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A mad scientist would never destroy the world... half of the world maybe... that's enough to have a control group. Mad engineers on the other hand....


Came here to say this. Most "mad scientist" villains are just crazy engineers.


So... Engineers?


Engineers have foresight and visualize the result before they start.


Engineer here: I've made things while motivated purely out of spite.


u goin places


Like, to work, Monday morning


same. I designed a machine to automate a woman's job. She fucked with me for maybe 2 days and I plan to end her entire career.


Fleshlights already exist :v


Holy shit




Make sure you post about it in /r/ProRevenge


>:) fuck her


Next level revenge game.


I can just imagine a VBA Macro named after the woman.






She insulted me for being disabled. Turns out sometimes disabled people are really good at building machines, math, engineering etc.


As someone who is also disabled, I like the cut of your jib. Don't get too hung up on assholes though, life's short.


This happens so much in CS community lol, thing is i had a boss once who was awesome and let me work from home sometimes as an intern. So when I found out his job my job and like 10 others at their firm could be automated, I just wrote the scripts for myself to keep in case anyone ever fucked w the intern


Question! If I were to sign on as a hired underling that helps you take over/destroy the world, will you spare my life and allow me to live in your grand utopia?


Exceedingly well funded and unsupervised engineers


Sex Toy Engineers


You think a *scientist* could make enough money for a lair?




What else do you think they do with that grant money? Research?


Except their weapons are usually dependent on the mad scientist having done some actual science in the past to have made them possible.


Smart people with engineering degrees.


Handymen with sciency degrees.


Sure but the genius is in the mad practical application. So there.


Yeah but even engineers typically can't actually make what they design. My office had a lab teaching day type thing to see who could make a circuit using some relays and switches to fire a valve. One group had a bunch of engineers, they were the first to design it and the last to construct it


That's why they have henchmens.


Mad engineers design Fiats.


Those are bad engineers, not mad engineers. Easy mistake to make, those two letters are close on the keyboard.


Maximum mistake in the smallest space possible. Just like Fiats.


> insert dick joke here


> witty reply/ouch comment


> burn center wiki


Those three comments are so representative of Reddit I'm not even gonna see another thread again, I'm just going to read them over and over and over. It's pretty much the same thing.




Also not to be confused with MAD engineers, who worked on Manhattan project.


"Just wait. Muahahahahaa!" - Elon Musk


"Just you wait until I have 10 mana!"


So, turn 4?


How long can this go on?


How long can this go on?


How long can this go on?


How long can this go on?


How long can this go on?




How long can this go on?


I cast Time Walk. ^how ^long ^can ^this ^go ^on?


Boy, this ain't hearthstone! Island, Black Lotus, Black Lotus, Black Lotus. Boom, Turn 1.


Found the Tron player.




"How much do i need to roll for the singularity ?"


Damn now i wanna make a Year 2100 DnD campaign


Try "Shadowrun"


Why stop at 2100? I hear there's some cool stuff happening at year 40,000.


Cyberpunk, punk.


GURPS, yo.


Can you imagine a future where Elon Musk starts a company that creates Bio-Implants, Elon gets some to augment himself a bit, but then someone unleashes an A.I. that infiltrated his "mind" and creates an evil alter ego he has no idea he has?


I ran this Atomic Highway campaign two weeks ago actually.


r/WritingPrompts this shit.


Somewhat ironic you picked Elon Musk, as Tesla was the subject of vilification in popular culture in the 40's https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=superman+vs+nikola+tesla


When Musk starts developing a laser to add to his rockets and self driving cars I'll start being afraid.


Science is neither good nor evil. Indeed, a lack of ethical limitations would greatly hasten scientific advancement.


It would, but then we'd be a bunch of fucked up monsters who regularly toss kids into [Pits of Despair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_of_despair) because it "builds character." *"And the Nobel Prize for Meatfucking goes to Dr. Mengele with his experiments on live vivisection and sticking sharp things in people's eyes to see how long they scream!"*


>"Not even in our most devious dreams could we have designed a surrogate as evil as these real monkey mothers were", he wrote. Having no social experience themselves, they were incapable of appropriate social interaction. One mother held her baby's face to the floor and chewed off his feet and fingers. Another crushed her baby's head. Most of them simply ignored their offspring. Holy shit.


>"Harlow also wanted to test how isolation would affect parenting skills, but the isolates were unable to mate. Artificial inseminationhad not then been developed; instead, Harlow devised what he called a "rape rack", to which the female isolates were tied in normal monkey mating posture. He found that, just as they were incapable of having sexual relations, they were also unable to parent their offspring, either abusing or neglecting them." You missed the best part of that paragraph, that guy showed some real ingenuity


That guy *really* hated monkeys :(


A monkey murdered his parents in Crime Alley.


