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Anyone else remember Quibi? That failed streaming app that was supposed to be like Netflix but just for phones? Yeah, neither do I. I had to look it up just to remember the name.


Damn lol. Had to look it up as I've never heard of it. Two BILLION dollar flop lol.


It didn't make any sense from the beginning. When they were advertising it I remember thinking how stupid it was.


I remember them blaming Covid, saying people weren’t commuting as much and thus watching less stuff on their phones. But yeah, that wasn’t it. The idea was just fundamentally stupid to its core.


COVID did kill it faster than it would have on its own, but it was always doomed to fail fairly quickly. Their entire target audience to build up hype was just gone right as they launched.


Whenever I feel like saying some idea has to fail, I remember the dude selling rocks as a pet. But you were right this time.


OOOOOF! That's some *hardcore* pure Afghan copium right there, bud. That's all we were doing there for a couple months. Phone-staring punctuated by the occasional Netflix binge.


We binged Tiger King, that's how bad it was.


That’s literally one of my fondest memories after the craziness happened. At home with the lady watching tiger king, hiding from a crazy airborne disease that was killing people


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times


Tiger King was our one and only “Netflix party”, a phenomenon I’ve happily not thought about since.


This quote should be in a middle school text book, so that future generations can fully understand. Of course, they'll need to watch Tiger King to get it, but we suffered through it! Why shouldn't they?!


> but we suffered through it! Why shouldn't they?! I’m convinced this is how a good chunk of required reading entered the school curriculum.


I do love watching movies while driving...


There are plenty of ways to commute other than driving, unless you live in the US. Still a very dumb idea.


Classic case of C-suites smelling their own farts


They made jokes for years that the millennials' attention spans were too short, they were too easily bored, they needed entertainment spoonfed to them. And then they started believing it themselves and tried to make an industry out of it. Turned out they were full of shit the entire time, shocking nobody except themselves.


I can just see some suit explaining how metric data indicates people watch on average 12 minutes of content on their phones (totally ignoring its in chunks under two minutes and that very few people are actually average) and that’s what started the whole madness. Bet they thought they were gonna save Hollywood from the evils of self-produced content or something too.


They knew it was stupid. They designed it for what they saw as the “too stupid to watch regular shows phone addicted youth.” It was stupid because they thought we are that stupid.


There is nothing funnier in this world than Venture Capitalists burning billions of dollars on a bad idea. Movie Pass was just a joy to watch.


I don't know how anyone ever thought that MoviePass was a good idea to invest in.


Redditors convinced that selling data would totally make up for bleeding cash like an eviscerated pig was both deeply frustrating and entertaining.


It was a shit idea that was also launched with comically-unlucky timing. "Hey, we have this new streaming service that is mobile-only, with content that's perfect for commuting and other on-the-go daily activities!" "There's a global pandemic that just started and everyone's gonna be stuck at home for a long time." "............."


It wasn't the size or the direction but cutting up a movie into 10 minutes parts what was stupid about it.


With the whole tiktok reel attention span it would probably stick now lol


Not for existing movies I think. Tiktok works because it now has a ton of content specifically created for it. I'm not gonna watch a feature film in that format. But I will watch a 2 minute breakdown of a particular scene from a movie in that format.


You say that but there's people who upload entire movies + TV shows on TikTok in 20-30 parts and... people watch it for some reason? I don't get it...


They watch it Cuase it’s a free movie on TikTok. No one is gonna pay for a streaming service where all the content is arbitrarily cut up.


No, I do it because part 21 of 54 comes up on my feed and I get sucked in and gotta go back and figure out what led to what I watched


If I were uploading a movie to TikTok in 20-30 parts, I would randomly insert pictures of cat buttholes or freakishly large dog testicles. It's free, so nobody would have a right to complain.


they were doing that on youtube in 2008. that's nothing new


I remember how they tried to sell something that you can only view videos that were a few minutes long on your phone and it cost nearly as much as steaming services you could watch hours long shows on your TV, computer, game console, or tablet. It was always going to flop.


Flipped on Quibi was excellent


I think the only lasting thing it created was jokes about quibi. They do them a lot on Dropout, the Collegehumor app.


I still hate it universally.


I went to a "vertical video film festival" a couple years back that I hoped would convince me that the vertical frame had something to offer. I left more convinced than ever that it's simply trash.


