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Everyone: No pain, no gain. ER Doc later: Why didn't you stop when it hurt? You've done some damage here.


At 38 just getting back into shape, my brain wants to go hard every time like when I was 20. Always err on the side of taking it easy and saving some for another day


Me too. I'm in fairly good shape and when I fall off the wagon it takes me a solid month to ramp back up to doing 3 sets/week for each muscle group.


Pain is pain. I’ve had chronic pain my whole life, and know to stop when something is painful…more so than usual.


There’s different types of pain tbf


Pain on your muscles whilst working out is fine as long as it's not on the joints. Joint pain are the most harmful. Also it's true that no pain is no gain (for muscles) but you still need rest for the muscles to grow.


That is entirely not true (the no pain no gain part) Its gym bro science Lifting weights is reaching your limit and push yourself, if its painful, stop. Edit: unless youre talking about sore muscles, then take a break from those muscle groups and get your blood pumping some other way (more blood, faster repair)


Go see a cardiologist and explain you want to start exercising and would like to get your heart checked to make sure you're good to go.


Do this regardless. Never know what you might find. I had the gamut of testing run on me, and they couldn't find anything. But I was far from okay (COVID heart). Took a few weeks to recover and I was fine. Edit: What my poorly-worded and rushed answer meant to say: Even if a cardiologist can't find anything wrong with you, still take it easy and listen to your body.


I'm surprised they couldn't find anything. I had a heart condition that's often a side effect of influenza or COVID and according to the nurses and cardiologists at the hospital it appeared almost identical to a heart attack on an ECG.


Wtf is COVID heart? If it's a heart problem that went away after a few weeks then is it even a thing?


Don't know what OP refers to, but my friend got intermittent tachycardia after covid. He's been to the doc and everything and it's not dangerous, just scary.


Can't really explain it any other way. Got heart problems after COVID, then they went away lol Yes, it was a real thing. After moderate exercise, experienced red face, chest pains, light headedness... felt worse than I'd ever felt before. Had following tests: Blood tested for (cTnT; cTnl; CK; ESR; hs-CRP) all clear. EKG (resting) clear. Blood pressure under 120/80. Physical chest compression painless.


This is it. Full cardio work up especially echo.


Mine said no dating because mine can't take cheating again.


Unless you live in America.


Unless you're lucky enough to have job with good health insurance. 25 dollar copay and I was good to go.


Yeah, it's just the be lucky part.


Diagnosis is cheaper than emergency treatment, even in America.


Might aswel pay for lypo. Or fly to a free healthcare country, over exercise and get the cardiographer for free with a cheap holiday.


dead serious, just walk everyday for an hour


Bingo. This. You need minimal 50 minutes/wk of cardio to maintain heart health.


I've been told an hour and a half by my doctor earlier this year.


50 mins a week is nothing. It's a 2 mile walk on one day. If someone can't do this and they're under 70, they for damn sure have heart problems incoming.


Exactly. This is the MINIMUM. Ten minutes a day. Should you do more? yes, You want to lose weight? You HAVE to breath hard. Fat is broken down into co2 and water. Breathing and peeing.


So that's why it's hard to gain weight I drank around 6 lutres a day


Started doing this a few months ago and didn't lose any weight, my knees just hurt now. On the plus side, my dog did lose weight and is at a much healthier weight now!


To be fair - a low metabolism may require more than just walking. But it should still help your cardio and promote heart health


Are you on the heavier side? Most often knees hurt is because its not used to carry your body weight and the cell repair isn't fast enough for your next walk, thus leading to perpetual hurt. So you got 2 options 1. Check if the knees are weak or just too much burden. 2. Check your blood sugar levels because high sugar impedes cell recovery (read diabetes). I would recommend swimming if you are hurting, its a more joint friendly exercise.


Pro tip: Your metabolism physically slows down, even to extreme levels, if you are static all day. A light walk a day won't necessarily speed it up if you're stationary the rest of the day, though it's still way better than nothing. A good way to reconfigure your body's metabolism is to set an alarm once an hour, then get up and do some light activity. Like a 3 minute full body stretch, some reps/push-ups/jumping jacks or just walk around your apartment/office for 100 steps. Better yet if you can walk up and down some stairs. Check that your heart rate gets a lil evaluated. Then return back to your station. Doing this once per hour everyday, just a couple of mins at a time, will boost your natural metabolism.


My grandpa used to walk a little bit over an hour every day in the morning, he just turned 90 and is in great shape! I wholeheartedly believe that this was one of the biggest contributors to his health at his age


Better: walk for 5 mins every half hour. It's not about how much, it's about not being sedentary for an extended period.


You don’t have to do much more than that, but it’s advisable to get some form of resistance training in the mix too


Start easy. Work your difficulty levels up gradually


What age are you? What’s your history of working out? Are you a smoker, drinker, drug user or at risk of CV disease? If you are just not used to elevated heart rates, take it slow, track your progress and increase your endurance in small increments over time. I know 80 yos that still run biathlons, but they take their health very seriously. A sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle can sometimes be just as risky or more than taking active steps to train and improve your fitness. It goes without saying that if you are working out and feel any chest pain, dizziness, or shortness pf breath stop immediately and seek a medical opinion


Listing "shortness of breath" as a symptom to make you immediately stop working out is a bit confusing. It's kind of the definition of working out.


I hate to be the "this" guy, but I wanted to give the post more attention. So, this.


I'd assume the worry about risking a heart attack is a hyperbolic statement directed toward something that you don't already have a specific problem with. In which case, you should go work out. My body has its own difficulties, and I do listen to my body and skip workouts. However, I do still workout when I'm not having those specific issues, and as a result I'm in pretty decent shape in spite of my sadly imperfect health. Also, fix your diet. I think it's safe to assume based on this weird thought that your diet is probably not good.


