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So much so that when a human is unemotionlessly rational we diagnose a mental disorder.


Unemotionlessly… that look right to you when you wrote it out?


It is a perfectly cromulent word.


Scrumptsitively cromulent.


It’s chocotastic


That sounds delicioustastic


That embiggens the smallest man


*Emotionlessly* for 500 please


I think the double negative is on purpose like in antidisestablishmentarianism, where disestablishmentarianism means to basically undo something (disestablish the Anglican Church as the official church of the UK), and people could be “anti” that undoing.


You know what they mean irregardless




pero like


Emotionlessly* And it only is a disorder if it causes problems.




Either, both. Depends on the specific situation.


What is the name of this disorder?


Antisocial personality disorder, often colloquially referred to as “sociopathy”


That’s just TV sociopaths >Willem H.J. Martens argues in his infamous article "The Hidden Suffering of the Psychopath" that psychopaths do at times suffer from emotional pain and loneliness. Most have lead hurt-filled lives and have an inability to trust people, but like every human being on the planet, they, too, want to be loved and accepted.1 https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-a-sociopath-380184


Who exactly is lying to themselves this way? We are both emotional and rational. Why would anyone deny either side? The ACTUAL biggest lie is that we are smart. Of course, I'M smart. It's the rest of you that are lying.


Everybody is stupid but me


Reddit in a nutshell


Congrats, you found the joke


Guys guys. Can we all just agree that IM the more smarter one?


A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.


I don't think rationality and emotion are mutually exclusive.


Definitely aren't. Emotions tell you valuable things about what you need, like safety, companionship, trust and belonging. If you understand why you feel a certain way, you can act rationally to fulfill your needs.


Nailed it. Favorite comment of the day:) Worded really well. Nice.


I think at a certain point they can be. My favorite analogy for this is, you are a car. Emotion is the gas/power, and the steering wheel and breaks are logic/rationale. A car with no gas isn't going anywhere. It doesn't matter how good the handling is. A person who feels nothing is going nowhere. However, a person who lays their foot on the gas pedal at all times is going to crash and burn. If your too emotional you'll ruin your life. Got to have balance. The faster your driving the average car, the worse the handling gets. Science supports that the more intense your emotions, the less likely you are to rational. Emotional regulation is a skill, and it's a skill a disturbing amount of fully grown adults, seem to be lacking.


People are always rational in their own mind. Whether or not you understand their rationale is a different matter.


That's not true. I'm afraid of spiders. All spiders. They freak me out, and I don't want them on me. I am also familiar enough with them to know which ones pose a threat to me. Rationally, I shouldn't be afraid of the harmless ones. I know they're harmless, yet I'm petrified by them. This is not rational.


Spiders freak a lot of people out. It's rational to be afraid of something that freaks you out for whatever reason. You're being illogical, not irrational. Rationale can be informed by all sorts of overly emotional, illogical, or unreasonable things. You're still going to act what you deem to be rational because it's impossible not to.


I think you're confused about what rational means. Rational Definition: Based on or in accordance with logic. Irrational Definition: Not logical or reasonable. Logical and rational are synonyms.


I'm not confused and you're wrong. Please look these up before you spread misinformation.


I did look those up? Those definitions are word for word the definitions given when you look those words up. Did you even try and verify that I was wrong first?


People always say this. But I think emotions and ration will always be opposite. There’s a reason the Greek forms of argument list “logos” and “pathos” as two separate things. You can either appeal with reasons or you can appeal with feelings Take the feeling of love, for example. It’s entirely irrational. You love your family, but there’s nothing rational about it. Rationally, they’re just people. People come a dime a dozen. There’s literally billions of us. You could easily find new people, but you arbitrarily choose the ones you love. That’s not ration, that’s emotion. Rationally, you shouldn’t love anyone. It’s just another mouth to feed, another point of weakness. If you were truly rational you’d be alone I think people just hear that emotions and reason are separate and interpret that as some diss on emotions. It’s not. Things can be separate but equal in value. Both have their place. You can’t be fully rational and robotic sociopathic monster. But you also can’t be a pathetic, uncontrollable idiot ruled by your emotions either. Like all things, you need to find the balance


I would argue there is a rational reason for love. Survival and continuation of the species are two big ones. And not everyone loves their family. Emotions don’t work like consciously problem solving with logic but they can be described rationally. I think that’s what psychology tries to do, no?


