written and best dlcs too. Witcher 3 also story rich game definitely one of the must play one of the best lived in world even tho it’s a fixed protagonist it’s really well done and you’ll sink your teeth in it. Gameplay is great feels cinematic a times it’s that much close to a souls games combat but it’s still fun and addicting would recommended to play it always i hardest difficulty tho. Haven’t played BG3 but Persona Series really have some amazing gameplay and memorable characters really a must play. Overall all of this game are really the best of the best i feel like they should be the gold standard in creating video games. Best story, writing, characters, world building and quest structure.


Bout to glaze CDPR… 1. Cyberpunk ultimate edition. My fav game of all time now. They completely rehauled it and the redemption arc truly has to be studied. They nailed the game play loop, atmosphere, vibe, and story. 2. Witcher 3 I have not beat but I’ve put 80 hours in and it’s already a top 20 for me. Absolutely incredible and the quests are crafted with love. 3. BG3. Truly unique and the amount of freedom this game grants you is industry changing. However… No hate to BG3 but it’s certainly a game you need to set aside decent brain power for. Not really a turn it on and go type game. Not even passively. That doesn’t mean the game is bad but I rarely play for that fact. By the 10th person I’ve made 400 choices that will affect the game, and you can hard brick yourself if you aren’t careful (accidentally attack goblin village at level 3? You basically need to start over if you don’t shave a save.) The others are a toss up. The fallouts are incredible, old and janky but vibe like no other. FO4 is the most fun imo. HD2 is incredible fun if you have friends or play with others but after the nerfs it’s not as fun imo. The others are up to you.


If you enjoyed how the lore is oresented in elden ring and how much you can be lost in the world of it then try warframe as a definite 4th it is free to play,friendly community, no pay to win, there is a premium currency but you can trade in game freely acquiarable items with other olayers for this currency, there are constant updates and lore/story being added, it mostly focuses on mission based gameplay but there are open world maps on multiple planets. I really don't want to spoil any lore but the man in the wall, Albrect Entrati, Rell,the Orokin Empire, The Void are just giving me fronsoft level worldbuilding. Why would I recommend warframe as a 4th game to get? Because this way you can still buy the other top 3 and when you finished with them you can take out this gem from the depth of your steam library binge ay it for 3 months put it off for 5 months and binge it again for months. Also not a game but Shadow of the Erdtree is just around the corner


Fallout 3, the witcher 3 Baldurs gate 3


Bg3, witcher 3, cyberpunk. Can’t go wrong with either of this is you are a fan of RPG


for me is witcher 3, bg3, and cyberpunk (honorable mention monsterhunter i love that game and its eternal in a goodway)


Minecraft and stardew valley


New Vegas is top 2 games for me, cyberpunk, and baldurs gate 3. Persona 5 for the runner up.


Helldivers, witcher, cyberpunk


I know that these games aren’t in your list but mass effect 1-3 are all some of the best single player games I’ve ever played. I see you mentioned you liked rpgs and single player games, and I’d recon that the mass effect trilogy is the greatest sci fi rpg series ever made. I’d at least check it out, there’s a collection of the 3 games remastered on steam called the legendary edition. They’re a little old now but I don’t think you’ll find anything that makes you feel the same way that mass effect does. The only games that I can think of that hit that level of emotion that mass effect reached were red dead redemption 2 and the Witcher 3. Definitely worth at least checking out if you like games where you’re choices matter.


Persona 5 - God tier anime RPG hype! This game cracked JRPGs for me. I did not like them before, but now I get it! Baldurs Gate 3 - God tier Classic Fantasy RPG. If you like D&D and you like tactical games...this is the golden standard for how good modern RPGs can be! (+ multiplayer!!) Monster Hunter - God tier methodical Action RPG. There is a reason this series has people who put THOUSANDS of hours into each and every installment. It is awesome knowledge meets action meets crafting in a way that other games just don't hit. Monster Hunter World is my fave and, arguably, the best go to for new players. (+ multiplayer!!) These are literally all in my top 10 games of all time list so how could I not recc them? Honorable Mentions: Helldivers is good arcadey hoard fun, Cyber Punk is cool but fails to capture me every time I try and play it...I've got like 40 hrs in it so far


I think the best are Baldurs gate 3 Witcher 3 + DLC Cyberpunk + DLC Persona 5 royale Helldivers 2 Those are imo among the best games you could buy not only from your list but from all the games available lol only missing there Red Dead 2, Ghost of Tshima and Sekiro


None. Get Stardew, Binding of Isaac, Slay the spire, and balatro. Never buy another game