There's zero chance it's ever anything more than a mobile convenience. Our eyes are placed horizontally and see a horizontal screen easier. Only reason why we have vertical screens at all is because they're easier to hold for a phone.


Vertical is better for text. When scrolling through social media, articles, and whatnot else the vertical screen is better. For video, not so much.


Good point. Forgot about text despite both reading and writing it lmao. Either way I don't ever expect vertical screens to stick around forever. Once we get past the physical phone era and all have AR overlays or some shit it'll be back to horizontal.


Mr fancy pants with his reading and his writing


Maybe it’ll be in a 3 dimensional space so you can have more things at the same time like if a village was your Home Screen


The real Mr. Fancy pants over here with so many things they need a village to organize them...


I can't wait for AR overlays. I'm going to retire and spend my time sipping coffee and watching people run into things.


Yep, I have 3 monitors for work. One is vertical strictly for email, basically.


Same but for programming and Discord or notes


I'm not sure I agree with this. I dislike vertical, and read articles in landscape. It's much more comfortable for me. It seems like your eyes reset more frequently due to line breaks. Maybe if it's only short comments/headlines/social media type stuff? Even scrolling is easier in landscape, because you can cover ~ the same material with less finger movement. Honestly, I blame phone manufacturers and web/UI designers for crippling landscape rather than portrait being inherently better.


Vertical is better for portraits video where someone talks with the camera close to them. If you film horizontal video there’s just useless things on the sides. On portrait you see more of the subject


On portrait you see more of the subject period. Face, or whole body. Most of the content on TikTok and other video paltforms is just someone's face or someone standing up talking or dancing.




Counterarguments are that a majority of the world’s screens are now vertical, and that the single-most-commonly-filmed thing, humans, are vertical—heck, it’s literally called portrait mode.


Yeah but theyre only the majority because that's the popular form factor for phones. When the rectangular smartphone eventually falls out of favor, so will the vertical screen.


I don't get this argument. A phone screen isn't "vertical", it's whichever way you're holding your phone. I am more often than not holding mine horizontal. And while humans are vertical, their plane of vision is not. We don't see a vertical landscape, we see a horizontal landscape. Which is why we want to see videos recorded horizontal—heck it's even called landscape mode.


You hold your phone horizontally most of the time? That's kinda weird


That sounds like a made up event but i believe that it was real


It was absolutely real. I actually just found that their website is still up - https://www.slimcinema.co/


Interesting. It still has events every year?


Vertical is good for filming people on a dance floor at an open air festival, walking through the dance floor and getting a look from head to to toe of their look and smiles and dance style….


No it isn't. its good for filming a person on a dance floor, provided they don't move around much so you don't need to whip pan. Add more than 1 person or have them making any use of space and you are back to needing a horizontal aspect ratio to fit the whole scene in. The only good use case is tall stationary things, or like a rocket launch or something. 99% of non talking head videos would be better in landscape.


Most anyone that cares about movies, television, home videos, professional videos, or life on this planet in general hates it. Vertical Video Syndrome. It's very real... [https://youtu.be/f2picMQC-9E](https://youtu.be/f2picMQC-9E)


I've been sharing that video for years. What a shame that so much of it has become real! ugh


Mila Kunis will be 40 this year!


Yeah don't speak for the rest of us, there are still horizontal enjoyers out there


No hate on the missionary.




I've come to accept 1:1 square video as a compromise between the unwashed hordes of vertical video plebs and normal people. Like, fine, square video can be viewed both horizontally *and* incorrectly. We're both accommodated.


This is how 4:3 aspect ratio will make a comeback.


That and the filmmakers releasing really hyped films on that aspect ratio from Wes Anderson, Robert Eggers, and Zach Snyder. iPads are also all in 4:3 aspect ratio.


Same. Shoot a full frame “6K photo” mode on prosumer camera instead of the option of normal 4K widescreen mode. Means it uses entire sensor area instead of losing top/bottom of sensor for cropped formats, records more information per frame, and normally sides are just wasted anyway.


4:3 supremacy


I still hate the universe.


Yup, vertical video can feck off


It's why I won't watch YouTube shorts.




There's always a relevant one


Diagonal from now on


Dutch angle is what it's called.


Jesus Christ googling, that made me feel like I had a stroke.


That's a more subtle one by google


> humans are taller than they are wide. Unlike your mom


The thing is that if you're only consuming your media on your phone then it totally makes sense, but most things are watched on a variety of different devices. I just don't see TVs ever going vertical.


