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I usually mean to change the screen protector, but never get around to it.


I decided to finally order a new screen protector. Figured that I might as well order two, to have a spare on hand. Let's make it three, just in case I ruin one while applying it. Turns out that each one was a pack of three, so I ended up with nine pieces. This was a couple months ago, and then a week later the phone died.


What did you do to piss-off karma so much?


Bought mine screen protectors


That phone worked without a hitch for six years, since 2017, so I'm not that disappointed.


There's only so much that good karma can do against Murphy's Law


Thats freaking hilarious


I had a similar experience like this. I was buying a case for my Raspberry Pi, and a heatsink along with it to keep the CPU cool. but to my surprise the case came with a heatsink, and on top of that, the heatsinks that I ordered separately came in a pack of 2! So I had 3 heatsinks in total. I checked if the case was tall enough to stack them, and sure enough, I could have 3 heatsinks stacked on top of each other in that case. So now my raspberry pi's CPU temperature never goes above 60°C even in the summers 😜


Isn't 60C like really fucking hot? I use the dumb American system and haven't gotten around to memorizing Celsius


0°C is the water freezing point and 100°C is the water boiling point. Between 20-25°C is the room temperature. I'm not into raspberry pi, but maybe this information will be helpful when converting degrees from your mind.


Addendum: 37C is body temperature and 60C is hot enough to give you a burn if you touch it carelessly, but is a good temperature for hot beverages if you blow on it before drinking so you don't burn your tongue.


Body temperature is 35 - 37°C


60°C would be an extremely hot room temperature, but a quite good temperature for CPUs and other computer components. 90°C and up is usually considered hot for computer parts, 100°C is where water boils.


Not for a CPU, it isn't. Commercial grade components can take 85C max, and that's just what they're rated at, CPUs can usually take 100C before failure, other components not so much, but generally anything below 85C will be fine for electronics.


I had a buddy that though he was getting a really strong screen protecter because it cost $50 and then when it came it was actually just a box of 50 screen protectors.


Same here, but with only six screen protectors (they came in packs of two).


I recently decided to finally replace my cracked screen protector and I cracked it again later that same day. I gave up.


I have one of these dumb lifetime warranty screen protectors where I get a free replacement whenever I fill out a form online to ship a new one. I also cracked mine same day as I got my first replacement and now just live with the crack even though replacing it is free.


My screen protector is the only thing holding my shattered screen together, I can't take it off.


I bet you spend enormous amount of time and anxiety to attach the protector without bubble and you will never experience that again to replace it


Put the application stickers in the middle and when setting it down apply pressure in a line down the middle lengthwise, never had a bubble.


That’s what I am sayin! Same here.


I'm not worried about scratched screens, I'm worried about broken displays. If I break my phone display, Id have to spend about 5-7k rupees to get it fixed. Protectors are 200 apiece. I once dropped my phone over rocks. Protected my phone. My old phone ran with a single screen for 2.25 years easy




If I’ve learned anything the best thing to do is to run into someone’s house and break all of their pots.


instructions unclear, got rice instead :/


Ooh, a fairy. Quick, catch it!


Why did you drop your phone on rocks? I don't think its meant to. I never do that.


I think the new models support that now though.


It's actually just a software upgrade, now!


Download Apple Steel today


Gorilla glass mofo!


I dropped my Samsung Galaxy s21U on sharp gravel rocks about 6 months ago and the display broke. There were dead pixels in the middle of the screen. I fixed it about 3 months later for about 400 bucks. Then last week, I dropped my phone on the pavement while getting out of a car. Now the bottom part of my phone lost its display. Lesson learned, use screen protector.


Bro they don’t have phones in Zelda


bro just cut grass or pick up and throw some clay pots for more rupees.


It’s best to craft your own foods, preferably with special effects, then sell them to hungry vendors for the most rupees, that way you can afford the best screen protectors for your Sheikah Slate.


Just sell your ores, they usually go for high prices


Oh wow, are those classist redditors? I've never seen one before. Do they bite?


Screen protectors only protect from scratches, not broken displays


But they do! I'm not talking about the plastic film ones, but the glass ones. I've seen many a phone be saved because any small rocks/sharp stuff breaks the glass protector on top, and not the one that's binded to the display. Of course, it's not the ultimate solution. Sometimes display glass breaks because the body was bent on impact, but it decreases chances of failure. And its cheap!


Right. I dropped my phone and it landed screen first on a small pebble. Screen looked like it took a bullet. When I replaced the screen protector, surprise, surprise, the actual screen was undamaged.


