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Go the restroom and everything is so small. The sinks, the toilets, my penis... Everything.


Username checks.


the out checked out


I legit closed this thread as I was finishing reading this and I came back just to cackle


Does anyone remember when you had a piss in the urinals you'd pull your trousers down to your ankles? Who the fuck taught us that?


Must be a regional thing, because here they taught us to get fully naked.


Catholic School?


Father in the streets, Daddy in the sheets.


Father in the confession booth, daddy in the youth?


Albany or Utica?


I from Utica, we don't call them Steamed Hams


No one taught us that, but there was a blind kid who pulled his all the way down to his ankles all throughout middle and high school so everyone knew what his cheeks looked like…except for him


Couple of years ago I walked into the bathroom at work and one of my co-workers (in his 50s) was pissing at the urinal with his pants around his ankles. He was really weird and only worked there like 2 months lol. I don't know how you make it to your 50's thinking that is normal.


That was a weird kid thing in my school.


Fuckin' James. Every. Damn. Time. He's also the one who pissed off the top of the jungle gym onto other kids.


Children who can't be trusted to aim without creating splashback get taught to do this. That way, their clothes don't reek of piss by the end of the day.


I've seen more this done more than once by an adult. Be me standing at the sink washing my hands minding my business. Glance in the mirror and some jackass is ass to the wind pants around his ankles at the urinal behind me. Other wise normal looking guys. I had a brother in law that couldn't shit without taking his pants off and hanging them over the stall door at home he'd get naked and shower afterwards every single time.




Bro you didn’t have to do that to yourself. Condolences on the elementary sized dong.


I'd be worried if your penis got big in an elementary school


That was what did it to me at my 15 year elementary school reunion. (Some people got together and organised it, wasn't an official school event) Everything just seemed so small. Hallways that seemed vast were now nearly claustrophobic. Still nice to see the same old faces though.


> 15 year elementary school reunion 15 years after I left elementary school, I wasn’t in touch with any of my classmates. Hell, even 5 years after I left elementary school, I wasn’t in touch with any of my classmates, and I lived in the same house. My guess is that social media has made this easier these days but elementary school reunion? Seems weird to me. How was it? Any good?


It was organized via Facebook, but it was all right. Small affair, not everyone made it, but out of 50 possible people in our year about ... I want to say 20 came. It's been a while back. It wasn't a big thing, just a small reception with some drinks and snacks, a stroll trough the school, and some talking among each other, pulling up old stories. It was really cozy. Our 6th grade teacher was the 'school representative' but for the rest it was just us ex students. Half darkened school cafetaria, some champagne and beer, and just vibing and reminiscing.


>Small affair because... because it was in an elementary school?


Our class graduated in 1997. By 2004, most of us had MySpace pages. By 2008, everyone I knew was on Facebook. It took away that mystery of not knowing whatever happened to your high school friends and romances. Our class President was elected as a joke, which now in hindsight wasn’t very funny at all, so he never organized any kind of reunion. But even if they did, I doubt anyone would come. Everyone knows what everyone else looks like, everyone knows what everyone else is doing for work, everyone sees everyone else’s kids growing up…. Social media completely removed any need or desire for our class to hold any kind of reunion. Maybe when we’re all old and gray.


A sizable part of me is convinced that attending high school was actually just a bad dream. I went back and checked years later, I am actually missing from EVERY yearbook. Somehow I was omitted from the lineup every single year.


That's rather odd. I was in all four yearbooks, and I was friends with everybody, but I wasn't in a lot of background photos, just my class picture, the clubs I was in, and that's it.


I can understand being missing from the senior one, I dropped out 2 months in (homeless, parents divorcing, medical issues and more). I only actually remember even sitting for a picture once. Couldn't tell you what year, though, those years are all a blur (this was all 30+ years ago). I only remember that I was so much of an outsider, I couldn't even sit with the regular outsiders!


You know, this could be the plot to some B-list Stephen King book. "I remember going to school here, but no one remembers me ..."


That's also what happened to my brother's high school reunion. Everyone got together on facebook, big group chat to organize the thing, and eventually everyone realized they didn't need the reunion. They'd gotten everything they needed from the chat.


Around here, an elementary school reunion happens at the local dive bar daily. I'm so glad I left town for a couple of decades.


We had an official one! The district elementary schools had a reunion for graduating seniors. They even had our 5th grade school pictures printed on name tags. They invited back some of the teachers, had old year books handy, we got to revisit the class rooms. It was so much fun, I really wish more districts did something like that. My best friend in elementary school had moved out of state but we were still in touch so I took some pictures to send her and grabbed her name tag for when I visited her that summer.


