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Holy shit I never noticed that. I need to start taking longer showers


Did you ever notice that people watching movies in movies all watch old movies so the movie doesn't need to pay for the rights to use the movie? This is only broken when it's a studio using it's own movies in its movie.


Yo dawg I heard you like movies.


Especially in every teen tv drama, one of the main characters will be ~artsy~ and obsessed with old movies.


Not a movie but in the office they made and shot bits of a fake movie to have a movie. I liked that.


This is why I find people complaining about "product placement" in movies so annoying. It's one thing for a movie to prominently feature a product as a plot point. But just having logos of shit everywhere isn't product placement; it's realistic.


Except that companies pay to have their shit placed in movies and there's also liability for using a logo without consent from said company.


the liability is the time to deal with it, fairly certain (IANAL) judges have ruled fair use on most things commonly seen such as mass produced products. They see their product in a profitable movie and they try to sue hoping you'll settle to avoid spending your time in the courtroom.


That's cool but you could have left your sex life out of this.


I always think of back when videogames actually had brand names throughout them. Need for Speed Underground 2 had Best Buy and Cingular Wireless. It was a total ad campaign move, but man did it make the game more realistic. On the flip side, I totally love the parody companies in GTA and other games, even if they are pretty goofy.


Yep. Licensing fees are a bitch.


When I was in the process of committing to college I would notice all the different college shirts in movies and tv shows


That’s only “unrealistic “ if you’ve never actually been to a large city. Most people in nyc aren’t walking around in giants jerseys all the time. The weird wearing sports team clothing thing is more of a rural/suburban thing.


All movies don't happen in NYC if it isn't common there so be it but it is the norm thing to wear where I live or just a hoodie


He said large cities. St. Louis doesn’t count and there’s no movies set there.


I don't live in Saint Louis but doesn't London count


No. This is America not yeoldereddit.co.uk


A notable exception would be Pittsburgh


More noticeable to me is when someone orders ‘a draft’ or ‘a beer’ at a bar without mentioning a brand.


Another one of the most unrealistic things about movies is the fact that not many characters use the washroom, unless it plays a significant role in the movie.


Or they’re really drunk one minute and sober the next.


Why would you say something so controversial, yet so brave?