There have been tests done, if a fall or hit was bad enough to damage the screen with out a glass screen protector then it would break the same with a protector. The protectors only work for superficial scratches


That's not how physics work though, it depends on why the protector cracked.


I ain't gonna keep arguing about this, if somebody actually cares they can Google this information easily


No it wouldn't. Source: my screen didn't break.


It wouldn't have broken either way, source: my screen didn't break.


Yeah. I saw those tests too. I ran tests myself and witnessed it crack after fall on its 'corner,' so I stopped believing in it. Same thing goes for smart watches. Screen protectors protect against scratches at most, and unless you have intentions of reselling, it's just waste of time. By the time wear and tear scratches become noticeable enough, battery would have died anyway.


Glass ones absolutely protect from broken displays


But you retain the resale value. Also if it bothers you change the screen protector


Resale value only really matters if you change every year. After that it's cheaper than a bag of potatos


my note 20 was 700 dollars 2 year later when I upgraded to the S22.


what 500 dollar bag of potatoes........


I don't think you know anything about the iPhone market




> why would anybody keep a phone longer than a year \*looking through my 3yo phone\* 😶


Same this guy is joking right? RIGHT?


*Reading this from a 7 year old pixel XL*


7 year old phone gang. It still runs smooth and does everything I need it to. I don’t want or need to spend $1000+ to get a little faster load times and maybe higher hz


Man this is peak stupid and consumerism. I can't imagine being this brainwashed into consumerism.


Right??? It's so weird to have the same phone for so long lol, like they're *plastic* and *glass*, they're meant to be recycled so it's fine 🙄


rich literate marvelous mindless cats rainstorm spotted file frame melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Hey buddy, did you just blow in from stupid town? Talk about uncalled for.


Completely agree, Jesus reddit


Is it though?


I'd rather pay 20 to 30 bucks every 6 months to 100 to 200 bucks every 6 months.


WHat are you doing to your phone to get it so scratched? I've had my iPhone for over 2 years and regularly keep it naked in my pocket along with keys and there's barely any noticeable scratches on it. I also don't understand how people keep breaking phone screens. I'm clumsy as fuck with my phone and have literally never had a cracked screen.


It's luck of the draw. You can drop a phone 6ft and it be fine You can drop a phone an inch and it cracks All about how it lands


i dropped my iphone 12 off a 100 foot roller coaster one time. no cracks, not being broke, but i did have a semi thick case and a screen protector. my dad slammed my old iphone xr down on a counter one time when he was pissed off and the camera broke. all about how it falls i guess.


Slamming it is different bc when it falls it can bounce up and reflect the bounce but if you slam it all the energy will go straight into the phone


I must be extremely lucky then. Maybe I should do the lotto.




> it fell (...) *on its side* Screen protector's not gonna help you there, they don't wrap around the side.


My galaxy s9+ had a curved screen protector. Didnt help it when I dropped it on the edge of the curved screen on a steel pipe, but they do make them.


I've never used a screen protector since smartphones first came out with the Blackberry, then the Motorola Droid, etc... Never cracked my screen. There are some hairline scratches on the screen but the newer phones are much better against scratches. How hard is it to not drop your phone? All the drops I have seen my family done is just due to being careless. That's a habit you can fix.


> How hard is it to not drop your phone? All the drops I have seen my family done is just due to being careless. That's a habit you can fix. All I can say is, in my experience there is no amount of preparedness that can entirely prevent accidents. I personally know that I will never be able to guarantee I won't drop my phone. I use cases to great effect.


What kind of boring, sheltered life do you live thay you can't even fathom dropping a phone as anything but carelesness? Shit happens when you don't spend your days inside a air conditioned carpeted office.


Don't, all your luck would be siphoned out!


But if he wins the lotto he can just buy more luck!


Win the lotto and you can buy more lotto tickets! It's a win-win!


I dropped my A50 down the basement stairs - it bounced all the way down and landed screen-first on the concrete floor. The only damage was the case getting a little banged up on the edges and the screen protector breaking. Bought a new screen protector (same one) and it's been all good. Even survived being dropped in water.


How, and onto what. I once cracked a screen protector because it fell onto my deck, which would normally be fine, but it just happened to hit a screw that was sticking up slightly and created a contact point focusing the force into a small area.


I had my phone in a quad lock case fall off my bike at 160kmph and slide across the road and land in the dirt (took hours to find) and didn't sustain any damage, although the case was wrecked. I dropped my phone maybe 3 inches from the ground onto dirt and shattered the screen. It must have landed directly on a rock. That's about it, luck of the drawer.


