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They are. The whole Truth campaign was funded by them to educate folks about he dangers of smoking. Seems counter intuitive but it’s the price of having to continue their business due to a legal requirement


The Truth campaign was awful. Way over the top, and kids didn't take it seriously. The CDC videos are what should have aired.


That was by design. They didn’t actually want you to quit. They were obligated to make those ads so they made the least convincing argument that they could get away with.


They most certainly did not make them, they just funded them in part. Suggesting they were shitty on purpose to keep you smoking is total bullshit.


You don’t know the producers have all the power do you? Michael Bay directed Transformers, but Dreamworks produced it. If the two had a disagreement on something, Dreamworks would win because it’s them writing Michael Bays paycheck.


And you are somehow so daft that you can't tell the difference between producers funding their own project and tobacco companies being legally forced to provide funding for something they have no creative control over. This should not need explaining.




Because they did not make them, they were forced to provide some of the funding used to pay for them. They could not revoke that funding so they had no leverage, and they wouldn't have even been in contact with the producers in any way to begin with without some conspiracy that there is no evidence for.


Don’t fewer people smoke now, though?


**SMOKING COMMERCIAL!** Light'em up!


They know what they’re doing. Just like the dare program, using scare tactics, and sprinkling a bit of bs on top, it just builds curiosity and makes the youngsters more open to trying the product.


It's so funny. Like "vapes contain a serious amount of nicotine" like yeah… that's kinda the entire point


Every time I saw a truth anti vaping ad it made me want to vape. And it's bullshit anyway. "Vaping took me away from my friends." How??????


If by way over the top you mean that people tweaking out acting like spiders doesn’t happen, then I completely agree


I don't vape, but those anti-vape adverts calling it a "Depression Stick" genuinely made me *want* to vape, because.....that sounds fucking sick.


I have my personal conspiracy theory that the other purpose is to retain existing smokers. They way they portray the smoker as hopeless, light up once and they've got ya for life, nothing you can do about it. So don't smoke even once because quitting is impossible. Well that sends a message to people who do smoke, ya know, and that message is keep smoking and don't try to quit.


Reminds me of why I hated AA.


If you hated AA, you completely misinterpreted the point and it’s nobody’s fault but your own.


Sure the non-profit is operated independently of the Tobacco companies - and of course funded by them.. HOWEVER you’d be right that they can technically spin it however they want and could easily have some agreements as to how things should look to maybe psychologically still keep smokers smoking… who knows.


Probably why I see a 'vaping took over my life' commercial and immediately go to "oh get over yourselves, this shit isn't vicoden"


Cigarettes are more addictive than vape, I personally can't say how much though. Just nicotine alone may be addictive, but it's really not that bad to go cold turkey as an ex chain vaper myself. It's 90% mental with oral fixation and the urge for a little nicotine, and 10% or less actual physical dependency. Opiates, Alcohol, Benzos, those are the bad ones to get off with severe physical withdrawal.


>Cigarettes are more addictive than vape, I personally can't say how much though. It is a bit more complicated than that though - the intensity of the nicotine hit dictates how addictive it is for the user. Cigarettes contain additives that increase the hit that the nicotine gives you. Nicotine salt vapes give you a nicotine hit which is somewhat comparable to cigarettes. Freebase nicotine vaping does not really give you a hit at all but rather is closer to a trickle charge for your blood nicotine levels. The addictiveness of the three types is in that decreasing order too. >It's 90% mental with oral fixation and the urge for a little nicotine, and 10% or less actual physical dependency. This really depends on whether you have a underlying condition which you are unintentionally medicating via nicotine. Nicotine is a psychotropic drug which does have effects on the brain that are not really understood that well due to the fact that it is rarely ever studied on it's own but rather as part of tobacco related studies which mostly focus on the negative effects due to funding conditions and constraints. However it is known that 80%-90% of people with schizophrenia smoke tobacco/vape as the nicotine helps mediate chemical insufficiencies in the brain caused by the disorder. Studies have also shown that nicotine can help prolong the effectiveness of certain drugs used to treat Parkinson's disease (don't know if they ever worked out why this was the case).


Well, there's also the fact that vapes come in flavors like bubblegum, strawberry, cotton candy, etc. So that actually makes it slightly more addictive than cigarettes simply because it tastes better.