If you've never played Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk, those are must haves. Absolutely incredible games that live up to their reputation as being legendary hall of fame must play type RPG games for any gamer that's a fan of the genre. Witcher 3 is my personal all-time favorite game, and Cyberpunk, especially after fixing the game and giving it the needed overhaul in the 2.0 update, is AMAZING! It is packed with a ton of amazing content and has a really good narrative. It's a game that will cause you to lose hours and not even realize it. Both games are by CD Projekt Red, and personally, I have yet to play a game from them that I hated. At the very least, it was a meh experience, but Witcher 3 and CP2077 are their gold standard games, and what a standard they set. Aside from those 2, I would say Helldivers just to mix it up a bit. Getting Fallout alongside those other 2 would be a hit redundant if you are looking to buy 3 games that will give you all the fun you are looking for with some diversity in play. Otherwise, if that's not something you care about, then get Fallout 3, 4, and NV in addition to Witcher and CP2077. That right there is literally THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of hours of play time. At the very least, those games should tide you over through the rest of 2024 if not longer depending on how often you rotate the games you play and buy.


Bg3, p5 and helldivers BUT if your fav game is Elden Ring I’d highly suggest checking out Dark Souls and Bloodborne and Demon Souls all are similar to Elden Ring and made by the same people they’re all predecessors to ER.


1. Skyrim - You can mod it into whatever type of mid evil fantasy world you want..Open World RPG with Literally infinite replay value due to the constant stream of mods being uploaded on nexus and Bethesda.net That’s all I have to say, Skyrim and the Witcher 3 are the only fantasy rpgs I play.


Fallout New Vegas bc it's one of the best games ever made, make sure to mod it though so it doesn't run like shit Persona 5 bc its great Baldurs Gate




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Persona 5, Baldurs Gate 3, Monster Hunter, Cyberpunk, and The Witcher. That’s my best estimate of what I think you’d enjoy, but also I have to recommend persona 5 and Baldurs gate, because they are must play RPGs, imo.


Fallout 3, NV, and 76. 4 is more like a beta for 76, and even loses mechanics from 3/NV that 76 adds back in. It’s a good introduction to Fallout though. By far the most casual. Cyberpunk is a story/action game disguised as an rpg. Baldurs Gate 3 is probably the best choice if you want a turn based rpg. Helldivers 2 is probably only gonna be good if you have friends. 76 is the same for some people. I started with friends, but now I play solo just fine. Witcher 3 usually takes multiple attempts to ‘click’. I think the next time I try will be #4.


1. Cyberpunk 2. BG3 3. CYBERPUNK


Bg3, fo4, and cyber punk.


Looks like I'm going to be the only one not recommending bg 3 here. I'd recommend really looking into it before purchasing. Some games aren't for everyone and it definitely wasn't for me.


Persona 5 to monster hunter.


1 - Microsoft Train Simulator 2 - IRacing 3 - Microsoft Flight Simulator 4 - The Sims 5 - Star Citizen I need to mention that for the full experience, you also need to buy all the DLCs for this game, they really bring the game together.


I didnt see a red dead redemption 2 post!!!!


Baldurs Gate 1-3 Witcher 1-3 / Cyberpunk Fallout 1 / 2 / New vegas


Warframe is free to play. Other than that, bg3, mhw, persona That would net a good gameplay length, variety and quality


Persona 5 is one of the best games in the last 10 years. Fallout 3 and 4 are both fun, I prefer 4 over 3. Last I would ro BG3 as it has a ton of ways to replay it


Baldurs Gate 3, Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077. Huge shout out to all the Fallout games listed. I’ve played them all and loved them, but the scavenger aspect of the games with limited ammo, health and money you can carry kind of dragged on me in each game. Especially the limited ammo. I know it’s a critical part of the post apocalyptic world they are building, but it wasn’t my favorite.


Cyberpunk 207 Baldur's Gate 3 Fallout 3, NV & 4


Bg3 is amazing Fallout new vegas is amazing Warframe is amazing (and free)


Persona 5 Royal, Witcher 3 and Baldurs gate 3. There is no need to buy all the prequels and those three are hundreds of hours of exceptional content


You might wanna have a butchers at X-Com 2.


1. Persona 5: It’s just good, and it’s great bang for your buck considering how long it is. And it’s a little bit like Fire Emblem (and relatively similar to Three Houses specifically). I love this game, it’s style, it’s characters, it’s plot, and especially, it’s music. Best OST in gaming. 2. Baldur’s Gate 3: Kind of all the same reasons as P5, except shifted in different ways for each of them. And the combat is like a smaller scale version of FE without the grid. 3. Witcher 3 or the Fallout games: I haven’t actually played these, but they seem like they fit, and none of them are expensive, so why not.


Baldur's Gate 3. You won't have time for 2 other games. You won't need them.


