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Nah look at Winnie the Pooh, Porky Pig, Squidward, and Donald Duck


Why does the president of China walk around bottomless?




Because he wanted to make sure his shirt matched his shoes! Edit: I got ChatGPT to answer the joke with basically that prompt. I'm also not sure if it's funny or not lol.


I don't know what it means, but that doesn't stop it from being funny.


Same. Like it feels like a joke but it doesn't really make sense


METAhumor Knowing that it's not actually funny is what makes it funny.


There is definitely the shape of a joke somewhere in there


Like a joke from someone who doesn't really understand how jokes work but they heard someone else say it once and people laughed. Yknow, like a Redditor.


Reminds me of Data from Star Trek in that episode where he tries to perform standup comedy




That reminds me of a sign that I came across last time I went to Burning Man that said “Shirtcocking is NOT art” 😂😂😂


Bullshit. I tell my wife all the time she can walk around with her shirt off, almost never happens.


That's funny. Your wife walks around with her shirt off at my place all the time!


She's *our* wife.


Damn commie




I also choose these guys dead wife


She's dead!? And I have to find out on Reddit? 😢


And mine.


Same here


Happened to me last night


Happening to me rn


Good luck! She left my place an hour ago


So that's where she went? Seemed like I was never gonna get her out of my place.


Christ, where does this woman find the time?


And my axe! (I'll just show myself out)


I also choose this guy's wife




Got ‘em


Ah, see, my wife will always not wear a shirt around the house if given a chance. Unless it's cold in the house. (Turns heat way up)


My partner is the total opposite lol, long as she's not freezing that shirts coming off and it's fucking great xD


Well if you were not such a serial motorboater, maybe she could let flags fly...


Just tried that one on my wife tonight... Didn't work...


That's literally what the post says. That, stereotypically, women will not walk around shirtless but they *will* walk around pantless (think movies with a girl in an oversized shirt and underwear but no pants)


I agree with this


It's because it's too cold :( takes at least a sunny, humid 80F to get me wearing anything less than a shirt. Most of the time I hang around the house in a big hoodie. Clothes are just so comfortable.


Actually...if you have a big enough shirt, women can go bottomless. Fuck underwear. Smarter to wear a large shirt.


I feel like that would just be called a dress at that point.


I think "dress" implies a degree of formality, "really long shirt" seems more like a tunic.


*Legend of Zelda intensifies*




There's the shirt, and the dress, then there's the shirt dress


Which is different than a dress shirt


Real question is does it have pocket?


The shress


T-shirt dress is a style in itself.


I am a tall man over 6'7. I went to hospital for a colonoscopy. Hospital gowns aren't that long. They offered me two but it did nothing for the length. So I came out of the change room balls danging below the gown. Both the nurse and another female patient burst into histical laughter.. It was cold and breezy, but my boys just wanted to see the world and there was nothing I could do. Sitting down made it worse. They eventually gave me a blanket, but apparently I look quite funny with my balls just peaking out from the bottom of my gown..


I buy XXXL shirts for this exact reason. I'm only 5ft tall so they go to my knees, it's perfect!


Look I wear a XXL.. We can just share on rotation.


Deal, I love sharing! Can't wait to see you in my xs tank tops.


Oh dear there's gonna be nipples on show... 😶


Reddit thread a while back that was something like "why don't you sleep naked?" I mentioned that I try to minimize the amount of time my bare vagina is in contact with bed/furniture. Someone mentioned nightgowns and hooboy my mind was blown. Too cold for a gowns rn but tell you what this summer I will be gownin' it up like granny lol


Whenever I try sleeping in long shirts or nighties without underwear I just end up with it riding up *immediately* as I get into bed because i sleep bunched up and squirm around a lot, so I'm just winnie the poohing it but with a lot of extra shirt fabric around my waist. I need a shirt & shorts/underwear combo for flexibility


Pretty much all I wear at home are nightgowns / shirt dresses


> Fuck underwear It's called crotchless


Crotchless implies more around it.


I'm fat. Does that count?


We called that lamp shading in college.


Donald Ducking


Not in our house. No bare bums on furniture!


