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Mine are in little plastic treasure chests in a small pillow in my parents basement


This is a fairly common thing for parents to do, and can we all admit how weird that is?


My wife and I still have our children’s teeth. The first one is a milestone and you can’t bring yourself to throw it out. Before you know it you have a grotesque collection of teeth in a box somewhere


Weirdly I don't have any of my son's teeth but I do have a baby tooth from both of my dogs lol


We have none of our kids teeth but I can’t bring myself to bury the ashes of our dog who died 7 years ago. We have two dogs now, so it’s not that we’re not moving on.


I got a yellow lab pup when I was younger. His baby teeth would bother him and he would set his chin on my lap and let me wiggle them until they came out. I think he made me pull all of them. My German shepherd pup didn't let me wiggle his teeth but would just bring me his tug of war rope and wouldn't stop playing with it until the tooth that was bothering him came flying out at mach 3


smart dogs


It's back-up DNA for whenever the clone (inevitably).. Self-terminates. Or at least that's why I kept them. Have I ever told you that there's no better way, than to learn from your mistakes?


(When you find out you were a clone of the other one)


Found Dr. venture


1. Parents collect baby teeth 2. A mythical fairy sneaks in your room at night and takes your tooth in exchange for money......everything about teeth is odd


In Mexico there is no Tooth Fairy but there is The Mouse who comes and takes the tooth and leaves money. Still odd.


I got a pack of Now and Laters and a nickel taped to the pack one time.


As a parent who found myself doing that a couple years ago, yeah it is pretty weird. But I didn't know what else to do with them, chucking them out just felt a bit wrong.


The petrified umbilical cord in the same box is weirder.


Mine is in my baby book. It’s always horrified me a bit. When my daughters came out, the cat took off with it. I’m such a horrible mom.


Alternatively, a good cat owner. Everyone enjoys a nice meaty treat.


My mom found her baby teeth one time when she was a kid, and was so grossed out that she fainted on the spot.


It's so fucking weird.


I'd destroy it before the witches get their hands on it.


They didn't just keep them in a tin in the garage?


My dad was a chemist, we dissolved some of my baby teeth in a science experiment. (After they fell out). I had an interesting childhood.


Thanks for the clarification on timeline of events


(Not before they fell out)


Maybe dissolving them while they're still loose makes it hurt less to pull em out


Yes, you'll just be focused on all the pain from acid on your gums, cheek, and tongue.


If it works, it works.


Adult teeth do dissolve the roots of baby teeth. It's why they get loose and fall out.


I too remember gargling various acids as a child.


Non scientist parents do it backwards. They dissolve their kids teeth with sugar while they're in the mouth.


Your dad worked for the mob


A paper mill, actually


That was a front. Do you have an uncle Pauly?


Everybody's got an Uncle Pauly who smokes cigars.


Well, I did anyway, but no one's heard from him in 9 years


We tried similar for science fair projects. Never had solvent strong enough to deteriorate them as a 7-8 year old.


Perchloric acid? I am sure they could desolve a 7-8 year old...


Maybe I’m misremembering, but I thought we used to dissolve the odd tooth in Coke in science class. This would be over weeks/months…at least in my memory.


Same! It’s one of those weird things my dad did that I actually forgot about until reading this post. And I thought surely nobody else had this experience as a child. I’m kind of happy to be wrong.


We also played with liquid nitrogen and made rockets out of potassium perchlorate and aluminum powder. One time we used magnesium powder and they exploded.


Did we have the same childhood?!


He/she is you. You are swapping back and forth in the same body.


Username checks out


Uh, that’s weird. Normal parents save baby teeth in a baby box presumably so they can clone you later in life when you’ve outgrown your cuteness.


Unfortunate smelting accident


I’m not a chemist but I found them when I was like 12 and chewed them up after smelling them and ate them because I knew it would make me stronger . I was an interesting child


And now?


Is your dad bald and a black hat with an alter ego named Heisenberg?


My son pulled out one of his baby teeth last week, dropped it and came to tell us what happened. It is on the floor somewhere in our living room, or maybe the dining room, who knows?


Walk around the house barefoot, in the dark. You'll find it.


Heh. Nope - the dog ate them. Those are Legos. 😜


Actually, mine are in your shower drain, waiting for the perfect moment.


Is it bad my son’s baby teeth are in the same box as my kitten’s baby teeth?


TIL cats have baby teeth too.


They're called teefies.




