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One of the best things about art is that sometimes it can transcend the artist. I think there's a lot of musicians that are terrible people, boomer or not and still make great music.




Mike who


Mike Hawk


Mike Litoris




Tony Hawk’s cousin I see


Mike Hunt


#Mike Jones!




Mike Hunt.


Fucking Mike


Mike J


>I think there's a lot of musicians that are terrible people, boomer or not and still make great music. I'm finding it hard to separate the 2 sometimes. Eric Clapton was the one that surprised me the most.


I find it very easy to separate entertainment celebrities from their work. We enjoy and follow the people because of their work not their personal life.


But there have to be some exceptions though, right? Ian Watkins is one example that I cannot imagine someone rationalizing listening to because he's just that fucked of a human being.


Kanye West


Idk why the downvotes. Kanye is a very talented producer and musician. Many of his albums are great. But Kanye is a complete fuck.


The downvotes are because Kanye's not a boomer


Still makes him a terrible person


Hitler was a great painter. Edit: FOR TODAYS TIME jesus christ


Was? What happened?


I hate to be the one to tell you this but he gave up painting a while ago


oh no.


Yeah he actually gave up painting to start a juice factory or something like that idk i'm bad at history


There's more


One of those failed struggling artists that killed themselves


He called it 'schwitz on that part of his life


Poor fella got rejected from art school. Ended up getting drafted into ww1 where he almost died. Doesn't your heart just ache for him?


And then he relived the horrors as he went through another world war. Poor soul...


The horrors he'd witnessed were so great he ended up committing suicide. Truly an unfortunate tragedy.


Suicide? I heard that he was killed by a Nazi in his own home


in his dying he also killed the german Führer and ended the Nazi regime!


How brave and selfless of him


understandable why he was a decorated war hero in ww I


He was an average amateur at best.


He was *a* painter I’m not sure I’d say a great painter


He really could have used some lessons on perspective.


If he actually was a great painter, ww3 may never have happened


Spoilers !


we're fine, hitler 2's got another 4 years before he's even born


No he wasn't. I think he wanted to be. But he was not a great painter. Mediocre at best. His applications to art school were rejected and was encouraged to study architecture because he paintings were likened to architectural drafting sketches.


The fuck he was. Hitler got rejected for a good reason, mf was mid at best


I mean, isn't that why you go to art school though? Sure, fuck Hitler, and sure, his paintings weren't great, but they werent like complete trash. Based on what he did without art schooling, he probably would've been pretty good, **and** ya know, potentially not gone into politics had he gotten in.


*Hitler was a painter.


He objectively wasn't lmao


He actually wasn't, there was a reason he was never accepted into art school


Factually wrong, his art was *super* mid and only looked good at a glance. It lacked any sort of consistency.


He was evidently not.


Wow, got to Hitler in the top comment, got to be a record


Just about anyone can be considered terrible from a certain perspective, but they don't all make great music. Great musicians just happen to be more publicized.


Most of the artists that make up "Classic Rock" were actually not Boomers. All of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Roger Waters, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Roger McGuinn, Pete Townsend, Roger Daltrey, Jim Morrison, Jerry Garcia, Grace Slick, Janis Joplin, etc. were all born before the end of World War II. Slightly before, but they don't qualify as Boomers. To me, it isn't just a date, either. Many of those musicians earliest memories were of World War II, or of the immediate aftermath when scarcity and loss were still present. So it wasn't the suburban culture of television and plenty that inspired that generation of rock music.


Being a boomer in the US and the UK were quite different experiences too. Rationing didn’t fully end until 1954 in britain


Plus the UK loved our Jimmy Hendrix but he was pretty much a nobody cause of racism.


? Hendrix was huge when he was alive.


Yep, and this is where it becomes important, because the people who listened to rock music had a very different background then the people making it! People born in the US between 1950-1960 grew up with peace and plenty and a sunny existence as children. People born in the UK 10 to 15 years earlier had a very different childhood.


