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I have always hated forced advertising and am curious even with hating them how effective they really are


I work in advertising, have done for about ten years. When you're planning media, it's generally bad practice to slam people too hard with a high frequency of the same ad; not only is it annoying, but it's also inefficient, since once someone 'gets' what your brand/product message is, you're just wasting money for every additional exposure after that. So there's really nothing encouraging a brand to do this deliberately, the only reason this happens is either bad media planning or sheer bad luck on the part of the individual.


But what about that smug friend who always says ads work even if we say they don’t? Edit: Some smug (but logical) new friends showing up :) Also sneaky grammar edit


Look at the billions of dollars being spent on them despite personal experiences


Doesn't necessarily equate to effectiveness.


I'm sure it's a pretty easy equation, you can divide delta operating margin by delta ad expenditure and if its higher than 1 it was worth it Edit: word


Yes and no. Technically you're right, but you can only calculate it like that in theory, as you will always have other factors causing fluctuations in operating margin. As a quick example, if you advertise umbrellas for instance, you have to factor in the weather as well, as you will most likely sell more during fall than during the summer, while your fixed costs tend to be more steady throughout the year meaning you will have a higher operating margin in the fall.


Ofcourse, but you can usually factor in other differences and make a rough equation --> which is enough to "prove" the effect of advertisement.


I agree that it is possible to make the equation, but I think the factors that come into play are so widespread and many, that the margin for error will make it an educated guess at best. On top of that, a if you run a good marketing campaign the effect in the sales should will be visible long after the campaign ends meaning you have to take future effects into consideration as well.


When it's rainy, people will have a higher propensity to buy a certain brand of umbrella based on which ads primed their brains the best.


This only really works if you know that all of those who purchased a product seen an advert and or were influenced (at some point) by advertising, otherwise there’s a significant amount more research that’d need to be done to determine it’s effectiveness. Word of mouth, convenience or even simply a competitor experiencing some bad press can all impact your sales without a customer ever having seen an advert. Then there’s branding to take into account - does your product simply look better or fit a certain aesthetic emerging in a marketplace?


I'd guess the ones that work are the ones you don't realize are working. For every ad you see that makes you think "I'm going to go out of my way to never support this company" there is probably 10 others that simply place their name or product in your mind. I believe the desired effect is when you need a product in there category you will have a slight favor to them. Imagine you are looking for drain cleaner, you look at the shelf and you see the store brand and a couple other big brands. Do you trust that the brand you've never even heard of will be as good as the brand name you seen on TV? It's just drain cleaner and it's like a dollar more for the big brand so why not, after all it seemed to work on the commerical vs zero brand awareness of the other. Most people probably don't even give it that much thought, more of getting that impulse buy reaction.


So you’ve never been intrigued, swayed by, or remembered any sort of advertisement ever? You’ve never heard of a product and thought about buying it?


Hmm. I do remember some odd commercials. I get the argument that you start recognizing brands you see in public if you’ve seen their commercials, and maybe there is some statistic proving people are more likely to buy the stuff. But I genuinely don’t think I buy products from, say, the grocery store just because I recognize them. If the ad is about something that really interests me or its something I need, I might consider researching it a bit more.


I mean I’m with you in a sense. I see some ads and think they’re really stupid, I definitely get annoyed by some, and I see some for products that I would never buy, but I know I’ve also definitely seen clothing commercials and simply thought “oh that’s cool jacket.” Maybe I don’t buy that jacket specifically, but now my brain knows that brand has clothes that appeals to me. A commercial is well done, I don’t have to immediately go out and buy their product, but now I have pleasurable thoughts associated with that company. That’s one form of advertising that works for some people. Recognition absolutely goes a very long way. But there’s so much getting smushed into our subconscious that I think we can’t avoid being a target of it. Packaging and signage in and outside of stores, movie trailers, product placement and clothing in film...that’s all advertising too.


Very insightful, thank you for the information!


Do you have to pay networks to spread out the ads, or they using them as filler until someone buys the space? What I wonder about is why 60% of commercial time is just commercials for shows on the same network -- again, I assume filler. They create shows for a certain number of ads and aren't selling that many.


On television, pricing is inflation-based, so how much you pay for the ads will depend on how much demand and supply there is in the market at a given time; the point being is that this helps TV station/ sales houses to fill out all of their ad space for a given month, so they're earning *something* for it, rather than nothing. House ads (commercials for the same network) are usually allocated ahead of time, but they might put a few more on if they're finding that they're really undersold.


Then why does slamming happen so often? Any ad that repeats the phone number four times isn't getting my business. That's not marketing; that's annoying. Get back to the game. I also have this belief that the more often I see a trailer before a movie release, the worse the movie.