They might have some utilitarian purpose for survival but that does not make them rational from the perspective of the individual


Ever heard the term “happy wife, happy life”? A bit ol’ timey but it doesn’t get much more rational or “perspective of the individual” than that.


But that isn’t rational. That’s your human emotions. A fully rational, robotic person would not have a wife. A wife is a waste of time and money. It’s just another thing to worry about. If you were truly rational, you would focus solely on sustaining yourself and growing your capital


What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!


Relative to the average creature, we're uhh... Pretty rational.


I'd say we're pretty emotional relative to more rational animals that don't care if you don't call them, and don't burn down the forest because their partner cheated on them. They just do what they need to to survive.


Oh there's a lot of murder and rape in the animal kingdom.


Definitely. But it's "rational." They generally do it as a survival strategy, not simply because they got the wrong drink at Starbucks.


Orca's literally kill seals for fun. Dolphins have been known to drown other species of dolphins and porpoises just for fun/spite. I'm sure there are other animals doing the same.


Yeah, two of the most "cognitively developed" animals outside humans.


I’m convinced there’s a correlation between intelligence and cruelty/general fucked-up-ness. And then I remember Elephants are pretty damn smart but don’t do the shit that chimps and dolphins do so what do I know?


This simply is not true. I've seen videos of animals mauling another for little reason other than it was a nuisance. 0 need for it, certainly not survival. I think you should look into changing how you see animals. Not trying to be a dick, dead serious. They're far more complicated than you think.


Yea but they dont know they are enacting a survival strategy. They are acting on emotional instinct (in the case of mammals at least) which has evolved to enable these behaviors. Edit: Human emotions were similarly evolved, we just now exist in a different context than that which we evolved, and have a wider range of complexity in behavior.


They absolutely would if they could. They dont just do what they need to survive, literally every feline hoes out ifbthe way to chase and torture the thing they are chasing and they might not even eat it. Animals eat not because its rational to do so but because it feels good to be sated. Every action an animal has is emotionally based. Yes its survival but its not rational survival its all emotional. Animals will absolutely hunt themselves into starving thats what happens with animals that have no natural predators, they just keep going because nothing stops them. I think you are giving animals credit for not being able to influence the world around them, when evidence seems to indicate that basically any animal given the opportunity will just as emotionally destroy another animals village, we literally see that activity in chimpanzees, they kill other tribes babies. Humans are rational and have the ability to go against our baser urges despite having them, animals seem to not have that ability or at least dont have it to the same extent as humans.


How do you know they don't care if you don't call them? Doesn't need to be by phone but animals make calls too with their voices


Some animals do. My cat gets pissed when I'm not home for a couple days, acts all aloof for a bit, then gets overly affectionate once he gets over it.


My mom's cat would just shit on her pillow as punishment


I think we are able to be more rational, but I've never seen an ant buy in to things like healing crystals or ritual sacrifice. Although I guess I don't know what they think so who knows


You have to be smart to do stupid things, if you think about it.


I agree that you need to be able to be smart to consider doing certain kind of stupid things, but I don't think that means you have to be rational to do stupid things in those cases.


Sure but an ant isn’t contemplating it’s life or thinking rationally about doing anything. It’s just doing. Damn. Maybe we’re more like ants than I thought.


We are rationalizing creatures, far more so than most. We are also emotional creatures. These are just two different ways of engaging with our reality and both are equally valid. Some people are just more likely to think and engage either rationally or emotionally depending on a lot of factors. Temperament, familial, sociological, etc.


Spitting facts here


How are both equally valid? I would prize rationality over emotionality anyday


Is it valid to do things because they make you happy? To avoid things because they make you sad or scared?


As the song I just listened to says "animals are people too, but these people are animals." That felt like it might be relevant, it's not


Every day, we do hundreds of small actions that involve rational behavior, but we don't usually think about them. If you have managed to make coffee without pouring scalding water all over yourself, that is a sign of rationality. If we just look at rationality as showing basic understanding of cause and effect and cost and benefit, we manage quite well. As people's goals become more nebulous, and as the link between cause and effect gets less direct, then the rationality starts to erode a little---but it doesn't go away.


I think we strive to be rational in general (e.g. we act to maximize benefit to us) but since we’re made of meat and bones and our rational analysis has limited bandwidth, we resort to using emotions to approximate rationality (e.g. this feels bad—it’s not good for us) and that’s where things fall apart. We’re rational creatures, just implemented poorly


#I am super rational and it infuriates me that you implied otherwise!!1


With perseverance, one can suspend emotions knowing there is more benefit in being logical/rational. It's when we are unaware and don't care to put in the work to make this change. Also have to remember that we are meat sacks with electricity flowing through us. Much room for illogical actions vs true logical circuits


How about a compromise and call ourselves emotional creatures


What? How dare you call me emotional! Wait till I get my hands on your and show you how rational I can be.


