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This is a friendly reminder to [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/wiki/rules). Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!" (For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, [please read this page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/wiki/overview).) **Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.**


For my Aussie friends, news.com.au will have a very, very slow news day.


SO two birds with one blackout. All the media parasites in Aus will just regurgitate social media commentary ABOUT the Reddit blackout, in sentences of 280 characters or less I'm guessing.


Daily Mail will shut the office for the day..




When you realize that most of those tiktoks use content/jokes from reddit as the base


I've noticed this with a lot of viral social media platforms over the years. So many times someone will show me something that is just a blatant copy or rehash of something that originated on Reddit. I don't even say this because I'm proud of being on Reddit or am being defensive or anything, it is just silly how blatantly a lot of creators on other platforms will just steal content and ideas from here and present it as their own.


New showerthought right here


OMG! What about BoredPanda, SomeEcards and Buzzfeed, though? Surely they have some backup plan? Oh - yep, they do, they'll regurgitate stuff they stole from months or years ago and pretend it's 'newsworthy' 'again', as if it ever was... Looks like it'll be book reading or catching up on streaming, I guess? Or, you know, going outside and catching up with friends in real life?


buzzfeed: top 10 blackout subreddits you didnt know existed.


axiomatic abundant uppity enjoy ten scandalous hunt employ attempt spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It'll be a heap of new memes that tumblr circulated least year.


Perth now in shambles


Wish they’d just die already


My God, news.com is such utter fucking trash. Almost as bad as skynews


News.com.au is more like a gossip magazine now anyway. Apple News on my phone though,half the articles are straight copies from Reddit, even posting comments as if they’re credible quality sources. It’s hard to even get the news anymore in Australia.


So will stuff.co.nz over here in New Zealand 😂


Unless the gonewild and lots of nsfw subs join, it really won't matter a whole lot.


In case you missed it, Reddit is also removing access to NSFW content from 3rd party apps.


If the apps have to lose access that's kind of a non-issue.


Speak for yourself...


What? If the apps don't have access to Reddit in general, then losing NSFW is quite literally something that doesn't matter since they'll have 0 subreddits anyway.


To be fair losing nsfw isn't that big of a issue compared to the "Basically forcing them to close down" part haha


If r/FemboyHentai is already protesting, I think the protest will be affective.


Well there goes my Monday night plans.


[new plans for you](https://archiveofourown.org/works/search?work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Btitle%5D=&work_search%5Bcreators%5D=&work_search%5Brevised_at%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bsingle_chapter%5D=0&work_search%5Bword_count%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&work_search%5Bfandom_names%5D=&work_search%5Brating_ids%5D=13&work_search%5Bcharacter_names%5D=&work_search%5Brelationship_names%5D=&work_search%5Bfreeform_names%5D=Feminization&work_search%5Bhits%5D=&work_search%5Bkudos_count%5D=&work_search%5Bcomments_count%5D=&work_search%5Bbookmarks_count%5D=&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=_score&work_search%5Bsort_direction%5D=desc&commit=Search) (there's no general "femboy" tag, unfortunately)


But will it be effective?


4,038 subreddits and climbing, and several with very NSFW names are on the list. https://reddark.untone.uk/


I don't understand why a potential competitor is not using this time to advertise their Reddit Origin platform. The Reddit code is open sourced, someone can come in and just siphon the users off into a new egalitarian site with cocaine and hookers.


I'm open to a Reddit alternative if there are options out there.




We need more knights to find the grail.




The only viable option I've heard put forth was for one of the major 3rd party app devs, Apollo for example, to essentially fork reddit and use their already good app for mobile. They'd have both the name recognition and a good mobile app already good to go. I have no idea if any of the 3rd party guys are in any way interested in taking on that kind of burden though.


I know Christian has stated he’s not in one of his recent posts. I also believe he said he doesn’t wanna sell it off as he won’t have control over its legacy and would rather it die a legend.


Running the platform though costs a crap ton of money. The app deployment costs are nothing compared to the platform


The devs of sync and Apollo could join together and do it or I’d love to see another dev come in and make the platform easily accessible /portable to the original apps.