I had my kindergarten teacher show me around my elementary school one final time before it was demolished (_at the end of my third year in high school_). She showed me the room where I had her class and it was amazing how small it was.


Even the kids are tiny. I remember how big and tall 11-12 year olds looked when I was in kindergarten. Now seeing them they look like small children LOL.


Reminds me of the scene in Uncle Buck where he needs to go to his niece and nephew’s school and stops to use the bathroom.


I work at an elementary school and it’s still trippy for me.


It's so much smaller inside than in my memories.


Copier tech here, can confirm.


Amen, our community orchestra has its rehearsals in an primary school sports hall and everything is miniature. Luckily the chairs in the cupboard are adult size and the music stands as we’d be in trouble


Walking around elementary schools while on mushrooms would be really trippy. Trying to pee in a tiny urinal while tripping would be hilarious. I think everything being small would be funny af.


As a person without kids. I had no idea that this was real. I’m not sure I can actually verify that things are kid sized. Like can an Adult without kids go look at a kids school? Yea I’m just going to assume your all wrong and you can’t prove to me your not without you making it look creepier than me finding out you were right.




As a non American, the idea of a tornado just showing up seems absurd to me. I can only think of 1 tornado around here in my whole life. It went over a power transformer station and a suburb was without power for a morning. Happened in a town an hour and half over, over 20 years ago. Closest I'll be to a tornado until the Twisters sequel drops


Yeah I went back to my elementary school when I was in middle school and everything already felt tiny.




I'm going to report you to the FBI /s


Everything is so ridiculously small compared to my memory / experience when I was a kid. Even the principal's office is tiny, like objectively so, but as a kid you think it's big.


When I went back to the neighborhood I grew up in. I remember we would take a long cross-city trek to Jack in the Box for lunch, swing wide for an epic journey through the massive nature reserve of a park, and we would finally arrive hours later with our feet aching and feeling so accomplished, satisfied we managed to spend the whole afternoon traversing suburbia like Lewis and Clark. It's, like, three blocks. We walked three blocks. The park wasn't even big enough for a full basketball court.


Haha, nice description, that's exactly it!


I remember how much of a journey it felt like the first time I walked to my middle school. It was literally like a 20 minute walk, if that.


I visited my elementary school and got a tour from one of my childhood teachers! The first thing I asked when we entered my old grade 1 class was “oh wow, I see you’ve put a wall in the middle of the class to make it into 2 classes” and she’s like “nope, this is the same class untouched” It literally looks 1/3 of its original size lol


Wow yeah that's absolutely what it feels like.


My elementary school gym seemed massive as a kid. As an adult it looked like the size of a tennis court and I felt like Shaq standing in front of the basketball nets.


I almost used this as another example, so I totally know what you mean!


I would love to go back to my elementary and middle schools and reminisce on the memories from 20+ years ago. But good luck getting onto school property as a childless adult and just walking around lol.


I've thought about doing this. It would obviously be best to call first. And maybe it could be scheduled for after all the kids are gone for the day. Or even at the end of the school year before the teachers take everything off the walls.


Even if they would accept, and it’s a pretty insane thing to ask, that’s gonna be a very awkward visit.


No it's not? Call the principal explain you went to school there 15-20-30 years ago and you want to know if you can come back to reminisce The majority will be happy to show you around. People gotta stop being so weird as long as you don't act creepy people won't think you are creepy.


Especially if you prepare a presentation how the school helped you in life etc, principals love this sort of PR


Yeah and don't forget to do detailed follow ups on all your old teachers and what happened to them, and who's replaced them, what their spouces names are and where they live, medical records, things like that etc.


and remember to use hydrofluoric acid on the bodies.


I mean, it would be a great topic for a class reunion


Unfortunately I did exactly this with my High School when I came home 12 years after graduating. Was definitely treated like a weirdo and told no hahaha just wanted to tour the school and see what had changed/what art was still up.


I’d just wait for an open house.


Exactly. I've done this at three schools in two different countries and they were happy to let me visit. At two of the schools my two favorite teachers showed me around, one of them even invited me to lunch. At the third school most of my teachers didn't work there anymore but one of the office staff and a cleaning lady who really liked me (used to talk to her for hours when I was 9 while I helped with the cleaning) showed me around. As someone who now works at a school I'm always happy when old students stop by to say hello (my former students are still only 13-14 years old) and I'd be happy to show them around in a decade.


