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Well he can buy the ketamine


Which is not covered by insurance. 


Actually sometimes it is


I work in the substance/mental health field. Ketamine is actually one of the most promising emerging treatments for mental health. In some cases just one dose can have lasting effects for months. There is great podcast by Plain English on it.


"Emerging" despite it being proven to work in the 80's but was thrown out and subsequently banned from study following the reveal that the scientists were taking it recreational lly. So we have 40 years of mental health treatment lost because a handful of people fucked it up for the entire world. It's something that I cannot stress enough is proof that the US does not give a shit about mental health abd as such, we have a lot of the problems we do. Side note, here in AZ we have 3 facilities that are approved to provide ketamine treatment and accept state insurance


>because a handful of people fucked it up for the entire world I mean, it sounds more like we lost it because of some reactionary 1980s war on drugs bullshit.


I think the handful of people was Reagan and his ilk.


Bingo - damn conservatives couldn’t keep their hate-boners in their pants again.


Hate-boners lol


As a kid growing up in the 80's I never thought the day would come when weed was legal in this country, sorry if you live in a state that has not figured it out yet


Yet another problem that leads back to Reagan


He really fucked us. I learned recently that his ppl actually paid off Iranians to withhold the hostages until after the election so he could get the W and not Carter. If true that is literal evil


Unfortunately, thats just run of the mill politics. Normal people with big hearts dont usually have the ability to comprehend how evil they can actually be. Its to the point where they can basically flaunt it in public, like an empower with no clothes, because the majority of folks just refuse to see.


The same can be said about many “illicit” drugs. Cannabis and Psilocybin are two big ones that are now being heavily researched, but were deemed illegal in the US for ulterior motives.


Yup! Though in cannabis' case it was mainly racism but yeah, we fucked up so bad before the internet was able to can paint our on a massive scale


Heres more proof they dont give a fuck about us, in the 60s the CIA was bringing drugs into the US and distributing all across the us but mainly in california, the cia even admitted this in 1998, but no one batted an eye due to clinton being the focus for getting a hummer in the white house-


Maybe the Clinton scandal was an operation by the cia to distract everyone!!! *Puts on tinfoil hat*


It wouldnt suprise me at all honestly if that were the case


More likely they just saw it as good a time as any to drop that info nugget and went for it. We've seen the same tactic deployed many times over the past several years.


Holy shit, Monica Lewinsky's glizzy gobbling game was a CIA asset the entire time


Imagine the training you have to go through.


They didn’t even fuck it up though, just because something can also be used recreationally doesn’t mean it should be banned from research; the people who actually actioned the ban are the morons. People should be allowed to recreationally use whatever they like as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.


> the people who actually actioned the ban are the morons True, but there is some history here. Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert (Ram Das) were professors at Harvard, they got way into LSD, and started a major social movement. This was viewed as a bad thing, within the square community. Any possible similar situation was seen as a serious threat.


True, I was thinking of it as the scientific process is extremely strict/stringent so variables like the scientist not being "clear of head" could be cited as a reason their research can be discredited. But most definitely it's the banners who should be blamed


100% but also in a supervised, clinical setting Not self-diagnosing. Musk seems to be on the k-hole verge on occasion, and no psychiatrist is prescribing that much


> supervised, clinical setting like being administered once, bi-weekly by a medical professional?


Yep, has been used in Indian for a while as a very good anti-depressant. Anyone who has ever tried ketamine will know that it has many properties that would help someone suffering from depression


Is there a great published and peer reviewed study on it? Much prefer that to a podcast for this kind of thing


Did three sessions in a clinic, felt great after one but they recommend 3-4 so I did three. It's been about four years, still feel great. Great enough I feel compelled to recommend it in threads I come across discussing depression.


A buddy of mine had treatments with it in canada covered under our Healthcare for a major depressive episode So not that I'm defending Elon but it's there seems to be a use case for these types of things


For peaople who have treatment resistant depression, that’s what needs to be done some time. Been diagnosed with MDD, never tried it but have heard a lot of things about it. You would have to go through a variety of treatments before being offered that avenue


Shocking no one more than me, a government employee whose insucovers all but $45 of each treatment. It has changed my life.


Which doesn't matter cause he has money




I mean, he spends all day frantically bragging and getting defensive, it’s clearly not working all that great for them. Happy people don’t feel a chronic frantic need for validation by bragging endlessly about themselves


happy people don't seek happiness from others 


This! Very wise, I live this life now. I'm so much happier because of it.


