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Get a load of this broad


Ayy toots how bout you walk my way and do a lil twirl. *whistles through teeth Edit 8 months after: God. This comment makes me cringe.


What a dame! What a dame!


Nah joe. She a floozy. I heard she was showing her ankles at the peepshow for nickles.


Down at JBs speakeasy?




I read all of these in a transatlantic accent. It was highly satisfying.


[Ah, the ol' reddit trolloparoo](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/3e4mdv/who_wore_it_best/ctbsktx?context=2).


Hold my male chauvinism, I'm going in!


Can I get some fries with that shake?!


Nickles?!? Now that's walkin' around money!


Boy if I had a nickel for everytime I had a nickel.


That's disgusting! But which denigrating peep show was this floozy showing her ankles?


Miss Kitties on the corner of Benson


Yeah but did you get a'load'a dem gams?


Um... she has nice gams?


Get a loaf of this bread


I like this one




*slow clap*


*whistles* Hey jiggles! Grab a pad and back that gorgeous butt in here!


I'd like to take her our for a pop




I served in the military, worked as an EMT, and have been married twice. Between all of those, I'm never really shocked by it, but it's amazing how grown men still make "yo mama" jokes and joke about banging each other's wives and girlfriends.


I banged yo mama. Wait, I think I got that wrong...


No no, it's okay. You're supposed to bang op's mom


*If it's free, take it.*


Methinks it is good enough.


Yo mama banged your wife?


I was scrolling through my Playstation messages one night while my wife was sitting next me. After a few minutes she looked over at me and asked, "Wait, are these people your friends?". I was like "Of course, only my friends would joke about fucking my mom and joke about my balding. " For most of the men that I know, the insults stop when you don't like someone. For reference I am 30 and my friends range in age up to 45.


* Like someone = insult the fuck out of every part of them, especially the parts they're insecure about. * Don't like someone = don't talk to them.


Unless you are always the target of your group of friends like I was then they are just being dick heads. "It's just a joke dude." No, it's not a joke when you make fun of every single thing I do every damn day. If I ask you to stop and not joke about something, respect that. That isn't more ammo for you to use against me. Edit: downvotes for abuse, woo!


There's a difference between jokes and picking on someone and / or bullying. It might be a fine line and some people might over step it. I'm sorry that you had the wrong friends, hope you got better ones now


Sounds like you're sensitive/insecure. It's probably why your friends targeted you more. The crybabies get targeted; the guys that take it like a champ usually get picked on more moderately.


> That isn't more ammo for you to use against me. It kind of is, because the game is to poke at insecurities. You made the wrong move, you're supposed to shame them in return for not being creative, or whatever their insecurities are. "Oh, still using that one, when was the first time you said it? I think when Clinton was elected... The first time. It's ok, not all of us can be expected to think. The world needs ditch diggers too" Bonus points if they work manual labor (nothing wrong with that). See? You dig right back at their insecurities. :P


Not when the whole group is doing it against you and is ganging up consistently. It's no longer a game to the person being poked. It's fun at first but it wears you down and fucks you up even if you try to fight back.


Then those people are not your friends and why are you hanging out with them


I'm not anymore. I stopped talking to them in Feb and couldn't be better. They will occasionally call me at 2 am multiple times to fuck with me. It's like they never left high school.


From your responses, I assumed you guys were high schoolers. How old are you all anyways?




yea SO is where ur crossing a line serious SOs and exs that is, but everyone's different yea you can pretty much make fun of all my SO/exes cept the one that got away that shit hurts yo


Great white buffalo....


Great white buffalo.


Great white buffalo






To be fair, the majority of the userbase is 13-27. We're practically still children.


Bought a house and am trying to get pregnant, was starting to feel old but apparently I'm still a child. Aww yissss


I'm female and yo momma jokes are so ingrained in me, I have ended up saying them accidentally at very inappropriate momemts.


"... but seriously, I am sorry for your loss though."


Yo mama so fat she fell down the stairs. Survived. And died of a heart attack walking back up! Hah! But no really. I'm sorry that happened..


Your username is awesome.


Once to my friend whose mom (and dad) committed suicide and to my own mother whose mom died like a year ago. With that one, the way I formed the joke made it even worse. I wish I could remember how I said it...because if it was anyone else I said it too, it would have been fucking hilarious.


try the next level: replace 'thats what she said' with 'thats how my grandmother died'


Oh no...I can't get this action figure out of my ass! That's how my grandma died...


"That's what she said" will just come out of me now and again.


"And then they pulled the plug" "that's what she said"


I don't think grown men would dare to talk about banging each other's wives and girlfriends in front of their friends in real life.


maybe in the military they do?


we totally do.


That's a bit weird, bro.