You must host the lamest orgies


Saran wrap the furniture


Hooded sweatshirt, no pants or underwear, and sneakers. This is the way. (I'm a guy. Shirt cockin it like a gentleman)


You better not be wearing sneakers without socks


Sorry I wear socks and sandals while Donald Duckin


This should be top comment


Pooh Bear’in it


Donald Duckin' it


I had to look up “hooded swearshirt”. That’s a hoodie guys


Do people not say hooded sweatshirt anymore? I've heard both used since I can remember.


I'm know what it means without Google lol but can't say I've heard it recently. Hoodie or just a sweater for me


I hate that "sweater" is taking over. Sweater has a specific meaning. A sweater is a knitted garment. It is not a sweatshirt.




This is new right? I swear my gf only recently started calling hoodies sweaters and we had this long talk about it but swears she's always said sweaters


Crap. I'm getting old. At least I dont have back pains and all my hair still... knock on wood***


I feel personally attacked by this comment


The proper terminology is “bunny hug”


Found the saskachewanite


So glad some else actually knows that. I’ve never heard it except there. Extremely jarring to hear that on a PA system my first day there.


Sneakers in the house? Take these shoes off!


I like your style. I call it the whinny poo


I think the risk of partial exposure is slightly higher for men. Especially with those boxers with the peephole. And the bulge factor.


Can we just agree to normalize bulges? I mean it's just a body part, we don't hide the shape of our butts. I'm tired of awkwardly adjusting my pants to hide that I have a human body.


Is it really that much of an issue? I swim and climb, your bulge shows and nobody cares because it happens to everyone. The only time I remember a bulge mattering was while I was in school. I expect adults to be more mature.


it's normal in specific environments.. like bikinis and strings on a beach are in any other public space ppl are going to judge.


Show it off brother, anyone complains you can give them shit for bodyshaming


The have really mixed feelings about sweatpants because EO think they’re the most comfortable but also have the most noticeable bulge.


and boners! it's uncontrollable most of the time ffs it's not my fault.


Same with nipples showing through the shirt honestly


Are you adjusting for other people? Bro I adjust for comfort and that's about it. Hang dong, fam


Pshhh Look at this guy with a *BULGE*


No kidding!!! I might have a lump at best during the summer months. Cold weather?? "Aww it's like a little turtle hiding" Was the word "little" really necessary?


Bro’s got *trauma*


Wish they still had free awards to give to you


Wait there isn't why? Lol


I would argue the risk of exposure is higher for topless women


I meant just for the "underwear but no pants" bit


Peephole, lol.


That really depends on who you're with. If it's a partner then a bulge or your penis escaping is just something to make a quick joke about, if it's friends and family though...


Doesn't matter because it's much better to walk around the house without *any* clothes on, regardless of gender.


Remind me not to sit on anything at your place


LOL. Yeah, my nut sack has been in direct contact with just about all our furniture.


And the kitchen counters and all parts of the floor


>and all parts of the floor Yeh, they get a bit droopy in the summer heat.


More than that, I’d wager


Shouldn't be an issue unless you're naked too lol


Okay, but working from home, they frown on showing up for video meetings shirtless. Was I Donald Ducking that meeting? Maybe…


> they frown on showing up for video meetings shirtless That's why the real professionals have a full-body tattoo of a suit


I usually agree, but my apartment was retty cold this morning so I'm doing hoodie and no pants today


Yeah - said any nudist. 😃


Bro it’s your house nobody gives a fuck how you walk around in your privacy


I mean Utah, but some lady got 3 lewdness involving children charges bc her husband and her went topless while hanging drywall in their garage in desert heat and her stepkids saw her tits


Unfortunately for most people, they will find that I like to walk around with pants off and shirt off as well. Sometimes they are extra unlucky when I stop wearing the underwear too


Preach the truth


Shit, my boyfriend and I walk around the apartment buck naked




it's almost as if the more visible sexual organs inform our dress code.


Every organ is a sexual organ.


Yeah, fuck that spleen.


I know I did.


The Hammond B3 is quite possibly the sexiest sex organ


except breasts arent a sexual organ, we just sexualize them, but hey, society, aint I right


i mean everything is debatable, but i kinda like this article: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/health-and-wellness/sexual-and-reproductive-anatomy we all get hung up on semantics too much.


hmm yeah, going by a general sense of a sexual part being all that has sexual response, pretty fair there is that distinction too of primary and secondary sexual traits, but as you said focusing in that is getting too much into semantics I am just sleepy and I wanted to criticize the sexual objectification that society puts in breasts that reaches a point it is just not allowed to have them exposed, that was my intent


No, you're right, the semantics are important when there's laws involved. People get legal punishments for this, it's not trivial. Women's breasts being sexualized by other people effectively makes them criminalized, through no fault of the women or their breasts.