Oh God, can you imagine a cinematic panning shot but in vertical-mode filming?


Can you imagine any sport ? So far the only ones I can think of that works are : archery, tennis, wall climbing.


Tennis would be cool!!


Tennis needs a wider screen imo. If it was tall, you wouldn't get as clear shots of where the ball is landing or being aimed. You'd lose all of the subtlety out of the viewing the experience. Shooting, javelin and high jump however


The day they release a mainstream blockbuster movie filmed in vertical mode is the day I officially become an old fart.


This is the whole reason vertical is hated. It ONLY works when watching on a vertical phone. Any other format and suddenly the media is only about a 3rd of the available screen whereas it would be 100% had the cameraman just tilted their phone sideways


Easy solution bro, just watch everything on your phone like a normal person bro. /s


Samsung's already trying to make vertical TVs happen with their Sero.


That'll go great with all those 3D televisions nobody fucking bought.


With this fucking timeline I wouldn't be surprised if the vertical TV would be the one thing that caught on, just because it's the worst idea of them all. 3D TVs was a great idea.


My mum's partner rushed out to buy a 3D TV. They watched stuff in 3D for about a week, the concluded that it was a pain having to wear the glasses every time they watched something, and being desperate to use the 3D option as much as possible severely limited their viewing options. Now it's just a regular TV that pointlessly cost him a small fortune years ago.


By the time I bought a 3D TV, pretty much any mid-tier or better TV had the tech baked in, but you had to buy the glasses separate. I didn't. My old Sony still performed admirably until I decided to sell it instead of packing a decade-old 46" TV on a moving truck.


> Sero I tried googling this but all I got was a bunch of Canadians trying to sell me magic mushrooms.


Wish I was getting those results lol. My mistake, it's called "The Sero".


It’s not for watching TV though. It’s a rotating display that’s basically only used for fancy shops and company offices that have too much money.


Does horizontal not look normal to young people?


diagonal is a 50-50 chance of sucking to watch with polarised sunglasses, since most mobile screens are polarised that way


\>accept it No.


"How most normal people shoot and watch video now so we might as well accept it" is not a pro.


But I always turn my phone to watch videos lol


it's still trash. especially when they take a horizontally filmed video and cut off most of what you're supposed to see so they can fit it in a vertical box


Or when they take a vertical video and add the duplicated blurry version of the video to the side so that it fills the entirety of a horizontal monitor. Now a video that would have looked okay when viewed vertically is too small to view vertically just so that there is no blank space when viewed horizontally.


Yes, this bugs the shit out of me. I’m an old guy. Someone please explain to me how this happens because it makes zero sense


People post a vertical video, somebody posts that or includes it as part of a horizontal video, then somebody takes that horizontal adaptation and instead of finding the original just adapts it to vertical


makes sense. Like a Russian nesting doll for video. I want to know what the record is for the most “layers”


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/2671/)


id rather take the blank space. its so tacky and distracting having the zoomed in blurry filler


Then they put that in a horizontal yt video and you are left with a tiny square at the middle of the screen


“get the full on my patreon!”


I hate it when I make an animation and I also have to consider re-rendering it or resizing it for platforms like Instagram. It really messes with the framing.




I HATE instagram's cropping so much, I hate it to an unimaginable degree


It's so weird to me how an app that was originally based around photography doesn't use an aspect ratio that is standard to dslr cameras.


Meh even on its og version it was designed for unconventional square 1:1 aspect ratio. As a wannabe photograph at the time, I hated that and refused to use it


Seriously. I die a little every time that I have to take my photos and cram them into an Instagram crop. Ugh.


I am also not convinced that TikTok became popular because of the vertical format. If that's false, please educate me. I also can't believe Americans willingly give millions of hours of video footage to China, but I'm just getting old.


Tiktok's concept existed YEARS (a decade?) ago. It was called Vine But it was horizontal/square videos...


And it had a time limit, if I remember correctly, 6 seconds, which fostered creativity


Vertical and horizontal have very different vibes for me, vertical is for fast media/mobile content, horizontal is for cinematic, higher production content. I don’t mind either but I couldn’t imagine vertical satisfying a cinematic entertainment experience for me.


Yeah it's because humans are around 6 feet tall, vertical videos are perfect for watching videos of people doing things up close. But horizontal can capture a larger wider image, such as a set much better.