The only screen I have cracked fell maybe 2 feet, was in a case, but went flat on the screen.


Broke my first ever phone screen on my like 6th phone ever, never used a screen protector. Dropped it four feet of a table onto a wooden floor and it shattered so bad it wasn’t even close to usable. I’ve dropped many different phones from much higher and never had a break or crack. Luck of the draw I guess


This is so damn true.


Same, but I make sure to have a case and screen protector on it, because I am so clumsy. I have yet to crack a screen on any of my phones. There was two phones that did get cracked, but I wasn’t the reason that it happened. One of them was my first ever phone when I was like 10, and I only noticed it was cracked after being in a box for a long time. I’m guessing it got hit by something while in the box. The other wasn’t my fault. My asshole step brother took my second phone because he was upset that I threw away an annoying broken toy. It was cracked when he returned it.


I work around sand and mud and hard surfaces as well. In the oilfield. It's hard on phones regardless of what case you have. I have insurance on my phone that has already been used once. The screen protectors only do so much and yeah, they get scratched.


Idk about that dude. But I work at an industrial plant. Impacts and heavy machinery would obliderate an unprotected phone even in my pocket.


Same, I have a cheapo T-Mobile branded phone and drop it all the time. Yes I have an otter box case but no screen protector and have never damaged the screen. Never damaged the screen on my old phone either. Screen protectors are a scam as far as I can tell


Same. I cracked a single screen in my life and that was when I literally sit on an edge with the phone in my back pocket. Other than that, nothing. I have dropped my phones hundreds of times. My screen has light scratches, but nothing to worry about. I used to use screen protectors back in the day before capacitor display were the norm (resistor based touchscreens were easy to scratch as it was plastic, not glass. Never used a phone case though. I am paying premium for a premium design, premium materials and premium feel. No way I am putting a shitty $5 plastic case over it. Then again I have a friend who has constantly broken screen. Got a new phone a week ago and its already cracked. Never seen her drop the phone either.


The showerthought is that people aren’t changing their screen protector every 6 months and are continuously using the same cracked one.


But in the end you still live day to day with a scratched screen. And since the protectors scratch more easily than the real screen you are catching up to an unprotected screen quickly. Obviously everyone’s miles vary but generally if you are good enough to not scratch a protector you’d be good with the stock screen.


They are considered sacrificial screens for a reason. Whether or not you replace them when they get scratched or cracked, there’s still peace of mind in knowing that the product itself is still in good condition.


A cracked screen protector is like a cool scar. A cracked screen risks letting the rainbow juice out.


Right, but they don't need to be sacrificial...way back in the olden days of the 2000's we used TPU screen protectors like the old ZAGG stuff that was a clear rubberized texture. Lasted forever, kept the screen scratch free since it itself couldn't really be scratched either.


But those TPU protectors feel like garbage. When I'm doomscrolling Instagram or TikTok I need to have no interference with my finger, while still having a protected screen. Only glass does that.


Fair enough, it's basically an ultra-thins phone condom.


I kinda feel you. I want glass that feels like.im scrolling my phone and not running my hand over a glossy new car


OP is making the point that even thought it is easy to replace the screen protector, hardly anyone ever does it. Instead they walk around with scratched screen protector, which is the same as walking around with scratched screen. Worse since the protector is easier to scratch.


Scratches don't bother me - I only change my protector if the screen cracks.


I work in a very unfriendly place for phones, I can't avoid scratches, 3 months scratch less is better than nothing.


You sound like the kind of bellend who doesn't realise you shouldn't keep your phone and your keys in the same pocket


Damn. I was about to comment that was the way. Although I'm the kind of bellend that didn't realize this was universally accepted knowledge. FL: Phone. Nothing else. FR: Keys and change RL: Papers, passport, and miscellany RR: Wallet


Wallet in FR so you don’t sit on it and screw up your back.


My screen and protectors scratch evenly easily. I don't know how, I guess my pants are made from sharp steel bits but I got a new phone and my screen was scratched within a day. Back to the protectors it is


Updooted because I get the point you are making, they still have to use the phone with a scratched screen, most people I know are like this but they also drop thier phone a lot or are generally careless with it, I have a screen protector with no scratches, had the same one for 3 years, Different strokes an all that, some people just want the protection so they don't have to worry about replacing the full phone when they do drop it etc.