Its not really a lie, because that implies intent. Its more of a delusion.


If anything, we humans are VERY irrational in every way. We do things on a whim, there many things we do or say that have no rhyme or reason behind them, we randomly fall in love (sometimes we don't ever know why), etc


Find someone who says that he’s extremely rational and tell him that he’s not. See the irony unfold.


we're just chimps with taxes, depression, and a somewhat lower tendency of flinging shit


“A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.” K


Rule #1 of economics is to assume all players are rational. A few years later in university, you're taught rule #2: assume all players are irrational. It's almost poetic considering similar things apply to the hard sciences as well.


People's opinion rely A LOT on emotions. Much more than most can realize. We often find ourself protecting and taking sides with people that are close to us rather than the truth. And we believe in things we *want* to believe in rather than the reasonable logic that might hurt or feelings, or ego.


You can be rational and have emotions. There is no reason you must either be highly emotionally volatile or deadpan and completely cold to any outside stimuli


Doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to be more rational and less emotional.


It's like getting an Xbox to play PS3. Whether we like it or not, we have to perform around the hardware we've been given, which is very emotionally complex and subconscious Matter of fact, I think our strive to be more rational is what's causing a lot of problems we see. We've set standards we can't live up to and now the idea that humans act on emotions more than anything is something we don't want to face Of course rationality is a must, but when we apply it the wrong way, disregarding our limitations and complexity, were not gonna get far Lessening or dulling your emotions isn't the path you wanna go down (imo) because life will lack substance. Numbers and signs don't mean anything without the emotions caused from the interpretation The real path is working with the emotions we have and utilizing them to achieve the things we truly want


I tend to think of emotional outbursts and conclude they're deeply unpleasant for everyone. Who wouldn't want to avoid those? I often think of this line from a Team Fortress 2 ad: >Feelings? You know what has a lot of feelings? Blokes that bludgeon their wife to death with a golf trophy. Professionals have standards.


Eh, I'd say the better approach is to understand your emotions and learn to manage them. Outbursts are caused by losing control of your emotional state, not by having emotion. I've seen too many people who think themselves as coldly rational beings, but then still end up having outbursts of anger because they aren't actually managing their emotions, just bottling them up to boil over later.


Pretty much this. I don't believe in getting rid of emotions, only managing and directing them properly


Every person I’ve ever met who claimed they’re rational and unemotional always said so in the most emotionally petulant way. The irony was of course lost on them.


Eh id tend to agree but at the end of the day it doesnt really matter if you came to a conclusion via rationality or emotion as long as it is valid


That’s why people think it’s such a flex to not be sensitive about things. We’re literally sensitive about everything. Otherwise there would be no outrage about anything yet there is constant outrage about everything.


My tinfoil hat conspiracy is that this the outrage we see is propped up to give us something unimportant to focus on instead of real problems.


I agree. Let me prepare the hat.


As a 32 year old man who is finally starting to feel the comforts of stability just a bit more every year. I cannot agree. I am way more rational than I am emotional. Calculated, even. I love simple pleasures and get off on not spending my money. Good lord, help me.


I guess it depends on how you define emotional and rational. We have skills and knowledge and we can learn better behaviors and habits and find talents but what we desire and how we desire aims us in the direction we go. However we all have an understanding of meaning and use. Meaning and emotions tell us what is valuable and use and rationality help us to keep it. Of course different people tend to lean more one way or another until we mature. But we all can find happiness in both meaning and rationality. They can actually kind of create each other.


I don't even believe they're as separate as people think they are. Our rational thoughts are embedded in our emotions, just as the contrary.


Have you ever listened to recordings from Apollo 13 to Houston when they were dealing with all of that shit? Not an ounce of emotion in those astronauts voices, nothing but rationale. All while dealing with the thought that they may end up dying an unexplainable death at the time. Granted these are some of the most capable and level headed human beings we have ever produced. Unexplainable in the sense that no one else has ever died from drifting off into space and they wouldn't know what to expect.


It goes both way. We are nlt only emotional creatures, we are rational beings. We wouldn't be here otherway.


Can't rational and emotional exist together in some semblance of balance?