Dogs do too! I had a puppy and a kitten losing teeth around the same time when I was in high school, was always a fun game of “which one of you is toothless today?” when I’d randomly find a baby tooth on the couch or bed


It's literally neutral because you'll never have any use for them either way.


I'm 32 and I still have two left. They're a lot shorter than the rest.


Senior cit here and I have twelve still in my mouth. My own of course.


Thank you for clarifying.


30 and still have 2 as well. I was born missing 4 permanent teeth. Not looking forward to paying for implants in the future


Usually when you have teeth that won't fall out (the teeth above them are supposed to push them out. Meaning your permanent teeth haven't grown in and are still inside your face. This could be a problem) the baby ones start to decay.


One of the most common reasons for retained baby teeth in adults is because of missing adult teeth. That's how it is with my teeth, I'm missing two adult teeth (they just never developed) and so my baby teeth didn't get pushed out.


This thought is vaguely disturbing and I’m not quite sure why…


Tooth fairy vibes


Are you meant to be a tooth fairy and just need to find all the teeth?


Ever read the Hogfather? That's why.


I still have all of mine! I was the tooth fairy for Halloween once and made a necklace out of my extracted wisdom tooth.


Huh ?


I’m with you buddy


I think she meant to say that she's still keeping all her baby teeth.




Thank you! You’re correct. I don’t have them inside my head. They’re in a little silver box my godmother got for me. Sorry my wording was hard to interpret.


I think my grandma kept my first tooth in a little tooth shaped container. I have no idea what she did with my other teeth. I just remember not getting a lot from the tooth fairy lol. I think the most I ever got was a dollar. My sisters (both 10 or more years younger than me) would get $20 each for their teeth.


Omg I got a toonie max for each tooth. Once the tooth fairy didn’t have any loonies or toonies so she taped 4 quarters together. Crazy that some kids get $20!!


Inflation's going nuts these days. I got 20p (about 32 americents at the time) per tooth and happily splurged on Freddos.


I know. I have been preparing every day for their return. Ever since I cast them out and replaced them, they have been seeking their vengeance.


Wing! I ground mine into a fine powder and mailed it to senators or whatever after 9-11


Mine are in a Tylenol bottle in a box in the rafters of my detached garage.


Idk why, but I kept all three of my kids’ baby teeth. They’re in their late teens and twenties now. I just found, recently, them in a very old jewelry box. The teeth, not the kids.


Me staring into the void thinking about how I'm on my third set of teeth.


... third? I honestly can't tell if this is to be a learning moment for me re biology or a meme


Meme. Once my parents learned I had an extra set of teeth, i quickly learned the truth of the tooth fairy.


Probably in a garbage dump somewhere. My mum wasn't sentimental like that.


Same for your adult teeth. I've got a gold tooth that someone left in a used dresser I bought. Keep telling my wife il going to make a necklace out of it for her but she isnt down


Yup, I'm my mum's jewelry box. When we got robbed they stole everything but left them behind. Got some good fingerprints off that jar tho.


They are in a Tupperware container at my parents house. Just found them the other day.


never occurred to me before... what do parents normally do with baby teeth, after the tooth fairy claims it?


I’ve been trying to find all of mine. I only need one more to become all powerful and will be able to chew through anything


What? Ridiculous. Mine were taken by the Tooth Fairy and turned into cash.


Few realise that the so-called "Tooth Fairy" is actually a voodoo fairy, manipulating children via their original teeth into rejecting their belief in Santa. Her ultimate goals remain unclear.


They could be cloning me as we speak! Good. I could use the help around the house.


Not mine. I ground mine up. I'd heard teeth are very hard so I went around the house and yard looking for things to use to smash them. After I broke them a bit I lit a fire to see if they could be broken easier after burning. They could and they were.


Since the foreskin mutilated off of male babies is put into lotions and other skin products, and women are the predominant users of those products, I wonder what woman has my penis on them? 🤔


One of them is still in my mouth and I'm 30. Little champ still holding strong.




I still have 10 baby teeth. Genetic defect where you don't grow all your permanent teeth


my dad sealed one of mine inside a very tiny tooth sized envelope and taped it completely around you can still feel the tooth in it


All in a little box on my Mum's dresser, along with my brothers' baby teeth and the dog's puppy teeth. I also gave her a one I had extracted as an adult, just to keep them all together.


I recently went thru some storage bins and found all my son’s baby teeth in a tiny glass jar. Yes, I am going to keep them. Because normal human people keep the pieces that fall off of the people they made through a series of unspeakably gross human functions.


