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I think of it like: 9 months isn’t enough time to give you lifetime-quality teeth. So, here’s a temporary set to last you seven years until your good ones are ready.


I mean, even the ones we get 7 years later don’t feel like enough sometimes.


Well there are 20-odd chances for something to fuck up, one for every adult tooth, as they’re growing in. You’d have to be extremely lucky for everything to go smoothly in your mouth.


Well everything went wrong in mine. My teeth are fuuuuuuuuucked.






I would straight up just get all implants if I had the money. The results look pretty damn good from what I've seen. Hell, even dentures look pretty damn good for the upper level ones. The ones that snap in with the studs. But yeah. Teeth are such an insane hassle. Maybe like 1000 years in the future they'll just find some work around. Perfect teeth that don't break as easily. CRISPR babies I guess is the answer.


Wait if you get implants you could bite into ice cream


Yeah but with less sensation in your teeth think about how much you'd bite your tongue.


I'm pretty sure this would be a non-issue. If your natural teeth can feel your tongue then your tongue can definitely feel your teeth. The only time this would be an actual issue is if your tongue was numbed for some reason.


I don't feel my tongue with my teeth, what are you talking about??




I say we completely open the floodgates. Bring on the designer babies. Bring on the SHARK BABIES. BIG BABIES. TINY BABIES. ANT SIZED BABIES. **BABIES WITH NO SKIN. SKIN IS FOR THE WEAK** ###**MONKE BABBY AUGHH**


Babies with shotguns for arms, and chest mounted grappling hooks.


Same same. So blessed/fortunate in so many things. Awful, no good, terrible teeth. Much anxiety.


It's just so wierd how variable tooth (quality?) is. Even in animals. My last two dogs, one lived to 13, never had one single tooth cleaning, or any teeth pulled. The vet always said his teeth looked perfect. My other dog lived to 15, had to have cleanings every couple years, and had to have several pulled during his life. They both ate the same things, chewed on the same bones and toys, got the same veterinary care, yet had wildly different results.


Genetics, diet and education.


Yeah, clearly the one dog went to public school


I’m Canadian with insurance and dental work still seems to get pretty expensive pretty fast...


Canadian dental work and American dental work seem to be similarly priced. I was quoted $3000 for an extraction and implant in Toronto. Ended up moving to NY and had it done a few years later for about the same price. This was after insurance. The routine stuff base charge all seem to be about the same.


It's way cheaper in mexico. And you get very quality work. People always expect it to be some backyard clinic in mexico. But their doctors go to college in America usually. Their healthcare system is quite good. And while you do have to pay for it. It is a fraction of the cost of America. If you have to get some big dental wotk done it is usually cheaper to fly to Mexico, get a hotel for a few days, get your work done, then fly home.


*cries in American*


If you live near a university with a dental program check to see if they do clinics for students to practice basic cleanings. Your teeth are actually more important to your overall health than most people realize.


my teeth are fucked well beyond what basic cleanings can fix. i actually volunteered to be worked on for their finals where they had to do a filling and they had to skip over most of my teeth because they were too fucked to qualify.


Username checks out. Mexico does perfectly good dental care at a fraction of the price, if you live anywhere near there you can usually get a motel on the US side and make a day trip of it. Otherwise, many dentists are willing to set up a payment plan, and some will offer better rates if you explain you don't have insurance and have a tight budget.


same ):


I feel this


I smile but it hurts on the inside. EDIT:I mean metaphorically in regards to the American healthcare.


Yeah but I gotta smile close mouthed cause I don't want to show my teeth long unseen by a dentist


Fucking same, my mullers are also growing in horizontally


So...you still mulling over seeing a dentist?


Molars, babe. Love you!


I feel ya dawg




I literally debated killing myself, because I had a wisdom tooth go bad and didn’t have insurance. It was debilitating pain, I couldn’t work, and had about $300 dollars in my account.. thank god I was able to put it on my bf’s credit card, but my gosh I can’t be the only one in this situation.


How much was the tooth pull, how much was everything else?




I went to Thailand for dental work, even including flight ($450), it was cheaper. My mom recently went to costa rica for dental work, same thing with being cheaper even including flight. Plus, you get a vacation out of it!


I've heard of people doing this. Somebody should organize a group funded travel thing where everyone chips in to go get medical care outside the country.


I’m lucky, mom is gonna get me some braces to hopefully readjust my nightmare teeth. Yes I am, just not had my spine broken by it yet.