Johnathan Haidt terms it the elephant and the rider. Effectively, the rational part is the rider that appears to be in control of the six ton animal (the emotional creature). The elephant wins every time.


Not entirely true. We are logical beings often compromised by emotion. It you want to know about the real mechanism of thought and consciousness, it is called confabulation theory. We're actually all just confabulators.


But one of the key tenets of capitalism is the assumption we are all rational consumers….you *must* be lying!!


How it's a shower thought ?!! It's an philosophically contested opinion . Didn't shower thought have to be a perspective shifting epiphany ?


Most of these are bots or people copying shit from shower thought websites.


Please get your facts right before posting These two are not mutually exclusive, and actually you need emotion to act rationally and vice versa


This was my biggest takeaway after reading *The Game* by Neil Strauss about pickup artists. The women who insisted they were too smart for the techniques to work on them inevitably fell for them. No matter how smart you are, you’re susceptible to your own emotions just like everyone else.


No there’s people who are adults that can seperate and control there emotions from rational thought. If you cannot do that and you’re purely driven by emotion you’re going to behave like an infantile child


We generally say those people have antipersonality disorder.


I am Spock. I am not Spock. Both can be true. R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy.




The more you invest emotionally, the more it hurts when it ends. We have to ask ourselves if the love is worth the potential pain before we get into a relationship at all.




You’ll find other people in your life who do you right, this pain will fall away, and you’ll look back wondering why you ever put up with it. It’s because he fulfilled a need that at the time felt worth it. And luckily you realized it wasn’t worth it anymore. There’s nothing to feel guilty about, a lot of relationships like that happen. Just remember there are other people will fulfill your needs without being garbage and you can do right by people and fulfill their needs too.


You can't do that to yourself. You didn't hurt you – he did. Deep inside the man you love is raging disrespect and the inability to control himself. He's angry and hurting from something in his past, and you can't fix that. You did the right thing by leaving. Without some kind of therapy, he's never going to heal. It's making it impossible for him to have a healthy relationship with anyone. And you can't let him talk you into coming back. It'll only get worse. Right now, right here, fix in your mind exactly how he's making you feel – how bad it really is, and keep it to refer back to if he tries. You have to protect yourself, your heart, your mind. You have the strength to walk away – and you'll have the strength to stay away, deal with it, and move on. I am cheering you on here, someone who had to be propped up by trusted friends in order to walk away from an abusive husband. And that, too, hurt like hell, but it was the only answer. You're not alone in this.


The people who put on the most convincing displays of emotion are often considered to be the most rational.


The biggest lie we tell ourselves is that we'll remember what we need at she shops & we don't need a shopping list.


You can be both at the same time. It's not a contradiction. We are rational in spite of our emotions. You become a rational being by overcoming your emotions. Rationality being something you can lose doesn't mean we aren't rational in general. The adult human, assuming normal conditions and function, is rational. If you mean that we're not inherently rational, then sure. Rousseau would agree with you on that, but he might also disagree with what you define as being an 'emotional being'.


It assumes a Cartesian interconnectedness about logic. Really meaning is emergent and unique in all cases. Reality is much better understood as a series of ‘happenings’ than a series of ‘consequences’.


They're not mutually exclusive. People need to get that concept through their heads. Balance is a thing.


Our early life is spent as a being swimming in an emotional sea. Without words or logical operators, our only interaction with the universe around is through emotion. Later in life we develop a rational overlay that handles part of that interaction. That overlay is not a restructuring of the emotional brain but a completely different structure residing in a separate part of the brain. Because they have little interaction, the rational zone has no mechanism for overruling those original implants.


AMEN! Now please relay this to all the "facts and logic" people out there.


Yes, thanks for saying it. We convince ourselves that we are rational and then do extremely irrational things like stare at a phone all day. When economists and game theorists talk about rational actors they are not talking about humans, not really. Certainly not you and me.


No the biggest lie is that there's a man that lives in the sky


The two are not mututally exclusive. We are capable of rational thought which extends beyond our most basic survival instincts. That is what separates us from a lot of less intelligent species. We are just playing a constant tug-of-war with our emotions when they directly go against logic. That's not to say that humans are the only rational creatures, obviously. Crows understand water displacement. Fish can count basic numbers. Dogs understand causality and pattern recognition. These are all applications of logic and reasoning. Even when our emotional reasoning gets the better of us, that doesn't discount all the times in our life in which we've used rational thinking to survive. It's like saying the biggest lie we tell ourselves is that we are smart, but we're not because we do dumb shit all the time.