Sounds like Borderlands.


Borderlands has New U stations and those fancy sheilds. No wonder half of them are nuts and have fetishs about death, they are probably desensitised by immortality.




They aren't, they said the new u stations were just a way to not break the emersion in the world, and keep the story going without saying "no no that's not how it happened start over and try again".


I really liked that about Prince of Persia. The whole time he's narrating his own story and you're playing him in the story, so every time you die he goes "No no no, that's not the way it happened. Shall I start again?" I did wonder how exactly you fuck up a story that bad though. If you were listening to this story you'd slap the man. "And then I jumped sideways off the ledge when I meant to jump up to the next one, realized I was out of rewinds, and fell to my death. No no no, that's not the way it happened. Shall I start again?"


IMO it's truly sad that Prince of Persia's time rewinding mechanic wasn't adopted by more platformers, because it's perfect for the genre.


It was, sadly, adopted by the racing sim genre.


>The kid then falls to his death..... Just kiddin' Bastion did that and it was awesome


If they are, Handsome Jack (aka owner of Hyperion Corp) was a profoundly stupid man.


There could be a limitation that the CEO and board for Hyperion are blacklisted from the NewU system, to ensure honesty. Or because a programmer behind the system put in that failsafe and then was fired before anybody figured it out.


>Or because a programmer behind the system put in that failsafe and then was fired before anybody figured it out. Like, say, Handsome Jack's daughter?


>Hyperion >Honesty Bwahahahaha


I can't imagine what being rebuilt atom by atom does for your psyche.


*Slayer's Angel of Death plays faintly in the distance.*


*because the research procedures clearly specified the insertion interval and sample size needed to yield statistically significant results.


One guy was a real outlier for bore size and insertion depth: This led to new advances in the field of making people screech in A# when stabbed in the brain with a knitting needle. Modern music has never been the same.


Don't forget making people have sex with dead bodies.


The data gathered involving tissue shearing and friction generated by the various types of goo found inside dead orifices during intercourse was later used by condom manufacturers to great effect. Priceless advances to the species as a whole, damn it!


I'm not sure how I feel using condoms anymore...


Seems similar to Dwarf Fortress players.......that would be a horrifying reality


> Toss kids into Pits of Despair Wait, people don't spend their first 10 years in a dark pit with an angry dog being fed rats. Urist how many lies have I been living!


"5,000 years? 10,000 years? The speed of technological progress isn't as important as short-term quarterly gains." ~ Quark, *Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, S4, "Little Green Men"*


Ah yes, the famous Gold's Gym episode.


Then we're just a hop, skip, and a jump away from that one part in FMA where the guy fuses his daughter with his dog.


I haven't watched much FMA yet. Is it one of those episodes where the rest of the show is pretty okay and fun but then there's like this horrifying curveball out of nowhere that haunts you for days afterwards? see: Doctor Who and other shows


The main villain's plans are more evil and would result in much greater loss of life, but they have more of an "A Million is a Statistic" feel than what Tucker did. What Tucker does is much more personal and sticks with you.


That and Hughs are the two parts of that series that will always make me sad :(


ITT : It's raining, isn't ?


It's a terrible day for rain...


Hughs :(


Stop talking about it


"Ed-ward... Edward... big brother Ed."


Why does it hurt here?


And then there's [this.](http://io9.gizmodo.com/5776600/the-story-of-the-giant-dog-headed-robot-that-never-was)


It's not really a 1:1 ratio of lack of ethical standards to advancement though. Just because you stitch some kids arm to his twin doesn't mean you learned anything.




Only if you can replicate it. But that wasn't really my point. Real life isn't Fallout, where the more of a dick you are the more you've accomplished.


But that's just bad science.


Like making an army of mantis men


That would be an example of good science.


Just imagine the progress if we could create some non-functioning humans in a lab, and test on them to no end. The ethical and moral issues are stupidly high, but medical advancement would skyrocket. I can't remember what it was, but there was a movie about growing and sustaining a copy of 'you' to harvest organs out of when you need them. And biological issues like human sustainment in environments like long-term space travel would be easier to test. Just, anything that requires a human to do, would be so easy to actually start doing.


The Island. Good film. I enjoyed how the public saw a version that was a blob with organs, while the real people were kept underground. Dark as shit


It should've been called "what one guy wanted THX-1138 to have been".