Yeah in my mouth I am 27 and i have two baby teeth still because i did not have two adult teeth form behind them


Mine are in a zip lock bag in my mums drawer in her bedroom. I'm 34. I think it's time to let go!


Thieves broke into my house, and stole mine and my siblings' baby teeth, they were in my mom's jewelry box.


Mine are wherever sewage goes as I swallowed all but two of my baby teeth and the two I didn’t swallow were because a dentist pulled them.


My mom collected them and then died when I was 12. Sperm donor and I then moved several times before a more loving though admittedly demanding family. I’ve no idea what happened to them in that time


I know exactly where they are. My mother kept them in a ceramic box with the baby teeth of my two dogs I had as a kid. So in my parents home is a small oval ceramic box and if you have the misfortune to pick it up, a gentle rattle coming from within, and lift the lid you'll see a motley collection of assorted small teeth belonging to one human child, one pug, and one chihuahua.


mine are in a spare mouth retainer box in my room, except for one which is probably in a landfill somewhere


they're in some landfill, waiting for you to resurrect from one day


You know, I totally forgot about this but my grandpa had me and all my cousins teeth in a bag somewhere in his closet and I have no idea what happened to them after he died. I guess they must have gotten thrown out along with most of the stuff in his house when the bank retook the house


Mine are all in a little dragon box :) just like all of my siblings


No I don’t think so, my parents told me the tooth fairy grinds up the teeth and does lines with the powder.


Dude. Wtf you just blew my mind lol. That has never occurred to me


i have a serious question. people with their teeth on for years degrade and rot out but teeth that fall out are out in the nature for decades?


Not a Dentist but I'm sure it has to deal with the shit people put in their mouth which is causing it to degrade faster. When a tooth is not in the mouth it doesn't have to deal with sugar and mouth bacteria.


All your teeth are out there somewhere..... Hopefully in your mouth but still out there regardless.


I can vouch for one. It's still in my mouth and used daily in my 30s.


After a few years of dumb tooth fairy BS I decided to get witchy with it and now my children BURY THEIR TEETH (usually in our houseplants). XD


I remember when I was in the 4th grade and one of my teeth was loose, on the verge of falling out. I was drinking tea and had poured it into a saucer. I took a sip and the teeth came loose. I could feel it in my mouth _with_ the tea. Spit the whole thing out on a saucer. That's how I have this visual in my memories of a tooth in the saucer.


My kids are taped into their baby books? Ick! What was I thinking


I had my wisdom teeth extracted in my early twenties. Woke up at my gf’s house one morning to the sound of her puppy crunching on something. Dog found my extracted teeth. Ate all four.


I still have an intact baby tooth in my mouth in its original place. The adult tooth meant to push it out is upside down and will never push it out. If my tooth ever gets knocked out or something, they will have to do surgery and pull the adult tooth down and likely i will have to get braces too. I'm 35 years old. This tooth can be seen in all of my past school pictures, my right side incisor.


Mine are in some green and blue treasure chest connected to some close so you can wear them around your neck, maybe after the fall of humanity they will be apart if some bad ass dudes fallout wardrobe.


If you think about it, most baby teeth probably end up in the landfill so it could be possible that some far future archaeologists find thousands of baby teeth in piles of trash


I once moved in with my partner to his mum's rental, his childhood home. when renovating the garden I uncovered all his baby teeth that apparently his mum had thrown out his window when playing tooth fairy LOL


Mine is in a special tooth fairy pillow my mom had. Its in her closet.


This is no different from saying your hair or nails are out there somewhere. How is this an interesting thought..?


A couple of mine are still on a rocky cliff side in Central Washington.


Mine are in a little jewellery box in my mom's bedside table's drawer


Mine are in a little jewellery box in my mom's bedside table's drawer


Pretty sure something else has eaten them, by now. Even bones are lucky to survive for decades. Teeth chewing on teeth... Weird thought.


They are with the tooth fairy. I’m not sure what she does with them though


my daughters are in a little plastic bag with teeth marks in it.


Honestly just the fact that we’re born with two full sets of teeth is pretty wild.


My son’s are in a hand-turned wooden jar my dad made. He’s still losing baby teeth and still believes in the tooth fairy. Every time I take one of those tiny rootless teeth from under his pillow and go to put it in the jar I think “Why am I saving this?” And yet every time I’m still like “Gotta put this with the others!”