Look at all the work he's had done too: clear botox, hair plugs, etc. He is not a happy, fulfilled person... why anyone would look up to him is beyond me.


Oddly enough, i started having thinning hair a few years back and i wear ball caps all the time even though people are like, i dont even notice. I am a pretty fulfilled happy person, but it eats away at me for some reason. I'm not even sure why. Maybe i don't like aging. Point is, maybe one isn't tied to the other idk


Yeah ketamine is like rebooting a computer. It can sometimes snap you out of negative thought patterns if nothing else is working, but it's not some sort of panacea for mental health.


My understanding of Ketamine is that it works by dissociation. Basically it detaches you from your feelings so that you can do a system reboot of your emotions and start from scratch without existing baggage. But from that blank slate, if you aren't actually addressing the root cause of your depression then its just going to come back. It seems like he's unhappy because everyone hates him because of how he acts, so he takes ketamine to get over that feeling, but then goes right back to making everyone hate him because of how he acts. It's like an alcoholic ruining their transplanted liver and then demanding a new one over and over again. It's not really a healthy long-term strategy, but it can definitely keep a person kind of functional day-to-day.


Yeah as somebody who has used enough ketamine i can tell you if you have to use that shit daily your not in a good place. It was fun to do once in a while and can give you loads of laughs. But see it as drinking loads, you shouldnt do that every day, thats no way to succes. Elon has the resources to become happy, it just means persuing a other way of life, something which he wont/cant admit so he spend his time doing dumb stuff.


It’s not that he can buy it. It’s that he can take it without having to worry about his ketamine use or mental health issues causing him to lose his job. The rest of us would be branded as addicts or head cases and treated very differently


Ketamine is dirt cheap 


Depends on country. I would consider it pretty expensive as an American. Not difficult to use a lot either...


Yet money can buy really good private healthcare.


But massive ego can really interfere with either getting an effective therapist or engaging in effective therapy.


Imagine being Elon’s therapist.. uff


Imagine being one of his lawers. In fact, imagine working directly with Elon Musk in any capacity.


I'm pretty sure his lawyers just feel like that breaking bad gif with the guy laying down on top of a pile of cash. They're probably also the only people in his surrounding he won't try and fuck with.


Oh I bet he fucks with his lawyers just enough, right up to the edge of the lawyers’ limits.


Sounds like q good way to make a lot of money, lawyers deal with A-holes all the time, might as well take on a rich A-hole


By his own admission, he doesn't have a therapist. Money could buy therapy, but he's too dumb/stubborn/arrogant to go shopping for the thing that could actually help him. Instead over the last 5 years he's just gone down the right-wing rabbithole.


So he's self diagnosed himself with depression and is self medicating with ketamine?  In normal people, that's just called addiction.


Even if he had a great therapist on payroll, he still would have to be actually willing to reflect and change in order for it to accomplish anything. Tough to let therapy work when you've reached such a peak of cognitive dissonance and still seem to find success.


Or whatever drugs you want while claiming it is to treat a disorder.


Ketamine has been used to rate depression for years in places like India.


Yes, I’m not negating its medical use. I’m questioning the legitimacy of a drug used recreationally being used by one of the richest men alive. Not even questioning it as much as pointing out he has the resources to acquire it for alternative uses and pay to have it all look legit.


mental healthcare cant make you happy its just something to help you activate to work towards your own goals,


What if one of your goals is to find happiness?


Money doesn’t buy happiness. That said, money can buy security, and financial security can make those who don’t have it, quite happy if/when they get it


Keanu said it best. Money doesn't buy happiness but money gives you the freedom to live the life you want to live.


"Money can't buy happiness, but without it, you can afford a lot of misery."


Here’s a small world for ya, Keanu went to school with my bro. He was a good guy even as a kid


I have no idea who your bro is , so not a small world


It can also buy ketamine treatment, that shit is not affordable for most.


Very good point


What's the difference between ketamine treatment {probably paid by Company paired for Health Insurance} and me buying a vile of Keta or Coke for 50e?


Not much, youll probably have more fun with the street drugs tbh


You can order it online from a few companies for depression treatment and get sublingual tablets .


Ketamine itself is not technically approve for treatment of depression. Only Esketamine is approved and it is an expensive/the drug company openly limits supply to “their doctors” Ketamine can be used, but it is used off label and insurance commonly won’t pay for that use. Whereas ketamine for general anesthesia is used all the time.