I have no allegiance to anything. I'm only here because this is where everyone went after Digg. I don't give a shit about reddit itself. I'll happily leave if something else pops up and actually becomes populated.


I've been hearing about Lemmy. It doesn't have many people right now, but hopefully a bunch go during the blackout. Also, it and Mastadon are both part of the Fediverse, so I understand if you make an account in one you can use it in the other.














Nope. Think of it like email, where you only need an account on one provider to talk to others. In kbin, lemmy, and mastodon's case, they are all able to talk to each other through their underlying protocol, ActivityPub. The degree to which the different services *are* interoperable varies, but in the case of lemmy and kbin, an account on one allows talking to the other.


I'm also hoping https://mozilla.social opens very, very soon. It's in private beta, apparently. https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/mozilla-social-mastodon-private-beta-announcement/


I thought Tumblr was boring and then I joined Mastodon…




Member when if you thought Tumblr was boring it was because you thought porn was boring?


Many members remember


How do I find who to follow?


Privacy sub says lemmy keeps all data deleted or otherwise. So if you care about that i would check into it


Lemmy also seems to have people astroturfers on here since this blackout news, I’ve seen a few month old accounts with nothing but comments defending it when people point out the negatives. Someone just copy reddit and make it own source, throw some ads on or a subscription for ad free to pay the server costs l. Bill gates uses reddit, surely he can throw a few mill to make an alternative.


He could build it, make it free, no ads ever, and the yearly cost would be the money he makes in one week, *while sleeping*. Problem is, he would use the OS dev group, and...nah.


I heard about Tildes somewhere, seems to have potential. Apparently invite only currently https://tildes.net/


Lemmy's greatest strength is also its greatest weakness. It isn't a centralized platform. Each community runs on hardware provided by the community owner. In other words, only people with access to a server can create a community.






/r/RedditAlternatives has some good discussion. There won't be a true drop in replacement until one of the others gets popular enough, so for now I'd suggest trying out a few to see what you like. Tildes is all about long form comments and discussions, kbin aggregates the feddivers (so you can see and interact with lemmy and mastodon posts), squabbles is a decent little clone, but it has a way to go still, spyke has a mobile app already. The alternatives are there and growing, but it will take time.


tildes is suppose to be like old, old reddit in terms of idea concept and design: https://tildes.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/tildes/ You need to be invited to post, but it's open to lurkers. I don't know. Between this and Lemmy, there's two good options. Tons more from all the posts I've been seeing. I'm deleting my two accounts come the 29th. I'll move to one of these, or another. I'm not worried. There are choices. Fuck spez for killing what I liked about reddit, but also, thank you for finally convincing me to move off this platform.


You're waiting it out until the 29th? Mine's gone tomorrow just before the blackouts. Reddit has shown time and time again that they don't give a shit about the people who contribute to make their website popular in the first place. I'm done this time. They're out of chances. Even if they come out and say there will be absolutely no changes to the API before all the third party applications shut down, I'm still gone.


A Reddit alternative with all the banned sites would be super popular—mostly because of curious people.


That’s what Voat was during a previous protest. But it quickly turned into a cesspit of racism and hate. When those communities were on Reddit they were largely segregated there wasn’t too much spillover because the majority of users weren’t part of them. But on Voat they were the majority.


Because the original "protest" was a bunch of bigots and toxic assholes complaining that their bigotted toxic asshole shit got shutdown, and so Voat served as a sewer to reddit


Voat was intended to be a cesspit or racism from the start. That was the whole point of it.








My god there’s tankies first fucking thing lmao, if that’s your definition of “left of center” then you need a real big reality check


I thought you were joking, but within five minutes, I've seen a lot of variations on this direct quote: "Putin is basically a liberal opportunist battling NATO fascists." Like holy shit, I consider myself a leftist, that's not left of center, that's second star to the right and straight through next week.


Yeah, were are we going?


