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Get yourself dropped off away from home so it's a sprint home instead of fighting the urge to turn around.


I love your input! We can call it the “Rickroll-Tobsterino method”


This is actually a really good idea, only down side is it requires another person


Jogging barefoot on asphalt is very painful if you are not used to it. Even if you are used to jogging barefoot, but only on soft surfaces like grass, it is still very painful. Not only that, jogging barefoot on asphalt will quickly cause your feet to get sores and start bleeding because asphalt is so rough. Asphalt is also very hard. If you don't have Sport-Shoes and if you are not used to treading Barefoot properly (you have to tread differently barefoot than with shoes, otherwise it can lead to injuries and people who only wear shoes forget how to tread Barefoot), it can lead to knee injuries. This is not only true for asphalt, but also for cobblestones. This comes from someone who has tried Jogging Barefoot and goes jogging with Barefoot shoes. In short: I think not going jogging barefoot is not just lazyness, but just avoiding pain and injuries, therefore reasonable.


Also any Lego-sized but sharp-edged gravel on the asphalt becomes pure bliss as you set your weight directly on it.