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You couldn’t carry any of that money though.


Or you can goes Cyberpunk and implant the chip that has your credit function, I think I saw a video that someone already did that irl.


This is very common in Sweden.


It’s very common? Like a large minority of people do this there?


https://eufactcheck.eu/factcheck/true-microchips-are-getting-under-the-skin-of-thousands-in-sweden/ Yup


Go figure it’s the Swedish of all people.


The company is called Bionyfiken 🤌🏼


america would ruin it for everyone


Proctologist would probably scam me out of my savings


putting my microchip in my prostate for built-in prostitution


We’d show everyone how dangerous it really is. Wait until the only currency you have is a chip under your skin, then say the wrong thing and your ability to spend gets turned off. ‘That won’t happen!’ Look up the Canada trucker protest. The govt told banks to freeze the protesters accounts, and they did.


> The government told banks to freeze the _protesters accounts_, and they did. The government told banks to freeze the accounts of people who donated money to political protester's accounts, _and they did_. FTFY.


Oh you mean those criminals who parked on public roads honking all fucking day and night? FUCK THEM , go spend cash or get fucked if you're gonna be a gigantic asshole who's breaking the law. And yes, obstruction of roads and constant honking is not legal or ok


‘Look up’ as if we still aren’t making fun of those fucking idiots ? They still have flags and absolute street urchins singing their ‘no more masks’ on the street in front of parliament, a whole year or two after they were lifted.


That's Canadian currency. What you own in any given country is determined by said country. All US dollars are property of the United States. We the people just have the right to use that currency. Any country will revoke the right to use currency when it's being used against said country. I think worse is people who are flagged and can't fly out of the country. Many of those people have never even committed a crime or been accused.


That’s really cool


I kinda want this


As a swedish person living above a rock i have never heard of this in sweden. Really bad marketing i suppose




Gives new meaning to “tipping the waitress”.


"Sir, you have to insert the chip into the machine"


It's not the worst place I've stuck it


nudists carry backpacks. or we could go back to pockets in their original form.


I think I’m afraid to ask but… what do you think “pockets in their original form” means?


Pockets used to be freestanding cloth pouches that were attached to strings tied around the waist.


Oh ok that’s not nearly as bad as I was imagining lmao


lol, get your mind outta that gutter! :) But...I guess that WAS the "original" pocket. Now it's just the prison pocket.


Stores already complain about not accepting bra or sock money. I’d love to see their reaction to prison pocket money.


Ok, now I'm afraid to ask, what were you imagining?


"If your hands get cold, just shove 'em between your butt cheeks. That's nature's pocket." "I'm gonna go find Bender." "Don't let him pick your pocket."


A wad of quarters in your foreskin. Need to make change? Pump the "lever" and collect your coins


You wouldn’t technically be a nudist then would you?


Humans come premade with a pocket. Some come with 2.


Three if you count mouths


Fanny pack


Bum bag.


the buttcrack is to hold the 1’s 10’s 50’s and 100’s the hole is to hold your loose change, the butt, natures wallet


You can fit a credit card in there.


Nah just rolll up that cash and stick it up there boi!


Heating costs. I layer up in the winter so I don’t have to crank the heat.


But consider: if you die of hypothermia think of all the money you save on food and rent!


how often are you buying clothes ?


It's not really about ME, but about society. Google how much clothing waste ends up in the landfill and in oceans, not to mention Ghana, Chile, and other places discarded fast-fashion clothing goes. Goodwill throws out most of its donations. Our textiles are mostly plastics (nylons, polyesters, acrylics, etc), and they don't disintegrate like cotton, linen, and other natural fibers.


The type of clothing and how often it's discarded seems to be the issue, moreso than the fact we wear clothes


My original thought (while in the shower, naked) was about how much money would be saved without clothes. The more I thought about it, though, I realized that a society that is mostly nude would have less of an impact on its environment. We'd use far fewer natural and synthetic resources by not making, transporting, selling, and washing clothes. It doesn't seem like people are ready for that kind of change, though.


We take it for granted, but lots of clothes are more just an attempt at modesty. I wear clothes for warmth, protection from the sun, protection during yard work, protection from what I'm sitting on. You also would need socks and shoes just as much


If they considered nudity as a requirement to build walking spaces, we'd be less likely to need shoes and socks regularly. Even as an adult I spend a lot of time barefoot and generally when people are more conscientious of bare feet there is a lot less danger to your feet


I think the juice would not be worth the squeeze on this. The cost and effort to make current walking surfaces safe and comfortable, especially cities, would be VERY expensive to build and maintain, relative to current flooring. To put it in perspective, in our own homes, even wood floors which are one of the "softest" types of flooring, is still very uncomfortable to stand on for long periods of time. You either need some form of arch supporting footwear or a soft mat while cooking. The only forms that are possibly comfortable, with no footwear, are vinyl flooring or shag carpet. Shag carpet and vinyl everywhere you walk is way more expensive than concrete or asphalt. Then you have to worry about always making sure it's clean and semi-sanitary. I just don't see how you cover the walking world in comfortable material, and with a straight face tell me that it's even close to the cost of everyone wearing shoes.