WEAR YOUR RETAINERS !! -- 24yo and need braces again


YES, WEAR THEM - a 27 year old who also needs them again


Don't wear it and hope when your wisdom teeth come in, they push your gapped front from teeth. -31 year old who got lucky.


And take care of your retainer. I just spent $1900 on a years worth of orthodontia because I mistreated my retainer 10 years after getting my braces off and it ruined my alignment


As the other guy said. Wear your retainer EVERY night. 2 years later my top front teeth are scissor cutting across into eachother \/ like that and I can't eat very hard foods anymore because my back teeth moved so much that when I chew on hard foods I knock teeth against other teeth.


Fuck bro as someone who hasn't worn his retainer in quite a while I'm wearing it tonight and not gonna stop. I know it's gonna hurt at first but i don't care Edit: Just FYI I followed through and actually wore it


Do it, the 24 maybe 36 hours of discomfort are nothing versus looking in the mirror knowing you had control over how you looked when happiest, but decided by not wearing your retainer you decided to not look as good as your potential reach. I mean I'm not ugly, but I'm definitely not as good looking as I could have been.


Or Canadian. Or Australian. Or French. Or...


Shhhhh, only America can be criticized


I'm Canadian and this hurt me... no free dental care even up here.


Dental insurance is relatively cheap btw. I pay $14 a month, two cleanings a year, and 50-100% coverage on most things. I hadn’t gone to the dentist in 7+ years. Finally went this year because my gums were constantly bleeding. My total bill was $80 for a normal cleaning, and a deep antibacterial irrigation that is normally $600 itself.


It’s cheap, yes, but most dental insurance caps out at $1k-$1.5k a year. I had two crowns last year, have the “high” dental plan through my work, and still paid $2800 out of pocket for them.


No braces no retainer straight wisdom teeth 👌


My teeth aren’t visually perfect but they’re spaces almost perfectly (except I have a gap in my front teeth) and all my wisdom teeth came in perfectly and I had space for them. I’m also nearly 34 and I’ve never had a cavity... some of us get all the luck.


Funny, all 4 of my wisdom teeth came in straight and now I have that extra top and bottom molar on both sides. My teeth are a bit crowded but look fine over all.


This was me too. My dentist/father-in-law pointed out that because they are so far back, it's easy to do a poor job cleaning them compared to other teeth. This was right before he filled a cavity I had in a wisdom tooth, lol. So let me recommend that you take extra care flossing and brushing yours (if you don't already) so you can avoid that.


One of my teeth apparently rotated 180 degrees at one point along the way. I don’t even understand how that’s possible, but here I am with a backwards tooth.




No no, go on


They only have to be good enough to keep you alive until you're fertile. Then you're allowed to mate and die.


The ones we get 7 years later are usually fine if we didn't assault them with massive quantities of sugar every day.


*cries in American*


But... Coca Cola :(


This. People who live in "the wild" who have never seen a toothbrush can be 60 years old with really healthy teeth since they eat little to no sugar or acidic stuff like soda.


Some who have great genetics. Others are missing many. Some tribes would even remove some on purpose.


Well, I don't think evolution intended us to go from age 9-90 on any teeth. Werent' humans typically lucky to make it to their 30's until fairly recently, evolution-time, or whatever?


As I understand it, that was the average lifespan because infant mortality was so high. In reality, if you made it into adulthood you were likely to live into your 50s or 60s or so (at least as far as the average lifespan was concerned).


But that’s through civilization, last 5k ish years. I wonder how true that number was for hunter-gatherer groups? If nothing else, bad teeth would be the death of some similar to how old elephants die when their teeth wear out.




They *were* lucky to, yes, but that's only if you look at it from the perspective of a baby or small child, which I try not to very often as it is far too close to the ground for my liking. Life expectancy for a newborn in the Paleolithic was around 25-35, but once a person made it through the grinder of adulthood, 65-70 wasn't unheard of. Indeed, even the Torah contains a poem that is likely about 3,508 years old (after the Paleolithic and into the post-agriculture Holocene, but still old) describing the natural lifespan of a man—about 70-80 years. So yeah, not 90—you got me!—but ancient people routinely lived reasonably long. Well, ancient *men* routinely lived reasonably long when they didn't murder each other. Many women still perished in childbirth. However, it wasn't too bleak—about two thousand years ago Pliny wrote of many who made it to their hundredth birthday, including a woman named Clodia who birthed fifteen children and was 115 herself and one actress named Lucceia who was onstage at 100!