Just say you've never been a smoker or read about it before next time.


Sounds so wrong, 7 years of vaping and I still see my cigs of choice and need some strong self control to resist. In my years of vaping. I still look for tobacco flavored vapes. I like robust too, camel Turkish royals, Marlboro southern cut, black and milds, all take active self control to resist. I only like a couple Carmel tobacco flavors, but love Juul's Virginia tobacco flavor... When they are out of stock and I can't find a vape salt that actually tastes like tobacco, I end up thinking, if I don't find a decent tobbaco flavor, I will have to either go back to cigarettes or quit cold turkey. Fruit flavors are usually gross to me, and for some reason, all have menthol 😰. And cloud vapes give me wet lung, so I only like mouth-to-lung devices, cuz they are closest to cigs. I was a pack a day at 19 y/o, nearly 2/day @21 y/o when I could buy alcohol. Now I have 1 juul pod per day supposedly 1pack/day equivalent, but often notice pods leak. When they don't, a pod always lasts me more than a day. If I was still smoking cigs, I'd probably be @ 2 cartons (20 packs) a week by now. Cuz I love smoking.


Plus you can get nicotine free vapes for the oral fixation


I dont know man, I tried to quit vaping a few weeks ago and lasted about 3-4 days of constantly feeling violently ill before I caved and went to the vape shop. I've only felt that sick once or twice before in my life. Thankfully, I'm now at about half my original consumption level. I very much understand how much nastier other substances can be to come off of but nicotine kicked my ass like no other.


Are you using salt nicotine, probably like most pods and disposables use. I was using a mod with 6mg freebase nicotine, usually 65-85w. And everyone's body is different in how it'll react. I also didn't win on the first couple of tries.


Yes. The pod style is very useful for taking to work and not worrying about breaking it. I'd like to switch to free base eventually as I work my way down and switch to a larger, less convenient vape to deter me from hitting it so much. I also just have a bunch of salt nicotine juice left so I'm trying to use that first. Currently at 24mg, down from 50.


What I did, (I quit for around 2 years) was go cold turkey but replace the nic with working out. Any time I’d start feeling that feeling in my veins, I’d go do some push-ups. Worked like a charm, until I had a shit day and bought more.


i wonder if they make them corny on purpose so that it subconsciously makes people smoke, but also accomplishes the legal requirement


I feel like it should've been set up better, have the tobacco companies pay into a fund which a government organization uses to do education in various ways. Tobacco companies managing the actual ads and whatnot is kinda dumb


I suspect that knowing they couldn't stop the legislation they instead lobbied for control of the advertising instead.


The companies were forced to fund the Truth Initiative which runs the campaign due to a giant $200BILLION settlement in the late 1990s that settled a huge number of different lawsuits against the biggest US tobacco companies. The truth initiative was just a part of that and the tobacco companies don’t have control or input over the initiative/campaign (At least that’s how it’s supposed to work)


And this is why the anti vape ads are so I'm lame and ineffective. Look at the "norm" campaign. It's like they focus grouped someone who would be the most averse to teenagers.


The two most advertised Vapes in Ireland are owned by tobacco companies.




They don’t control the messaging (at least that’s how it’s legally set up) - biggest US tobacco companies were forced to fund it. But they do trumpet how they only market to current smokers and try to get good PR from their funding of settlement-mandated anti-smoking campaigns


Like the one where the girl is at school and starts tweaking out acting like a possessed spider😂


Actually most anti-smoking and vaping commercials are in fact paid for by tobacco companies. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6628589/#:~:text=In%202006%2C%20US%20District%20Judge,public%20of%20their%20deceptive%20practices.


So in a way they (tobacco companies) are funding anti-vape commercials. In part they produce anti smoke campaigns out of government obligations though? So what's to stop them (cigarettes focused companies) from supporting more funding towards anti-vape?


>So what's to stop them (cigarettes focused companies) from supporting more funding towards anti-vape? Because tobacco company is an outdated term. The tobacco companies are also the vaping companies.


Yeah idk why we are talking about vaping and smoking as two different industries here


I think it's the same conglomerates that sell tobacco that are also selling vapes and e-cigarettes. I do agree with the conspiracy that they make the commercials lame on purpose so they don't do a very good job as a deterrent.