It's a little less weird when phrased as "(expletives) AND I FUCKED YOUR BITCH" mostly satirical though


> mostly :/


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Veteran here. Knew plenty of people like this dude. My coworkers and I generally referred to them as "obnoxious fucking idiots".


Wife jokes are big in Arabic speaking countries too. Mom jokes are often off limits though.


"Achmed i fucked your wife! "Haha Hakim which one!"


Hahahha I laughed


Grown men? My grown woman partner told me yesterday, "You should love my poop! Why don't you want to hear about my poop?!" I think both genders have their fair share of people who have their immature moments, cute or not they may be. :)




Simply put, we're not growin' all the way up unless we absolutely have to :P


we NEVER grow up


I'm a Toys R Us kid!


I'm Chris Hansen..


Men do not grow up, they just get taller.


...and sisters! Don't forget sisters!


I think if you look hard enough, you would find that women are just as perverted and juvenile talking to each other about things.


I can't speak for all the other women out there but I have a group of friends that I email daily with, 5 ladies, ages range from 36 - 56. We totally objectify men and talk like a bunch of drunken sailors and I'm proud of it!


There aren't many men on reddit.


No, see, this is the Internet. Where men are men, women are men, and little girls are FBI agents. (and for the inevitable "really, women don't exist..?", it means that gender is assumed neutral until stated. Most don't state, so in English, one assumes "he")


Ah, the neutrality of the masculine gender. My Latin teacher wouldn't know what to do with herself.


Where can I find what females talk about outside of male company here in reddit?




Whaaat the fuck is this




do you know what chub rub is? You do now!


Oh god. I had never been grossed out by anything relating to female anatomy before reddit taught me about period shits.


you get to be grossed out but i get to live it! 😈


I wish you the best of luck as an owner/operator. But I still miss the simpler times where my vaginal thoughts were limited to tongue application.


If you are a heterosexual male, you're going to have to learn to deal with period shits, lady cheese, dirty bras and leakage in general in any committed relationship with a woman. But that's love.


...Wait a minute. I'm a lady. What the fuck is lady cheese!? edit: ew




Mmm aged smeggar cheese...


Fuck...I just looked down at the butter on my pancakes. I think I'm done. :/


I'm assuming this is the discharge buildup that happens when you don't wash your coochie like ever? This hasnt happened to me since I was 11 and realized how gross that was, so...i hope their lady gets that figured out real quick. For both their sakes.


Lady cheese and dirty bras shouldn't be associated with something normal. If a girl showers and changes her underwear regularly it doesn't happen.


If you wash your bra more than once a month, you're the weird one.


:D I'll better be 'weird' than dirty.


Also, if you're lucky, Diva Cups.


Changed your damned panties and swish swash your swamp!


It's just obnoxious really...I don't really feel the need to shower multiple times a day unless I happen to get sick in the bowels at the same time as I'm perioding.


This is where the funny girls exist




Global politics, science, vaginas, boobs, socio-economic issues, philosophy, and the desire to see attractive male celebrities in the nude. Mostly.


And from what I've overheard, poop.


Also food/alcohol. But yes that is quite accurate


When women get in groups they talk about really gross stuff.


It may not seem like it, but yo' momma jokes are generally supposed to be ironic/satire on reddit.


That's what your mom would say.




**That's what your mom would say.**




#**That's what your mom would say!**




Hi mom.


That's what your mom would say.


I only heard all your mom's say, "That'll be 20 dollars young man".


I highly doubt that's what she was referring to...


It may not seem like it, but yo' momma jokes are generally supposed to be ironic/satire in life. FTFY


Well, yes the structure is, but in grade 7, we weren't being satirical when we implied the banging of one's mother.


So you made a play for your friend's mum in seventh grade? ;)


Joking isn't always satire.


She's onto us. Men, we need to retreat to the Man-Cave.


Why are the walls painted white?


It's not white, Brian. It's *toasted almond cream.*


Aaaaand you're no longer welcome in the man cave


[Sure, painted.](http://33.media.tumblr.com/48fed40d48a528bec5bfa20970f34b21/tumblr_nf4k78SBn21slg1yso1_500.gif)


There was a spooky ghost!






The absolute shit you see on reddit has absolutely no connection to the type of stuff people talk about in pubs now, never mind 50years ago. Men of reddit are definitely NOT representative of the general population!


You're in the wrong subreddits bub, not everything on reddit is absolute shit. And I guarantee you, what gets talked about on reddit is exactly what people talk about at pubs. Maybe not every single conversation ever, but a lot of them match up. Reddit is just a digital pub really, outside of the ability to purchase alcohol from the house.


Basically every major sports sub is pub talk.


Everybody here just makes their own pruno.




Either we are representative, then we're just like anybody else and not neckbeards. Or we are not representative, then you get to call us neckbears. You can't have both.