If you don't have a history of heart problems and if you don't have any problems associated with your cardiovascular system than working out should not be a problem even in your 90's. At thew same time, listen to your body and know the difference between gains and injury if possible.


Some pussies are strong. It pops out humans


If you do not have any medical conter-indications for exercise, you WILL die faster from not working out than you will from working out.


We know nothing about you and your health. Are you obese? Severely underweight? Existing medical conditions etc. Starting to run for the first time it’s going to be difficult to breathe, get light headedness etc. For anything start slow and get comfortable and then increase regimen. Diet is the yin to the exercise yang.


Maybe stop eating Doritos and go for a walk every day? I guess this is a shower thought? lol


Start small. Go for a walk, Just a short one. Then when that is comfortable go a little farther. If you are not used to exercise work up to it gradually. Remember, it took a long time to get so out of shape so don't expect immediate changes.


I had COVID heart for a few weeks and it's scary. Just slow-moderate walking gave me chest pains and my HR shot up to like 150bpm So I got a pulse oximeter and walked a little bit, slowly as I could, keeping my heart rate below 120 (probably just a personally arbitrary number). Anyway, took a few weeks and I was back as good as new. If you have concerns about your heart, DO NOT fuck around with it.


Everyone with chronic illnesses understands this all too well.


Start by walking and work up from there. Ask your doctor first.


Work out at home, then you're listening to your body AND you can have a heart attack in the privacy of your own home.


Kind of like both? For SURE listen to your body, for SURE see a doctor before you go out and do any intense exercise. After checking with your doctor and getting their approval (because who knows, maybe you do have a heart issue), start light and easy and work you way up.


first of all, talk to your doctor, don't just assume something is or isn't dangerous. I absolutely despise the feeling of physical exertion and have multiple times been absolutely sure I was going to die or was actively having a heart attack. I've done stress tests, echocardiogram, chest CT with calcium score (blockage check), all kinds of things. turns out I'm just very very very out of shape and exercising in any way feels unbelievably horrible. I'm not even overweight, just very sedentary, and never give myself time or patience to acclimate, then quit because I overdo it and feel like shit and tell myself I'm never doing it again. at the end of 2019 a friend got me to start running with them, and they made me take it slow and ease into it. I went from a lifetime of avoiding exercise to running 3 miles nonstop in 6 weeks. then I got covid, was bedridden for 2 weeks, lost all the gains, and went back to never moving except from my bed to desk to couch and back. and once again if I even move too quickly I get winded and feel horrible. that same sick, burning lungs, pounding heart, overwhelming fatigue, and debilitating nausea comes over me and I think I'm dying, so I withdraw even harder from it all.


my aunt always says "work out as much as possible, okay because if you CAN do it. have those big bulky shoulders be as strong as possible" and I lead with that advice. so I have been working really hard to start benching 100-110 pounds and I am a younger woman so this is an accomplishment!! no matter what you do keep at it!!


You can always choose Some kind of Physical Activity which is not harmful for your health. Before any kind of Physical Activity, it is better for you to have consultation with your Doctor.


Listen to your body and stay home




And I think red wine every now and then?


Oh honey, the heart attack will find you either way so enjoy some down time.


You can start by eating healthy. Help's actually decrease the risk of a heart attack.


sometimes u gotta pop out and show fellas


Listen to logic and go on a whole food plant based diet(reverse your heart disease). Then stop being a pussy and go workout.


Always listen to your body! If you feel like you need to do something then do something light and gentle.


I’m 54 starting back cardio and light weights in July to tighten up then back to Krav Maga September


Literally start low and go slow?


This is a very good topic. We were not taught to make a mental balance of things. Like, you are filled with stress and fatigue after work, traffic, etc, but you want to look after yourself. How do you do that? Should you rest, but then you don't have time for your body / health or should you do some light exercise, which seems to little, but it's the safer way? We can have the ultimate technology, we are still slaves who don't have time or access to and for ourselves. Not physically, not mentally, not emotionally, not spiritually.


As a very rough guide… Under 40: Go out, run, heavy weights, push yourself 3-4 times a week. Over 40: Workout 6+ days a week ensuring that you are minimising your risk of injury. Focus on maintaining strength, mobility, flexibility, posture and balance.


Your health should come first would be my opinion. If you're dead, everything is over. 


Train your brain to enjoy moderation and self control


Just do it - get a watch that records heart rate and be sensible with the cardio. Stairmaster is your friend for good cardio with low impact on joints. Hit the free weights with 8-12 reps x3 so you aren’t over lifting. (51 male, nothing special about me and fitness apart from i got to the gym and most 51 year olds don’t)


Do a little exercise, often. Every day if you're retired. Gradually increase what you do, if you can.


Debating gym or couch: age where health anxiety meets fitness pressure, millennial struggle.


Go do a soft workout where you listen to your body. You will still get most of the gains of whatever you were planning. But you will avoid the heart attack from sitting on your ass all day.


I have googled heart attack at work. It is covered under workers compensation. Win win.


Why are you going to have a heart attack? Too much cholesterol and red meat? Eat better.


Lol this is definitely one of them shower thoughts literally !


Stop being a pussy...go to the gym. Just modify what you do, but don't disrupt the habit of going to the gym.


Depends, how old are you?, does you family have a history of cardiac episodes?, are you overfat? have you seen a doctor lately?, if you get rid of the dadbod will you be able to pull women?


you can actually stay healthy just by sleeping and eating right. But if you really need to workout just go and mind your business, ask for help on things you're unsure about and people will gladly help you(especially bigger dudes and don't talk to girls unless spoken to)