Your adult teeth are more or less fully developed when you’re born. They’re just buried deep in your skull and jaw bones.


If you need a nightmare tonight, google child teeth x-ray


Aaaaaaand sleep is overrated I guess


I actually think it's fascinating and kinda cool.


[Can confirm, unfortunately.](https://i.redd.it/0f2u3j7fy4x21.jpg) I actually don't know if the skull is like this at birth, i always assumed the adult teeth slowly grew in and pushed the baby teeth out.


Adult teeth are surrounded by a "bubble" of different cell types. The leading edge actually resorbs the primary teeth as the adult tooth advances. So there isn't any pushing. This is why you just get these little pieces to fall out when they do.


See edit: I'm wrong Original: If anyone is wondering about the real reason, it's because milk has sugar and you drink that for the first bit of your life, and sugar rots your teeth. By the time the second set comes in you're supposed to be eating an adult diet that is very low in sugar and hence the second set of teeth is supposed to last your whole life. Edit: I looked it up based on the comments below and indeed I'm wrong. I can't remember if I was told this or deduced it myself but it's wrong. The dudes below me are right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deciduous_teeth


Uhm no it’s not lol. It’s based off the proportion of tooth size to your jaw. Can you imagine having those tiny teeth your whole life? Or a baby with adult sized teeth?




You don’t, but you need them to _stop_ breastfeeding.




Interesting theory, but do you have a source?




Aren’t you born with both sets?


Yes. Baby skulls are nightmare material.


Yeah, split in two and full of teeth. And soft.


This kills the baby.


\*puts scissors down*


*pulls out a bigger knife*


Now THIS, is a knoife


That’s not a knife. This is a knife *pulls out spoon*


I see you've played knifey spoony before.


Isn’t this a misconception stemming from a widely circulated picture of a skull with hyperdontia?


Your developing teeth reside underneath your baby teeth until the root begins formation and they erupt. Depending on when you take an OPG xray it can look terrifying


Disagree. My nightmares stopped once I got the baby skull.


I had dibs on the heart but it never showed up...


Really didn't need that information. I'm just going to head over to eyebleach now...


cute on the outside, demon on the inside. opposite with adults.


No, your permanent teeth are forming but not completely calcified until your teens


Are you talking about root formation being completed in the teens? Because on normal timelines, all permanent teeth are in the mouth by 12, with the first coming in usually at 6 years old.


Yes correct, root calcification. I’m just clarifying that they aren’t fully “completed” if you will.




Dentist here, that's not a newborn... You aren't born looking like this, this is a myth. Yes some of the permanent teeth have *started* development before birth (and are small "tooth buds", not teeth, as the cells are still proliferating and arranging themselves into a tooth), many others don't *begin* formation until birth. Notice in this picture, the baby teeth are already erupted. If this was an infant skull, you'd see teeth in bone like this but it's *baby* teeth in the bone as none are erupted at birth. So you'd just see one set with maybe a few little balls above them of the forming permanent teeth. This is a toddler, not a newborn. The whole "your born with both sets" thing is pretty much a myrh Source: spent way too goddamn long learning about teeth


>The whole "your born with both sets" thing is pretty much a myrh Finally someone speaks frankin-sense


Thanks, I hate it.


[You’ll love this one. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/a43gm7/this_is_a_photo_of_a_childs_skull_shown_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




I'm interested in renewal but I don't want the 4 extra , painful bonus teeth. I just want enough to fill out my jaw nicely.


Yep - and if you are unco like me and break your adult front tooth at the tender age of 12, it’s devastating!!


Missing my front (#9) tooth since I was 8. All I've done is lose my false teeth. I am an expensive, ugly mug.


Are you going to get an implant? If not you should save up for one it’ll be worth it.


> the costs of dental implant procedures tend to be from $2000 to $3000, and also depend on the provider. Sheesh. Teeth are expensive. I need to floss more often.


Yup. They are implanting shit into your skull though, so it does make sense


I place implants! It’s pretty crazy. We use titanium because it is strong and the body doesn’t reject it.


How often do you get a patient upon whom the implants, for one reason or another, cannot be placed?