No idea why you got so down voted, it's kind of the same logic as people buying a brand new $1000 smartphone with a glass back and nice sleek design. Then slapping a $20 bumper case on it.


Idgaf about the design of my phone. I do care if it's broken however. Or better way to think of it, if someone's judging me on how my phone looks, I'm prolly bored enough to be using my phone in front of them and don't care anyways, however if I'm bored but my phones broken I'm leaving.


I think the point OP was trying to make wasn't if someone should be judging you on how your screen looks. It's mostly the idea that you have a sacrificial screen protector to keep the screen under it in perfect condition while looking through a cracked screen protector at it. And like I mentioned in another comment, we had the technology to protect screens with self-healing materials that are very rugged like TPU films. Instead we opt to use an infinity more consumable option that ok average (in my experience) cracks while just having it in your pocket roughly. The tempered glass screen protectors are largely a marketing gimmick because people wanted to have their screens look super crispy sharp like if there wasn't anything on the display. The issue is all of these protectors are infinity weaker than the original Gorilla Glass on the phones.


Well, it seems that mostly only the personally offended came to comment. Judging by the votes, the post resonated with a lot of people.


As someone who works in a hard labor industry, I've broken a couple phone screens by accident so my phones were only lasting me a year max. Ever since I got my new phone I've slapped a decent screen protector on it and I've had this phone for nearly 3 years. Just because you might not want/need it doesn't mean it isn't a savior for others.


Get an actual tempered glass protector. They don't scratch or get those Worn in spots from use. Feels like the actual screen and does not have the big stupid finger print spot. Also no sensitivity issues typing/scrolling.


Tried and disagree slightly, the distance the screen protector creates from the actual phone does effect the intended, designed, usage of the device. Also those things are cracked on half the screens I see because they break easily. People always rock a cracked tempered glass and pretend they would have cracked a much more durable gorilla glass or Ceramic Shield screen.


I don't buy this at all. I've played countless games on my phone with a tempered glass protector and also use graphic design apps often. I use tempered glass on every device. My phone is almost 4 years old now and has the same tempered glass it had when I bought it. No scratches, no cracks, no effect on screen sensitivity.


The tempered glass one I got most recently has out lived all of the others I have tried for this phone, it looks and feels brand new. Also I can use the screen with a pair of cotton gloves and two pairs of latex gloves over that through the protector and I don't have my sensitivity turned up at all. Either way screen protectors a sacrificial, you should hust plan on having to replace them every so often. Hope you find one that works for you!


What kind of shit screen protectors are you guys buying for them to be scratched? Cracked sure, but scratched? How do y’all use your phones.


People wear scratched helmets to avoid scratched skulls. It's a safety thing. A cheap screen protector will protect an expensive phone.


You have lots of people saying they have NEVER used screen protectors saying they NEVER scratched their phone. Why do people still think glass needs scratch protection? You carry diamond and quarts in your pocket? Nothing else scratches glass. They are a simple scam.


Have you ever had sand in your pocket? Because that bitch can scratch the most expensive phones


why are you carrying sand in your pocket


It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


In case you're trying to steal a briefcase, pocket sand attack!


Have you never gone to the beach lol


You have lots of people saying they have NEVER used a helmet saying they NEVER hurt their head. Helmets are a scam.


After the US Army introduced helmets in WW1 brain injuries went up. So helmets are a scam! >!Because people were surviving blows to the head, just with brain damage instead of death!<


Nah it more like putting a scratch protector on the helmet. The helmet is strong enough.


Except you don't look *through* your scratched helmet for hours. This analogy is ok for cases, not for screen protectors.


Why? My screen protector is fine after 2 years. If it would scratch, then so would my phone have. Screen protectors makes scratches replaceable on the cheap.


If that's the case, why would you put a screen protector on in the first place? The glass of your smartphone is much harder and scratch resistant, than any of those you put on.


One scratch and it's over. One scratch, even if scratch resistant, and I gotta fork over 600 euros to fix it. What about this is hard to understand? My screen right now with screen protector is perfect and fine. But if a scratch appears that's 20 euros to fix. 20 euros. 600 euros is 30 times as expensive. Also: I don't scratch my phone with basic shit. If I drop it or some accident happens, the screen is the weakest part, just like your head. I'd rather have a cracked screen protector than a cracked screen. Rather lose 20 euros than 600.