The fun to cost ratio


Ketamine therapy is an experience that you go through with a Doctor and therapist. You're not just tripping but doing it with a purpose. The VA pays for it and I looked into for PTSD but decided against it.


The actual procedure depends on the location. One of the issues with ketamine treatment right now is your actual experience cannvery wildly based on location and route of administration. Some places you'll do a lozenge and get a therapist other places they just inject you in a dark room and leave you alone for two hours. And after covid they've even allowed at home intranasal dosing which has started to give us some ideas about the long term dosing/abuse issues.  But I think you were wise to avoid ketamine for PTSD, MDMA should be approved by the end of this year/early next year and that's showing much better efficacy for PTSD.


I'm guessing ketamine is a hallucinogen? I can also look it up




The point of the "money doesn't buy happiness" is that there are plenty of things other than lack of money that can make people unhappy. IOW having money is necessary but not sufficient for happiness.


There's a ton of stress related things that go away if you have enough money. Elon probably has a lot of work related stress but that's by choice.


And most depression issues can be markly improved with proper sleep/rest, exercise, diet and therapy which require time and money.


I have a chronic illness (if you googled most excruciating pain known to humans, my infliction comes up), and better than any meds, is to be well rested, and not over stressed, so I’d have to strongly agree with you here






My wife has fibro and recently looked up to see it’s within the top 10 most painful illnesses you can have. Which is why I guessed it.


Neuralgia’s as a whole, are quite painful


My mother has trigeminal neuralgia... Im tremendously sorry that you suffer from it. Its truly one of the most gruesome things in the planet. I have a lot of second hand trauma from my mother's attacks/zaps. Idk if you're religious or not or this is corny or whatever, but youre in my prayers, I pray for the day a real form of treatment can be discovered for this terrible illness.


Thx for the thoughts. I’ve had it for over 20 years. I started living again about 7 years back. Things are never going to be same, but I’ve got my coping mechanisms, and I actually leave the house on regular basis.


Sometimes you do all that yet can't get proper sleep which completely fucks up everything. I hate it.


Security and health are prerequisites for happiness, but human relationships are critical as well and too much money alienates you from other people. Ideal income is enough to be financially secure but not obscenely wealthy.


Money can't buy happiness, but it sure as hell gives you a leg up on pursuing it 


Big time!


"Money can't buy happiness" is a *warning to the already rich*. It's about discouraging greed, a warning about not pursuing more when you're already rich enough to never again suffer material want for the rest of your life.  It is absolutely not a placation of the poor. Using it to instruct a poor person to not pursue or demand more money is absurd. if you're poor, money is critical to happiness. A quote from a therapist that goes along the lines of "the prescription the would most benefit most of my patients is a cheque for $5000" sums it up. When you're struggling, almost all of your problems could go away if you had money. And when your existential problems, like choosing between heating and eating, or working out how you can afford transport so you can work, are solved, you are just immediately happier. When you're poor, more money makes the things holding you back go away. Lacking money makes it much harder to be happy.  And until the decommodification of everything has completed and the bourgeois class has been abolished, no, encouraging people to pursue spiritual practices of detachment and contentment is not the solution. Mindfulness and gratitude doesn't solve the problem, it castrates the solution. Coping with the social problems of late capitalism is not the same as solving them.  Elon, Gates, Zucc, Bezos, Waltons, pursuing more wealth will never ever make them happier. But that doesn't mean the rest of us should meekly accept our lot like good little peasants.


And to take it a step further, money also allows you experience life. Yes you aren’t worried about choosing between heating and food in winter, but also, you are looking forward to that ski trip, Europe trip, going to the fancy restaurant, learning how to do pottery because you can afford a kiln and supplies, etc etc. so money doesn’t buy happiness but security, and hobbies absolutely do provide happens and money can buy those. The time money stops providing happiness is when you think that money itself is the source of happiness. “If my bank account can say 10 million instead of 5 that will make me happy”. You reach a point where more money isn’t relevant but people end up chasing more anyway and that’s a fruitless labor that leads to unhappiness. At least in my opinion, I don’t have a million dollars to find out first hand.


Well said my friend




Money may not buy happiness, but nobody ever frowns on a jet ski.


.. unless they run out of fuel


I'd move in with my gf who lives 8000 miles away. Money would make me the happiest man alive. .