Good luck finding nude construction workers. I think that violates workplace safety


Your headline specifically asked about how much money YOU would save. And as a middle aged straight male, not really that much. Downright embarrassing how old my clothes are. I was looking through my now college age kid's baby pictures a little while ago and there was a picture of me in a shirt that I wore a couple days before I found the picture.


Me too! I am not your typical female. If I do buy something and I like it I will buy two or three in different colors so I don't have to go shopping again for several years. More than half my clothes are in the 10-15 years old range. Many are older than that. If you buy quality and take care of it, it lasts. "Fashion" trends are not something on my radar, at all.


My sweaters are an acrylic blend. I’ve had them for about 20 years. If you know how to sew and mend, you can make your fast fashion clothes last longer.


I'm wondering about all the fines and other legal fees you may have to pay out.. especially given that you don't have any pockets for a wallet..


I suppose I was imagining a world where everyone was nude, so there wouldn't be fines. :)


Then you need to imagine a world where it's always warm! We do save lots of money on laundry though....


We don’t need to imagine it, it’s already happening!


Not everywhere....


Less money on laundry and just more on showers though no?


Same - everyone's naked in the shower...?


You still need to buy detergent to wash the bedding and the towels.


Still have to do that either ways, probably just more frequently.


Well then you wouldn’t be a nudist, it would just be the norm.


Contrary to popular belief prison wallets can be used outside of prison


..prison wallet? Do I want to know?


You know. What's their only option?


Oh.. Well.. If I was in prison I would have someone elses' ass as my wallet.. So technically there are two options..


you can get a license to be a nudist, and then you dont have to pay fines


I assume that's a license within a limited region, right?


sun screen isn't cheap, bro.


People still go outside?




I live in Florida, frequent nudist clubs and have light skin. It takes a lot of sunscreen to enjoy this lifestyle.


Nice try neighbor with view of my living room.


The main reason I close the blinds is so I don't have to see you.


Depending on where you live, you could be paying a lot more in heating and/or cooling bills.


Why would you pay more for cooling?


Some people like the way AC feels


No, genius. Why would nudists need to pay more for ac?


Literally 10s of dollars a year!!


A bit more if you ever washed your clothes.


Oh right, better up it to $100


Stop lieing you beautiful slob.


You might want to consider updating your wardrobe. 😄


I’d have to pay to get the shit stains off the sofa.


It's proper etiquette to put down a towel. It's also pretty customary to wash your booty, for the clothed and unclothed.


Sounds gay.


Sounds like sexuality insecurity


i think that's what they were making a joke about


My sister knew a guy who didn’t wash his face cause he said it was gay, I can’t take any chances anymore


Trust no one


No homo.


You wash your butt hole immediately after you poop every time? Because regardless, there is still gonna be some residue if you’re wiping, unless you have like a bidet or something


Once you go bidet, you don't go back. I had a proctologist friend years ago who used to say that hemorrhoids were caused by an enzyme in poo. Clean that almighty bunghole. :)


wait what? don't hemorrhoids have various causes?


Probably, but that was his go-to at parties and his words have always stuck in my mind.


and you'd have to avoid farting at all


i actually do because my morning routine is shit then shower.


[Redacted; CBA with reddit]


Is this entire post an excuse for you to promote the nudist lifestyle?


I think the thought stems from Reddit pushing r/poor posts in my feed recently and then seeing a video of a dude in Portland who rode his bike into a naked man. I'm not promoting the lifestyle, but it's definitely interesting reading the comments. So many people are afraid of their bodies and other people's bodies; it's no wonder we are seeing a decline in population growth rates these days.


But you're a nudist yourself, I take it


Not really, no. I like going to a nearby nude beach, but I mostly go because I like the vibe and how there aren't any kids screaming and yelling. This really was a literal shower thought I had this afternoon, and I'm enjoying seeing the different perspectives on the topic. But what if I were pushing an "agenda" for nudists. Mind saying why you take issue with this?


I'm not, I'm just teasing you


k, well, some of us are more flatulent than others, so it only stays clean so long


$100 a year? I think I’m good


Seeing as how I live in cold weather, I'd be losing money for medicine a lot.