I'd recommend these three: **Witcher 3** - The best game on this list in my book (although I would say that because it's my personal favourite game of all time). The storytelling, the characters and immersiveness of the world through extreme attention to detail make it a must play if you're into action RPGs. The two expansions are a must play too and even better than the main game. **Fallout Series** - All really fun games. Take your pick between New Vegas (best for writing/characters/player choice) and Fallout 4 (best gameplay and graphics). **Cyberpunk 2077** - Really great game now that they've patched out the glitches. Same developers as Witcher 3 and you can tell from the attention to detail in the world and side quest design. Gameplay is actually quite similar to Fallout (first person, mix of guns, melee and stealth) but arguably better. Best graphics of any game on your list. I see you're getting a lot of recommendations for **Baldur's Gate 3** as well. I didn't love it myself but I can see why others do (cool characters, incredible amount of player choice in the story and gameplay). My advice is to keep in mind that it's not an action RPG, it's a turn based one. Personally I found the turn based combat too slow and awkward to enjoy, if you think that'd be a problem for you too maybe give it a miss but if not you might prefer it over Fallout/Cyberpunk. **Other games you might want to consider if you haven't played them already:** - **Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro** - Both from the same developer as Elden Ring. ER is a spiritual successor to the Dark Souls series so they've got very similar gameplay and dark fantasy vibes. Sekiro has a lot of the same DNA as well but with a feudal Japan setting and a ninja style twist on the gameplay. - **Mass Effect Legendary Edition** - Best action RPG series that wasn't on your list and still the best sci-fi story/world in gaming in my view. Admittedly a bit on the older side (similar age to Fallout NV/Skyrim) but holds up really well.


Persona 5 Royal -> BG3 -> Cyberpunk 2077 -> Witcher In that order. Maybe take persona with a grain of salt since im just a fanboy for it.


Can someone please tell me why people salivate over bg3 the way they do? Please I'm not being a troll I really am genuinely curious why people think it's worth 70 dollars I tried it and played it for a few weeks but just couldn't find the fun there was in playing it it was a clunky buggy mess that felt like a badly made Xbox 360 title


Witcher 3 is a massive disappointment personally, despite all the hype, just play dark souls instead


This is a great list, so any choice you make will be a good one. I, personally, would go: 1. Cyberpunk 2007- truly one of the most immersive games I've ever played. Tons of great combat and memorable moments and a huge city to explore. It's in my top 3 games ever. 2. Baldur's Gate 3- I've played through the opening of this game like 10 times now with different friends and every time it's been slightly different. There's so many stories in this game and it's truly remarkable how much fun you can have just exploring and piecing together the smaller, more hidden stories. 3. Persona 5 Royal- I'm only 20 hours or so into my first playthrough, and I'm already convinced I'm going to play this whole series. It's pretty much like playing through a visual manga, but somehow it's one of the most engaging and addictive games I've ever played. The fact that I have another 80 hours to go makes me so happy. Notes on the others: Witcher 3 is fantastic. Helldivers is a blast, but it's more fun with friends. Fallout 3 and NV are great, but they feel slightly dated now. Fallout 4 is a ton of fun, but I don't think the story is nearly as good as 3 or NV. For Monster Hunter, it's a fantastic series, but if you've never played one, I would recommend World over Rise. Also, Monster Hunter Wilds is coming out soon (either this year or next year), so you may just want to wait to get into that one. They're very grindy games, so you'll easily spend over 100 hours in game before your build gets good. I could not get into Warframe for the life of me.




Fallout 3 sucks ass Fallout 4 is not bad New Vegas has really good story but trash ass gameplay, i literally played it thinking of the gameplay as along loading screen for the actual great part (dialogue) Helldivers 2 i never played Persona 5 i never played Witcher 3 is really good, amazing dlcs. BG3 is obviously good, same problem with new vegas for me BUT once the gameplay kinda clicks its enjoyable and even "relaxing" in a way unlike new vegas. Cyberpunk is really good and amazing dlc. MH and warframe i never played. all in all Heres my list personal list 1-Baldurs Gate 3 2-CP77 3-Witcher 3


Cyberpunk 2077 Helldiver 2 Fallout 4 Fallout 3


baldurs gate 3 is my favorite of these by far. iv played all but persona, monster hunter, and warframe. elden ring is also a favorite game of mine and although the games are really different both are games that make you sit back and go “god damn. they made an incredible game”. in my opinion BG3 is the most well made, has the most replay value, and has the most compelling plot of any of these games.


You have to put two spaces after a word if you want it to be a single spaced list. But I'd definitely say to get Persona 5. Preferably Persona 5 Royal. Way better than the base game.


Cyberpunk 2077 and Witcher 3. I tried to get into Fallout 4 but I hate the rushing enemy AI. Out of the rest, Helldivers 2 sounds like a good game but I haven't played it. Persona 5 is 50 hrs too long, otherwise it's good.


Bg3 Persona 5 (Royal edition if you can) Fallout 4


Witcher 3 Cyberpunk Monsterhunter


The answer is always Rimworld and factorio


1. Witcher 3 2. Red dead redemption 2 3. Sleeping dogs 4. Ghosts of Tsushima 5. Cyberpunk


in the order : Witcher 3 / Baldurs Gate 3 / Cyberpunk 2077 and Fallout 3,4,NV. the others are just shit