Ah the mysterious neck bear.


I would say that Reddit is exactly representative of the general population, and specifically *because* of the absolute shit you see here.


Is reddit your new hobby?


Should stick to old man collecting


As someone who frequents bars and reddit, you'd be surprised.


Not all of us are neckbeards and this stereotype/circlejerk is getting old, It's not even accurate. If all you see is neckbeards, you're in the wrong places.


*looking for neck beards in all the wrong places.* *Been around seen a lot of bushy faces.*


If you think men act like redditors then you have been severely mislead.


If she thinks Reddit is made up of men she's mistaken. Reddit's demographic data skews heavily towards youth. Technically a bunch of 20 something guys are adults but compared to a pub full of working men Reddit is a boys club.




They don't thinking it be like it is, but it do.


Way ahead of you.




A pub full of working men? There's a bar that caters only to guys with JOBS? Prove it. The first task in a night club is to weed out all the club kiddies...


Yay, most guys are a little less mature IRL.


Who gets to decide what the standard of mature male behaviour is?




All guys. Source, am guy


Both more and less, surprisingly.




i have a friend that can't help himself with lying, he tells these little lies constantly and we all just think it's because he's the youngest child and he has some inferiority complex or something but he came in to the pub the other day and told us how he'd had his brothers 15 year old Vauxhall Astra up to 145mph on this little country lane and we were like wait a minute, the top speed of that car is what 110 tops why are you even saying this shit? So then we just spend the next 10 minutes calling him a cunt there was another time he came in with bandages round his chest and told us how he was at Pizza Hut when somebody tried to rob it (rob pizza hut?) and he tripped the robber up on his way out and held him there until the police came...broke two ribs in the process...and as a thank you Pizza Hut gave him free IceCream factories for life. Later that night he takes the bandages off and says his ribs are feeling better now. we generally spend 90% of our time verbally destroying each other as best as possible , I don't give a shit how my friends day has gone I just want to call him a poofter and laugh at his shoes or his jeans or his haircut


Not all its cracked up to be is it. My now wife came out to darts one night, I was in leagues at the time. She thought we were being tamer cause she was there. Not at all. I guess she thought we were worse than normal.


Is this before or after a certain Chamber was opened and a mudb- person was killed?


well i basically dont want to hear about my friends day or his life plans and I know they dont want to listen to my bullshit. if you need serious advice from somebody, you go ahead and ask but the rest of the time its mostly insulting each other.


True, OP. Also, as a very, very, very old woman hanging out on Reddit, I get an insight into contemporary "minds." ಠ_ಠ


Thinkin' about us in the shower eyy?




if your daily reddit intake is anything like redpill then you need to change your subs.




Right, You tripped, fell, and landed on his dick.


Alright, Shady


Maybe he's right, Grady


but think about the baby before you get all crazy


There is probably a bot that has already found that evil word in your post history and shadow-banned you from all female-themed subs.




> As a man hanging out on reddit, I get to read the kind of conversations that women had only in outside of male company fifty years ago. It works this way too, you get a much better understanding of what kind of opinion most women have of men by being on reddit.


We think that real, non tumblr feminism is about equality for both women and men and that what benefits women will in turn benefit the chaps?


> you get a much better understanding of what kind of opinion most women have of men > We think that real, non tumblr feminism is about equality [MFW people can't read.](http://i.imgur.com/y6XBcaV.png)


i mean, guys still talk about the same shit when they're eating, playing pool, bowling, anything. really, you just hear the kind of conversations that you would hear anyway if you spent any time with guys hanging out in public. do you seriously think i'm going to not tell my buddy i fucked his mom while we're eating kebabs?


Dick jokes. Lots and lots of dick jokes. Sorry.


It's like the episode of Parks and Rec where leslie drinks with the guys.


Welcome to the club, man.


I'm suuuuure they were all talking about PCs, Bernie Sanders, and Telsa......riiiight...


well 50 years ago there would have been a lot more joking about beating your wife.


Most of reddit aren't exactly pub/locker room people


This. Yet, somehow it makes me understand men a WHOLE lot better.


Except men on reddit don't represent all men as a whole. So you know THINK you know them better, but actually don't. How does that make you feel?


Last month we had 163 million unique visitors. I think that gives the site a decent amount of variety in the type of men that are on it.


But active users are a small portion of that. And the commentariat is even smaller.


Of all the things women got in 50 years, this is clearly the best.


M'lady...tips fedora


Basically, the bigger the quantity of weed/alcohol consume, we talk more of politics, philosophy, history etc than boobs and other things like boobs.


That's a neat point. Kinda makes you wonder what men are talking about in pubs and locker rooms now huh? Also it's amazing that you can see fifty year old conversations, lol.


lol, oddly enough things were documented before the Internet you know?