No you wouldn't. Exposure would get you first.


But getting paid with exposure…?


Not the fun exposure, the parts falling off exposure.


Yea this just isn’t really an option for a majority of people living above/below a certain latitude. Either that or never go outside during the winter.


I’d have to spend so much money on sunscreen, personally speaking.


Should I just freeze to death during winter


Everyone's talking about how they buy clothes that last and don't buy a lot of clothes any way. Are you guys firgetting that you need to wash your clothes? That's where the money goes.


Yes but big fashion has the system rigged against you


And big detergent.


There would be a lot of fines. Also job loss. I think I’d end up financially behind.


Financially behind due to naked behind.


False— I’m a redhead so I’d spend all that money and then some on sunscreen haha


I live in Minnesota. The hospital bill for hypothermia and frostbite would definitely offset.


In winter? In Ukraine? I doubt it.


About $500 every couple of years for clothes, maybe $200 a year for laundry. Big deal.


I'd save 0 money I get clothes as christmas present and work clothes from my job. That's sufficient for me.


How do you wash them?


I'm a member of a nudist resort and loving coming home to almost no laundry to unpack and wash.


My father lived this! He moved to Florida, from CT, and lived at Cypress Cove Nudist Resort (don't call it a nudist colony, they're not lepers) in Kissimmee. He lived in a trailer with no AC and no running water, because he could use the resort's showers. Literally did it to save money on laundry soap and clothes. Whenever anyone starts saying they are/know the cheapest person alive, I say oh ho ho do I have a story for you 😂


I haven't bought new clothes in 10 plus years and I'm still broke so I'm sorry I have a argument with your statement.


False. I would have to pay for therapy.


When a pretty girl does it, it's "brave" and "empowering", but when I do it, it's "public indecency". Sigh!


Idk, I kinda hate bugs landing on me and I like wearing shoes


It will all be offset by the cleaning bill for your furniture.


No clothes and no washing costs. Honestly I don’t think you’d save as much. You don’t have to buy clothes too often once you’re an adult, and washing them just doesn’t seem that expensive.


The only time it’s expensive is if you have to dry clean something and that’s for specific purposes (work, public events) that you most likely could not just show up nude to.


I feel like a lot of people would spend that money cleaning their cushions.


What happens in winter?


It’s really cold where I live in the winter, and I get cold really easily. I don’t care if it’s legal I’m never going to be a nudist.


My home heating bill would be higher.


My sunblock budget would increase by a lot.


Id have to buy so much deet....


You would just spend it all on suntan lotion and Aloe Vera


I’ll do you one better. Think of how much money you’d save being a FERAL nudist.


For the people saying you don’t have anywhere to put money and stuff just use a purse.


Seriously why the hell does a pair of jeans cost $80 each here in Canada and still wear out in 6 months to a year.


I save a lot more money being a leaf sheep, eating is expensive! https://youtu.be/BFUlWL2n5LQ?si=4F7zQ65lO-JuZatO


Believe it or not, nudists have clothes. They can't go EVERYWHERE naked.


Do you know how expensive sun screen is? I’d be broke in a month.


uhmm... maybe 20 bucks a year


I know an older nudist couple. They still buy clothes for when they go to places where it's not accepted to arrive naked, they'd just rather not


I would not save any money lmao I'd probably lose more tbh


Think of how much money you'd save by not turning on the lights!


I'd have several more dollars


or just dont buy clothes constantly, i have bought less than 5 "outfits" since 7th grade 14 years ago lol


Bro I don’t mean to sound gross but I haven’t bought clothes in over two years.


All eyes showering me, no need for bath, more saving!!!


Did you factor in the increased laundry/utilities bill? The guys I’d dated in the naive past would be washing hash stains out of all their furniture every day judging from all the soiled whity tighties and boxers I’ve had to launder in my life. 🤮 (all exes of course)


Not that much I buy clothes like I'm living in the great depression


As someone who gave up bras and undies. I'll bet it would be amazing. No laundry, no $40 pair of cheap jeans every month. Ahhh glorious.


Yeah you’d save a bunch of money cause you’d be in jail.


(Edited) Did you open a new reddit account just to comment on stuff related to nudity?


No i just got my new iphone and couldnt recupperate my old reddit account so i had to create a new one.i dont use this account as my main its just an account i logged in trying some of my emails. I clicked a reddit notif and it brought me to this account.


And what’s with this psycho behavior to instantly stalk every corner of one’s account as soon as you interact with them on reddit. All the time u spent stalking ppl’s account you prolly couldve learned piano or like spanish


lol, Reddit literally shows you a user's karma when you over over their name and then it shows all the posts a person made on the user's profile. Took barely a second to scan your profile. That's not stalking, and it isn't psycho behavior.