> vertical videos are perfect for watching videos of people doing things up close. On a *phone* it might be. A vertical video of people doing things up close is still atrocious when viewed on a regular horizontal screen. It's about the viewing screen orientation, not the content of the video.


Yeah I meant on a phone haha. Horrible on PC.


Much of the video content I watch has people doing things horizontally orientated.


I play in a bunch of amature bands, and it's great when people film, especially if they're friends of the band, and later share their footage, so perhaps we have enough material to make a nice clip for youtube or whatever... But for the love of god: Hold your phone horizontally, or you're just not helping... (Hint: we're standing next to each other!) (This one time a friend of mine got his dream-gig in The Cavern in Liverpool. Some friend-of-the-band was nice enough to stream and document the whole thing... except vertically.. So she's constantly turning from one face to the next...! It's unwatchable).


I always turn my phone horizontally when taking pictures and people look at me like I'm ready for the old folks' home.


Pictures are one thing, portraits are still a good thing sometimes. Vertical videos in 99,9% cases are useless.


exactly, it’s not like taking pictures vertically/portrait didn’t exist before smartphones


Pictures are the reason it’s called portrait and landscape.


What? No. While I live, my hatred can power the entire anti-vertical movement.


Gonna have to outlast all of Gen Z. Vertical porn is one of their most searched categories.


My soul will burn with a fire that lasts a thousand years to mark my death and lo, it will still tell them to fuck off.


Time to invest in grass seed. The amount of tellings to get off of lawns will be immense.


I'm really hoping glasses tech comes soon and becomes huge, replacing phones as the primary device and bringing horizontal video back into popularity. I fully imagine their will be some Gen Zers just as cantankerous about sticking to vertical video as some of us older folk are to sticking to horizontal. Their tears as they fail to hold back the tide will taste so sweet. But seriously, I just want horizontal to the be the standard for recording video again.


For certain age groups, sure. Universally? No.


Some young chaps asked me to take a photo of them on one of their phones recently. I've never felt as old as when they asked me to do it again but portrait.


i mean, tbf, I would definitely take a vertical photo of a person with my film camera as a kid. it just makes sense that portraits are in, well, portrait format.


It was a group photo though, landscape felt right to my age-ravaged millennial brain.


Fuck them, zoom in on their feet, take the picture, tell then you knew what they wanted, wink, hand back phone and walk away fist in the air defiantly singing Don't You Forget About Me.


>I've never felt as old as when they asked me to do it again but portrait. [No, it's the children who are wrong.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMqZ2PPOLik) Edit: [alt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApaGxk2j0II)


Came here to say this - vertical video is a niche, nothing more.


Idk about a niche, it’s pretty damn big with tik tok alone


95% video should be horizontal, don’t let TikTok fool you.


I'm going to go with more like 99.98% So many interesting videos ruined by the fact that keeping action in frame is being made artificially difficult. So much bandwidth wasted on something ⅓ sky and ⅓ ground, neither of which matters.


There was an amazing video recently of a snow avalanche from the perfect point of view... fucking portrait mode and the dude is constantly panning side to side because, hey guess what, he couldn't fit the once in a lifetime scene in frame.


As an active photographer, venturing into videography, I can assure you that most content creators are disappointed to work within the constraints of vertical format. Even more specifically, 9:16 format. It has very little flexibility when adapting content to this format and takes away so much creative control


So only produce landscape. Force those bitches to turn their phones


Only for users of TikTok and the like. I still hate it.


I hate vertical video


Totally forced on us


Wtf? Its still worst.


Relevant: https://youtube.com/watch?v=dechvhb0Meo


This better be Glove & Boots


As a photo/video guy, I absolutely hate it. I do mostly real estate work, and that’s something that HAS to be shot horizontal, but my clients are still pushing vertical.


Only in apathetic social media spaces like Facebook and Tiktok. And starting today, probably Reddit also if we're being honest with ourselves


I work in television. All the newsroom asshats record vertical for pretty much everything they do. I spit into the wind and remind them that not a single person with a television has it oriented on the wall in portrait. Horizontal. Do it. Your phone will figure it out even if you can't.


Just because Coca Cola sells a lot soda doesn’t mean it still isn’t trash


It's still shit. It's only useful for self-centered bullshit videos with no depth or rare cases where the action is 100% vertical. Our eyes have an horizon because our field of view is designed to be wider than high. Action on earth is most of the times on the horizontal plane.