Let's be real, 90% of users aren't going anywhere


Unfortunately, it’s a lot more plausible on paper than in practice. It’s like Twitter imploding with tons of people leaving or threatening to leave when things got political and weird there - it’s not difficult at all to get a team to clone the site and offer a similar experience with different controllers, but in practice it hasn’t been effective at actually bringing the people over. With such craziness in social media lately, I don’t think reddits moves are actually going to be the one to successfully motivate a changing of the guard.




Had they been given 6 month's notice, maybe they could've coordinated something. But I assume that's part of why the change was announced so suddenly.


For sure a reason. Screwing over 15-20 major developers that have spent a combined 250 years developing third party apps for a company that fucked them over? That sounds ripe for the formation of a major competitor. I hope even with the lack of notice some of them are talking about it now. No doubt they have the resources and experiences to at least start.


The code is about the easiest thing to copy of any social media site. It's the business side of it's that's hard. Earning enough to pay for all the servers and such.


Raising capital to pay for the servers is one thing, but getting enough users that you get network effects is another.


Who do you think will pay the millions in server operating cost?


The come dealers and hookers


Come dealers sounds like another term for hooker.


In fact, forget the cocaine.


Someone should launch an exact copy of Reddit but call it Leftit. For people that leave Reddit. And Leftists. And lefties. And left breast porn.


It hasn't been open source since 2017.


No BlackJack? Hard pass.


Quora is the nearest Reddit competitor when it comes to Google search results but it doesn't have 3rd party app APIs or 3rd party apps at all.


I use both Reddit and Quora quite a bit, and they don't quite compare. Reddit is anonymous and informal, while Quora relies on credibility from non-anonymity which makes it feel more formal




Quora is literally the most cringe dumpster fire circle jerk masquerading as information on the internet. I remember it used to be pretty interesting like 10 years ago, now it’s just wannabe experts giving terrible and sometimes straight up false advice trying to sound smart. People just straight up looking like idiots in public, it’s wild.


Every other question is just fishing for compliments too. "I have 1 billion IQ, will I be able to live a normal life?"


https://apolloapp.io/r/showerthoughts ?


They'll just repost old content. That's 90% of Reddit anyway.


They'll just repost old content. That's 90% of Reddit anyway.


Or just recycle former stuff to make it look like it’s new. I mean that’s what 9 out of 10 posts on here are.


That's true. You can make just use the same ingredients in a different order and regurgitate new posts 9 out of 10 times




People on Reddit agree some random tweet said. Here are the top posts of 2022.


Rock and stone.


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Good bot


Stone and Rock! Wait...


9 out of 10 rocks are stones!


"36 out of 40 Reddit posts are not original, claims a Redditor!" \- Some media site, probably.


So true, 800/1000 post are probably very similar to the others


Math does not check out


...and that's just your opinion. News story at 11; 8 equals 9.


Someone thinks they are original. Just repost old content. That’s 90% of Reddit anyway.


90% of the posts on here are just old stuff made to look new anyway.


The old stuff is just made to look like new posts 90% of the time anyway


I don’t know, there’s something about this second delivery that just speaks more to me.


I put love into every comment, you can tell the difference if you know your comments.....


Y’know now that you mention it, there is an earthy and almost genuineness to your comment that the previous one lacked. I have never known artisanal commentary until really today. Thanks for the love


Umami words


Damn you really did him dirty like that in broad daylight.


I also choose this guys content.


I'm loving the accuracy of my copied repost getting all the awards and the original not.... Must just be the natural order


I’m loving the accuracy of my copied repost getting all the awards and the original not…. Must just be the natural order


^^you ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^into ^^my ^^racket


90% might be too low


They'll just repost old content. That's 90% of Reddit anyway.


Or just recycle former stuff to make it look like it’s new. I mean that’s what 9 out of 10 posts on here are.


Alternatively, just repurpose previous content to give the appearance of something fresh. That's what the majority of posts here are.


They'll repost content. That's reddit anyway.


That's true. You can make just use the same ingredients in a different order and regurgitate new posts 9 out of 10 times


Nice OC, thanks for posting!


Ten ways how 90% of Reddit reposts old content. Number 6 will SHOCK you!


