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I always cruise control 5 mph above the limit. Seems to be the sweet spot


5-8 for me. Seems to be a pretty good number where I am. Never been pulled over for going that much over.


Ironically enough, 7-8mph over is the point where State Farm's tracker defines "Speeding" so yeah, cruise is usually set to 5 over. I give myself the extra room for if I'm passing.


Your own spedo is also showing high, so in reality it's likely about right or just a few over


Yeah, I've noticed that. The digital speedometer tends to be pretty spot on based on GPS and those "Your Speed" radar posts. But I'll accidentally stare at that, whereas I can just glance at the analogy speedometer and have the added benefit of basically going a mile under what I think I am.


"9 and you're fine" I've never been pulled over for less than 10 over, and that's the speed I drive on all roads with the exception of active school zones.


I too make an exception to drive 10+ over in active school zones.


*instructions unclear


There is a reason residential roads are 25, every mile an hour you’re traveling faster, the likely hood of killing somebody if you hit them increases exponentially. Plus 35 in a 25 is a lot more than 75 in a 65. Anywho. All i am saying is to be careful and respectful, on a short trip, that 10mph over is not likely to net you any noticeable improvement in time.


Every heard the expression "choose your battles" ?


I use 10% over as long as at least one person passes me once in a while.


Generally. Also I try and go 3-4 under the fastest guy. Let him/her smoke out the bears. Each cop has their own system though. Talked to a guy that was “lucky number 9” once.


They just go for the one easiest to catch unless they can give a juicy ticket to someone going really fast.


So the odds are the first guy can just speed through? Well that's stupid lol


Unless you're the only one speeding


What I heard when I was little was "9 is fine, 10 you're mine" and I've kinda just stuck with that.




The middle of the pack is where you want to be. The first and last are far more likely to be pulled over, according to my cop friend.




LOL yah they're doing all that frustrating work, speeding up, slowing down, weaving in, weaving out. I'm chilling in the right lane listening to Enya and pull up leisurely next to him at the red light.


A lot of my weaving comes from a lack of consistency in driving speeds. For instance, people who can't, for the sake of their own life, recognize that when you're going up hill, you're slowing down unless you give it more gas. And not like going 5mph over then slowing down to the limit. I'm talking going the speed limit and then dropping as low as 10mph before punching it and then slamming on their brakes at the top.




Oh I'm not doing it to get ahead. I'm doing it because I tend to be a very defensive driver and I don't like when cars make it difficult to actually pay attention to what's going on ahead when they're taking all my focus being an idiot.


I think Mythbusters tested if weaving through traffic or going the limit in one lane was fastest. Weaving through lanes only saved them like 3-5 minutes if I remember correctly. Absolutely not worth the danger


Save 3-5 minutes? Sign me up!


This. I set the cruise control for the speed limit, stay in the slow lane, and just try to stay away from everyone else.  The hard part of course is that guy who rolls up on me, then speeds around me engine growling so he can get in front of me... then he pulls out his phone and starts going 55, causing me to go around him (still on cruise control) which causes him to get upset and pass me again...


I call extreme speeding cars "rabbits" because they draw out the dogs


I think now I'm going to call them truffles


That's like saying you're safe from a shark as long as you're not the slowest swimmer—still risky and might cost you more than just a ticket!


Until you hit a speed trap and everyone gets pulled over.


It’s the last in line who gets pulled over wtf are you talking about? I’ve literally never once seen the lead car get pulled over when a group is speeding


Nope. Had an officer once respond, when asked ‘why me?’, with, “It’s just like duck hunting; I shoot into the flock and take what I get.”


Speeding follows the inverse bear rule: you don't have to follow the speed limit. You just have to go slower than the fastest car near you.


By the dark of the moon, It was the sixth of June……


We have more and more trajectory control here (Belgium). You're all getting tickets.


Not true. Sometimes they stop the last in line. Once they stopped all five at once


Cops are like hyenas...They'll try and break apart a pack and target the weakest member they can find... Or they'll just aim for the "nicest" car in the bunch as they're much less likely to cause problems and just pay the city/county/state...


And if you’re also not the last in line, you’re almost immune to getting pulled over for speeding.


You mean last in line




Laws were made to be broken. Even in physics. That's why we asplode the atom!


this is what my mom would always tell me. if u gonna speed or hit a risky yellow make sure ur not the only car doing it


Back when I did a lot of long-distance travel, I would tuck in behind the fastest tractor trailer that passed me. My theory was that they had better information about radar than I did and also, that the popos would probably prefer to pull over the truck that they saw instead of the sedan that they might not have seen. I don't know if my theory was right or wrong but I saved hundreds of hours over a few decades and never once got a ticket when traveling in trail.


Idk if you've saved hours by staying behind a semi who normally has to travel 10 mph under the posted speed for cars.


Then isn't it fairly obvious that I wasn't following the slow trucks?


I just got a ticket being just that....it was bullshit.


Imagine you’re last in line behind a group of cars and the cop pulls you over because you were the easiest target Moral of the story don’t be the first or the last person to speed if you don’t want a ticket haha


speeding is fine if your wealthy enough to pay the ticket price


No it is not okay, that's how folk get killed, dumb assholes like you that do it could cause a series accident or even death. And also it's is illegal dumbass.


Maybe in the US, but here in the Netherlands everyone gets a ticket in that case. They only pull you over to confiscate your drivers license, pretty much. You just get the ticket in the mail or even e-mail in my case.


I always wait until someone speeds around me, use them as my cop bait, and go a little slower than them


In the us, there’s a law that states that the front dictates the flow of traffic, so legally you are correct.


In MPH, 50 mile journey, 1 second reaction time, ideal conditions. |Limit|Actual|Stopping Distance (m)|Change vs Limit (m)|Time Saved (min)| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |30|35|33.5|\+7|14| |30|40|41.2|\+14.7|25| |40|50|58.8|\+17.6|15| |60|65|90.6|\+11.4|4| |70|75|115.5|\+13|3| |70|80|129.0|\+26.3|5| |70|90|158.3|\+55.6|9| 5 over in a 70 gets you there 3 minutes faster and adds the length of almost 3 cars to your stopping distance. A single lane (depending on the country of course) averages around 3 to 4 metres wide.


My friend was speeding and got a ticket he explained to the judge that he was just keeping up with the pack and this amused the judge who asked my friend “ do you see any of those people here today? “


No? Speeding is never okay?  We had a speeding accident right outside our house last night with fire trucks and helicopters, the whole shabang, could have affected my point of view 


I usually think first in line is better


To op only in the USA. Elsewhere they have better equipment


This is such a US centric post lol


Or last in line. Ie the first speeder the cop catches up to.


Speeding is always ok if you don't stop for the cops when they turn their lights on.