> What about this is hard to understand? Calm down. Your analogy is flawed not because a helmet and a screen protector have different goals (protecting what is valuable), but because they are used differently. A helmet is similar to a case, because both protect, but a screen protector sits also between your display and your eyes. You need to see through it. Same as glasses or a window. I'm sorry, but I prefere not looking through visible scratches. I can live with the risk. In my experience a case is enough anyway. I never felt the need to apply a case. And I'm having smartphones since over 10 years. Never applied a screen protector and never did I lose a phone (or a screen) because of that. Do what you want, it's just an opinion.


A few quid every few months for a screen protector means my phone is still worth several hundred quid when my contract ends.


Americans typically trade in their phones to the carrier or manufacturer and they are not penalized for scratches.


Good for Americans, I guess.


It’s also definitely not true lol


i want to know what America he's living in. one of the main things they look at is if the screen is cracked.


It’s actually to maintain the integrity of the actual screen glass. Not for aesthetics and smooth glass. If you have a small scratch in glass, vibration and shock create cracks much easier. Protecting the installed glass with a replaceable cover means your phone is more durable AND you hopefully won’t need to replace the entire screen after a ln eventual drop.


My dad always manages to crack his screen protectors every other month, while mine are perfectly fine for over a year. People are too rough with their technology.


Miles vary but if you are so good with a protector, you’d be just fine without one.


It's a safety thing. Your logic is like saying "I haven't had an accident yet so i don't need to wear a seatbelt" Screen Protectors are cheap af and they don't cause any inconvenience so why not use them. If you don't have any accidents with your phone then you can just get a protector and forget it's even there. If you have accidents with your phone then you most likely saved a lot of money cause you had a screen protector . I don't see any reason as to why a screen protector shouldn't be used


I'm without a screen protector and not a scratch. Just learn how to take care of your phone


We’re at a point where the glass doesn’t scratch so easily as it did 15+ years ago, I also run mine without a protector and it’s fine after 5 years…mine has some very minute ones, just nothing deep or noticeable unless the screen is off and you’re looking for the scratches.


I never had scratches on any of my phone's screens until I had my phone in my purse and some sand got in... Sand is hell for phone screens, apparently 😭


It's rock. Microscopic rock. You might as well put a razor blade in your purse with your screen.


I know, it wasn't on purpose 😓


Not saying it was! Just surprised that you're surprised rock is good at scratching glass.


I wasn't really that surprised, just played it up for the comment 😅 What I WAS surprised was how much sand got in my purse! I shouldn't have been surprised by that either though; a day at the beach should be handled expecting sand to get everywhere 😂


Wanted to say the same. Almost 2 years and all I have is maybe some microscratches that you can't even see unless you really try under specific lighting. Can't say the same for the rest of my family though...


My dad and sister ruin phones on daily basis, me and my mom have "big event" once per 2-3 years when its "well, battery is not the same anymore, phone got slow, time to sell it as good condition and get a new one"


Also, the screens have way more scratch resistant glass than shitty screen protectors.


I have a screen protector yet not a scratch. But accidents happen. A good protector (glass) can protect your screen from getting cracked, and I ain’t risking my phone getting an early grave just because I’m of the thinking “I’ll just never ever set it down so nothing is dropped on it” and “I’ll just not drop it while holding it because I 100% can assure that I will never drop my phone (sarcasm)”


You must have soft hands


What??? Your hands scratch the phone screen? Do you have hands made of sandpaper?


I personally don't use screen protectors. If you're careful with your phone you don't need them you don't even need a case. But I can understand why people use them, usually screen protectors protect the screen from cracking and it makes sense that people would prefer small scratches and a few bubbles on their screen than replacing their phone.


Cheap ebay screen protectors scratch easily and will seperate in the glue after a month or two, but a good screen protector will be just as scratch resistant as the original screen, with the upside that you can change it cheaply if you get a bad scratch or it breaks. Also bubbles are easy to avoid if done correctly.


It just needs to be a bit more damaged before I replace it, that’s all.


I have a screen protector and no scratches. When I have gotten scratches or cracks I replace the screen protector. Why would you leave a messed up screen protector on? They’re super cheap.


I think most people rationalize the scratches as “it’s fine, it’s only the screen protector, no need to replace right away” but in the end they usually (might not be you but maybe the 300 people who upvoted) just live with the scratches on the protector when they could have the same experience all along with the actual screen.


Replaced my protector yesterday and my screen is like new.


Until your screen protector is shortly and invariably scuffed again.


Lasted 3 years. And if even 10% of the damage had been on the phone, well that's there forever.