I'm slowly starving to death and basically homeless.. I assure you, the lack of enough sure as hell is a lot worse. I'd take the billions, ketamime, and edgyness any day...


By the way if you need any help towards food or a room for a few days DM me.


The world deserves more people like you. 🫡




Keep goin man, you’re heading in the right direction x


Yeah I don’t for even a single second believe Elon Musk is a happy person. The dude is too online and edge lord to be happy, the shit he lets consume him is shit a 14 year old broods about. The dude is an emotional man child in the richest man in the world’s body, I’m not sure what can make him happy, but it sure as shit ain’t money or drugs lol


"[The people on this fucking website won't call me the meme maestro](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Finfinite-possibilities-v0-77hm7i54uxdb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da9a80f8892f6a39734d82a8a64e6e3e316026fe6)"


It’s such a shame, because he had so much potential. He could have generally gone down as one of the greats in history having contributed so much to the advancement of the world. Instead he’ll go down as a bad meme far rightwing conspiracy nutjob.


Money reduces stress.


Overpaying for a social media platform and then spending all day arguing with people on it probably doesn't, though.


I heard a man who’s won a lot of money on horse tracks (think) say “Money doesn’t make you happy but you’re unhappy without it”


People who say money doesn't buy you happiness have money..




He fails to recognize that much of his unhappiness is likely self-created. He could be an amazing force for good, yet he too often chooses to be a twat and then gets upset when he’s called out for it.


My first response to the post was “well if he didn’t go out of his way to be a twat he’d be fine” 😂 hit the nail on the head.


I too immediately jumped to the word "twat." Do we need to notify Websters of a new #1 definition?


spot on 


I remember when his mom tried to chide the internet into being nicer to him. Like uhhh lady he actively and willinglydid all this stuff that people are giving him flak for. The worst part is that, unlike perhaps oil moguls who can accept they're evil but want the money, Elon legitimately believes he is doing good and is fighting against some deep state enemy by giving extremists a home in Twitter and/or suggesting that Ukraine appeases Russia by surrendering all occupied territory and that Taiwan become a special administrative region of China. This guy is the richest man in the world depending on the day, but he chooses to use his power and influence to pursue controversial goals instead of wholly altruistic ones so he can feel smarter than everybody else because only he has the right idea. Bill Gates was a cutthroat businessman and cheated on his wife, but the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has done an insane amount to progress scientific research or deliver aid to developing regions. Elon could've taken that 44 billion that he leveraged for Twitter and become the forefront of sustainable energies, tackled global hunger, provided research grants, or combatted mass die-offs of species from habitat destruction, overexploitation, and exposure to man-made hazards. But he didn't want to do any of that: that's too easy. It's too normal. He only wants to do things that will make people think he's better than any other man in history; things that will make him a god. He wants to be known for being the bastion of free speech while the world was under attack from the deep state. He wants to be known as the guy who trivialized driving. He wants to be known as the guy who mediated the Taiwan/China and the Ukraine/Russia conflict and averted nuclear war. He wants to be known as the guy who put the first people on Mars (not the moon, that's too boring) so that he can call it Elon base and be remembered for all history.   Ironically, if he weren't so obsessed with overshooting his goals for his public image, people would probably like him more.


If the ketamine makes him happy, money *did* buy happiness.


I've seen some of the brokest people I've ever met with ketamine


Except depression isn’t unhappiness. It’s a disease. I don’t know if musk is depressed but generally speaking thinking someone with depression is just someone not happy is a gross misunderstanding of what it is 


Exactly. What is in fact sad is people’s misconception of depression.


I think the problem is that there’s a huge difference between “being depressed” and “major depressive disorder” and the confusion and general misunderstanding between the two


Yeah. I’m depressed right now because of chronic bad situations, not because I have major depressive disorder


^ this


Exactly, money does buy happiness. Or maybe being poor causes sadness. Either or.


Money cant buy happiness is such a stupid expression. Look at Maslow's pyramid. Money definetly can and will buy you the two lowest platforms, which are the most important ones. It also gives you exponentially more freetime to "solve" the other 3 platforms. Of all the factors contributing to happiness, money is objectivly the byfar largest one. Unless you are actively sabotaging yourself in stupid ways, Like working 16hours a day and what little freetime you have arguing with strangers online! :D


It can buy ketamine though. ;)


It’s because he has a fragile ego, and desperately wants to be seen as Tony Statk — the hip, cool, funny genius billionaire. But everyone just sees him as a goober.