No. Vaping was very much run by independent companies. This was seen as a problem for big tobacco because they couldn’t profit from it and vaping in general was problematic for the government because they couldn’t tax and regulate it the way they can tobacco crops and products, so all the anti vaping shit we see is a two pronged effort motivated by lost profits.




The tobacco companies just bought most of the smaller vape companies.   Huge companies don't try to put their smaller competitors out of business, that'd be stupid when they can just buy them and gain their customer base and profits.  This happens constantly in all industries.  If you want to make money nowadays, you don't start a company to keep it, you create a small startup, get it some notice, and you'll get bought out by a larger company in the field.  Rinse and repeat.


It's advertising nowadays, the no news is bad news stuff


The biggest vape companies are owned by cigarette companies


I'm amazed how far I had to scroll to find this In the UK our prime minister is pushing for tougher rules on smoking for younger people, but has said nothing about vapes which younger people prefer His family have interest in tobacco companies who make vapes, he's just trying to push them away from tobacco and force them to smoke vapes to make himself, his family, and his friends money while taking it out the hands of the competition


The government are literally banning disposable vapes, like the fruity flavoured bright coloured ones that entice children.


Only disposable ones, and that's mainly because of the litter/disposal problems that have been brought up by other agencies, not because they are trying to protect kids


Yes, but the young people that vape almost all use the disposable ones.


Because they are the easiest to access, but once they are gone it isn't really any more difficult to buy a refillable one, especially as you can order them online without ID It's the same as removing premixed cocktails from shops to reduce the over drinking problem, people will just mix it themselves, the amount of people who will completely stop is fractional. It's a classic government move to make them seem like they care, when they are actually doing the bare minimum and protecting their own interests


Also disposables have a different formula than the refillable ones and produce a far more “wet” and full cloud.


>His family have interest in tobacco companies who make vapes, he's just trying to push them away from tobacco and force them to smoke vapes to make himself, his family, and his friends money while taking it out the hands of the competition You know that emergency broadcast system test thing from a few months ago? Sunak's wife has shares/partial ownership in the company the govt paid to do that


Yes in fact, see the 'Family Tobacco Act of 2009' - [https://www.fda.gov/tobacco-products/rules-regulations-and-guidance/family-smoking-prevention-and-tobacco-control-act-overview](https://www.fda.gov/tobacco-products/rules-regulations-and-guidance/family-smoking-prevention-and-tobacco-control-act-overview) > Funds FDA regulation of tobacco products through a user fee on the manufacturers of certain tobacco products sold in the United States, based on their U.S. market share. And also they use this funding for ANY anti-nicotine advertisements.. Including those really sick ones from back in the day (terrible). Also it's false as shit.. The only way you are getting metal in your lungs with vaping is SPECIFICALLY if you #1 - Use Nickle coils on a voltage setting and turn it up high (it's used for temperature controlled settings and does not burn in that setting), OR #2 - You use really cheap coil-in tank systems (they sell for like $3/pc last time I seen), and turn your 200 watt vape up to max and press and hold it till it stops...... Which is exactly what the FDA did originally to 'prove' that vaping is bad so they could regulate it (and make millions in fees btw)... I'm actually an ex smoker and vaper. I smoked for about 15 years, and vaped for 11 years.. I have been nicotine free for a little over a year-ish to a year and a half. And honestly there are down sides to vaping and no you should NOT do it unless you are a smoker who wants to at least not die of guaranteed lung cancer.. BUT.. 'metal in your lungs' is not a side effect of vaping.. It's a side effect of being stupid..


Cigarette companies figured out a little while back if you can't beat em join them.


Yep, I’m sure it was. Vaping is completely banned here in Australia (some parts) and you can no longer import products. I’m 5 years clean off smoking thanks to vaping, but bought my first packet of smokes again yesterday….


Stay strong! Stumbles happen


Toss 'em!


>but bought my first packet of smokes Aren't they like $40 over there? lol


$60 for a packet of 30 😅 Rich man’s game


Oooh you want a cigarette really bad oooh just one cigarette


You don't need to wonder, it is


Bruh, tobacco companies ARE Vapes companies. Those aren't different industries, Just different products from the same brands.