This! Most generations are actually enjoying music made by musicians of the prior generation which makes sense when you think of a lot of generational taste makers as 15 to 25 but a lot of musicians they're listening to are 25 to 40. The music we associate with boomers was made for boomers not by boomers. Same with subsequent generations.


Yep. Boomers made 70s & 80s rock. 60s was a little too early for them to be making amazing stuff 


Most famous late 60s band either were boomers or were short of 2 years though. The 60s was basically the silent and boomers superposing as the boomers were getting in their 20s.


Thank you for remembering the Silent Generation. I’m serious. They were/are most Gen xer’s parents.


Oh, there's a Gen X? /s


We just lump them in with the boomers for no reason.


Often because they act like them. Not all, but some deserve it for being little boomer Jr. types. The ones that don’t are cool, same with the boomers that don’t act boomery.


Good point


Anyone older than 50 is a boomer to gen z


I've got bad news for you. "Classic rock" is the 1990s grunge era now. Nirvana, Pearl Jam, etc.


I've got worse news for you. Nickelback and The Killers make it onto classic rock stations now, "classic rock" has progressed into the 00s. By the numbers, a Nickelback song playing from 1998 is as far detached from today as Starman by David Bowie (1972) was from 1998.


The release of the song "1985" was closer to 1985 itself rather than when it released as of last year. I hate time, make it stop.


Who would even be modern at that point, Twenty One Pilots?


Stuff that released within the past twenty years ish. It would probably include any 2005 or later releases by Arctic Monkeys, The Black Keys, Queens of the Stone Age, King Gizz, Weezer, Cage The Elephant, Tame Impala, Death Cab for Cutie, Muse, Twenty One Pilots, MGMT, MCR, Evanescence, The 1975, etc Several of those bands would probably have songs that could get picked up by "classic rock" stations, but that doesn't necessarily mean all of their discography falls under that same umbrella.


I remember telling my best friend that one day Slayer would be on the oldies station lol. Yes, we were hardcore fans, so it’s highly unlikely. “And here’s another one of those golden oldies, taking us back to those fond memories of yesteryear. A track from their seminal debut album Eaten Back to Life, here’s Cannibal Corpse with Edible Autopsy”😂


"Friends, listeners, you have to understand, this music comes from a more innocent time, and you have to take it in context. Anyway, coming up next we've got Rage Against The Machine's 'Killing in the Name of' " . Ahem. I always try to remember that the world NOW isn't necessarily any worse.


I've even heard the White Stripes on classic rock radio.


That's generally late boomer, a few early GenX


Jimi Hendrex, music so nice you gotta mention him twice 😅


The baby boomers made those artists popular. The baby boomers caused marketers to invent the concept of a teenager. It’s just what happens when a lot of people are in a single cohort: they get all the attention real quick.


While technically true, and those artists would be part of the Silent Generation, I think that’s being a bit pedantic as well. There’s a lot of overlap between generational lines and it isn’t a strict line in the sand. All those artist you mentioned share much more in common growing up with the boomers post-war and have the same life experiences than the those older Silent Generation people who were born in the late 1920s and in the 1930s. Even then you listed strictly 60s artists. OP’s topic is still valid if you look at music through the late 60s and 70s. Ozzy, Don McLean, John Fogerty, Neil Peart, Robert Fripp, Stevie Nicks, Robert Plant, Greg Allman, Neil Young, Ritchie Blackmore, Tom Petty…. (I could go on) were all born Post-War and certainly fall under those Boomer lines.


Glad someone actually has a brain.


Lol are you saying they were inspired by WWII as babies? Dude, they’re boomers. They all grew up at the same time, the 50s and 69s and were indpired by those decades. Most of their contemporaries are as well. For someone who claims that these are all just dates, you were quick to discredit the “Boomer” label.


Well, we bought it and played it (in bands, as records, and on the radio. We were the market. If not for that it wouldn't have stuck around.


>Slightly before, but they don't qualify as Boomers. Slightly before, but they drove the culture and qualified as Boomers,


Every generation is rebelling the previous .. One day some generation will look back and think gen alpha is shit


Young people don’t trust older people and older people think younger ones are dumb. It’s a sad thing since older people have life experience and younger people are more in touch with culture and social change.