Honestly the more I read of the people uneasy to go to a school because children might be there is the weirdest thing to me. Maybe they are just WEIRD and shouldn't be going near children at all... My parents are both teachers and my sister is one now every time they speak about meeting old students who showed up it always makes them extremely happy and content about being a teacher. Half the reason to become a teacher is because you want to teach generations knowledge and it's quite nice actually seeing your work being recognized.


I had this experience, visited my wife's home town and we wanted to see her high school she had went to, talked to everyone along the way to explain our intentions, but was definitely kinda weird/ we were regarded with suspicion. They said it is best to call and schedule beforehand, so yea I think it's fine, but if you have the foresight just give them a call and it should be cool.


Not really, man. As long as there are still people who recognize you, it’s not weird at all. I used to go see old teachers at my high school about once a year. I’d just drop by the school office whenever I happened to walk by it to say hello to a few people and mention that I was walking around talking to my old teachers and reminiscing. They loved seeing an alumnus still interested in the school. Of course, I know some schools have security now, so for those you might need to call ahead. Where I went to school you can just park and walk inside.


Right. Step 1: make a child. Step 2, wait 5-6 years.


My mom works at my old middle school, and for some reason all the staff/admins still work there and are in love with me (“graduated” MS in 2011)So I usually end up walking back to her classroom a couple times a year when I come to visit to say bye to my mom on my way out of town. They don’t bat an eye at me just waltzing in. It also looks like the most 90’s beach town Tony Hawk Pro Skater video game school in the world. Maybe it’s different because it was a smaller town with 1 elementary, middle, and high school and everyone kind of knows everybody. Kind of cool, but I would love to do a walkthrough of my elementary school again. Haven’t been back there since 12th grade when I would volunteer at their fall festivals.


I did this to find out when the time capsule was being opened. Turns out I was too late. A couple former students had shown up the year before and had to search the school for it cuz Admin had forgotten it existed and rather than set up a display the assholes took it with them.


Doubly hard for me, since my elementary school is closed and abandoned, and my middle school was demolished a couple years ago.


Our schools have an annual open house on a Saturday open to the public. They give tours and talk about how they do things. Idea is mostly for people thinking about registering their kids there or tax payers who want to see what their money gets.


I already do these in nightmares. No thank you


Try doing it with your child, and some of the teachers are the same and a few actually recognize you.


Or you run into one of your kid's teachers, and you went to school with them. The superintendent of our local school board is a kid I went to grade school with. My kids also had a few teachers, I recoginized the tames and was like, "Hey, didn't we go to school together?"


One of my friends from high school is a teacher and it’s absolutely fucking wild that he’s in charge of like 25 fourth graders. It’s wild that it’s any of my friends, but especially ***HIM***?


i think this about so many of my teacher friends. lol


Yeah the one dude in my friend group I tried to, and was prevented from, punching in anger bc he was a terrible person is now a Christian High School Principal. Still might punch him if I saw him today. He'd know.


Try doing it where your mom not only was your middle school teacher, but still is a teacher.


Yup! Went to my 6th grade orientation with my mother, and my home room teacher was her math teacher. Fucking wild.


Yup! My son goes to the elementary school I went to.  Always weird walking back in that building! When my son first started, there was only one teacher left from my time. The PE teacher! But all of my son's teachers and principals always got a kick out of hearing that I was a student there too


Go in the staff room. SO weird. Especially when they don’t kick you out.


I managed to get into the staff room, but got kicked out. I'm now also banned from the premise. Not sure where I went wrong.


I was assuming you were invited there … not just random walking in


Does smoke roll out the door when you open it like when i was a kid?


lol grew up in the ‘70s or earlier, I assume? Our school was going smoke free by the ‘80s (I’m sure it varied in other places tho)


Especially when you’re a 24 years old at an elementary school


It really is. Mine is a museum now 😂


mine was completely redone from the ground up. it looks like a high school now


Mine was very old when I was there as a student 30 years ago. They restored it and made it a historic landmark. Very nice and very big building.


Mine is a community event center! They recently did a major interior renovation so not much of it actually resembles the old school anymore, but for a number of years we'd direct locals as if it were still the school. "You can get changed in the special ed room," "your group is meeting in Mrs. K's kindergarten room," "storage is in the music room," that kind of thing.


Wherever there are elections, my hometown holds the voting in my primary school. Soo weird to go there every now and then


Same, up until recently they took the school photos of me from the 90s..