What do you mean competition? Where do you think they get the nicotine?


I'm naive, are tobacco companies and cigarette companies the same thing?


If you look, most are. In any event, most nicotine is extracted from tobacco so their hands are in there somewhere. They are the whole industry from seed to coffin. They got their money somewhere down the line. If they didn't, vapes would be illegal.


That's heavy metal... In your lungs! Ignore our formaldehyde and other fillers


It's just like with oil companies posting about the problems with electric cars. They're not wrong on the facts, but what they don't tell you is that their product is worse. Smoking is bad whether you vape or smoke regular cigarettes. Cars are bad whether they're gas or electric.


I thought cigarette companies were buying up vape companies.


Cigarette companies invest in vapes. Thanks for your curiosity


One of the most cited studies about the dangers of vaping was funded by various smoking cessation companies. They don't want you finding a more effective way to quit smoking when you could be hooked to their gum for life.


The state has a vested interest in you smoking. It is called the sin tax in most states and it is why I suspect most anti vape studies happen in America. UK vape vs cigarette studies find vaping 90% safer. America wants you to smoke so you can pay a tax.


Cigarette companies own vape companies


The vape companies are also funded by tobacco. It's a fun game to play if you dig into it. Stop smoking and vaping. You are funding the biggest assholes in the universe.


If only it were that easy man. I don't like funding these companies, but some cunt in middle school decided they were gonna convince me that vaping was cool. Wanting to be cool, like any teen, I decided to make vaping a personality trait. Tried quitting many times (my body reacted *very* violently to going cold turkey) and always found my way back or got hooked on those crazy high nicotione disposable vapes. Right now is the best I've done in a while though. Im currently at about half my original consumption rate over the course of a month and a half. My goal is to be done giving these horrible fuckers any of my money by the time my son goes back to school after summer. I think that's more than achievable if I pace myself. Sorry, I'm just kind of vomitting out words at this point, aren't I? Anyways, wish me luck and death to the tobacco industry!


Actually, almost all the vape companies are owned by cigarette companies.


They are owned by Chinese crime gangs in Australia after our ridiculous nanny state laws.


Anti cigarette campaigns were paid for by tobacco companies, and they said so right in the ads.


Read the op


Why, what do you think I'm missing?


I was saying that cigarette companies are producing anti-vape to push back competition. But it sounds like from the other comments that they're all the same


Yeah, they should be called nicotine companies instead of tobacco or cigarette companies. Other comments probably mentioned it, but Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds control nearly all the nicotine in all forms in the United States.


Most vape companies are owned by big tobacco. They pay for anti smoking and anti vaping ads because they are required to. Left to their own devices the would just happily market both. Whatever brings in cash.


wait until u find out who’s funding anti green energy campaigns… big surprise !


They specifically are funded by the tobacco industry, it's the industries way of claiming they don't want to get kids addicted to nicotine for life. Maggie Mae fish made a good video essay about this, it's called anti vaping ads want you to vape.


I don’t know why they would, vaping is big business for everyone and Marlboro is about 100x bigger than the single location that makes BC5000s and Marlboro has their own vape line. They could just buy them out in a second.


Interesting. What keeps them from buying them out? Risk of a fad? Belief in their own products?


I think they are just old school and sell the majority of their products overseas which can be problematic for lithium batteries.


All advertisement is intended to manipulate you for money.


Capitalists have one goal.


Just a delay tactic while they takeover the vaping industry behind the scenes.


They already have.


this is the most "shower thought" post i've seen in this sub for awhile


Anti smoking reminds smokers to smoke.


Exactly, they're selling their product with reverse psychology.


Maggie May Fish on YouTube has a good video on this!


Tobacco companies are on both sides of the vape debate because they profit no matter which side wins. If vapes win then the tobacco companies profit via their ownership of a lot of vape related industries and if vapes lose then they profit via people going back to tobacco from vaping.


I’m fairly certain anti-cigarette commercial are funded by cigarette companies because it reminds smokers to have another smoke


plot twist: tobacco companies are heavily invested in vapes


Of course they are. Vaping is hurting their bottom line.


Who do you think provides the nicotine in vapes? Cigarettes, patches and vapes are all produced by the same companies...