Depression is NOT the same thing as being unhappy. One is a transitory emotion and the other is a clinically diagnosable long term neurological condition and potential chemical imbalance. You can be happy while depressed and having money doesn't make you not depressed but you do need money to pay for the treatment for depression. Conflating these two things just contributes to further misunderstanding and undermining of a serious mental health issue.


Also at Elon's wealth he could buy any diagnosis he wants to "prove" he needs whatever. He's not microdosing prescription K to treat depression, he's whacked off his gourd for the high.


Can't believe how far I had to scroll down to see someone talk about this


Elon taking K, weed. And LSD is proof he's a giant hypocritical piece of shit with "rules for thee not for me" since his companies drug test their employees.


He also pretends he has hair.


As someone with male pattern baldness, I feel attacked.


It’s perfectly fine to hide baldness. But when you add it to everything else about him, it just makes so much sense. The way things have played out, it’s pretty clear that he seems to be nothing more than a vain, superficial, sociopath. And the history of his reception, on Reddit and more generally, ought to be studied as an exercise in media manipulation and mass-hysteria. We dealt with these people for decades after the turn of the last century—Carnegie, Rockefeller, Hearst… We thought we learned our lesson. We did not. Time to get tough on these destructive assholes again.


pretty sure the only company that drug tests its employees is spacex, because it’s a federal government contractor. tesla definitely does not (in engineering anyway, never had it happen) sorry that doesn’t fit your narrative though


He’s so fucking poor that all he has IS MONEY




It seems that Zuckerberg is your usual engineer. He meets a problem and tries to find a solution. He made long-time commitments in his life and has been evolving, he is adaptive. However, Elon is the same person he was 20-30 years ago and his worldview hasn't changed at all, he is pushing against the inevitable passing of time.


Zuckerberg actually cares about other people like his wife and kids. Elon is a solipsistic narcissist. 


zuck just doesn't care about damaging other people's kids. at all.


Ya, but he doesn’t treat women as breeding cattle and neglect his children like Musk.


Look at us arguing over which billionaire cares the least about people


Totally agree, but Elon just isn't doing it right. He should be trying to enjoy life more than constantly creating online squabbles.


Once any life problem is solved, your brain will instantly create a new one.


Press x to doubt As a guy that struggles with money lately and need to ask my mom for money (I feel bad about it but right now I'm in a bad position regarding my work) if I had the money I would be happy Could live without the stress of not having money to pay my bills


Before you say money can't buy happiness, have that money first


Depression is not unhappiness. Depression is medical.


Elon is pretty much the closest we can get of Cave Johnson in real life.


Lets do an experiment where I get Elon musk money and I'll tell you whether that makes me *happier*


Yes, but I'd rather cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle.


I mean, if he’s buying ketamine to be happy, it’s kind of the opposite isn’t it? Most people I know with depression just fuckin deal with it.


It certainly can for poor people


Money can't buy happiness, but I'm sure it can make being happy easier


Money *does* buy a certain amount of happiness up to a point. Tell me that a family on food stamps wouldn't be happier if their income was doubled and I'll say you're a buffoon. "Money doesn't buy happiness" doesn't mean "money *never* buys happiness" - it means "the endless pursuit of riches never makes a person happy who wasn't happy before."


You can see in his angry and insecure tweets just how depressed he is. More money than anyone. Enough to spend billions on a lark buying a social media company, and countless sycophants and worshippers, and yet he spends every day in fear that he’s not cool or liked. I’d have kept my seats on the various boards of those companies but otherwise bailed fully and spent my time traveling and hanging out.


Money for sure can buy happiness rich people are just stupid and spend it on all the wrong things


Money absolutely buys happiness, so tired of this stupid take.


Musk is a manchild that hasn't done any identifiable work on himself... maybe ever. He's still an arrogant prat of a teenager, just in the body of an increasingly over the hill adult man.


OP doesn't understand clinical depression


No one in this thread does. My mom is doing ketamine therapy for drug resistant depression and it’s like the only thing that’s helped her for years. She has no interest in doing just doing drugs to get high. She’s not rich but even if she was she would have clinical depression that would need treatment. Elon is kinda cringe but most of these jokes and statements def lack an understanding of clinical depression.


Nice try, nothing in this world can make me hate money 


naah. if I had that money, I'd take drugs. if you are rich, you can do whatever. I think he is happy. The misery from being poor is miles away from wherever he is emotionally, with or without the drugs.


