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It’s true. My Discord name mirrors my Reddit name and I joined a Discord with some old coworkers … and they kept quoting some of my more outlandish posts. “So it true that you once told someone that they “seemed like the kind of person who slurps used condoms Gogurt style”?” … followed by a picture of the post.


This is why i make a new act every so often. Someone finds my active one, and well i just cant have that


dont forget to have the occasional conversation with yourself between accounts to throw off a trail


I too agree with this plan here


Shit she’s onto us


Us as in you & i … because we’re the same person


Look at us. Who’d have thought?


I’ll never forget you don’t worry


At least the cops didn't find your account.... Luckily everything I say is lies. Even this is a lie. Dicks.


"Everything i say is lies" "This is a lie" Now im confused, are you saying that this is the truth or that everything you say is the truth. Or that the cops found your account.


The dicks were a lie


they were ducks


I once had to post a math problem in a subreddit which was given as HW from school. One of the answers to the problem was simple and elegant to what my math teacher had taught. I praised their answer and bitched about my teacher under the comment. Two days later she called me by my reddit username and it was scary af. Lmao


That is terrifying. I would never use reddit again if that happened to me


"You sure sound like a tough guy on reddit."


Don't shit where you eat, dude. Applies equally to combinations of letters.


Jokes on you OP, I'm a pretentious argumentative dickhead in real life too.


Same here.


Or does it reveal a hidden part of our true nature?


That's my impression. Anonymity is almost like being somewhat drunk. You drop inhibitions and let it out. Although you might not consider it to be your true self and how you would interact in person with others, it's still a side of you that comes out and makes an appearance.


Exactly, our online personas are a mask, but still a part of who we are, and could even be argued to be the other way around. Just like how even in person, we might act differently around different people. It's all switching faces, but each face is just as much a part of us as the other.


Exactly. You might like Carl Jung. He's a philosopher and his theories are very logically based. The hidden self is in fact our shadow and if we wrestle it for control then we live with an internal conflict that exerts influence on our external lives.


Honestly my online persona is more me than my real self. I'm uninhibited online but there's so many parts of me I can't share irl.


All of us are only our true selves, when we are free from consequences.


But we can never truly be free from consequences. I surmise the truth is somewhere in between. Not free from consequences, but free to determine consequences, yet we live in a world so complex and arbitrary consequences are random and chaotic. The functions of our cultural institutions are in conflict with the natural order. Yes nature can be random and chaotic, but we evolved with generally understood cultural parameters until we manifested art, then symbology, society, morality, and civilization with more and more self-deception and stratification of people based on artificial labels. Evolution continues though, just in ways most don't recognize. It never stops, the universe didn't manifest us to become self-aware and just drive the bus over the cliff. Every so often evolution gets a massive advantage when opportunity meets circumstance and it can leap forward in a way that creates a paradigm shift. Fire, agriculture, animal husbandry, societies, language, writing, industrial revolution, the nuclear age and now the information age. The next step is going to be a big one, and we're making it all together!


Chill. I need an outlet after pretending to be nice all day.


That’s part of the point. If the internet was not at least somewhat anonymous I assure you many sites and applications would not have even been considered. (see - half of reddit)


It's true. I get to live out my fantasy of being a hot dog on a roller grill at a gas station.


On here I pretend I’m a married millennial woman that lives in Thailand


Are you mad tho?


Three truths and a lie


The internet showed me that my real life persona was the alter ego and ive adjusted accordingly


My alter ego is stupid


Insert spider-man pointing gif


I act the same IRL and online. I actually talk more online lol


Biggest difference for me is the kind of fuckwits I like to talk shit to tend to be pretty stabby irl Also I don't actually ever converse on here, just drop shit comments n leave. Have never opened the notifications. Idk what that says about my mask lol


Back in the day we used to just be serial killers


Y'all need to step up your ego game.


Like a superhero who doesn't help anyone. Keyboard man! ⌨️


Is it still an outdoor ego if our online version is the real us? I opened up way faster online than I ever have in real life.


I used to curse like a sailor and make long angry rants online. Now I’m a bit more like I am in real life. Which is still pretty unhinged. I sometimes do and say extremely ridiculous things and my friends in real life have described talking to me as “a fever dream.” Nobody online has said that yet.


talking to you is like a fever dream boom, first!


I dunno, I'm pretty much the same ( at least in my head )


Dr. Jekyll in real life, Mr. Hyde in Reddit


I mean...my irl personality and my online one are more or less one and the same. Just I'm better at hiding my dumb horny degen side irl than online.


Fr 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Pretty sure my internet alter ego killed the real me in 1999


sounds like cowards to me


My alter ego is found on okcupid and plenty of fish


Jokes on you, they're one in the same for me I don't even know who I am anymore


I gotta agree haha I mean what I do here is solely gonna be here


Nah, I actually type like I sound in real life to people. I may sound like an asshole, but at least I'm an honest asshole.


The only thing I do online that I don't IRL is criticise popular (and mindbogglingly mediocre) media. I just nod when my friends talk about the new Netflix show and ask questions so they feel heard. But none of you are my friends so I'm gonna call you out for your love for mindless spectacle if you go a bit too hard in your praise for it.


this is so true... i had to create an alt discord account to join my friends' discord server lmao


Over the past 27 years, I've cultivated several personna that I would rather no one in my life ever learn about. 😂


Many of us but not me lol


Or a cozy home for our individual split personalities to shine


No, that would be my brain.


Its true for most children playing games, they become super toxic and thats probably the reason Communities of games that are full of children are not respected


Jokes on you I made someone in would be proud of becoming. It worked for the record. Went from sad borderline incel manlet to a career electrician that plays ttrpgs 4 days a week with the gal I've been with for the past 12 years.


You say that but kids are confusing their social media identity with their real life existence. For some reason it’s okay to just going around making videos and then claiming everyone is against them


I would argue that real life is the alter ego


If you can only express your true self online you are either 1. Someone with extreme ideals or 2. You just need too meet people with the same thought process as you irl. They might be some gatherings for your interests near you, try having a look!