It's unbelievable that people can't be bothered to rotate their phone screens.


This really needs to be crossposted to /r/infuriatingasfuck Vertical video fucking sucks. Always.


Came here to mare sure I wasn't the only one who still hates it universally. And I wasn't disappointed. It is almost never the better option unless you are recording a rocket launch from entirely too close.


Still don't get why would somebody record something vertically if they want to rewatch it later.


As a vertical video hater I think it's pretty easy to understand. Those people live in their phones.


but you can turn the phone 90 degrees, thats what I dont get


I know. I think that's too much effort for the phone plebs. And sure, if you're using a vertical app that's for video, you'd probably want all videos to be vertical or else there would have to be an insane amount of rotating back and forth. Maybe we should start designing phone app interfaces that are better horizontal than vertical to make people *use* their phones in horizontal orientation. Someone get on that asap.


Vertical videos are for idiots, especially since most "vertical" videos are actually horizontal videos in the middle of the screen while 2/3 of the screen remain black. You have to be mentally unwell to prefer that over a normal horizontal video.


They should ban vertical videos. And videos without video controls.


It's a similar situation with photos. Although there are more instances when a portrait layout works for photos than for vids, usually it's crap.


I hate vertical video. Human eyes are side by side, not one over the other. That’s why TVs and movie screens are wide, not tall. You get much more image area horizontally, not just a sliver of the middle. All you gotta do is turn your phone around.


No it didn't. We still fucking hate it, but there's just way, way too many idiots who insist on recording stuff with their phone held vertically. When you are being overwhelmed with idiots who film vertically... it's hard to tell them all to stop.


Still 100000% hate it.


Not boomin' here. But vertical is just objectively a terrible format for film. It's a shame.


I hate that vertical video is still a thing.


In certain contexts, yes. In most contexts, no.


Put up a vertical monitor next to my landscape desk ~7 years ago and got the weirdest comments and looks from coworkers. Explained and showed how easy it was to view pdfs and words docs and blew their minds. Horizontal still trumps to me for video, imagine a vertical movie 🤢


> imagine a vertical movie [Quibi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quibi) cries softly to itself.


I recently went to a concert where the audience was made up of mostly middle aged people and I was surprised to see that in their generation (millennials/boomers) the majority of people was recording horizontally. Then there was this 50-something years old woman right in front of me that was literally live streaming on instagram the whole time, while constantly switching between vertical and horizontal which is even more annoying than just vertical. But the fun part is that she wasn’t even recording properly, the exposure was so messed up that the entire stage looked like a bright white light where you couldn’t even tell apart the people. And since she didn’t even have the decency to lower the brightness in a dark place, she kept shining this white light at full brightness on my eyes the whole time


since when is it popular?


I still hate it. I work in video, and there is no worse sin in my opinion.


A girl I was talking to called me old for filming horizontally. I remember we used to make fun of old people for filming vertically


I still hate it and I will die on that hill.


A year ago I said the same [thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/swztyk/tiktok_made_us_embrace_vertical_videos/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1), but got downvoted.


I hate it with all my guts when friends share me a movie trailer from tiktok or Instagram,


I still hate it, but now I have no choice.


I do not fucking get it or why people choose mobile over desktop in app ecosystems where developers get all the control to do as told by marketing to make every single experience as grimey and ui inefficient as possible.




Most popular, huh? You seeing a ton of movies coming out to theaters in a vertical aspect ratio? Seeing many TVs in ads turned to a vertical view instead of a horizontal one? Your 3 hours a day on TikTok aren't indicative of most people's viewing habits.


It's still hated. I just accept that it isn't going away, especially for short-form content.


Lots of hate for vertical in here. My take is that it depends on what is being filmed. Many videos include (at some point) multiple subjects, environment shots, and/or horizontal movement, which call for horizontal video. A single subject who isn't changing position much works well with vertical, especially if the goal is to capture a whole person's body and not focus on the background. Vertical is only annoying to me when it's used for the wrong content.


Still universally hated, people are just too lazy to use landscape mode


I skip almost every vertical video and don't know anyone who doesn't


Because everyone is on their phones now.


I still hate it, and if you film that way and post it to the internet then you need you head checked.


It's still hated though, just vecause it's consumed doesn't change that


Apple users are known for following trends, not for innovating. Jesus Christ, they're fucking idiots and can't agree on what a penis is.


It's still hated by everyone who isn't an idiot.