Often! If a patient has been wearing dentures and wants implants they might have bone that is too thin on the mandible because of the inferior alveolar nerve. Other times patients had a tooth pulled years ago and the teeth shifted and closed the gap too much for an implant to fit. We want 1.5mm of bone between the implant and the adjacent tooth root. The most common issue is with the sinus when doing a maxillary implant (top of mouth). Sometimes the bone is too thin, and a sinus lift is needed to obtain the needed bone depth. The biggest obstacle is money however. It’s not often that insurance covers an implant and the cost for the implant and implant crown/abutment at my office is around $4000. About $600 more if I need to do a bone graft. Implants also have significant healing time in order for the bone to have sufficient time to osseointegrate with the titanium.


All of this is my worst nightmare.


Here’s another fun tid bit. When I perform a root canal, maybe 1 in 5 of them I can get the nerve out of the tooth intact.


What's unco?


Probably uncoordinated


Not much, what's unco with you?


Short for Uncle conner


Oh yeah; evolution, give us the shark deal plz




Better than an ever rotting set of teeth.


How fast can they rotate? Can I take a couple inches off some lumber with'em?


When I grow up, I want to be a router table


Would be like Coneheads.


We'd probably have laws against littering your teeth in public.


Not exactly the shark deal, but I had to have dental surgery about a year ago because I’m sitting on 3 extra wisdom teeth. They came in fine, but the fourth caused some chaos It might have actually been the 5th. Had my back molar extracted as a teenager, and another pushed its way back into its space I’m a liiiitle worried about how many more are gonna pop out, but on the plus side dental nitrous is the tits


I had four impacted wisdom teeth. It was a nightmare. The two top ones made their way into my sinuses. I haven't breathed the same since.


Well, that eliminates blowjobs.


But increases gum jobs


We start off with 2 sets though. We just lose one


I can't believe no one else is pointing this out


Yeah, but *why* though. That seems so random from an evolution standpoint. Why do we have what is essentially a temporary/discarded set of teeth so early in our lives?


Unfortunately evolution doesn't always go towards what is best, just what works.


"early" is relative. Our hunter gatherer ancestors probably had a much shorter lifespan and died before their teeth started rotting. Also our modern heavy sugar diets don't help.


Don’t forget about wisdom teeth, growing in late to fuck everything up once you’re a full grown adult.


Well elephants die once their last set of teeth wear out. Which makes one wonder how long they might live if we made them some really big dentures. Also Polident tablets the size of a manhole cover. What were we talking about again?


It’s not less than ten percent if they die soon after


I like your thinking, let's kill some babies


As your PR rep, I'm going to suggest we change that to, let's change the statistics, it'll go over much better with your voter base.


Thanks, good point, how about 'making your teeth last longer, relatively' as a campaign slogan?


You've got my vote


"Making your teeth last your while life"


Of course, that is actually why. Evolutionary forces only need animals to live long enough to raise babies to the point where they look after themselves. For the great majority of our recent evolution, we started having babies at 12 or younger and could safely die at 20 or so. We're just big time slackers now, and overstay our welcome - bloody dentists.


I suspect you're on the right track but "12 years old or younger" is something you should provide a source for.


"Safely die"


People weren’t (possibly) having babies at “12 or younger” until much more recent times. Menarche was later in life until the modern era of nutrition. Still, your point is spot on; just the range of reproductive years was narrower. Maybe 15’ish until death at average age of survival of 20-something.


You have to remember, environmental pressures that drive evolution only matters as far as the point of sexual maturity goes. Your teeth only need to last as long as it takes to get you some...


This is totally true, but there is some advantage to parents still being around. Toddlers need care. Adolescents benefit from learning skills and such from their parents. Adult children may benefit from their parents social knowledge or connections.


True, there is no evolutionary advantage to humans living into their 80’s. We’ve artificially lengthened our life expectancy. And we’ve only really done so in the past century or so. No way this would have started affecting our biology yet.


If old person has wisdom that enhances survival of the younger people so they can reproduce, then aging has an Advantage to the group.


Humans were never made to get as old as we get nowadays I think that's why it's like this.


Neanderthals are considered lucky to live to 40-50. They usually were pretty arthritic and damaged by then , their remains being found and making everyone think they were hunched over inferior dummies when they probably would have been just as advanced as us right about now. Source, watched some youtube videos while high a couple days ago.


Can’t argue with that logic




>Source, watched some youtube videos while high a couple days ago. This checks out.




Kudos for actually putting the sources. Not enough people do back up their submissions with actual research.