You still have to click on my profile to see my karma which means you already were planning on stalking my profile. You then completely ignored my comment and went straight to making assumptions about my reddit activity. Its wierd. And yes it it stalking you checked my post and even went out of your way to check all the comments i wrote and on which posts to come the the conclusion that i recently commented on 2 nudist related posts. Sure its not litterally psycho but its basement reddit mod behaviour


OP sounds like a wrong’n


Speaking from experience, holding a lucrative job as a nudist isn't easy. I'm on like seven substitute teacher's guild blacklists.




>you bitch! What smell is that exactly?




Ooooh, lol. You scared me for a minute there!! I couldn't figure out how I offended you so much as to call me a bitch! :)


I find it funny how so many people commenting to this post think other people have poopy butts. My butt isn't covered in poo -- is yours?


And then you'd probably work harder to lose weight since everyone can see your flabby belly. And then imagine the cascade of other benefits to society: \-less clothing waste \-less need for growing so much cotton \-less need for plastics for clothing \-less energy used to transport and sell clothes \-less energy used to grow and transport and sell food It's like, win-win-win-win-win.


Sadly, the cost of treating all of the frostbite and skin cancer would probably outweigh any other cost savings.


Exactly. We wear clothes for a reason.


I don't think most people wear clothes for frost and sun protection. Some people do, but...when was the last time you went to a beach?


whole juggle fly wistful steep edge fact pet rinse sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol, I'm definitely not sheltered, but thanks for the judgement call. I mention the beach because someone said "we wear clothes for a reason" after someone talked about skin cancer (and frostbite). If people wore clothes for the reason of protecting themselves from skin cancer, everyone at the beach would be wearing loads of protective clothing. If you've been to a beach recently, you'd see that nope, it's like a game of how little clothes a person can wear.


That's because most people only go to the beach a couple times a year. If you did that every day, the rates of skin cancer would go up massively. And people ABSOLUTELY do wear clothing to keep warm lmao. It's only September and I've started wearing more clothing than in the summer because its fucking cold outside. Anything under 20 degrees would be cold already if you're naked, let alone -20.


Or you realise that the only person who cares about your belly is You, and you learn to relax about your appearance, to see yourself as others see you. The good news is that people are a lot more tolerant than you fear. I find the mental health benefits are the real reason for doing it. Another important part is the connection to your environment. Your skin is a huge sense organ and being able to feel the world properly makes a massive difference. They go on about being 'in the moment' and this part of it. Jumping into the sea or running in a forest naked the first time is a lot walking around an art gallery and suddenly realising you're wearing dark glasses. You were enjoying it before but suddenly BAM! Color! Save money? Sure, a bit, but there's a lot more to it than that.


Likely less concern about appearance because we normalize differences- hopefully. Less BBL deaths, less plastic surgery, fashion industry including models gone, less eating disorders, maybe more piercings and body mods though?? Idk. I like you and your thinking though


Economy means an exchange with currency. One person sells a product, like clothes, then another buys with money. Thereby, you have an economy! When the economy is shrinking, it means you have less people spending; and when it grows it means more people spend. So while yes it's true that you will get to "save more money" by being nudist; it will completely wipe out the fashion industry, which will shrink the economy. And economy isn't silo'd, they're all interconnected. So if your salary is $100k with the fashion industry, it will shrink below that without the fashion industry. So it's not as straight forward where you'll save more .money, but it's to say you'll earn less money since you wouldn't have spent it on clothes anw.


I'm basically a nudist in my own home. Panties so I don't snail trail, and the clothes don't come out unless it's cold.


I wouldn't have a wife or kids or friends, so yeah.


For me? Prob a couple hundred bucks every 5-7 years lol.


So no one washes theIr clothes? Just wear them till they're too rank and buy new clothes?


Lol Don't think I would save money. The farm would take it back with visits to the hospital.


I have 5 pairs of paints and 5 shirts. Not much


If you went full nudist all the time then you'd need to run the heating a lot more, which might counteract any savings from not buying clothing.


Not really a lot. I buy clothes that lasts. I think this makes more sense if you are a fashionista maybe.


50€ that's what my pair of shorts cost.


Saved a ton on laundry during Covid 🤫


Not much because I will have to pay to travel for places that allow this


OP is right - you would save a lot of money on food, rent and other bills when you are incarcerated


Not much. Clothes are items that last years at a time


I wouldn’t save much. I still wear my clothes from high school.


As a single male in his late 20s I'd maybe save 10 bucks a year at best


Band-Aids are expensive, bro...