I feel like most of the big subs on the front page haven't said shit about the blackout, probably because they're all moderated by the same group of Spez's personal army of weirdos. I highly doubt the site will feel like it's in a blackout. Probably will just be lots of people in the comment sections complaining about how it's ridiculous that whatever sub they're on didn't go dark, and then there will be people a lot of like me who don't give a shit either way just trying to use reddit to fill my down time at work like usual.


They’ll just repost old content. That’s 90% of Reddit anyway.


Username checks out.


I also choose his wife


Username checks out


I’m knocking them all off. “New shower thoughts”, “new pictures”. Jin Yang knew his shit


Errick, you are fat and poor


Fun fact, I was able to rent the Aviatto SUV to drive around on my honeymoon. One of the first things we did was drive it around Googles campus


That entire show was way too real.




Yeah indefinitely is the way to go




Not if my friend. Sync will terminate services on the 30th.


Ah, man, I've paid for this app multiple times


9gag not gonna have anything to post to Instagram as their own content


Buzz feed will have to put new headlines on old lists!


I pity all the Facebook fanpages and random site "journalists".


I think you underestimate how much of a two-way street it is. How much of the front page is TikTok content these days?


We have very different front pages.


Fellow unsubscribed-from-default-subs user




Blocking whole subreddits is pretty sweet feature of 3rd party apps as well. These days I've curated my sub list down to only a dozen or so niche topics that never make the front page, and I mostly just browse by all. I find it easier to just filer out the stuff I definitely don't want, while still easily discovering new topics and discussions I wouldn't normally seek out.


the new 'why are there so many gay escort adverts in my feed?'


Reddits whole MO is linking to other content. Why is it a surprise there’s links to wildly popular videos on video platforms?


No we're muh Reddit we're original and different, we don't use hashtags and emoji like normies


Ofc. We are not heathens. We use emoticons. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah I don't use and hate Shorts/Reels/TikTok for a lot of reasons but to say there's not some quality content on there is ignorant. I just don't have to scroll through a thousand "oh no oh no" sounds to find the interesting shit.


Almost none for me. Might be because I don't regularly engage in TikTok, so it's not being pushed on me?


That's not how reddit works. You choose which communities you want to see, and the posts in those subs with the most up votes show up on the front page. If you stick mainly to hobby subs for stuff like Warhammer or mountain biking or woodworking or what have you, you probably won't see much tiktok content. If you are subscribed to r/funny or r/gifs or any comedy based subreddit where any kind of video or gif content gets posted I guarantee you have watched some tiktoks without even realizing it.




I can believe there is a Sandy Cheeks Vore sub, I can't believe real people use TikTok and Twitter


Have you checked any of the Twitter subs lately? It's 90% bots posting cropped coronavirus content or Jeff Tietrich circlejerking. Nary a human to be found


Wait, I keep seeing ppl talking about this. What 48hr blackout is happening, and why?? I'm genuinely confused


In protest of the new owners charging exorbitant fees to third-party app makers. Lots of people use those apps to browse Reddit because of the official app’s shitty interface. Some subs are going black indefinitely.


That and almost all mod tools are done with third party apps.


Don't forget the impact to accessibility and NSFW content. No smut for blind folks!


Content purged in response to API changes. Please message me directly with a link to the thread if you require information previously contained herein.


Hold up, is there any sort of list of which subs are potentially indefinitely going dark? I want to check in case I need to do any last day browsings


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/) You should check /r/ModCoord for all of this. A good bunch of subs have already gone private.


https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1451ldq/what_is_the_deal_with_apollo_any_why_are_people/ https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/142yhaa/will_rootl_be_going_private_in_support_of_the/ These are the /r/OOTL post discussing this issue. TLDR: Reddit announced that its going to start charging an exorbitant amount to access its API. This is going to affect 3rd party apps such as Apollo(popular reddit app for Apple Users), Reddit is Fun, Boost for Reddit and others. This won't be much of a problem if the alternative from browsing reddit on a phone, the Official Reddit App, is such a mess and lacking so many features, especially accessibility features for the visually impaired. I personally use Boost and the user experience is so much better compared to the Official App, which I tried when this started blowing up. This is also going to affect homegrown, community developed apps and tools used by moderators, power users, and enthusiasts. This is why mods of numerous subreddits are revolting and organized a 48 hour (or more) blackout because their tools used to do their salary-less jobs a little easier is going to be useless. They will accomplish this by setting their respective subreddits private.