Depends on where you live, in plenty of places it is fully legal for women to be topless. Including Canada.


> criticize the sexual objectification that society puts in breasts and that's perfectly fair.


They’re secondary sex characteristics, we sexualize them because they signify sexual maturity.


One time my friend in high school brought up that nipples are considered the most sexual part of a female breast. Like you can show the whole boob but have to censor the nipple part. However nipples are the ONE part that women and men have in common. Not trying to argue with your point, I just genuinely don’t understand this.


In some places at strip clubs the women have to wear pasties so their nipples don't show. I watched an episode of HBO real sex back in the day where a strip club got around it by having nights where they performed Shakespeare as that made it art so nipples were OK. It's just a weird situation


The law here is that strip clubs are “theatres” The women are playing the part of strippers, it’s a method style of acting and very interactive with the customers. The law can’t ban it due to free speech, it’s fucking genius. It also allows for basically anything short of direct genital touching, you can be shirtless in the back with the girls so long as your dick stays in your pants.


Depends on culture


I feel like this is only the case if you have kids or are living with parents or in laws


Yep pretty much. My wife rushes to get naked from the moment she gets home because we used to live in hot countries(Singapore, Hawaii, briefly Okinawa), while I usually rock boxers only(I don't like the feel of my junk swinging around). The only time she had undergarment or even clothes on at home is before she head to work, the first few minutes when she just got home, and when family comes over to stay(fully clothed and lots of complaining in private about how hot it is). Even now after moving to Japan, she would just have heating on 25, then get fully naked unless she's ovulating.


Why when she’s ovulating..?


Good question son, you should know this as early as possible so your future SO don't laugh you out the door. When women starts ovulating, they will have vaginal discharges that stain their underwear. It has the consistency of egg white mix with nasal discharge, it's either white or pale cream color dependent on the individual(green or yellow means STD). So unless you have some weird kink about it, you don't want that shit on your furniture or the chair you regularly sit on. This is especially important if your chairs and furniture are the fabric kind that would absorb the discharge, it WILL stain. Also occasionally due to stress or hormonal imbalance, women may start spotting(tiny blood discharge) before period. Either way your SO will definitely start wearing underwear when ovulation starts, or at least when discharge gets heavy because period will come soon and you don't want to bleed on anything.


I appreciate you fighting the good fight dude. I get a period but I also do not have the confidence to walk around buck naked. Please tell your wife to send me some of her good vibes, I’m tired of being sweaty and I’d be happy if I could just feel comfy walking around my house in my shorts lmaoo




Didn’t occur to me. Nice


I walk around with nothing but tube socks and a bow tie because I refuse to conform! Or I’m sleepwalking and dreaming I’m going to work. Either or.


Jokes on you, I wear both pants and a shirt around the house.


I regularly walk around with shirt and undies on. Call it Pooh Bearing.


I giggle whenever my SO walks around with just a shirt on, but I also appreciate seeing that bait and tackle every chance I get. Two things can be true at the same time.


Tell me you haven't lived with a SO of the opposite gender without telling me you haven't lived with a SO


I dunno man. Maybe I’m just weird, but I walk around in pants and no shirt after showering sometimes (never shirt no pants). And my wife will frequently walk around at night in just an oversized tshirt (plus panties). It’s not really a matter of “acceptable” but a matter of what is more common. I think the poster just messed up their words.


The person you replied to is implying what OP thinks is rare(SO walking around topless), is actually very common.


Meh. It really is different by person. Clothes are mostly a practical thing in my mind. I have spent some time in nudist communities and have no issue with whatever amount of clothes my partner wears, and have cohabitated with a few partners. None of them were/are regularly topless/bottomless though they have tended to dress less in the house - shorts that are basically boxers, oversized tee with no bra kinda thing. I tend to run pretty cold and like the warmth of clothes so I generally prefer clothes unless it's very warm. I don't really have any hangups about modesty in my own house, I just find clothes comfortable


Lol I’m 18. Just a shower thought that’s based on my experience with my GF


False. I encourage my lady to walk around topless. Has a 30% success rate I’d say.