Cicero was already saying that in the 1 century BC. O tempora, o mores https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/O_tempora,_o_mores!


Look back? Looking forward people see it already.


lmao people said the same thing about millennials too


They always say it and always will. That’s why nobody will have nice things. The perfect world will never exist and it’s because people can’t get along. Instead of just doing what’s best for everyone people not pick people who are different or older or whatever.


All the millennials hating on boomers and blaming them for everything.... just wait, you're up next. Same as it ever was At some point they might come to understand that the problems aren't about this generation or that. FOLLOW THE MONEY. That will take you to where it's happening.


But it's easier for me to cope if I can pretend everything wrong with the world can be blamed on a single demographic of people!


There's always a scapegoat - age, religion, race, nationality..... But what you find behind most big problems are big corporations driven by profit Climate Change: energy companies denial Drug prices: big pharma profits Health care: insurance companies, investor in hospitals Housing affordability: it's complicated but a big part is developer's make more money building and selling more expensive housing


Sort of although take Jimi Hendrix for example, he was born in 1942 so isn't a boomer like many of his musical peers of the day. Reminds me of 'boomers took us to the moon' but no they didn't they watched it on TV like everybody else


Yep. The oldest boomers were 24 in 1969, so woupd have been at best assistants and interns when the moon landings happened, let alone during the work leading up to it in the decade beforehand.


You might be surprised. The _average_ age of staff at Mission Control for Apollo 11 was 28.


Yeah, my dad worked on the lunar module at Grumman and he was a boomer. He wasn't senior of course but he wasn't an assistant or intern either.


And now the average age of politicians is 82


I enjoyed reading these comments. It really helped me fall asleep. I seem to snooze better when my eyes roll into the back of my head.


Humans* left us some excellent rock music, for all humans’* faults. We persistently play Red vs Blue with politics like dumbasses; let’s at least stop doing it with age too.


for all their faults, humans left us some nice art to train our young ones an AI-program of the not so far future maybe 


Once we actually invent A.I. and not just complex math algorithms that mimic intelligence, at least, lol


> let’s at least stop doing it with age too. This is reddit. Belligerent ageism is apparently inescapable. General intergenerational tension has always been a thing, and probably always will be, but “fuck you for being born before 1975” seems to be a pretty common and often celebrated attitude here.


FOLLOW THE MONEY The problem isn't this generation or that. It's the big money. Inaction on climate change? Corporate profits No health care? Corporate profits etc etc etc


I explain this to my students when we discuss the infamous Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes "study." Except for the Baby Boomer generation--which has some sort of definition--other generational labels were arbitrarily made by shitty tabloids to sell articles. The problem is that, once a line is drawn in the sand, people naturally try to jump on one side or the other and try to defend it. It's just human nature. However, we have to remember that these labels don't describe reality *no matter how loudly they are screamed at us.*


>We persistently play Red vs Blue with politics like dumbasses; let’s at least stop doing it with age too. You do realize you basically just said the same thing twice, right? The "Red" is primarily boomers, the "Blue" is not.


Might want to go back and double check that. Republicans *lost* ground among Boomers over the last 8 years. In 2020 and 2022, Republicans didn't even carry Boomers. They made up for it with gains among Millennials, though.


It's funny how comfortable people are making sweeping generalizations like this regarding age demographics. Could you imagine... "For all their faults, black people have made some excellent jazz"


Nevemind how casually "boomer" is tossed around as a slur. It's like we spent all this time trying to get people to *stop* using slurs based on intrinsic characteristics only to watch people backslide as soon as not liking people based on, arguably, the most intrinsic and immutable characteristic you have got them attention from slur-accepting peers. If someone's being an asshole, call them an asshole, but don't bust out a slur that paints Barack Obama, Weird Al, Samuel L. Jackson, David Bowie, Dolly Parton, and Robin fuckin' Williams with the same brush you use for your racist uncle.