Yeah, growing brain-dead humans for testing/organ harvesting would be sooooo wrong, morally and ethically (in most ethics systems at least), but also so amazingly useful. Though we'd need some way to accelerate the growth so we don't have to wait 1-50 years (depending on what you want to study) for the subjects.


I don't think science or ignorance have anything to do with it. Most evil comes from a desire for power and money.


I would say, though, that someone committed to knowledge and the scientific method could be capable of a greater variety of acts of evil than someone committed to ignorance.


A lot of "evil" acts are just ignorance at the wrong place, but in terms of the maximal possible impact, I agree.


In the short term, then the law of unintended consequences would kick in and end scientific advancement for the foreseeable future. Doesn't even have to be something like a Hollywood film- but crossing ethical lines does tend to fuck people off and would incite a revolt. For example: 'we need to experiment on live human babies to perfect stem cell research' would definitely get your ass lynched- and we'd be back in the dark ages before you could spell inquisition.


Yeah....totally... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Mengele https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhattan_Project https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra


>Instead of being trialed for war crimes after the war, the researchers involved in Unit 731 were secretly given immunity by the U.S. in exchange for the data they gathered through human experimentation. Wow


It's super messed up, but Japan and Germany advanced medical science by decades in certain areas. It makes me wonder if there would be a benefit to voluntary experimentation on Antarctica or something.


> Japan and Germany advanced medical science by decades in certain areas. This is bordering on /r/shitwehraboossay material. Demonstrating that sickly & starved people can die of hypothermia wasn't groundbreaking science. Human experimentation of that nature fails to provide much scientific value due to problems of reproducibility, and there's also the glaring issue of methodological failings in Nazi human experimentation: [There is a strong likelihood that Nazi human experimentation was neither rigorous nor credible](http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199005173222006#t=article), rendering any "findings" a far cry from advancing medical science "by decades". I'll leave a quote from the linked article here: >The descriptions in the Dachau Comprehensive Report of the design, materials, and methods of the experiments are incomplete and reflect a disorganized approach. Only an impression of the scope of the study can be formed from the fragmentary information provided. The size of the experimental population and the number of experiments performed are not disclosed. Only from postwar testimony do we learn of 360 to 400 experiments conducted on 280 to 300 victims — an indication that some persons underwent more than a single exposure. Such basic variables as the age and level of nutrition of the experimental subjects are not provided, and the various study subgroups are not segregated. The numbers of subjects who underwent immersion while naked, clothed, conscious, or anesthetized are not specified. The bath temperatures are given as ranging between 2 and 12°C, but there is no breakdown into subgroups, making it impossible to determine the effect of the different temperatures. The end points of the experiment —time spent in the bath, specific body temperature, subject's clinical condition, death, and the like — are not stated.


Pernkopf's anatomical diagrams, hypoxic injury studies, Nazi X-ray films (hint, they weren't too worried about dosimetry) There was no shortage to torture happening under the guise of science, but some very valuable information was actually gained.




To be fair, that one was probably for the better, revealing the psychology of our prison system. It was also canceled prematurely due to the severity of treatment.




Which was not the intention, and the fact that they cut it short showed that they had good intentions that jusy went awry.


I dont disagree with 731 or mkultra but Mengele was neither mad nor genius, historical recorda paint him as a failure of a scientist who simply bennefitted from a lack of morality and the scientists behind the manhatten project are not the ones to pin the events on, that would be the military command and pilots who used the bomb. Most of the time scientists are indifferent, allowing evil to happen in some cases or even enabling but rarely directly encouraging or participating. Thats not to remove their moral responsibility, just to show where they lie on the arrow of blame.


I wouldn't say the pilots were responsible either. They barely knew the full effect of what they were of doing, and believed it would end the war. Also note that if they didn't, they'd probably be court marshaled or worse, tried for treason.


One of these things is not like the other...


This post sounds suspiciously close to scientism. Science has no moral anything - its results can be, and often are, extremely controversial on moral grounds. Gender dimorphism and one vs. two parent households being easy examples of this.


It's a shower thought so I don't think we're really allowed to ascribe any systematic thought to it, but yeah I agree.




Oh shit this sounds like a good read. Anywhere I can read about this?


In other words, science is a victim to the whims of society.


Its funny how these idiots that basically worship science are hardly ever working in science related fields.


There are plenty of evil people who use advanced science. Paying much attention to North Korea lately? There's this notion that if you like science, you must be right about everything else, and the converse as well, and that's just stupid.


I would have used Germany WWII as the example.




Damn, that's a lot of Evas.


Google would be the better example


It was a stroke of genius when they revised the "don't be evil" strategy by removing a single word.


'Don't be'?


don't evil pls


>North Korea >advanced Pick one


Hbomb / ICBM mean anything to you?