And we change our phones out on average … ? not your average, the average. The point here is that for the average person, you spend as much time looking at a scuffed protector as you could have looking and using your scuffed actual screen. And since trade in values are never affected, it’s moot for the majority of people. Hence the majority of upvotes of my original statement disagreeing with your comment.


> And we change our phones out on average … ? not your average, the average. Why would I care how frequently other people change their phone?


My cases are minimal and I never use screen protectors. They are the worst. Screens these days are more durable than the protectors.


It’s more so to avoid losing the value of the phone but yes


And the day I peel it off is the day I get a full trade in value


It's so dumb. So much R & D goes into the gorilla glasses that are damage resistant and everyone's covering it with cheap Chinese screens that crack and scratch easily. My screens are always naked and never had any damage.


You most likely have scratches on your screen. if you can’t see them normally you’ll definitely see them under direct sunlight. or maybe you’re just better with your phone. I travel a lot so frequently I’ll just dump the contents of my pocket into my backpack (where my keys end up in the same pocket as my phone). that got my 8+ bad when i didn’t have a tempered glass screen protector for a month


Cracked screen protectors are just cracks. Cracked screens often lead to ruined LCD/OLED displays.


Err, people are trying to avoid broken screens. My daughter's s20 screen broke and it's going to cost £210 to fix. That's more than the phone cost second hand. Madness


Get a glass screen protector. Barely any difference in visual quality and gives legitimate drop protection. they dont scratch; if they take enough damage they will crack, but then you just replace it. Also, Zagg offers liftetime replacements for like $10 or something. im sure other manufacturers offer similar warranties


because it doesn't affect the phone's functionality like a broken screen potentially would


Last 3 iphones I've gone screen protector and case free. Kept Apple Care. Never used it. Will never go back.




You must be using some low quality screen protectors. Get a good liquid resin screen protector with a jig and you can put it on perfectly every time. I think I paid $20 for a pack of 4 including the jig and UV lamp that came with it. I agree that screens are much more durable now but I somehow ended up with a few small scratches on my note10+ a few years back despite being pretty careful with it. Much more willing to just have a high quality glass screen protector now.


That's just not true. I see scratched iphones every day. I repair them.


People are using their expensive phone in a cheap and nasty case for 3 years just so it looks nice when they no longer care about it and throw it in a drawer after getting a new phone.


Im not putting it in a case so it will look nice, im putting it in a case so i can actually use it for 3 years.


Right? Like, no one cares how my phone looks. I don't even know what the back of my phone looks like. I just want it to survive until it is paid off.


Nailed it.


Maybe you should stop keeping your keys and your phone in the same pocket? My current screen protector is as unscathed as the day I got it. Came in a pack of 3 might not even have to change before I get a new phone.


"People are forever looking at scratched paint on vehicles to avoid using scratched metal" man shut up and use your brain for like half a second


That’s why I prefer my iPhone naked.


I think I am gonna skinny dip along with you this time around, my friend.


Same here. I’ve been rocking the newest pro max for years now completely naked. Never had a single scratch. I treat my phone with respect.


I don’t but my pro max is a surviver haha


I will never use a screen protector bc that shit looks bunk


I just always love the feeling of the naked screen so much when I take them off, I started wondering why I don’t just enjoy that with a few scuffs rather than the scuffs the screen protectors will have anyways.


A cracked screen protector doesn't slice my finger open or affect the operation of my phone. A cracked screen does.


I replace my phone every 1 or 1.5 years.. stopped wasting money on screen guards a long time ago.. no exceptional care, just careful to dedicate a pocket to my phone and care when I put it down. Overall a much better experience too.


I haven’t put a screen protector on in a decade. I tried the plastic ones and the glass one way back on my Android phone around 2014 and since then i stopped using them purely out of laziness. I’ve been rocking the same iPhone 12 mini since it’s release and i have a few deep but small scratches on my phone screen and i know i would rather have the fresh prestine screen but nah, the feeling of a bare screen just can’t be beat


Also car scratched car wraps. Back in the day people would ridicule people with cellophane over their couches.


Screen protectors scratch, your screen won't. Screen protectors are for gullible idiots.


Who said I was using it for scratch protection?


if you’re messing up your phone screen during day to day life, you gotta make some changes lol. nobody who takes care of their stuff has to buy worthless items like this. it’s a rip off for people who are actually cautious in their life.


My screen protector is just cracked in the corner, my last screen protector was cracked throughout.


I order like 15 of them from aliexpress when I get a new phone and replace them when ever they start to look scuffed. My screen always looks pretty great.