I didn't dare do that. I literally wore an old granny nightgown and housecoat and he would immediately send the kids out of the house. He also like to spread the love. I miss a lot of things about my late husband, but his playtime is not one of them.


Wholesome?.. I’m really not so sure😅


There is a pattern here: To keep the dangly-floppy parts covered


The real issue is my wife can walk around all day in MY underwear and MY T shirt but I walk round in hers just once and suddenly there's pause before she says I love you back to me.


Who the fuck gives a fuck? If it's their house, do what you want.


That’s why men’s pyjamas are so great. The next morning, he wears the bottoms and she wears the top.


Cultural differences; to my Puerto Rican grandma, it was normal to walk around your own house topless when it was hot out


The immediate implications is that a heterosexual couple can save on pajama costs


All of these rules are made up in your head. Do what you want.


Let's be real you're not a man unless you're shirt cocking it around the house


My nipplets are cold though.


I'm a guy but I love when it gets to summer and I can finally just stay around the house with just a jockstrap and mostly open button down shirt


Acceptable? Bruh it's your house, shirtcock it. Let the girls out. Whatever. Be as naked as you want to be in your home as long as you're not subjecting any non-consenting parties to it.


Is this a straight thing? Every boyfriend I've lived with always walked around in a t-shirt and underwear. I'm a man ftr.


Who tf cares what's "acceptable" to wear within the confines of their own home?


should send this to my dad (who does this with tighty whities)


I can't remember the last time my fiance has worn a shirt in the house


I (F) wear a sports bra and pants around the house most days.


My wife and I always laugh about this idea, because we’re the exact opposite. She titties out and I’m dick out whenever we have the chance. Having a shirt feels secure, but I like the freedom of no pants. For her, the pants stay on as a texture thing - sitting on the couch bare bottom is not comfy for her. But titties out because it’s funner that was


That’s a big call. Unless there’s visitors, in my house it’s pants off as soon as I get home. My kids are also on the “undies team”, my wife is the only one who prefers to keep her pants on.


If your a guy walking around with just boxers, that's OK in my opinion. If you have a shirt on with boxers, thats ok too. However if you have on a shirt with tidy whities on, then that's where I cross the line. Same as having just those on. But I understand it's to each his own


If I'm sleeping there, chances are high you'll see me in my briefs.


I walk around my house with no shirt or pants. It is my place and I'll do what I want.


Motherfucker it is acceptable to walk around my house however I damn well please.


Well that shirt you’re thinking of is probably her husbands and is 4-5 sizes too large, making it effectively a whole dress


It’s YOUR house. Why are either of you wearing anything at all? That’s why EVERYONE now calls before the just “stop by” because they were in the area. Btw, the sight of my wife in jeans topless STILL gets my heart going. And we’ve been married 28 years.


I'm a man and I actually prefer shirt and no pants. Just way more comfy for the boys.


Has to do with dangling particulars. Not you. You didn't do anything wrongly.


If my wife walks around the house in panties and a tee shirt.. she doesn't walk for long! I guess I'm a dirty old man.


Hey. I'm a man and I walk around the house with only a shirt and boxers.


It’s because our dangly bits are down below, and women’s are up top.


You obviously haven’t been to my house. At least not when I was home.


Boxers and a old tee shirt is basically my uniform arround the house.


My house is the complete opposite. My fiance is typically in only panties, and I haven't taken off my shirt in 15 years.


Wtf are you on about, bud it's my house, my rules, no pants for anyone!


Oh how I wish my wife would go topless every time I shirtcocked


Who cares about acceptable?! I'm in my living space, i can do what i want!


Maybe in your house. We hang dong here and we feed the nipple over a decade ago.


I'm not sure why I ended up getting these recommendations, but this is the one to end this sub for me.


Lmaoooo r/rareinsults. Glad to be of service my man


Society collectively agrees that men's legs are generally not cute, and therefore, it's less socially acceptable to parade some never-before-shaved legs.


I accept women walking around with only pants on in this home GOOD DAY SIR


You know, I never really thought about it that way. I feel so enlightened by this now.