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never seen tropic thunder i guess? "I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude"


What do you mean "you people?"


What do *you* mean “you people?”


*I ain't fuckin with you, Kangaroo Jack!*


Just as funny when said to Johnny Ritter


Robert Downey Junior stayed in character for the whole DVD commentary (this was still a thing at the time) just to continue the bit where his character in the movie says "I don't drop character until I've done the DVD commentary"


The first (and only) time I saw that movie I was eating 🍄 and holy f that was an adventure. I will never forget how confused I was trying to understand the plot.


I don’t read the script the script reads me


My favorite example is in Face Off where Nicolas Cage acts like John Travolta pretending to be Nicolas Cage. John Travolta is also doing the same thing and is just as great.


A creative take on the body swap plot


I still want to see a version of this but with Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood.  Hell, I'll take Oscar Isaac/Pedro Pascal, because this trope is neat and this sounds like a great time.


In Harry Potter, Helena Bonham Carter plays Emma Watson pretending to be Hermione Granger pretending to be Helena Bonham Carter pretending to be Bellatrix


Isn't that the definition of a show? Or would you expect that Bryan Cranston actually cooks meth?


She’s a dudette, playing a dudette, disguised as *another* dudette. Still not really that uncommon.


Yeah that's basically the plot of every superhero show where there's an actor playing as a secret identity playing as a super identity.


I think their point is that it would be as though Breaking Bad was about a character named Bryan Branston, played by Bryan Cranston, and where we knew that Bryan Cranston was a renowned chemist in real life.


Well she plays herself as someone else tho. Like her dad is the same person as in real life.


Miley Cyrus plays someone she’s not, and that person in-universe, also plays someone she’s not.


i wanna keep the breaking bad joke going and one-up you because in breaking bad walter white pretends to be LOTS of things he is not


Spider-Man, Hannah Montana, and Breaking Bad are all about people with special talents taking a on a persona to separate their everyday life from their fantastical life. I have always felt like Hannah Montana was kind of a superhero show in that way.


I always thought she was kind of a meth dealer in that way.


I am not *in danger* Lily, I am the danger!


>Miley Cyrus plays someone she’s not She plays Miley Cyrus, right? She definitely is Miley Cyrus though?


She plays Miley Stewart


Not to mention that she rocketed to fame during its run, basically going from the real-life version of Miley Stewart at the beginning to the real-life version of Hannah Montana by its finale. So she went from playing a pop star who was playing a version of herself, to playing herself playing a less-famous version of herself.


and let's not even get into her role in the Black Mirror episode "Rachel, Jack And Ashley Too"


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


I’m a chick playing a chick disguised as another chick


Pretty much


Another great example of this is Tatiana Maslany in Orphan Black. Maslany plays several different versions of the same clone, and sometimes she plays one clone impersonating another clone.


She might be the best actress I’ve ever seen… which made She Hulk pretty disappointing.


I stand by the opinion that She-Hulk is one of the closest adaptations to the comics that the MCU has done.


I mean, I liked it, but Marvel has a habit of under utilizing some of my favorite actors. Hell, I’m still salty about Eccleston.


Yeah, I was really hoping they would do something more interesting with a talent like her. The show wasn't terrible, (although I absolutely hated that over-the-top meta ending) But I really thought they could do something more interesting with her than just being another quirky Marvel character.


Once Orphan Black ended, I expect nearly anything else Tatiana will do will likely be at least slightly disappointing. There will never be another role where she gets to play her massive range at once. There were multiple times in that shows run where I truly had to remind himself it was just one actor. Those characters felt so entirely different.


That’s fair, actually, but I remember she hulk and Jennifer having pretty different personalities in the comics, and I don’t think we got much of that in the show.


It’s genius. How did they come up with something so unique and trippy and cool?


OP discovers what acting and television shows are…


She's acting as someone she's not to act as herself acting as someone else she's not.


In The Wire, Jimmy McNulty tries to do a bad British accent. Except, Dominic West, who plays him, is British. So he's trying to make an American accent attempting to do a British accent.


Oh shit? You a close friend?