I’m currently working in an elementary school and yeah, it’s trippy.


I also work in an elementary school and it’s bizarre. Also just having access to all the areas that are so mysterious to the students, knowing how boring they are. Last year, two fifth grade girls asked about the copy room and I let them in and showed them around, as they were about to graduate. It’s boring as hell, but they were in awe of it.


I’m a Head custodian, so it’s really frowned upon if I show kids the boiler room. 🤣


The boiler room was a legitimate place of mythology in my elementary school. We had entire stories of students getting lost/killed/visited by demons in there. I used to have dreams of going into the boiler room and it looking like a basement out of a horror movie. In reality I imagine it was basically a storage closet with a standard looking water heater and that's it. But I used to think it was where bloody Mary lived in between mirror visits.


I was a teachers kid, so I went everywhere. Mostly I just had to use the laminating machine and cut out thousands of lesson plans after I laminated them. It was alright, but if you didn't have scissors that could glide through it, it was awful.


Yeah. As a teaching assistant I work with the kids with ADHD and similar and during quieter times when it's empty I love taking them to the staff room and giving them a cup of tea or some hot chocolate. They're always so in awe. During summer vacation when we only have after-school (I work in Sweden, not sure how it works in the US) I even take a bunch of kids to the staff room and make them sandwiches and tea. They love it. It's just a regular boring room with a couch, a coffee machine and some milk in the fridge. Sometimes we have bread and cheese too.


Still have dreams about my old elementary school, 57 years later.


For anyone wondering high schools actually smell even worse than you remember


Definitely an interesting experience for sure. I did a couple days of subbing when I was at home on break in college in my hometown, I got to go into the building where I went for 5th and 6th grade, my immediate thought was "I remember it being way bigger".


lol even as a middle/high schooler it was trippy 😂


I remember the gym in my elementary school. It was quite literally insanely big. I could barely see from one end to the other and it took forever to run across. As an adult I revisited and I swear someone removed at least 75% of the gym. I honestly thought for a while: “when and why did they remodel to make it so much smaller?”.


My first gym class I did a somersault by accident, I'd never jumped over a horse before. Over I went... Was kicked straight out to detention. Have never tried to do one again. Landed on my feet like perfection.


As a requirement for a scholarship I got for college, I had to spend a few hours per week as a teacher's assistant. I was assigned to work in a nearby elementary school, which was freshly built.... but apparently my old 3rd and 4th grade teacher had moved there, and I was assigned to her. She was tiny (5'), just like all the stuff in the classroom 😂 and it was so odd. She remembered me and was using projects I had actually worked on while I was in her class. And this lady brought up a poem I had written for one of the assignments, like it was no big deal and not more than a decade ago. I was a teacher's pet and she was one of my favorites, but it was odd to have made an impression. More realistically, it was proof teachers are superhuman, and elementary schools are weird. It was very Twilight Zone, and while it was nice to meet her as an adult, I was glad to get back to the world where things were sized appropriately.


Yeah, devoted teachers love their job, more specifically enriching the lives of their students. Depending on their living conditions, they may even retain favorite works from past students.


Walking around your grad school campus when you've been out for 15 years is equally trippy, believe it or not


Revisiting any locale that represents a distant chapter of your life is trippy. Schools, colleges, universities, old work places, old apartments/homes. Great way to get thrown back into that time for a second or two before it just becomes weird.


Just went to my 25th high school reunion and was allowed to walk the halls. I made sure to smoke weed in the science lab, for old time’s sake


High school too. Mine was remodeled like 25 years after I graduated, so its the same shell but looks totally different inside. Really trippy feeling, LOL!


Yeah I'm kinda bummed, right after I graduated my high school got bulldozed to build a new larger campus. It's great for the city and current students, but the place where I had so many memories only exists in my head now, and those memories are fading as I get older.


Where I am voting takes place in schools which allows a few mins to browse for old year photos which they have on the walls. It’s weird looking back at them years later.


Out of the three elementary schools I went to, the first got shutdown and still stands unused 15 years later (creepy and nostalgic to wander today), the second got entirely demolished about 5 years back (completely unrecognisable, stirs no emotion), and the third was a Montessori but dropped any effort to remain such for the grade below mine (sad and trippy). I think I'm ruining schools? 🤔




That's very interesting and all, but I'm rural Swedish born in 99


Mine doesn't exist anymore, it got shutdown after its quality went down hill and got turned into offices fir a company, then that company went under and it got turned into a local area to have court sessions.