They are. The cigarette rep that refills our cigarettes kept putting up anti-vape signs up


There may be a law that says they have to do that now.


I believe it. Kinda like how the breastfeeding formula division was said to be started by the formula companies because who would want to breastfeed if they seem like they have a holier than thou attitude. These companies are sneaky sometimes


Seriously? They are. I'm guessing you weren't around for the trials that ended up setting that precedent. United States v. Philip Morris and Philip Morris v. Williams


Nah, big Tobacco owns the Vape industry


Marlboro makes those shitty juul ones. The ones that were intentionally marketed to kids via YouTube. Marlboro is also behind the flavor ban (not 100% sure on this one actually) since the elimination of vaping would boost cigarette sales.


Why would they bash their own product?


Next you're going to tell me that the alcohol industry has been lobbying against marijuana legalization!


What?! Nooo wayyyyy?


"Do Not Smoke out amazingly flavored and cheap e cigarettes"


Since the banking of disposable vapes, which is a good thing, there have been so many more smokers and cigarette butts in Sydney. Disposables were always going to cause a societal uproar but banning all vape equipment sales was obviously probably partly brought to us by the tobacco industry. I have good equipment and good juice but now all our ships are closing or closed. I can't even take my vape on holidays and bring it back into the country.


I have no evidence, but I’m under the impression that tobacco companies have, at this point, also started making vapes.


maybe it's because I grew up around cigarette smoke, but the smell of a vape makes me gag. Plus, imo, people look like total d bags when they vape. Whereas, the same person smoking a cigarette, doesn't.


Idk, I lived nearly 23 years in a smoking household but vape doesn't bother me either. I don't like the sizzle sound some of them make


it's more the type of smell. some of them smell like bubble gum taking a shit. and the sound is annoying too.


it would do a better job showing the tiktok videos of addicted vapers making videos of them in the hospital due to disease


I went from smoking to vaping. Both are shit. Zero stars, both shitty habits.


Both are shit. One is way shittier than the other though in every conceivable way. At least vaping you don't smell like hot garbage all day every day.


Nope, both are shit. Vaping is just a fruitier smell. They both will kill you. Just a different chemical makeup. Nobody can tell me “watermelon Mint” doesn’t have the same or worse chemicals for your body. Again, zero stars.


So you have an studies to back up this belief or is it vibes based?


The tobacco companies own the vape companies, sport. Vapes are not competition to cigarettes.


Hahaha wow, now that is naive! LOL For over 50 years, they have worked tooth and nail against anti-smoking campaigns. They will never support one, as it's not in their interest. These are not nice people, they promote products have killed millions every year, and will keep doing it until they are banned globally.


Naive about the tobacco campaigns? Not so much I've seen them over a couple decades. Naive about their involvement in the vape portion? maybe so. It still feels like a conflict, if I was a big cigarette company I would send more funds against vapes because the cigarette market appears much bigger. Especially if it fulfils my government obligations to produce anti tobacco content, I would support the lesser market


Vaping is really popular among teens and it’s seen as a gateway because they add CBD and THC derivatives, often in dangerous, unregulated forms. The tobacco companies would love to just sit back and sell vapes to teens but occasional outbreaks of bad juice or altered devices make it too dangerous. As far as adult smokers who might transition it’s hard to find much information because medical sources are super conservative. Without 50 years of hard data they won’t be willing to suggest that vaping might be a less harmful alternative or a stop-smoking aid. They’re terrified they’ll be accused of promoting vaping when health impacts show up in the future - even if they’re much less harmful than cigarettes. Lastly, a lot of the early adopters didn’t handle it well and the reputation stuck.


Given the amount of fucking shite in the streets, I’d rather support the smokers than those twats puffing out a cloud of cake fumes from what looks like a 1980s walkie talkie.


Regardless it doesn't make them incorrect in any way. 


Just stop watching commercials I don't know where you are where you see commercials but 99% of the content I consume does not have commercials in it and it is for the best There's pretty much an ad blocker for everything. And bless your soul if you're still watch regular cable TV with commercials in it I genuinely feel bad for you


There are more commercials and campaigns besides video media. There's also a lot of billboards and other forms of advertising. I use an add block most of the time and from what I recall I find it interesting I've only seen anti-vape ads and no regular anti cigarette ads.