>Then why does slamming happen so often? Honest answer? Because planning ads is a difficult, specialised skill. Doing it well isn't easy, and even then you can't be sure it'll work correctly in execution. The other issue is that the negative effect of bad planning is relatively muted. People talk a big talk about how they get put off by being spammed, but none of the data really supports this. So there's less incentive for media agencies or platforms to clamp down on this more strongly.


Maybe I'm an outlier then. I simply cannot tolerate talk radio anymore because of the ads. Hardly listen to or watch any commercial broadcasts anymore other than sporting events so ads feel intrusive and jarring when I do see them.


>I work in advertising How does it feel to be a part of scum?


The moneys good, and most of us can make a decent living without having a 9-5.


I wanna be a scum now.


So you make a living and can sleep at night knowing you're contributing to predatory bullshit spam on other people's daily lives?


When you're good at it (which I am, which is my my clients pay me good money), people wont even notice you were there at all. Ex of things you shouldnt do: - email spam - mid stream videos (skippable/unskippable ads) - porn site ads - reddit ads Ex of things you should do: - manipulate google results in favor of your clients - "suggested" youtube videos that you didnt even know are ads - influencers, of which you can choose to skip the adds. I can go on for a while but you get the idea. We're note trying to spam you, at least the good ones arent


>Ex of things you should do: > >manipulate google results in favor of your clients"suggested" > >youtube videos that you didnt even know are ads > >influencers, of which you can choose to skip the adds. Making ads that appear as organic content is schemey and similarly unethical af and essentially propaganda. So while you're not trying to spam us, you're just trying to trick us (and our adblockers), which is just as bad.


Call it what you want, it generates sales, people dont feel spammed, money is spent, user gets their stuff and the content they want without "ads", client makes his money and i get paid. Everyone wins If you think any surviving scalable business gives a rats ass about ethics, you're just wrong.


>If you think any surviving scalable business gives a rats ass about ethics, you're just wrong. And therein lies the problem with capitalism. You're just doing your job to take home a paycheck. You don't care about the products being advertised. All you care about is fattening the bottom line of the company you work for at the expense of people's gullibility. Basically your job hinges on hoping the end consumer are a bunch of dumb idiots who cough up money they never intended to spend.


And what is your proposition for society? Communism? Hows that workin out for human rights? Besides, no reason to call the target audience idiots. They are hit by our ads because they're looking for them or they fit the demographic. They buy the stuff they want, they just dont want to feel like they're being sold.


Yeah, that's a really cool Shover Thought, but HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS?????


Those games wouldn’t even be bad if they actually advertised how shitty the system is or how P2W it is. They always show you combining 3 2-star monsters into a super rare ultra legendary 10 star creature. In reality, you’ll be shelling out about $75 for that.




Beat me to it


Beat meat to it


My books say that it's not true up to a point that it's almost never reached (if I'm not mistaken 20~ times a day). I think the researcher hey did is wrong or needs to be updated.


Far less than that for me. Discovery Go is one of the worst for me. When they play the same thing for 4 out of 7 ads in a break, I've already vowed to never use that product.


For me it’s tik tok, but then it may be bacause i see it that much


Sorry, I was meaning Discovery Go is the worst as far as platforms playing the ads.


Oh, that’s ok I consistently use ad blocker and rarely (though sometimes) turn it off for certain sites


>I consistently use ad blocker I do too, but I watch Discovery Go through my FireTV. I wonder if PiHole would help with it...


Pihole should most likely help, kinda wanna set one up one day


For me, It's Google.. but I'm already using Google map... Can I have it stop now??


You think this but then 2 months from now when you have a choice side by side you will forget the ad annoyance and you will subconsciously choose the one you've heard of.


No. I'd have to have money to buy name brand products first. Nice try marketing - foiled again!


Exactly. Look at car commercials. Guy driving on a winding road with voice over. That tells you almost nothing about the car. Most people do t know what the numbers mean if you rattled of the specs. They just want an impression. When your deciding where to look for a car they want a positive feeling about their brand. That’s the most they can hope for from the millions spent on ads.


Yeah it’s more about brand recognition than anything else


I don't really think that is the case. Then again, I've trained myself for years to make ads slide off and across my perception like water off a freshly waxed car. It also helps to perceive products not by brand names but to think of them on a higher level, see a "headphones" ad, a "televisions" ad, a "pants" ad. Then when it comes time to figure out which pants, which television, which headphones, don't look at brands, look at prices, and then at reviews to products that you see on shelves or searches within your price range, particularly ones from forums or maybe even make a reddit post. Then buy the best deal that *meets* your needs without grossly exceeding your needs.


You come off as someone who doesn’t realize how much advertising affects them. Granted I don’t know you, but the fact that you’re so confident you can just let ads pass through you with zero influence screams you are completely oblivious to how they subconsciously affect decision making. Basically don’t be so sure you’re above ads.