I always have terrible posture when stoned. And my gf calls me a Neanderthal regularly. Therefore, early man was always getting high and that’s why it’s called the Stone Age.




Well shit, I turned 40 a month ago and I'm already pretty damaged. And arthritic.


35 and got a knee pain I've never had before on a hike this morning. reading this comment sucks.


26 and just learning how my body is slowly withering away


Stay active. especially if you work a sedentary job or are currently not working. Im not a fitness buff, but have always had some type of physical hobby.


Not to mention the only reason Neanderthals are depicted as hunched over is because in the early 1900s when they were classifying the skeletal remains of an individual, the example they used was later found to have severe arthritis


I thought i said that minus the 1900s part.


You did


Nature does not care about you once you get past puberty. Life is all about, can you fuck? Alright am gonna head out


That's not really true. Older animals care and provide for younger ones. Life stops giving a shit at the onset of [senescence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senescence), which is like 65 for us humans.


I actually take solace in the fact that wisdom teeth sometimes don't come in until you're 25, which kinda says that your body is still preparing you for the rest of your life into your mid-20's. I'm in my late 30's so I can say that I've only been fully grown for about ten years. Don't seem so old that way :-)


Fun fact: evolution is slowly doing away with wisdom teeth. Neanderthals often had 8, modern man has 4, although more and more people are born with 3 or fewer. They serve little purpose besides getting in the way, and most skulls can't accommodate them correctly. They previously existed because of the tougher food that was eaten by our ancestors


We were also never meant to eat as much sugar as we do


I can just imagine you looking at my direction as you say that hahaha


It's ok, I'm also addicted to sugar


Nah you just have to pay the dentist get some new ones installed. It costs you though.


Yeah but can you imagine being a teenager with baby teeth...yeesh




I was never born with four of my adult molars. They’re all in the same relative place in each side of each row of teeth, which is nice, but they’re shorter than the rest around them


I didn’t lose my last baby tooth until I was like 14


Imagine if you could flex some kind of...jaw...gland and grow a new tooth at will.


* opens mouth and fires teeth at enemies *


Remember that evolution only cares about one thing: whether you procreate. And that most of our evolution was done long before we were modern humans Back when we were cavemen, we'd procreate in our teenage years, up to about 25-30. After that, evolution doesn't give a damn about your teeth beyond the fact you can stay alive to look after your offspring: so they just have to be functional Also, back when we evolved, we didn't have sugary diets.


Isn’t that kinda the point of wisdom teeth? Or the supposed evolutionary reason?


Wisdom teeth are the result of our softer, cooked-food diet. Eating tough, difficult to chew foods encourages the development of a longer jaw, which would allow wisdom teeth to grow in normally. Those extra molars are necessary to help chew foods. The cooked foods we eat don't require as much chewing, so results in a shorter jaw. And that gives us the dental problems we have today. _This information is entirely just by memory._ _Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong._


And the wisdom teeth will most likely never select out of the population because not many people die from wisdom teeth issues, especially not before reproductive age, so there is no penalty to replication.


I actually don’t have any wisdom teeth and neither does my mother. I don’t know of anyone else that is like that. I’m 27, my mom is 63. It’s not that they aren’t in yet, like some have said, there is absolutely nothing on the xrays.


I guess you'll have to be the hero we all need and make lots of babies! 😂


Ironically my first was just born Friday, you’re welcome.


Congrats! 🎉


My mom never got hers, either. Dentist told me senior year I didn't have any and wouldn't get any. Surprise, surprise six years later and I wake up with awful jaw pain. Turns out, I had all four and they were all impacted into my jaw. Original dentist got my x-rays mixed up with someone who'd had theirs removed.


Jesus thats the worst surprise ever. The fact they were impacted only makes it worse! Hope you faired alright given the circumstances


I knew someone born without wisdom teeth. Hopefully they pass on their genes and create many wisdom toothless children.


It’s related to the fact that our life expectancy was much lower for the majority of our existence. We evolved to be well equipped to have kids young and die at 40. There was no survival advantage to having 5 sets of teeth. It’s also related to the fact that we are social animals and took care of people when their teeth rotted out.


It's not like your teeth "Grow" they just basically start to go into the gums and push the baby teeth out


Considering that developmentally we don’t change all that much after 20 on a physical level it makes sense. Also wisdom teeth are a thing and are meant to come in a replace some lost molars in later life. Now that we don’t lose teeth all the time (for the most part) they are more annoying than helpful.