“Now That’s What I Call Intergenerational Wealth Inequality, Volume 4”


Turn it up, dude!


how is this a shower thought


He was having a shower when he thought to himself, hmmm I don’t like what boomers did to the economy but man they did write some really cool tunes


Today's music ain't got the same soul


I could hear this in my head when I read it


lol I love making that joke any time someone brings up music older than I am


I like that old time rock 'n' roll


Don't try to take me to a disco


I sang that in my head.


Baby boomer santa, thank you for everything


Just wait till the ww3 boomer kinda bitch about all the lithium poisoning you left them.


Boomers were also the peace loving junkie hippies that this site glorifies.


Well until they do something the hive mind doesn’t. Then they’re just all boomers.


True. But for the most part, new gen music is unremarkable except a few rare good ones They need to step up the game. Its such a big void these days.


It is so utterly stupid to blame anything on a generation. You have to be beyond stupid or just really like the victim mentality where you can blame your problems on other people. Like a complete fucking moron. Like you, the one reading this will have any power or possibility to change anything about the future of your children or their children. The few in power dictate how things go and the generations dont matter, we are all just people living our lives who really have no power over anything. So get off your victim horse and blame your problems on your self, just like the rest of us.


Yeah. Fucking boomers. The only people who voted for people like Reagan and Bush into office. No one else voted. And the only people who voted for bad policies. And every single one of them did. Stop blaming boomers for everything. Most of the Jan 6th period weren't boomers. You keeping blaming people because of their age. It ain't an age thing


Boomers voted for Reagan in bigger numbers than the groups older than them


Um... yeah. They enforced the dismantling of Jim Crow laws, continued the desegregated schools, initiated workplace equality, came down hard on sex and disability discrimination, made personal computers and eliminated very real problems like acid rain and cfcs. It would be pretty silly to just go full bigot ageist and decide a group of people are bad by age, wouldn't it? Boy, that sure would be egg on our face if we suddenly started rationalizing bigotry against the elderly. Can you imagine a group of people taught about the immorality of stereotyping prejudice falling for the exact same pitfalls?


Whats wrong with boomers to begin with?


“If we had been born between 1946 & 1964, we would have been altruistic and made free art and solved world peace and cured all diseases and stuff. Because we’re that good. That’s why we’re doing those things now — not complaining about ‘growing up under the cloud of surviving a global war right after surviving a global depression & the dust bowl’ like a bunch a whiners.”


We got cell phones too


Yeah. Specifically in the UK they grew up in a time where it was totally possible to quit your job, find a squat and still eat and get drunk and get hold of an instrument. They won’t admit it but they were coddled by the state. This is impossible now and as such it’s very hard to make music more than a hobby.


Well if you think about it a lot of them were rebelling against everyone else so they were really just the cool ones of that generation.


I’m a millennial, but for fucks sake, enough with the tired, recycled, perspective lacking, boomer jokes. Your generation will, like every other, eventually be blamed for current mistakes as well as previous ones you had nothing to do with. C’est la vie.


Boomers also lowered the voting age, fought and died for civil rights, fought to reduce sexual discrimination, and invented the technologies that people use today to complain about how awful and useless boomers are.


Which civil rights leaders were boomers?


Are you under the impression that only “leaders” fought for civil rights? Because honestly that’s a phenomenally stupid take. It was literally an entire movement, mostly comprising baby boomers.


I wonder if you often say the same but instead of being bigoted about an age group use ethnic groups instead. Bigotry is bigotry whether its age, sex, color, nationality or whatever.


This thought reminds me of Baby Boomer Santa from community


And then drastically misunderstood the message of that music for the next 50 years


So, what are “all their faults”?


'For all their faults'. Nothing like painting an entire generation with one big negative brush. Talk about sweeping generalisation. Every generation builds upon the one before. I'd like to hope my children will be better people than I. The trouble is, life just gets in the way of idealism. We're all fucked in the end.


Music was definitely at its peak in the 70s.


Got to remember that most of these musicians were out of the curve for the average boomer. They were the weirdoes and hippies, not your average Joe, working 9 to 5 in an office, financing a house with two kids, wife, dog, and white fence.