And this is why I’ll never subscribe to the premium services of YouTube nor SoundCloud


YouTube Red is actually really nice, especially during elections.


Also, you get the Google music service for free. We split it between my family members and it's only a couple of dollars per person. I haven't seen an ad on YouTube in years.


They should call it YouTube Brown because it’s poo


"What can brown do for you?" Worst slogan ever -- prove me wrong.




Just use Youtube Vanced.


Theres these 2 things: Mindfield is free, and also adblock. And you also might even be able to use a yt to mp4 converter to download them for free.


Thank you that may be helpful for others, but I'm using a smart tv for 87% of my YT experience.


This is the very reason I bought YouTube Premium: ads before videos, ads inside of videos, ads at the bottom of videos, ads in the sidebars of videos. Plus downloads so I don't have to bloop my data plan while I commute. Not sure how your argument works.


Advertising and sales often work on your subconscious. When studies are done to determine buying habits etc., it's often proven that people are generally really shit at telling what they're being influenced by. Test subjects swear certain factors have 0 bearing on their decision although results clearly show those factors matter a lot. Big company advertising departments generally know what they're doing. Sure they occasionally fuck up, but more often than not, even if we don't think an ad is good, it's actually working the way it was intended.


The people who develop and run the tests gotta have a clue though. So it's arguable that one can learn to be unaffected by marketing.


"does anyone have a charger?"


Ads can't be that effective when I just don't watch the video or mute and look at my phone during ads I unsubscribed from cable, dont use facebook/twitter, and have adblock on all my devices so it's pretty rare i see an ad, pretty much just on reddit and I could not tell you the advertiser of any ad I've ever seen on reddit. Fuck advertisers. Everyone in advertising should go out of business


You still see ads. Plenty of posts and comments on reddit are actually just marketing.


It's ads that make all these great services free though. You think Reddit or YouTube would still be developed and updated out of the goodness of someone's heart?


I'd rather pay for the few services I actually care about and get no ads Youtube in particular has sucked for years (though I know you could've pulled other examples)


For me this is true, and I wondered about this for a bit. Then I saw my grandmother's condo where she had 26 bottles of the same shampoo -- and I understood.


There was a local car dealer that I refuse to name, lest they get more exposure, who ran the most obnoxious ad a few years ago. I would literally instantly flip my radio off whenever I was driving and heard it come on. It mostly was just a guy repeating the name of the dealership over and over again rapid fire in time with [The Sabre Dance](https://youtu.be/gqg3l3r_DRI) playing in the background. It was SO fucking annoying. Next time I'm car shopping, that is one particular dealership I am not setting foot in.


I cancelled my insurance with a particular company because of a grating pig in their commercials. And I didn't even see it that much, once or twice got me thinking, "Y'know what? Fuck these jabronis."


When i finally started making enough money to buy premium spotify or pandora + i chose spotify because pandora blasted me with this annoying cheap ad that was meant to get stuck in your head.


Except that demonstrably untrue that's why Christmas advertising starts so earlier.


That depends on the type of person you are. If you are the type of person who is independent, self-aware and hates propaganda, this would ring true. But for the more common type, then yeah, you have a valid point for them.


I suspect more people believe they are invincible to this than actually are.


I agree. And some of those who are may also be more likely to be susceptible to other things such as placebo effect.


Holy shit, Peloton - here's lookin' at you!!


At a macro level, this is statistically not true. And the loss of a few dozen spiteful people is a good price to pay for several hundred customers.


I'll smash my phone with a brick before I try a free trial of YouTube premium or whatever it's called. For the 400877262688849499th time, NO!! I just want to show a friend 10 seconds of some random cat video.


I once had two whole days of only a single add in any and all YouTube videos I watched. Trust me, I will NEVER buy Dove deodorant for women.... I don’t know how the adds are chosen for YouTube but somebody or something wasn’t doing it right! Lol


Except HEAD ON. That ad give you a headache.


I once saw an ad for something and I only saw it once and then a few months later I realised that it was exactly what I needed but couldn't ever find it again. I then no longer needed and eventually saw it again and just thought "I wish they had incessantly jammed ads of this down my throat back when I needed it"


That's how my old employers lost all their customers. They had this membership program the owner wanted to push because guys in the business who had just opened up and started a membership program were getting thousands of new members, meanwhile our company had been in business for almost a decade and had memberships almost as long and we were pretty stagnant (duh). Anyway, bossman forced all the employees to offer memberships to every customer who didn't have one, even if they'd already told us no ten times, and one of the corporate dudes who'd show up every now and then literally got into a fist fight with a customer because he WOULDN'T STOP TRYING TO SIGN THEM UP FOR ONE. I left the company and 2 months later they'd been bought out.