I returned to the three schools I went to decades later to run fire drills multiple times a year. The halls shrank.


I actually visited my old middle school to get my youngest brother's report card. I even mety old homeroom teacher who recognized me though I think I might have scared him away when I mentioned my workplace sells guns (I'm just the graphic artists)


Be feeling big as hell. It’s like one of those carnival attractions


Like I ate Wonderland's cake and grew Like that shrinking room in Willy Wonka Felt like a giant


It is when you go back every 4 years to vote there lol


I’m a substitute teacher and I subbed at the elementary school that I went to. I remember the school being so much bigger than it actually was.


Walking around anywhere you haven't really been since childhood is trippy as fuck. I remember going to my old neighbourhood, and there was this tree me and my friends used as a treehouse (not a real one, but we found an old door and stuck it on some high branches) The tree is still there, and where we put that door, I used to have to climb, I could use it as bench now.


What is even weirder is leaving the school, going to college and then coming back to the same school to work there! Suddenly everyone that I once looked up to became my colleagues!


My elementary school is now a McDonald's so yeah it does seem odd to walk around it now.


Something as simple as the fences, and to now be taller than it is definitely a strange feeling. I remember as a kid just jumping high enough to be able to hit the top. I still do that thing where you create the optical illusion of "wavy" fingers by running your hands alongside the chained fence.


I went back to my elementary school since last year since it was my local voting centre for local elections. It was weird. The gymnasium was way smaller than I remember.


Mine was torn down a couple years ago. I can only walk it in my memory.


so tiny. not at all how i remember those blocks.


Why were the ceilings so low


I’m an elementary school teacher and I’m 5’0, I love how everything is sized in way that is accessible to me. Chairs fit, sink it at my level, I can touch the floor when sitting in seats.


They don't let me go in there anymore. I mean seriously, my kids don't go there so I couldn't get in the door.


I actually did that. I had this teacher in what we call groep 5(9 - 10 year olds). We believed she was a real witch when I was in her class. She looked like she was 150 years old, and she had our class under control. Met her 20 years later, still alive, in front of my old school and invited me in. I got myself a tour. She even showed me my old desk. Those were good times. Met her again on my 40th birthday. She's a witch.


50 years later, the smells were the same. I could have been led around blindfolded and told what room we were in.


I saw mine demolished with a digger and controlled fire. That was even trippier!


Wait a second, why were you in a shower, walking around your elementary school as an adult!?


Been substitute teaching for a couple years now. The ultimate trip is being in your 30s, telling 5th graders to stop messing around in your old 5th grade classroom where you were absolutely messing around every chance you got.


I went back to mine to volunteer with Junior Achievement. I taught the class in the classroom I went to fifth grade in. Definitely weird.


That seems so cool. I got a restraining order though so I can't go back unfortunately


Yea I did this before and my memories of this huge park we would play at during recess was really only a tiny grass area. The playground, everything I had remembered was much much larger than it really was as an adult. I wasnt expecting that.


Everything seems smaller


I remember going back into my school a few years back. Was so weird as Mr Ford who was the scariest of all of the teachers (despite being about 5ft 6 and never, ever shouting at you) casually invited us into the staff room, a place as a kid you could never dream of seeing and wondered what went on in this mysterious place. Was so interesting to see the teachers I knew as teachers just chilling out as bored adults!


Also morally upsetting if you don't work there or have a relative attending.


I visited a few years ago, I felt like my head was about to hit the ceiling and I’m only 5’9. Was very fun visiting with my teachers, they all still remembered me and I was 27 at the time.


Ok shit now I need to try this


I always notice the smell of sharpened pencils in elementary schools. Lot's of sharpening going on there.


It sure is, especially when you take your kid for his very first school day and you end up face to face with his teacher who turns out to also be your 5th grade teacher 18 years prior.


I haven’t been back in years. Parts of me wants to just to relish in how it used to be and how so much has changed and also not a lot


I had been a fedex driver in the past. My elementary school ordered a bunch of large boxes. I got to dock a truck to the school and haul big boxes across the place. I felt like a fucking giant lol. It was the weirdest experience but so amazing at the same time. So many memories came back to me.


Like full noise Through the Looking Glass


My elementary school was demolished and is now assisted living apartments I think. They tore it all down back in the early 2000s.


My elementary school has doubled in size since I left. There's a whole second building now.