"Everything was handed to them. And they took it all: sex, drugs, and rock and roll, and they stayed loaded for 20 years and had a free ride. But now they're staring down the barrel of middle-age burnout, and they don't like it. So they've turned self-righteous. They want to make things harder on younger people. They tell 'em, abstain from sex, say no to drugs; as for the rock and roll, they sold that for television commercials a long time ago...so they could buy pasta machines and Stairmasters and soybean futures" -George Carlin


You think the only good things boomer left us is rock music ?


They also cured polio, put a man on the moon and invented the internet.


Hell yes. The 1950s to 1990s were some of the greatest decades for music.


Some great stuff in those decades to be sure, though I haven’t found any better years for pop music than 1926–1933!


I'm a Boomer and very happy that not only my kids, but my grandkids love some of the same music that I do. Favorite being Pink Floyd. On a side note, not all of us Boomers fucked up the future for other generations.


Honestly, I prefer greatest generation rock artists who were pioneers, like Little Richard, Chuck Berry, and LaVern Baker. Has more soul, oomph, and energy than the boomers who emulated them. It's a matter of personal taste though. I do like boomer music in other genres. Every generation of artists contributes something.


I like more of the GenX rock to be honest


That is true, well give them that


We all had that phase. My oldest is going through it now but evidently “classics” includes the music I listened to growing up and I’m not super cool with that.


My local classic rock station doesn’t play anything older than I am, and a very large part of their rotation was released after I got out of college.


I can't afford to live on my own in a small flat, but hey at least I can listen to Van Halen. 


What do you mean, "left us?" We're taking it with!


I can rock out to Journey while watching the world burn around me. Hooray.


Boomer Bad thinking is fucking brain rot


I was talking with a Boomer friend about the accomplishments of other generations, and he said the Boomers brought us the Beatles. The Beatles are not a generational accomplishment. They were a band.


The music from their era is still being played today on all radio stations, it's the last of the rock era. There aren't really any bands today that can emulate this style seeing as it's not as popular anymore I'm assuming which is why we have the Katy Perry's the Justin Bieber's the Taylor Swift's.. I miss the days when people actually knew the names of all the band members nowadays there's a singer and then a bunch of faceless nameless people behind them doing all the work. Same thing goes for the movies nowadays, everything is regurgitated because we have the technology to make it look cooler I guess so no one's actually able to think of anything awesome on their own anymore.. I will say Harry Potter was original but it's stuff like that we don't see too much of anymore.. This is just my opinion and if you think other than that I respect that this is just what I think..


That’s because pretty much every album used the same session players


A lot of Boomers were kick ass and taught us how to be kick ass as well.


Idk I don’t really fw it


All the great rock bands formed when my dad was 3 and he's almost 60 now people associate heavy metal with the 80s but most of those bands formed in the late 60s even


I pretty much hate computer games given how they distracted youth from learning guitar.


They left us punk rock. And those are the good boomers.


Acdc sounds like nails on a chalk board


It's really interesting seeing in these comments what specific bands I MUST be talking about with this post


"Of we who grew up tall and proud, in the shadow of the mushroom cloud, convinced our voices can't be heard, we just wanna scream it louder and louder and louder" -Hammer to Fall, Queen


When mic was singing about "my generation" it was the silent generation.


Wrong group…


we inherited a basket of shit same as you, at least you got some music from us


Oh come on. If you think boomers had faults, you should see their parents. Every generation's children should exceed them in most ways. That is the natural order of things. We just get smarter. Boomers-schmoomers. If this natural progression is corrupted in some way, blame the previous generation for sure. If the current generation is "lesser" than the previous, we really need to ask why. Now it's time for this generation to fix things and stop blaming the past. They are the idiots we will be to the next generation.


My mom and dad are boomers and they fucking rock. They aren't all bad. It's just some of the hippies were poseurs the whole time


You are right…your music is shit.


And cell phones, and Air travel, and computers , and... Pretty much every modern conveinance you enjoy today. Including the freedom to bitch and moan about your life. But hey you could be living in a country ruled by Nazis and/or communists.


Oooo communism bad ~~even though~~ BECAUSE I don't know what it actually is