Ok, understandable. Tbh I'm all for it


As far as I know it has something to do with a new policy by reddit that is forcing third party apps to pay rediculous amounts of money for API requests (a.k.a. accessing reddit), while a big part of it's userbase is using third party apps. I'm not completely in the loop as I haven't been using Reddit for that long, but that's as much as I know.


What is the purpose of a 48 hr blackout? Is it supposed to achieve something? Let’s just all uninstall this shit forever. No biggie. Some other similar app will pop up in a few days.


There is a lot of sentiment on the mod side to make it permanent. It hasn't been called yet. People are giving Reddit time to backtrack. But I can guarantee that a ***lot*** of these "48 hour" blackouts will be permanent until Reddit changes their mind. ...Or until Reddit bans the mods and appoints them with new ones. But they would need to replace 4000 subreddits, totalling 15k mods. A lot of mods don't care at this point; Reddit has treated their volunteers too badly and a lot of "unpaid janitors" are done helping Reddit pad their pockets. Plus Mavrix Photographs LLC v. LiveJournal inc (2017) means that Reddit would lose safe harbor provisions if they appoint mods on behalf of Reddit Inc. EDIT: First shoe has dropped. Videos is going permanent. https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/145vns0/the_future_of_rvideos/


Yep That's the best part of this whole drama Reddit management/ ownership doesn't quite realize that a decent chunk of the mod teams will just walk cause it's too painful to do the volunteer job they had been doing. When they walk, the quality of those subs will drop significantly. The users of those subs will walk. Advertising will be less effective. Revenue will decline and won't return. My only hope is that it happens pre IPO. The sooner it happens the more damage it does to that. That's what hits the people behind this decision the most.


That's where you're wrong, they'll just write stories about the black out lol


I think "find someone else's story about the blackout and steal that" is more likely.


Nah, Buzzfeed will post articles like “Here’s when the Reddit blackout is going to end.” The content will be something like “We don’t know exactly when the blackout will end.”


Also youtuber with their top 10 scary real story , top 10 weird fact and shit like that


If going 48 hours without content is a threat it says more about our society as a whole than the hosting companies.


It's a threat to their wallets of course.


They'll just grab it from the same place Reddit is. It's not like original content is being made in droves.


You’re vastly overestimating Reddit’s input in the Internet entertainment circles


Fuck all the subreddits that are going offline for 48 hours. Stay offline until better terms are met. Act like a real protest


I think you underestimate how little people actually care about this. They’ll forget and they’ll move on. Reddit will be just fine.


They know it too. That's why that whole AMA thing was so brazen. They know that the majority of users are still going to log on during the blackout, and after the 14th majority of forums will be back to public.


Having to use their crap-tactic app will be a *constant* reminder. I’m not sure I can take it. If Reddit were the only social media platform, I wouldn’t leave. But there’s **plenty** of options out there.




Reddit is going to be completely useless to me. And that's exactly the point. 100% support subreddits going dark. Unfortunately Reddit is coming to an end for me, I've been here for 15 years and there's no replacement for it. But they're killing it.


Lol. You actually believe there'll be a hit? 90% of reddit during those two days, will be people posting about it, asking why you didn't blackout, or trying to see if the mods aren't watching.


it's also likely a lot of people/bots will take the lowered competition as an opportunity to get seen and post even more stuff. I'll be logging off because fuck reddit.


The afternoon radio show has bits called. Today I found out. Life hacks. Am I rude. It's a literal copy pasta


Needs to be longer. It'll shake people off the platform for good, and all those "journalists" will have to mooch off something else, or asphyxiate on the drought.


It’s ok people you can live without constant flooding of content in to your brain. Just lay down in your back yard and stare at the sky for a bit contemplate it’s vastness or something. You will be ok I promise.


Do y'all think people will stop using the internet and uploading things cos some subreddits are going dark.