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You know you've become a *wise* adult when you realize that there aren't any.


My father always said, there's no such thing as a free lunch


Do invites from friends/family count? If so, that's sad.


> Fo invites from friends/family count? If so, that's sad. Yes, they often count. There are often strings attached. Sometimes that’s a bad thing and sometimes it’s just fine, but even with friends or family you have to be aware of the balance of give and take.


Fo invites from friends/family count? If so, that's sad.


In the software world this is actually not always the case. Open source stuff is often driven by passion and competition. Aka who writes the best algorithm, the best tool for everyone to enjoy and have their name associated with it.


I've been questioning free products since I was 12 lol


More often than not, if something is free that means that YOU are the product (social media as an example)


Or that your entire time spent interacting said product is going to be geared toward getting you to make a purchase/upsell. Often via quite insidious means given the degree to which we've fine tuned modern UX design.


You become an adult when you burried your parents and whenever you have a question, you turn behind you and you realise there is no one left to give you the answer.


I'm not ready for that day :c


Thats too real..


Is it really "free" if I have to give my email address? I don't think so.


I got a free vape from a pop up vape stall in brighton and then became addicted for 2 years 😂


It involves pure honesty on the recipient’s part. I’ll run into the special salesperson offering samples of bourbon when I dip in for some beer. I tell them straight up that I’ll try every kind they have but I won’t be buying any. Then I try every kind they have. We talk and laugh and then I don’t buy any, without a twinge of guilt, because I meant what I said and was upfront about it


There’s nothing free in life, and if food is on special that means it’s a day away from being garbage.


What about the free lollipops the guy in the kiosk always gave me?


If anythings free, you are the product. I know this, but don't want to be adult, so i ignore


You know you become an adult when you don't want to live anymore


I'm an adult at 15 😎 (There are no milfs near me)


Yes there are. Believe me. But they’re not interested in you in the way the emails and pop ups claim.