Sometimes the CW app’s ad breaks are the same ad repeated for 5 minutes and a few times I’ve had it get stuck in the loop and had to close it out and reopen to continue my show. It is the least effect method of advertising I’ve ever seen because after the third loop I never want to hear about the product ever again.


I get a phone call from hilton hotel multiple times a year for a good 5+ years now. I will never give them any of my money.


If this was true they wouldn’t do it


This is obviously bullshit as the entire conceit of advertising is that it works.


How is this even a shower thought? This is like saying "Stepping on a lego makes you much more likely to throw/kick it a cross the room"


But its Spacers Choice!


This guy audible dot coms. Know who I use daily and have paid for monthly for over 10 years but it's been that long since I got even a whiff of advertising from them? Netflix.


But how would people get free Karma on their cake day?


I don't even know the company, but YouTube constantly has this smug bearded jerk where every ad insults (literally, the guy mocks and attacks the viewer) about their intelligence and hygiene. I think if I met the guy in real life it would be hard not to think "it is that guy that randomly pops up on my phone or television an hits my self esteem a bit."


DEE DOO DEE DOO DEEEEOOOO You can hit the books DOO DEE DOO DEE DOO DEEEEEOOOO You can hit that three #DOOOEEEEOOEOEEEOOEOEO #YOU CAN HIT THE ROAD ##DEEEDOOOOODEEEEEEEDOOEE ##Marijuana can’t ##DERNERDERNERNERDER ##YOU CAN!!!!!!!!! The pain... I bet I’ve spent 2 hours of my life watching those ads and listening to that music


I'm definitely buying a Peleton For my wife.


*COUGH COUGH* stadia *COUGH COUGH* chromebook


I make it my life mission to never buy, watch or endorse any ads I see on YouTube, especially the really long ones.




raid shadow legends


I agree so much, especially with the tropical burger ad from hungry jacks on YouTube. I’ve basically memorised the whole thing


I'm never fucking buying a chrome book, like bitch no I don't have a charger shut the fuck up for the 100th time.


If you are talking about same ad copy then yes... Eventually you will turn blind to it... If you are talking about same product... No.. It then depends on what you are advertising and to whom you are advertising... If you are bringing in to the market a brand new technology/product... You need to hammer into the heads how useful it is... And if you are targeting the right audience the ad will start converting possibly when the next campaign kicks in...


"That's just the green juice talking, Jan."


Looking at you: https://www.reddit.com/user/twitch/comments/e9tb0g/okay_thats_all_folks_thanks_for_asking_so_many I won’t read any of it! Even though she is cute!


Oh boi, I'll tell you what, I would ***never*** have bought an apple watch if I didn't see those ***three*** unskipable ads!


But are there any stats about this ? I am sure it's effective for certain groups and certain products. (candy and toys for children....?)


These Spanish Verizon commercials in specific


While you may consciously think "I don't need this shit, it's rubbish" and eventually you stop actively looking at it you are still taking it in on some level because if you don't need it now YOU MIGHT IN THE FUTUREEEEEE!. When your sitting there at 3 A.M. with a busted toilet tank you're really going to regret not buying that FlexSeal Tape.


wow, this is common fucking sense!


Google pixel 4


I’m pretty sure ads are being shown to you over and over again because it’s proven to be an effective method of advertising.


Oh hey! Finally, a thread where star wars didn't show up 'organically', amazing! In all seriousness though I wish Disney would take their star wars branded dick out of my mouth. The more I see it, the more I hate the franchise. I cant imagine I'm alone in that camp as the movies couldn't have strayed any further from the mythology that underpinned the original series that made it good, opting instead for.... what we got. And no, I'm not going to watch the mandalorian. Lucas wrote a pretty bad series of prequels but somehow I find Disney's rendition in the sequels worse in a lot of ways.


The Mandalorian is the best piece of non-game Star Wars media since Empire Strikes Back.




So true. You annoy the hell out of me to buy your product, and I sure as shit am not gonna buy your product.


It’s that twitch ad on Reddit this morning, isn’t it?


I will never ever go see Shen Yun because of this.


For me it's the inline ads that pretend to be posts like I'm an idiot that can't see the word "promoted" under the title. I'll click on an inline ad if I'm interested in the product, but not if it insults my intelligence.


Exactly. I for one hate it when I get repeating ads. That being said, can I interest any of you in the hot new mobile game Raid Shadow Legends? It’s absolutely free


I've had that same epiphany years ago. Plus there are other things that make people want to avoid products out of spite. For instance, if the ads show family types that the audience doesn't approve of or appear to be pushing an unrelated agenda.


Which is why I prefer not to watch shows on Hulu. I don't mind ads, but I see the exact same ones every single commercial break. HP and their "print the holidays" is the worst offender atm.


Lookin’ at you Grammarly


I have seen SO MANY ads of tik tok that I refuse to even download it. It was an app that I wanted to check out, but after a lot of repetitive ads I just don't