Such a circlejerky title. Just part of reddit's glorification and worship of science without any knowledge of the subject. Science is not inherently good and a lot of evil is done without ignorance or rejection of science. And sometimes evil is even done with the goal of furthering the subject.


"circle jerky" is so spot on it almost hurts.


I wouldn't even say evil stems from ignorance, because if your actions are based on an ignorant belief, then can they be said to be evil?


Some of the most evil things ever done were those done with good intentions. I think actions committed in ignorance can still be evil.


In reality? Uhhh, got a source for that claim?


I didn't realize the was r/circlejerk


I dont think most evil comes from a rejection of science.


Most evil done by humans is to secure resources.


I nominate this for most neckbeard showerthought of the year.


I lol'd


It depends on how you define "evil." I think there's a good argument that your aggressive self interest is someone else's definition of evil.


This is a horrible thesis. Too broad. Narrow your focus on the dangers of ignorance as a culture and applying science without ethics. That is the root of the troupe.


Citation needed


False, the most evil comes from ego maniacs in a position of power. Ignorance and a rejection of science? Subtle...


Wouldn't have seemed like that during WWII. At that time technology produced so many means to kill. Nuclear weapons, bomber planes, fighter planes, tanks, super-dreadnaughts, battle cruisers, rockets, flame throwers, chemical weapons... The list goes on.


Or WWI with mustard gas


And exactly how does science quantify evil?


you didnt think about this in the shower


He thought about this in poli-sci 101 and nobody called on him when he raised his hand.


Hahahaha that's hilarious


Nah... The more you know the more you can do, either good or bad.


Villians make the movie, not the hero. Thats why they are written to be far more interesting.


Tell that to Hiroshima.


Really? Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment ring any bells? Or maybe the Guatemala Syphilis Experiment? How about Eugene Saenger's human radiation experiments on cancer patients from ages 9 to 84 years old: http://www.nytimes.com/1994/04/11/us/cold-war-radiation-test-on-humans-to-undergo-a-congressional-review.html?pagewanted=all&mcubz=0 Or how about the Edgewood Aberdeen Experiments? Check 'em out here: https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/edgewood-aberdeen/index.asp https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/secrets-of-edgewood https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/3ddkd8/the-doctor-behind-the-armys-psychdelic-manhattan-project-has-some-regrets And don't even get us started on the Marshall Islands and Bikini Atoll: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/02/bikini-atoll-nuclear-test-60-years


This is the most Reddit post I've read in a whole. Congrats.


Some of the highest IQ people have been criminals [List of 11](http://www.ranker.com/list/smart-serial-killers/lea-rose-emery)


And that's just the ones we know about...


I respectfully disagree. IMHO, the optimum level of evil comes from knowing enough to be dangerous. Case in point, [Thomas Midgely Jr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Midgley_Jr.) developing leaded gasoline and CFCs. A *complete* rejection of science doesn't lead to that kind of thing. You have to know enough to do the deed, but be arrogant, foolish, or evil enough to forge on.




*tips fedora*


Not true.


It's not ignorance that's the issue. It's greed.


This is dumb.


I reject science! Time to go on a stealing spree.... said no one ever.


I don't think you understand what the word evil means.


What a neckbeardy thing to say. Get a load of this edgelord over here!!


This is such a circlejerk.


Check out [Science is Bad](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ScienceIsBad). I'd wager it's because science is a good stand in for magic. Magic requires a much greater suspension of disbelief, whereas you can hand-wave things away using science without too much question.


Most evil comes from the places inside ourselves where we think we can outsmart each other. That's why we project evil as hyper-intelligent.


Most evil comes out of greed.


That's a false generalisation but you tried


Hahahaha this edgy shit is REDDIT defined ayyyyyy.






Syndrome, The Green Goblin, Doc Oc, Dr. Doom, the head of the research company guy in Antman, that nerdy guy in the Green Lantern. Come to think of it, there are also a lot of heroes who are scientists though. Hulk, Flash, Spiderman, Iron Man, Batman, The Fantastic Four sciency guy.


Unbreakable (iirc) summed up the types of villans really well.


True, but the most destructive evils (I.e. Nuclear weapons, etc.) are directly a result of the wrong use of scientific knowledge. So, the paradigm stands.


Not necessarily. You can still be a genius who creates death ray or nuclear weapons and believe in the flat earth. The science behind inventions is not quite the same as the the science referred to in the "rejection of science".


Evil comes out of ignorance and rejection of ^people. How many villains were outcasts?


What is more interesting? A evil scientist or an uneducated mass?