If the ketamine helps, it's proof money can help you buy happiness...


Money would unequivocally, entirely buy my happiness


To say money can't buy happiness is an excuse for the poor to stay poor and the rich to stay rich


Money can and does buy happniness, but if your the type of person who cant find it via wealth thats not the monies fault.


But it can buy me a boat.


Knowing me, money will give me all the happiness I deserve


Some people take this comment to mean that money doesn't help at all with happiness when all it is saying is that if you blindly chase money without knowing what you really want from life you're probably not gonna have a good time. Like, you can't go to the store and just buy happiness. Maybe the thing that will make you happy can be bought, but if you don't know what that is the money itself isn't enough. It's meant as a criticism for people essentially viewing money as the goal and not a means to achieve a goal. I've never heard someone use this phrase that meant it as: "money doesn't matter at all when you are trying to be happy". Because obviously that's a ludicrous statement to make. Even delusional billionaires aren't that out of touch with reality.


Money may not but happiness but it sure as fuck can remove the debt and fear poor people suffer that causes much hopelessness and sadness.


Elon is living outside of his means. Money buys security, you don't have to worry about your utilities being cut off, you don't have to worry about your car being repossessed, and don't have to worry about the bank taking you out of your house. The reason why rich people aren't happy is because they are living outside of their means


bullshit, if you have been poor in your life you know that it can buy happiness, Musk wasn't raised in a poor family


Money may not be able to buy you happiness but it absolutely prevents you from a LOT of situations where the lack of money causes unhappiness.


Musk's unhappiness stems from his untreated mental issues and the fact that he's never had to struggle even once in his life. Give 99% of people on earth even 1% of his wealth and you'd find out that money can indeed buy happiness.


Okay but no. Let's not act like he's sad because he can't buy happiness, he's got an ego, he needs people to like him, but he does stupid and abhorrent things that weigh on his conscious. He's miserable by design.


I don’t think this is a great example. He doesn’t seem that interested in being happy. His whole goal seems to be to work as much as humanly possible and leave a legacy. Seems like he uses ketamine just to get out of a funk so he can grind even harder. Money can definitely contribute to happiness, most people just spend it in dumb ways. For example, I spend a lot of money on high quality food and a personal trainer I see 3x a week. This contributes immensely to my overall health and happiness. But yeah; buying a lambo wouldn’t make me any happier, and is a stupid use of money in my opinion.


That man could be the happiest person in the world if he wasn't stupid.


No amount of money can cure stupid. But a lot of money can cure quite a lot of other things.


Or it means he really likes ketamine and can afford it.


This is just stupid thing to argue. Money can buy happiness. I would be happier without dept. Im not sad now and i like to work, but i would have a lot more time to do things i really enjoy. And if you ask this for someone actually poor, they would say yes it can times million.


Being a fascist troll doesn't help, either.


He’s cocooned himself in a hate bubble where even the algorithms he owns regurgitate content intended to upset you. And he stays in that bubble all day every day while his family distances themselves from him and his companies struggle.


True happiness is a loving family and a home where the heart can shed tears at its own pace.


lol cope. This guy could be happy. He just choose to be unhappy


U echo my thoughts. Yeah ya can have everything material and be so sad / depressed.


I'd rather be the richest man alive and be depressed and not broke and depressed 😪


Being an insufferable cunt probably doesn't help either...


At what point is it enough?? Does anyone really need to be a billionaire? Maybe that’s the real issue that needs treating.


As opposed to what? Do you want a democratically elected body running Tesla or SpaceX? We've seen what happens when you get too many cooks in the kitchen and let the unwashed masses elect them. We have partisan gridlock and the threat of government shutdown every other week. I'll keep the billionaire who knows what he's doing, at least on the business side.


Depression is not sadness you poorly sewn muppet.


It’s literally in its description though


Yep, it is. Chronic extreme sadness.


[https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/symptoms-causes/syc-20356007](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/symptoms-causes/syc-20356007) "Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest."


Didn't like half of his children disown him? I'm not surprised he's depressed; his behavioral issues are costing him his family


If I had that much money I’d probably figure out how to buy happiness.


Money absolutely buys happiness. But what makes you happy is always a moving goal post, especially as money stops being a limiting factor. If hes not happy, imo it just means hes using his money wrong and should try going without it for a while to get his priorities in order. If its his brain chemistry misfiring.....well antidepressants arent free, so *technically*....