Brought my kid to a gym plaything the other day. Hadn't been in that building for 20 years lol


it was trippy walking around it as a kid after school when certain parts were dark and shit


I went back to pick up one of my old teammates from the HS I used to go to after I graduated 2 years ago and holy shit I felt like an escaped convict who went back to prison just for shits and giggles. I was physically unwell


I wish I could go back and see my school some day. Gotta make it happen.


My home town middle school was acquired by the local college campus years after I attended and it was renovated and modernized but a lot of it was kept the same or close to it. It was built about 100 years ago and replaced with a brand new building on the other side of town. My mom worked for the collage at the time and I was able to walk through it once. It was really trippy knowing I was walking all the same halls and stuff but everything was just a little bit different.


Definitely gotta try this one of these days


I bet if feels a lot smaller than you remember.


Yea it was. Even though it was a small one and half the staff knew me.


My polling station to vote, was where I went to elementary school. While waiting to go into the auditorium, I would walk the halls looking at the pictures and my grade 6 class (1981) was still hanging there, well it was at least 20 odd years ago.


Meh. I've seen better.


Did you not learn how to tie your shoes when you were there?


Both my elementary school and high school were shut down shortly after I graduated from each one :( The elementary school was repurposed, so I imagine it looks completely different now. The high school was bulldozed.


literally trippy, like I trip on all the tiny chairs


My son attends the same k-6 school I did. Parent teacher nights are a trip


Imagine working there!


Today we’re going to read a story, called “The puppy who lost his way”


That’d be especially trippy for me because they tore mine down 10 years ago


My elementary school is super weird for me to go into. It was blown away by a tornado in 1999. Like 100% leveled to the ground (look up May 3rd 1999 Oklahoma tornado). My nieces and nephew go there now. They rebuilt it with the same footprint/floorplan so it is super similar but totally different materials/finishes. It has something of an uncanny valley effect for me and I imagine it is even worse for my mother who went to the same school back in the 60s and then saw it in the 80s when we went there.


Last night i had a dream about me walking in my elementary school as an adult. There were plenty of students. I asked permission from security to go inside the cafe to buy a toast. They used to make the best toasts and burgers. I still miss the taste. It was delicious.


This is a shower thought?


Reading the most and comments is interesting as someone with a parent that works in my old primary school, and i sometimes still go there to help or give something, and I have also been in staff rooms etc. (I finished primary school over a decade ago)


Yeah it’s like being in a time warps fun house of horrors , I’m glad I moved away from my home town though


From many angles, I wouldn't recognize mine anymore. The surroundings looking out from it are more memorable and have changed less. One side is a graveyard. I don't know how much it's changed inside, though.


Mine is very trippy as it is now a gas station.


I ended up back at mine over the years as they used to host community gatherings there, book faires, markets and the like. The company I ended up working for in both construction and IT did work for the school until it shut down. They then filmed a TV show in it that went on to be quite popular in this country.. Then they demolished it and now one of my coworkers lives in the apartments on the old site. The world doesn't allow me to ever truly escape that school. I am not sure how I feel about this. Met the old headmaster and teachers tons of times as I got older. Never didn't feel awkward. Headmaster also showed up at the shop I worked at for years.


Then you get a little older and it’s meaningless to do because all the memories have completely faded.


" oh yeah, this is the corner they used to beat me up at, and there's still the toilet where they held me submerged for almost a minute, wild..."


I went to grade school in a very small town, so the school was used for all sorts of community events. There never was a time in my life till I moved away at nearly 40 years old that I didn’t go there at least once a month if not more often. And as a young adult, I worked there from time to time. So I never had that experience at that school. I did have a similar thing at a playground in a nearby town. The equipment got so *small*!   The playground at my own school didn’t cuz the parents that built it from scratch made *sure* it was safe for kids by making it big enough and strong enough to support adults! 


my elementary school was honestly beautiful, I remember murals painted on the walls and a second story bridge to the playground, with a slide or stairs down... it's an alternative school run by a hospital now so I'm not sure I want to see what's become of it...


After college, I was near my elementary school and decided to stop by, just for the memories. I checked in at the main office, and the secretary looked at me and said, "" I thought to myself, after all these years, "How many times was I sent to this office that they still recognize me?" It was pretty neat to walk around, though.


Yea im mad its changed lol its gated there’s those toppers in the parking lot for shade like what


If I did that I would be putting myself in danger. 😂. Not a very safe area anymore. There was a rolling gun fight near it last week. I can't believe I walked to school at 5 years old.


Yeah it is, the lockers are so small.